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This is random, but apart from Simone of course, is any female gymnast in a committed relationship? I'm here live and would to keep my eye out for SOs with families.




What is the thought on Shi? I’m worried about her injuries given it’s now at least 2 different ones (plus a big rip) especially since she’s been injury prone for awhile now. I’d love her to make the team but given her fragile state and all the recent injuries I’m thinking if she does make it it means someone like Kaliya or Josc definitely won’t because the committee would want to have built in backups on the rest of the team (ie not a 2 eventer who is weaker on other events). Simone, Suni, Jordan, Jade and Shi if she’s healthy enough the likely team? If Shi is out then maybe Leanne can sneak in


The rip is nothing. Happens all the time to gymnasts. Yeah it stings, but won’t prevent you from competing


I know I just meant it was the icing on the cake of the injury shitshow


Honestly baby shout out to Kelli Hill. I do think she's done things wrong, especially with Dawes.  Putting that to the side for the moment she really did coach the hell out of these girls through many quads and from *what we know* changed tactics. . Elise, Courtney, Kytra, and Kayla were all homegrown maryland girls. Which not many coaches with multiple strong elites can say (Corrie was not but came very early as I think a L9). The fact that not only were they all strong elites but all had great to amazing college careers is very impressive imo. She's also had quite a few homegrown lower level elites and L10s that have killed in college.  I think this is likely it for her. Golf clap for her. 


I believe she said before that she will be done whenever Kayla is done (this was before Kayla left to go to Florida, but after the last Olympics) so I would imagine this is it for her, what a pity this was how it ended


She also said the same with Kytra (and had actually stopped doing full time for a bit) but Kayla started to blossom so she came back. But I think this is forreal given it's gone first 1 year and now 4 years longer than expected.  I wonder if she'll keep her nationals team position. 


Camie Westerman, junior, is at Hills also but her head coach is Amy Martelli. So...we'll see.


Regardless I think Hills as a gym will keep pushing. It has a pretty affluent base and no real strong competition. Some girls from the area go to Capital or maybe even Excalibur but it's a bit of hike.  Who knows what's going on woth Dominiques gym. Originally said she would never do elite but seems to.have softened on that a bit


Oh, I agree about Hills. I was just adding on that the other current Hills elite has a different coach, if anyone was curious. Actually, Hill's did have a few others try Elite this year, neither of whom I know who their coach is. - Emma Friedman, senior, didn't get out of qualifiers - Alessia Rosa, junior, Classics through Devo camp


Dom opening a new location in Rockville feels like an act of aggression lolol Idk who is coaching them either now that I think about it. 


ah I see, I didn’t realise that!


Can anyone just update me this Olympic cycle: - Last time it was 4 members each team plus two individual slots. Is that different now? Also, why did it change?


Anyone know anything about why they changed it?


Historically, it’s always been just teams and then individuals from countries that didn’t qualify a team. In an effort to allow more countries to field a team, they dropped the number to 4, and allowed every country—regardless of team qualification—to have the opportunity to qualify up to two individuals who would not contribute to the team score in quals or TF, but could compete for individual medals. It was meant to increase diversity at the Olympics, but the system for qualifying was massively confusing, complicated, and rigorous. The FIG voted to switch back to 5 person teams for the next quad (the one we are in).


Yeah. If you have qualified a team there are no individual spots


it’s just a straightforward 5 person team this year


Kayla's little head shake "no" is living rent free in my mind. Assuming the question asked was "can you point your toe?".. telltale immediate ruptured achilles indicator. heart wrenching.


Tiana was underscored on floor night 1, thus I’m going to need the judges to put some glasses on for night 2


Did Josc get her full d on floor? The L hop was questionable at best and the gogean very under rotated


Given everything I'd be extremely curious what Gabby would look like rn. No idea how serious the ankle injury was or if she just saw the writing on the wall etc.




I don't know but if I had to guess a little of both. I have no doubt she didn't just make up an injury out of while cloth. But I think if her results were better or she was higher in the pecking order maybe she pushes through. Could be totally wrong though. 


