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I lost my son in a car accident. He was just 26. He was jacked and loved spending time at the gym. So to honor him I started working out. Going on three years now and I don’t think I have ever been as healthy or strong in my entire life as I am now and I am 64. I miss him and hope he would be as proud of me as I was of him. Edit: thanks to everyone for all the support. It means a lot to me.


Sorry for your loss but I’m glad you didn’t let it stop you from taking control of your life. May he rest in peace.


He would be really proud of you for sure!


Your son is spotting you on every lift, and I'm sure he loves seeing your progress.


You just made me tear up on the bus man. Good for you.


Who the fuck out here cutting onions


I’m sorry for your loss. I’m sure he’s hell lotta proud of you.


Hey my man. I know 💯 your son is looking down proud as hell of his dad. Keep your head and be strong. I can't even imagine what you've been through. keep up your journey 💪🏻


Bad mental health


A tired body makes a tired mind quiet


Especially when you go to sleep man. A day after the gym and like 15,000 steps. Straight to sleep


Same. Hate is what got me into lifting weights in my early 20’s. I hated how I looked. I hated how other guys were bigger and stronger than me. I hated how no girl would talk to me. I hated how skinny and weak I was. Looking back now, that was a stupid fucking reason to lift weights. I now just want to be strong enough to help my aging mother with the groceries when she comes home.


Ayy good shit bro 👌 glad to hear you’re holding onto less hate and anger than when you first got started. I disagree that your reason was “a stupid fucking reason” though; it was a response to everything that was your life experience up to that time, which sounds like it must’ve been pretty shitty and would’ve lead anybody in your position to hold onto a lot of anger/hate. The important thing is you got there, and it was your past self that got you there. Your past self deserves a little more kindness than I think you’re giving him; he was just doing his best with what he was given at the time. You wouldn’t shit on your friend or your little cousin for what they did when they were younger as much as you’re shitting on yourself right now, and I think those people would feel the same way about you if you asked them. Keep it pushing bro, I wanna see only bigger numbers from you in all your gains— both physical and mental— from now on 💪


The gym is a quarter the battle.


Being a super fat fuck


Yeah once I passed 350 lbs I knew it was either go to the gym or an early grave.


Shit atleast you got on the train quicker then me haha, took me till 530


I’m 5’8 on a good day so I was just about as wide as I was tall but yeah 530 is impressive but good for you for getting back at it


Appreciate it I had to or death was near


So do ya’ll just have the same avatar for funsies or…


Lmfao I didn’t even peep it but it’s just an avatar…. Could give 2 fucks if it looked like the one you had 🤣


Bro I just looked at your pics you've posted on Reddit. You are fucking inspiring.


Much appreciate man 🙏🏻


What are you at now? How are you feeling?


270 got all the way down to 215 and have gone up and down since but never back over 300. And I’m feeling good honestly


For me it was 300 lbs but getting sweaty and out of breath taking a shower. I knew that was the first slip down a very steep slope, with some shit I did not want to deal with along the way to an early grave.


I wish weighing less allowed me to sweat less. Even at my healthiest, showers restart the sweating process lol “This is my Curse” by killswitch plays….


Name Checks out


Breakup Edit: got cheated on🤷🏼‍♂️. So I got bigger


Same bro. Something special about starting gymming with the boys after being cheated on.


Being a stick


Football. Then I realized I liked the lifting part more than the football part


honestly; loneliness. i was so bored and my best friend/roommate had a boyfriend that she was always with so i went to the gym all the time. to the point where even when i didn’t mentally want to/wasn’t physically able to. it was super unhealthy and i eventually learned to give myself a break but i think i was just trying to fill the void and it ended up being something im totally in love with


Dad died. Grandparents died. Mom wanna give up. Sisters getting there. I put em all on my back. We good now.


