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Kind of wish this us team went up against Russia in a team final again for redemption


We've beaten them twice in the quads before that. 12 and 16. We have nothing to prove against them.


Dont you think Russian women have become so much better from Tokyo on that without Simone, they may still win gold


The Russians seem like they are even more injured. And their vault technique is scary.


Not really. They've done everything they could to match the USA. We were the standard they needed to live up to. Not the other way around. That's why they spent so much time trying to improve. We had to count a bad score on vault for Simone. Even a regular DTY would have been good for us and not left us a 1 full point behind them on that rotation (43.799 vs. 42.732). And with a rattled team who didn't have the right combinations of difficulty, its easy to see why we lost. I actually think it is a testament to our team that we pulled ahead or very close (can't remember) after they fell off of beam twice. But Jordan's fall cemented the fate on floor. I can live with them getting 1 out of the last 3. No one else would be expected to compete for Gold without their best gymnast and likely not even Silver. Not Brazil without Andrade, not France without MDJDS, Not China without Qui.


thanks. It is just recently they seemed to have learned how to do it. I hope you are right.


I understand. But it should be them feeling as though they need to prove themselves against our best teams.


Same. I want team USA to clear Russia fair and square, but tbh I don’t think Russia deserves to be anywhere near an athletic competition. 


Yeah seriously f@ck Russia.


Nobody is talking about Tiana? I'm really not an expert (although I've been a real hard fan since 1994) but I don't understand why Tiana is not an alternate? I really thought the 5th spot was between her and Hezly and that the other one would be first alternate? And why nobody seems to be surprised or angry about it ? Thanks in advance!


My understanding is that today they named 2 traveling alternates. Looking at scores and events, Josc and Leanne are the logical choices. I think they are yet to name non- traveling alternates, and I would expect Tiana to be one.


Josc outscored Tiana on every single event, both in combined total and highest score. There's no way to justify taking Tiana over Josc, even though I do love her gymnastics. Once you have Josc as an alternate, Tiana doesn't make sense as the second. You need someone who can go in on bars if needed. So leanne makes sense there. She outscored Tiana by over a point each night on bars. It doesn't hurt that she also has the higher vault and AA.


Tiana was underscored on both beam and floor by a couple tenths!


Rank order. Joscelyn outscored her on her best events. Leanne also has a higher bars score so that means they have every event covered for alternates. Plus Leanne scored higher in rank order. Tiana will prob be non traveling alternate with Kaliya. It’s about as fair and straight forward as you could get.


I thought they were NOT going by rank order 😠


It happened to fall perfectly in rank order.


I think in this case Hezly was ahead in both rank order and the highest scoring team


When we got down to this aspect with as many injuries as we had and then had all the spots covered for each event, there was no other reason to skip around.


Who announced the 2021 womens gymnastics olympic team


Shannon and Carly


Shannon Miller. Not sure if there was a second person.


Carly Patterson as well.


Who announced the 2024 womens olympic gymnastics team


Carly Patterson and Shannon miller


So how will it work with Hezley in the Olympic village? with safe sport, an adult athlete isn’t technically supposed to share a room with a minor. Does this not count for the Olympics? does she get her own room? (that sounds lonely)… or would her parents be in the village with her?


I hope she is away from her parents. Her dad seems awful.


Do they even stay in the village? I thought USAG kept their athletes out and in separate hotels?


Aw no way that would be so sad for them.


Was that just a covid thing? For some reason I thought they did it before too! I’ll have to do some digging.


I'm not sure but I wouldn't be surprised if Marta kept them out of the Village. I can't imagine them having that kind of free reign with her in charge. I hope it's different this time as the Olympic Village must be a huge part of the experience.


Yes, The Village is part of the experience heavily. My FIL Munich Track Olympian, who was a square of a man, said it was wild in a way that reminded him of "Animal House" (he was a Bowerman runner at UO) prior to the hostage taking. Some of my husband's rowing Olympic friends from 2012 called it a "free for all", but those who know how crew culture is will not be surprised. I know Ali spoke of how controlled they were in her book too. Marta wanted them away from any and all men but the preditors she took herself I guess.


Urgh nothing about that surprises me. What an incredible experience for your FIL!