Exactly what I was thinking


Right? They'd love her bars and beam right now


I feel like if someone made a gofundme for SB,KD, and SJ, I would donate to it.


How much alcohol do I need to get for Day 2?


I'm going with extra chocolate.


The limit does not exist.




Ok one more https://preview.redd.it/vo9x51355g9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d3b55348ee285a0e9adf4f313ff213c4a519cd1


It’s official, Kayla’s injury is an Achilles


I ended up sleeping before trials. THERE WAS ANOTHER INJURY?!


I’m so sorry for the day you’re about to have


I take it you haven’t heard about Shilese either?


I saw that Shilese was injured, but also saw that she won bars, so please let her recover by Sunday :(


Konnor, Kayla, and Skye ALL with achilles injuries?!The fact that it all happened in like 7 weeks too. This sport is just cruel.


I wonder what's made that the most prevalent injury of the past years, where it didn't happen nearly as often before. More BIIIIIG tumbling required to stay competitive? I'm guessing during the twisting era, it was ACLs, etc more often...


My guess is repetitive short landings on big tumbling passes in an attempt to stick and stay in bounds is putting extra strain on their Achilles.


I was just going to say that it looks like Achilles injury is the new acl tear


It has to be related to the nature of the sport and judging in an era... It'd make for an interesting research paper if anyone is still in school and wants to do a deep dive haha!


Med student Leeanne needs to write a paper on it.


Me patiently waiting for the broadcast to be uploaded but also not wanting to watch a single second of it…


How long does it normally take?


Still mentally recovering from night 1 of trials 🥹 Does anyone know if Suni is likely to upgrade her beam dismount?


Given how she landed her vault I would guess no. The gainer layout full is a D and a double pike is only an E. If she has ongoing ankle stuff which it looks like she does, the deductions she’d get on a 0.1 higher dismount wouldn’t make it worth doing


And then girlfriend goes and sticks a Chuso on FX!


No. What could she upgrade it to? She doesn’t perform this dismount particularly well as is.


I thought she had showed a double pike dismount in one of her training videos. I could be mistaken.


No, you’re correct. I don’t think there’s any chance she would change it at this point. It wouldn’t be worth the extra tenth with the potential low chest deductions she would incur.


Hazel says sweet dreams and we’ll see you all Sunday! https://preview.redd.it/3qx8zmg2jf9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48ad8d75ebaea8728cd7fa91c49a4b9259b4feb2


Is Hazel's belly a trap?


To answer your question I present an actual conversation with my pet sitter a few weeks ago lol: https://preview.redd.it/vohuqmo3pj9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35b7d85944f421c29d61733bab3e166d0065fb2a


Omg Hazel is precious🥹


Thank you! She’s a cutie haha


Thank you, Hazel! But I feel like we might have nightmares after all that has gone down in the past 3 days 😭


Hazel says “just open another can of white claw like my mom and shut the brain off,” haha


Could someone let me know whose music Suni is using for her floor exercise? It's beautiful!


It's called "Eye of the Untold Her" by Lindsey Stirling. The full song is absolutely fantastic


I’ve seen her live a few times and it’s absolutely magic!


I'm jealous! I bet her show is amazing. I haven't been able to see her live yet, but I'm hoping to make it later this year


The first time I saw her was over ten years ago so it was a tiny crowd, which was awesome! I hope you make it soon!


Thank you! Yes it's very calming and mezmerizing. I will get it.


PSA to not start attempting gymnastics skills at home even if you feel it’s a must. I tried a basic leap during worlds 2014 and ten years later I’m still battling the resulting injury. I broke a bone in my foot, cut off the blood supply and a year later needed surgery. Currently soaking it in the tub because of pain in it still. So word of advice


I tried to vault over my couch during 2010 worlds. I also tore my bicep attempting a handstand around 2009 worlds which is fitting bc Bridget Sloan was world champion and she tore her bicep on bars but yes don’t do this


The real question is whether you moved your couch out of the way to try it...


Thankfully no because who knows what you discover under it


to clarify, you're a layman who tried the skill not at a gym?