I'm very sorry for your losses, but I'm proud of how strong you have become for your family, u/Dickincheeks




Wanting to look like WWE wrestlers back on 2011. I was shocked when i found out that i couldn't look like John Cena with Protein shakes and creatine.


eating disorders


I was fat






Alcohol took a major toll on my mental and physical health. The gym has been my saving grace


the steady and worrying rise of fascism in the united states


I’d say the classic “a fascist worked out today, did you?” But I’ve seen their marches and I don’t think they work out.


Written on a mirror in our barracks "Your enemy is not taking a day off."


A combination of wrestling & getting tired of being my step dad’s anger management piñata.




Sports initially


Same. Seems like when I was in school the only kids who even thought about weights were the ones who played contact sports.


Right! Or if they had siblings that were into weightlifting perhaps


Too fat and weak, came with too many problems both physically and socially. Feels good to be capable and have people around me talking about my gains. Feels good to be the biggest gorilla in the kitchen.


The bro was going thru a tough time and wanted to share his hobby with someone else. Happily said yes. Didn't think twice. Been going for over a year now 😁


Used to be real big by the time I hit 20. Stopped working out and hit the bottle instead almost as soon as I turned 21. Started losing all of that mass by 23 and got a belly. Started lifting weights again (and severely cut back on drinking) because I saw my future self in all of these 30-50 some year old men that would be in the same bar as me from 5pm until 10 and decided I didn’t want to be that. I wanted to be the big strong dad that has his shit together. Not the fat as fuck one with dark circles and alcoholism. What kind of role model is that? I don’t have kids, but I have a woman I love and I want to be that for her and the children we might one day have.


Wholesome motivation, good for you man.




Stress. It's the best thing I've done.


Wanted abs, now I skip them


Anger at my ex for the hell he put me through and the trauma I had to work through, and wanting a magazine worthy revenge bod!! 😘🥰💪🏻


Being bullied for being a twig


My mom said I looked depressed and I should try going to the gym. Thanks mom ❤️


All men in my family lost hair before 30. I knew my fate and knew I’d have to shave it one day rather than cling onto the remaining three hairs. Also knew that the only way to look good with a bald head is to balance it with a fit physique. Fast forward two years since starting gym… yeah it’s all coming together 😏 (shaved that shit as soon as it gave a hint. tricked myself into thinking I’m bald by choice and ngl it feels good)


Competition with my sister


When I was 15 I got grounded for 12 months so I was taken out of highschool and put in an outreach program, not allowed to see friends , no cell phone , no TV even with the family , and zero activity after school lol . But my mom said she’d get me a gym membership so everyday after my outreach I would bike 6 km to the gym and workout for 3 hours a night 7 days a week . Fast forward 10 years later and I’m still working out about 6-7 days a week . And definitely in tip top shape because of it .


Anger was a good motivation


I wanna be strong enough to lift my 90lb dog. We go hiking a lot and I realized if something happened to him I wouldn't be able to carry him.


I was really depressed, and I was told something by my father that pissed me off. “You’re gonna end up being fat and lady your whole life! At least I had a PR of (whatever) in highschool!” So I beat his Deadlift and Squat PR and replaced him on our schools board. Been doing it since.


I'm pursuing a gender-affirming surgery and need to lower my BMI to be eligible for it. Also, I needed to lose some pounds anyways 🤷🏾


I was helping my dad carry something and my puny self gave out. He called me a scrawny little bitch.


Almost died of illness over the course of months. Promised myself that I would take better care of myself if I survived.


In my early 20’s I really wanted to start lifting but had a job in film that was minimum 70 hours a week with variable start times (I could start Monday morning at 7am and by Friday I’d be starting at 2pm) and usually an hour plus of travel to and from set.  I made a plan to get out of the film industry because I couldn’t see it being sustainable, and went back to school. And once back in school, I had access to a gym and I had more control over my time, so I started lifting like I always wanted to and never looked back. Best thing I’ve ever done (not only did I increase my income substantially, my health is faaaaarrrr better than it was working in film.  Honestly, wish I had been introduced to it in high school. Regret not starting much earlier in life. 


