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Going to the gym, sticking to it, and really making that effort is on of the best ways to discipline yourself. It holds you accountable for yourself and you quickly understand no one can go to the gym for you. If you miss it, its on you. When you start seeing life for what it is, the heart breaks, the challenges, the ever ending changes, you come to understand you have little control on so much. What you do have control on gives you peace. Least how I see it.


Even thought it doesn't seem so, the gym is a very peaceful place for the mind.


I started going out of spite




It’s good for you. It’s a time sink to distract yourself. It makes you more attractive and helps you attract someone else for rebound.


Personal story here. I experienced a pretty nasty breakup a couple of years ago. This breakup came as a total surprise to me, as I never would’ve thought we would split up in the first place. After that, I felt terrible for weeks, possibly months. At first, I thought we broke up because my ex didn’t find me attractive anymore. In the back of my mind I remember I saw her like a photo of a ripped guy on Instagram once. Maybe she did it more often, maybe not, I actually don’t even know. I also don’t even know if she liked the picture because of the way he looked or because she knew him and just liked the picture. But at that moment, something clicked inside of me. I believed the quickest way to become more attractive was to hit the gym. Did it work? I don’t know. But to be honest, I don’t even care. The gym provided me with a high self-confidence boost. The gym is mental therapy for me. The gym is where I fight my demons and try to better myself every time I go there. I will never stop going there. It’s the most powerful habit I’ve picked up in my entire life. 


Revenge body


It one of the few things in life we are in control of.


Can’t control a broken heart but you can control your calorie intake and gains. Healthy switch of focus.


It's a healthy way to distract from your emotions and life.


It’s not Rocket Science; broken heart = feel bad, gym = feel better….ooga booga.


To heal mentally and better themselves physically


Best and simplistic answer here.


Because it’s empowering and a big step to regaining control of your future


gym is better than therapy and you can’t change my mind


Because I don’t want to go to jail so I might as well use that heartbreak as fuel🤷🏾‍♀️.