Yes. I was a former gymnast. Did a simple split leap at home. It was a freak accident but resulted in a similar injury to what Maroney had during the Olympics.


I am so sorry!!!


Thank you. Shit happens. I mean another leap in dance class did in my other ankle which still hurts. Guess I’m avoiding them at all costs for life now 😂 Also it took me all these years to realize the same bloody skill causes both these injuries!


Omg?? 😭


Yeah I’m pretty sure it was a split leap. I didn’t know right away that what it was, but I remember doing it and then the ball of my foot swelled up the next day and I could barely walk. It took a year to diagnose it. Just wanted to warn people 😂


I don’t think they broadcasted it but just fyi for those not at the meet in person Simone very clearly mouthed “fuck” after her beam routine and the entire crowd laughed. They replayed her routine but cut off the replay right when she was about to say it and the crowd said “aww” in disappointment. She’s an icon


I rewound last night to see it again while they were between routines lol


They def showed it on Peacock.


yep, it definitely made it on Peacock. I don't think she just mouthed it, I swear I heard it, too 😂


They broadcasted it 😂


Oh thank god because the world deserves to see it it’s right up in my list of iconic Simone moments with “that routine was a piece of shit” lmao


Epic 😂


Y'all, I just got back to my hotel. I can't explain how excited I was when this event started, and then BOOM Kayla. And then Shi only did bars. And then poor Skye came out to a standing ovation and was crying and I almost started crying too. This sport has too many damn injuries. 😭


Omg Skye came out?!?! 😭😭😭😭


YES!! She was standing there with her crutches, hand on her heart, looking around at everyone cheering for her with a smile but also teary. The poor kid; it broke my heart.


Just curious, who do you think would have been in the top 5 today without Skye, Shilese, and Kayla's withdrawals?


1 Simone 2 Shilese 3 Kayla 4 Suni 5 Skye


Hmmm IDK now that I'm looking at it lol maybe: 1 Simone 2 Shi 3 Jordan 4 Suni 5 Kayla IDK it's so hard!!!!


I ditto this ranking. Jordan has been solid




My new olympic team prediction after night 1: Team: Simone, Jordan, Suni, Jade, and Hezly/Shi Traveling Alternates: Josc/Kaliya + Hezly/Leanne (based on actual team chosen + who scores better after night 2)


I don’t have spreadsheets with nationals scores but on night 1 alone, it looked like Leanne (V) and Kaliya (F) each added about .15 to the team total, while Shi (UB) and Tiana (BB) added around .3. If Shi is too injured to do at least two events without obvious pain on Sunday, I would seriously and honestly consider Tiana. Simone, Suni, and Jo is a great TF bars rotation and we all trust Jade enough to go out there and put up an okay score if all the bad things happen. Plus with all the leg injuries, having a healthy V/BB/FX worker isn’t a terrible idea. And she has been so CONSISTENT unlike Kaliya and Hezly, and we know that her scores hold up internationally unlike Leanne and Josc.


I actually think it would be Leanne or Shi as the 5th team member., and the other youngsters alternates.


I think Leanne being solid on all events helps her compared to a Kaliya or Josc even though they are capable of out scoring her


Woo hoo Jordan clone FTW!!!


Jordan twice?


lmao if only


Getting to the replay. NBC why would you share replays of the injuries? 😭 And at the same time as the live audio played the "womp womp" music


I thought I imagined the "womp womp" music. Ugh- get it together NBC.


Well I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck


Yep. Keep going back to Kayla shaking her head. 


Did anyone else notice that they kept showing a group of Asian girls as Suni’s sisters when they were definitely in fact NOT her sisters. They did show them correctly once though. Sorry not all Asians look alike 🥴🙄


This is from Shyenne's insta stories. That is definitely Shyenne and Evionn. https://preview.redd.it/0dghao7otf9d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=193324e63b9ca771ce5f830532fa916d81ee3df0


https://preview.redd.it/f2ch2wk8uh9d1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=473b6a110fd63ba3608689ee4dad7088cae6d3eb These are the girls they kept showing. And that’s definitely not shyenne.