Self-perception. For 21 years, I simply didn't realise what I actually looked and felt like. And then I put on almost 30 kg in a year and within a few days I realised how fat and ugly I actually was (in my eyes). And at that point I had just moved and thought, well, then I can change that too. Until then, my main personal goal was to educate myself intellectually, but the ancient philosophers also made me realise that a healthy body is not as irrelevant as I thought, so the goal was to dedicate myself to this area too and leave my comfort zone.


Freshman 15


I was an adhd kid with no meds. I always liked fighting and was fat. If I don't have muscle fibers taring. I didn't feel right. Now that I'm medicated at 31, I've never been more focused.....or strong, tbh. Making weight is easy when you're not a foodhead, lol.


I just wanted to be stronger. Then I looked into the history and methods of strength training and strength culture around the world and got into it big time


Trauma and horrible mental health


My older brother, he wanted me to get big like him


granny guns on instagram 😂 and being able to work out with family over winter break. i was part of the new years crowd, but it had nothing to do with a new year’s resolution, it was just a perfect storm of working out over the break, coming back home with plans to work out with a little group of friends i’d talked into it, and seeing a reel from granny guns on instagram. she made me decide i wanted to help my body work well for a long time. i can’t even do a single pull-up and this granny can do like 17?! i couldn’t do a push-up in January and now i can do a bunch :) still working on that pull-up though lol


Shrooms. A trip made me realize im getting into the age when my body needs some extra care to do its job.


Struggling to lift my son when he started getting heavy. I wanted to out lift his weight so I could always carry him.


Heartbreak. Wanted to make her regret her decision, but now I just do it cause it makes me feel at my best


I wanted to improve my body image as well as my general health. Ended up with a muscle imbalance and that's what's keeping on going nowadays. 🤷‍♂️


Being bullied.


Just trying to love myself. 🤘🏼


Afghanistan. Wanted to look good when I got to see women again.


Realizing how much healthcare costs in the U.S, and trying to take steps to improve my health so I don’t have to pay as much.


Been struggling with weight loss for a long while but it was a recent breakup that really tipped the scales. Been going for over 3 months now and it's now my happy place


My dog turned 8 and almost died 3 times, he gained a lot of weight when was sick and I couldn’t carry him to the emergencies because he is really big and I was too weak back then. Now I lift him just for the fun and made him lose a lot of weight too. He is getting muscular and healthy again.


I use to be with this girl years ago who wanted to start going to the gym and dragged me with her, since she passed I've dedicated everything to her


Was young. Used to box because of anger issues and doing that controlled really helped. Got into a car accident at 17. Closed head injury. Couldn’t box anymore. Weights I could do and it seemed to calm my mind and anger. Was 125lbs graduating from high school. Now I’m 51. 220. And I still do it every day. Competed in bb. Competed in powerlifting. Now I just want to be healthy and happy and content. The weights subdue my anger and help me relax. I’m blessed to have found it.


I had two friends in high school that dragged me into it. The got me to go on a few runs with them, and it wasn’t long till we were lifting at the YMCA before school together, calling each other pussies if somebody slept in.  A little toxic teenage boy mentality gave me a lifelong hobby lol


Working 9h a day in front of the monitor and having back pain.


Almost losing the battle to PTSD after my paramedic career. The weight of the bar was the only thing that silenced the weight of their deaths/accidents/ screams. The only time I didn't hear them was when I was lifting with my headphones in. The only time I could sleep was when I tore myself up so hard in the gym that my body gave my mind no choice but to shut off. Eventually the thoughts slowed from an ocean storm to a trickle and by then I was addicted to not feeling like shit so I just kept going.


I was 350 pounds,1 year later and im now 240


Weighing 290 at 15 and deciding I wanted better for my self.


First just wanted to be stronger to bowl a heavier bowling ball


Breakup 🫣


My desire for a revenge body.


Surprised I haven’t seen this comment yet , but , a breakup..


I had just moved to a different country and was missing having social interactions. That was the main reason.