Yea I know. They kept showing girls in black tank tops.


I did notice no cut to her parents this year.


They showed her mom once sitting in box seats. It was hard to see though


NBC being racist??? Noooooo lol


Ok thank you I thought I was crazy I was like wow her sisters look way different


The girls in the red Olympic shirts? Those were definitely her sisters, but not sure they're blood related (she has half and step siblings)


The red shirt ones are definitely her sisters. They’re all over her IG. The girls I was referring to were in black tank tops.


They said some were her close friends I think


I just rewatched and they definitely captioned it shyenne lee and it was not shyenne.


Ah okay - very weird by NBC!


The ones in red are her sisters


Yeah - and they showed them multiple times. Were they showing another group too?


Sorry I was in agreement with you! I didn’t see another group shown, I know suni has a blended family but all of the girls I saw listed as her family were her family as far as I know!


I did notice, it was very disappointing. They also confused shilese and jordan....at one point like c'mon on nbc get your shit together you should know theses things.


lol Shilese is literally a foot taller get your shit together nbc


Oh that's bad




Shilese and Jordan?? Like, these two are eight inches apart in height, for one thing, and have entirely different body and face types, how can you possibly confuse them?


It is wild. It did switch quickly to Jordan who was actually waiting to start so maybe just showing the wrong camera feed. But definitely a dumb mix up.


https://preview.redd.it/cdt6wv1jbf9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0bba8cc9d92eb38f8562ca9263caca73e8969a0 Absolute insanity


😳 that’s just egregious. I’m shook


People complain about leotards being too revealing but these track shorts…whew


Okay seriously, idk why they don’t wear some slight tighter situation underneath to keep things more secure? Like isn’t it distracting and/or uncomfortable for things to be bouncing around?


Bouncing around more than gymnasts legitimately bouncing around? 😂


a lot of athletes actually prefer it !!! (I think they’ve get a choice between spandex & the buns)


You’re right they do get options!


So do we think Shi will be on the team? I don't envy the judges man, with her it's a rock and a hard place because she's proven her skill level, form, execution, difficulty etc BUT her poor body just looks so beat up. I'm leaning toward them not taking the risk. Maybe she's an alt?


I think she makes the team and then maybe gets replaced later. Hope I’m wrong but she looks pretty injured


I'm deferring speculation until Sunday. Does she compete at all? What events? How does she look?


I need to see her do two events without obvious pain like she had on UB today. Otherwise it’s a really really sad no from me.




Here's the thing: Do they do it considering that Suni has health conditions that could flare up at any moment? I would take that risk with one person.


I don’t think they should treat Suni as more of a risk than any other athlete. Any one of them could get injured or have a health issue come up


I get what you are saying, but she has two serious kidney diseases. That is not a typical run-of-the-mill problem.


This won't happen in the USA for many reasons. But the shrewd decision is to name her as an alt and pull one if she looks good to go. 


No, you can’t do that in the US. You name Shi to the team and then pull her if necessary, not the other way around. That’s a lawsuit waiting to happen.


Agree that's what I meant by the first sentence 


Nope. You can't Galieva her off the team. You'd have to put her on the team, with a plan to sub in an alternate if she's not healthy or ready enough.


Hmmm is that even allowed..? To pull a team member just bc you WANT the alt to go instead?


I actually don't think it is in the US. I remember something about being named to the Olympic team being a binding contract, but the details are vague. 


The Kim Kelly rule


Yeah it doesn't sound to me like something that would be permitted


Oof that would be really bad


Yeah so I think they would do the opposite. Put her on the team and pull her if she can’t meet some concrete-ish benchmark, rather than putting someone else on the team and pulling them out.


I think it will all come down to Sunday night for her. She doesn't have nationals to fall back on, so she really needs to show readiness here


I think Shi still makes sense looking at the numbers bc Simone Jordan Suni Jade have everything decently covered, and like even Jordan’s DTY scores score the same as Josc Cheng. So either Shi bars or Kaliya floor.


Or Tiana beam!!