A lot of free time during covid quarantine, started with bodyweight at home and loved it then after quarantine I joined a gym and never quit


At first, in high school, because my dad introduced me to Stallone/Arnold/Van Damme. Later on discovered Zyzz. Gymmed from 2011-2013. Then stopped for nearly a decade. Returned in May 2023 because I felt my body was so weak/fragile and I'm not even 30. Plus, I'd like to play with my son for as long as I can


To a gym. My wife, but i had been working out for around 1½ years at home by that time. Even now ⅓ of my working out is done at home due to life circumstances. As for working out, excess weight, bad mental health, low libido, just curiosity and few other motivators. It wasn't a one reason, but a combination of multiple ones.


I wanted to loose weight, to be able to do a parachute jump... Actually lost quite some fat and put on muscle, but didn't go parachuting yet 🤔😅


Being shitted on for being overweight, plus diabetes runs in my family 😒


Not trying to die young from obesity; tired of being fat


To be healthy and hot


Wanna get better at kickboxing and fuck my wife longer. Simple goals


I had bad mental health and watched JoJo's bizarre adventure


i am not reading all that; being fucking large


Being fat, not wanting to hit 300lbs, not wanting to follow my dad into an early grave


I love to eat, but I feel guilty if I eat and don’t consistently workout. I also like how I can see my body “tighten” up after a good workout.


Bent over to tie my shoes and ran outta breath, stood up and said FUCK THAT.


Got tired of being skinny. For some reason I thought I’d just magically grow as I got older lol.


Middle school football. It’s strange. Back when I was in school (mid 2010s) the only ones who lifted were the kids who played contact sports Now it seems everyone lifts


My boyfriend. He’s been going for 6 years now and I’m hitting two in October. I thought lifting would make me bulky. Boy I couldn’t have been more wrong! Im more flexible than ever before and in the best shape of my life. 25F 138 LBS, 5’10. I love it here


Rehab, anime, and being bullied for being skinny as a kid


Being fat


Basketball and bad mental health


I like doing things with my body. If you have a cool car, don't keep it in the garage.


I got sober and it was appealing. Growing up I’d “lift” with my dad so it was ahead in the back of my mind. I bought Arnold’s Encyclopedia and went to town lol


I’ve been performing SBD since freshman year of high school - on and off. I enjoy the counting and the data.


Fat , lazy , unfocused , borderline alcoholic, desperate, anxious , rejections. Still a long way to go , but I will get there eventually.


Started my freshman year I played basketball during highschool & it was kinda mandatory to lift weights never stopped after that.


Didn’t like who I was and wanted to be better.


Being the weakest person in the world


Mental health and obesity


I’m ugly


Mental health


Mental health and heartbreak for me…


Girl, pathetic IK but atleast I'm off my fat ass


Hit rock bottom and decided to turn my life around. Getting in shape was step one and fell in love with the process. 5 years in now.




My hunger for strength and aa better looking body.


Couldn’t get my shirt to fit on Christmas Day 2022, due to my belly. Now i need bigger size shirts, but not because of my belly.


I was insecure as fuck, partly cause I was superskinny. My ex dumped me at some point so a friend asked me to join workouts with him. After a while I got bigger and got confidence. Now I am just working out cause I want to be able to carry my gf to the altar at some point


I wanted big arms. Now 4 years later I don’t care about arms that much and I just want to lift heavier shit


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure


I was bullied.


Mental health and trying to get attention from a girl I've fallen in love with. Turns out that girl doesn't like most guys (softcore lesbian). And it didn't matter what I did, it wasn't enough. So I got over it (mostly), found a girl that appreciates me for who I am. Still lifting weights and feel much happier about my life. Baby steps


Always been fine with my body. I was skinny sure, but nothing I ever got flack for and not considerably skinnier than my peers. However, at 17 I decided I could be better. So I started going to the gym and never stopped. It’s been 8 years now and I am now no longer just fine with my body, I am happy with it and will continue to improve steadily.


Being broke and deal with mental issues


to avoid being bullied at school


I hate how i look and also toji from jjk


[It was, *The Metal*](https://youtu.be/cBtjSHm3ZH0?si=wpijYoIre5tv_Apa)


"i feel like going to the gym" The beginning of an era




Jack PGMs meme videos and lifting vault showing vids of 16 year olds ho are venching my deadlift




My mum died and I needed distraction


Boredom (she broke up with me cuz of my ADHD)


I'm fat and I don't like my body


Mental health, chronic back pain and right when I started committing to the gym, a bad breakup over my weed use even tho I’d already been replacing it with the gym and using it to the benefit of the gym occasionally 😂


My dad brought me to the gym, started to go with me, and even made my plans. I am grateful for that. He put in a ton of work, and I transformed from a skinny, tall dude into a more muscular one. He also convinced me to do martial arts.


Toji cosplay 😞




Having Asthma and watching The Incredible Hulk as a kid.


I have the free time and I'm not doing anything else. If I become busier the gym may take a back seat. Hell, we're celebrating my dad's birthday tonight so I've gotta hit my morning workout at 7:30, be done at 9:30, go home, get SOME sleep, (maybe it'll be 4 hours if I'm lucky) go celebrate with my parents, and hit Sunday mornings workout at midnight. Shits gonna be rough.


desire to have dat fat ass the right way


Used to do all kinds of sports and breakdancing as a kid/teen, then started using drugs. Aftet many years of all kinds of degeneracy and suicidal tendencies, stopped using drugs and got into treatment, then started psychologists examinations to figure out my mental illnesses, and during that I realized I want to get my body back as I was getting my life back as well. I had a HORRIBLE posture, still struggling, and thought if I strenghten my back it would start to straighten out, and at the same time i could improve my looks back to where they were before. Haven't yet gone to the gym for a full year even, still look pretty much better than ever, and I feel like im finally respecting my body and mind equally.


When covid started, I stopped training tennis. Also, before that, in 2019, I became 14, which in bulgaria is the age where you start to have a massive social life. After turning 14, I started going to parties, which included lots and lots of drinking. In January 2021, I was 115kg ( I gained almost 25kg in a year from drinking and lack of exercising ). So that same month, I started going to the gym and continued to this day.


The revolution 🤓


Survival. I grew up in the juvenile system in California in 80's. Juvie Hall, CYA, Verdemont Boys Ranch, and 2 different Boys homes. At 16 or so I fukked up pretty good and ended up in Chino State for 3 years... it's always been about strength, dominance and survival. I am now 56 and still lift , only now its for me and my piece of mind.


So I could start fighting back. Also to stop being a stick.


Body shamed for being thin. Lol, not anymore


Went on vacation and stayed in a pretty nice hotel. I saw the gym was one of the amenities. So I thought to myself, they’re charging me for this gym. I’m not just gonna give them free money. I’m gonna use what I’m paying for. So for the whole week I went. Then when I got back from vacation it felt weird not going to the gym. And the rest is history.


Mental health is fucked. Shoulders are fucked. I need some endorphins and do something that makes me respect myself.


Was always the skinny kid and got Covid real bad at the start. So for health and mental reasons started going at it now up to 76kg and feeling way better


Being unloved and lonely(no friends, no girlfriend, abusive alcohlic family) made me binge eat my entire youth. A random boost of motivation turned into obsession for the gym. Somehow in my desperate state I convinced myself that if I got good enough, some day someone would love me. Now 24yo and jacked, still unloved though.


a girl


I was fat AF


Grew up in a household of almond parents but obese af. Had to unlearn a lot here in my 20s that less is actually more and the food that I kept ‘rationing’ I can spend the money on new things. I was 245lbs and 171cm during college (4yrs). I lost it gradually and just graduated this year and CW: 155lbs and same height. TL;DR: Moved out of my parents home and had to unlearn their whole lives just to reclaim mine and lost the weight and am now in the process to make muscle 💪🏼


Was tired of being the funny fat guy and put on even more weight during the pandemic. Found fitness YouTube, lost the weight and started getting jacked.