Even Kaliya on floor isn’t much, both Jordan and Jade scored within 0.075 of her


And that’s with a .1 ND for Jade and not getting CV for a front lay in her final pass which she most likely will get at some point too.


The US really needs someone to go up on beam with Suni and Simone. I mean Jordan can, but it’s not ideal. The irony of us needing a UB/BB specialist now even WITH Suni is soo😭


They won’t want to use Josc or Kaliya on beam either, this is why I think Leanne maybe has a shot. But actually Josc and Jordan are decent on beam, it’s just that the score can vary a lot based on how well they hit




Jordan cannot go on beam tbh, that 13.6 is probably a 13 flat internationally.


True, Shi is killer on beam


I just saw this on Twitter and while I want to wrap Suni (and everyone else ) in bubble wrap, I do feel like this thread needs to remember this about Suni 😂 https://preview.redd.it/1v87oayp8f9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=203f66d06d28acf7082b3d893c6fe875f82ffd4d


Lol Suni is perpetually injured it's crazy, I don't think the world is ready for Suni at full strength. Flashback to the 2021 American Classic three months out from the Olympics where she was doing a two pass routine and looked like she couldn't walk to becoming the Olympic AA Champion - She's a force of nature.


People forget that Suni isn’t a “bad” floor worker. Her chuso tonight showed that! It’s just her ankle limits her. She’s a world’s silver medalist on FX.


Idk... maybe since 2021 coz that ankle won her a world floor medal... I'm telling ya'll it's that damn double L turn that's been screwing her ankle over


But she was still limping before 2021.


being a leanne fan has NOT been good for my cardiac system tonight lmao


I feel bipolar. Then again, she does this to me a lot. I'm always on edge when I watch her.


she gave us hope with the first two events and then killed us all with beam and floor 😭


The Skinner-esque "look ma, no hands!" vault gave you hope? 😂


hey hey hey an upgraded vault + solid bars and she was leading the pack after the first two rotations


Somehow she hides it but she has lowkey always been a hot mess on beam. Idk why really, everything is sound. 


Whoever constructed Leanne's beam routine should go to jail. I still wished she did not do NCAA, and just focus on elite. 


NCAA’ers are all hanging in healthwise tho….


Leanne's chances of making the team would be much higher had she took a year off from ncaa.


honestly I feel like if her routines were better constructed, not taking a year off from ncaa wouldn't be such a big deal 🥲


her dismount always puts me on the edge of my seat




So Kaliya took the Moors out?


When Jordan becomes the AA bronze medalist at the Olympics then what


People keep underestimating Jordan but she gets better under pressure 


She’s that girl




Her 2022 tf scores would've been good for bronze last year without Shilese.  I think she's slightly back from that rn but who knows in a month 


Tbf there was an absolute chasm between Shilese and Qiu Qiyuan in 4th at 2023 Worlds, there's like 5 or 6 different international gymnasts who would fit that same condition




Then you wake up from your dream


They’re not putting Jordan up on beam in Quals


Considering Shilese is on the team, who do you believe would be the 4th?


I’m not putting Shilese on the team if she can’t do beam.


If it's between her and Jade I'd want Jordan up.


I definitely think Jordan is doing beam in quals whether Shilese is on the team or not. It's back to "four up, three count". So it's either Simone, Sunisa, Jordan and Shilese. Or Simone, Sunisa, Jordan and 5th gymnast on the team. Jordan is going for that AA.


I’d actually put up Jade. Jordan CLEARLY has the high scoring potential but she’s so hit and miss on beam even when she’s ON.


Depends on who the fifth athlete is, if Jade is doing bars in qualifying because they took Tiana or Josc, then yes. But if you take Leanne or Hezly and they do bars for Jade, then Jordan should do beam to be the third all arounder. And of course this depends on Shi


When Jordan becomes the AA bronze medalist at the Olympics then what


Didn’t Leanne Wong get a 13.425 on beam? Why does the spreadsheet say 13.225


That’s so messed up! Makes u think it’s better to keep your mouth shut sometimes. 


She inquired and it went down