Professional sports . I had never stepped foot in the gym or train in some way . I was my nature abnormally strong and athletic and I reached top league and then I first stepped foot in the gym


I was 6"1 and 100IBS leaving high school. My legs were as thick as our wrist look. I became embarrassed and joined the gym with zero idea of what I was doing. Watched the bigger guys and started to see the transformation both physically and mentally. Helped me realize that there isn't much I can t do in life if I try hard. Helped me succeed to a supervisor and a proud dad down the road. Now I stand tall weighing in at 213IBS and decently shredded. I use all the hate and anger from day to day problems and let it all out at the gym and I keep thinking to myself before I lift I'm still that skinny little shit and I just unleash the beast with music blaring in my ears and a grin on my face.


Being praised for strength as a kid, made me want to be even stronger.


The monkey enjoys the sensation of lifting weights. To feel the burn gives monkey purpose. Monkey is happy.


I lost access to my favorite hobby, dirt bike racing. It was intensely rigorous and challenging and the gym is attempting to take its place. After a couple years I’m still finding it hard to accept this.


I started going to the gym to start building muscle. I always was a cardio person and I was super focused on losing weight, but I just recently decided that I was going to start exercising to be strong and healthy, not just to lose weight.


Felt fat and out of place, my sibling is a narcissist so they tended to make me feel even worse about myself. Originally started in 2018, and changed so much from that first year then COVID and everything went to shit. Since 2020 I have had a lot of ups and downs but have changed for the better in my mental health. Now I am back in the gym and I feel the change everyday. I know I can’t go back to how I was in 2018 but I am just grateful to be giving my all again.


I started because I found out I need a hip replacement a week after I turned 40. I was told by the surgeon to start weightlifting to delay the surgery until I’m closer to 50. That was a year and a half ago and when I started I never thought I could put off the surgery for a decade, whereas now I question if I ever need the surgery. Then last year my mom passed away unexpectedly, so I was very glad to have the gym as an outlet for my grief.


Always was fat. But it never hindered my life. 185cm-143kgs. Suddenly pulled a nerve while lifting household stuff that was not even 30kgs. Was on complete rest for 10days. Joined gym within 14days of me getting injured. Almost killed myself while having a heart attack on week 1. Realised how much fitness was lacking. Went pretty heavy on diet for month 1 and 2. Went from 143 to 125 on 1200cal diets+lots of walking+workout. Slowed diet started strength training. Weight went as low as 118 in late March but since then I'm holding around low 120s. Diet is not as strict, walking and general cardio has reduced as well. Lost a lot of fat. Gained some muscle. Can do some proper lifts now. Still a long way to go. Thinking about starting a cut again till I get within the 100s. But the Indian Summer and my laziness doesn't want me dieting now. Might need another sign like the pulled nerve before I lose 20 more kilos. Edit: OP keep up the good work man. Your lifts are the same as mine while you are half my weight. Lifting 100kgs on the bench and 478kgs on legs ain't something anyone can do. Those are impressive numbers. Be proud and keep the grind up.


I really wanted to get buff lol. I’m not at the “amazing results” part yet (been consistently lifting for around 6-8 months) but I’ve gained some muscle. I’m a teenaged girl so I can’t lift as heavy as a male but my bench is 65 lbs (about 4-6 reps depending on the day), leg press is 225 lbs (could probably increase weight tbh bc I can pretty easily get 8 reps out) and there are other machines I use but the equipment is old at my gym so I don’t have accurate weights lol.


Unironically, the buff Team Fortress 2 merc meme was actual motivation. Plus being jacked is “show don’t tell.” I’d like to set an example while clearly practicing what I like to preach, that anyone can better themselves. https://preview.redd.it/jrmkpwvvrt9d1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb9674b9723885aba3cb0671e32c2f664ff1fa13