Josc just turned 18… probably her?


Josc can't go to the Olympic village. She's an alternate. They don't get credentials or stay with the team.


No non-athlete in the village so she’ll probably get the single.


I hope the other ladies go WAY out of their way to be welcoming to Hezly. It could already be a little isolating to try to break into a long-establed group dynamic of much older people like that (would have been way better for Josc or Tiana, who are already Simone and Jordan's teammates). To also be the odd one out room-wise would compound it. Simone and co are all awesome and welcoming people, so hopefully this will be on their minds!


I really think they’ll be excited to have a new younger teammate they can take in and show all of the special parts of the Olympic experience to!


I think Jade will "adopt" her. I recall in 2017 it was sweet how Afton took a young Jade under wing, and I can totally see her playing this role. Jade was great with the freshmen at Oregon State, too.


Aw, cute! Mentor Jade!


Tiana Sumanasekeras floor deserves to see the light of day at a Worlds/Olympics! Group 1 meets are in her future


Tiana has to be on next year's World's and def in it for 2028. I love her floor and beam.


Yep. She is on the rise and will shine next quad. I hope WCC finds great coaches to replace the Landis.


Someone suggested that Jade's dad may be the candidate given that she has never been paired with them before and was now. I thought that was very interesting! To my knowledge, there is no proof or even discussion. However, perhaps they were getting a feel for his coaching style and how he meshed with Simone (it's her family's gym) and her the other ladies like Josc, Tiana and Dulcy.


I've heard that, and I wouldn't be surprised.


I wdidnt even think of it until someone said that last night! So interesting. I think that would be awesome!


She is only 16, so I think she will stick around for a few years. I also hope to see her floor routine in worlds or the Olympics.


Me too!


Hezly joins 2012 Kyla and 2016 Laurie as first year seniors making the Olympic team


How far back was Leanne from 5th after 2 nights? Day 1 beam and floor score did her in


Her combined two-night AA score was 0.725 behind Hezly’s.


Yeah that difference could have been made up with her original night 1 beam score 13.425(+0.2) and instead of 13.1 on floor, her day 2 13.625 floor score(+0.525)


And honestly Leanne is way better on beam than a 13.6 would imply, but her routine construction holds her back so much


That hurts😭😭


I agree. I have loved Leanne's gymnastics for a long time now.


Yeah, the top 6 after Simone were all pretty close. Simone had a 117.225 and Suni, Jordan, Jade, Hezly, Joscelyn, and Leanne were all in the 110s-111s.


Suni’s dad just went back to the gymnasts along with Leanne’s family a few minutes before. With all the talk of family estrangement the last few days thought this group would find that interesting!


Glad he came to support her. Concerned that he might be using this opportunity though. Suni said something about the community supporting her only when it was convenient for them.


I’m glad that they’re in the picture. It was sad to hear of an estrangement.


So glad to hear that


Yeah actually what’s the deal with that? I missed all the chatter on here. But I was at the meet and wondered why her dad seemed nowhere to be found since he was all over the place last time.




I think her mom was briefly shown on the night one broadcast, too, but then her sisters moved down to different seats.


omg thank you! I'm really glad there's no fighting then i hope. maybe they just didn't want to be in the spotlight




why didn't Leanne make it? I don't get gymnastics enough to think about this big picture


She just didn’t have high enough scoring routines. Hezly outscored her on balance beam and bars and Josc outscored her on vault and floor, so it just doesn’t make sense to take her. Now I’m sure there will be people arguing they should have taken her over Hezly, because Hezly is very young and doesn’t have as much international experience. But Leanne hasn’t been the most consistent at Worlds either. So I think Hezly earned her spot and deserves the chance.


she was good but not good enough. (and that's not patronizing, she hit her routines but the entire package just isn't at the level it needs to be)


She came in 7th in the AA here and 8th in the AA at Nationals. Her biggest selling point is being a solid all-arounder with good execution rather than being a likely medalist on any individual event. But she was outscored in AA by two athletes who were particularly good at the skill Team USA needed the most: Beam.


Awww Konnor just tweeted that she is a huge Hezly fan! 🫶


They were teammates for a year or so, right?


I don’t know! Where at WOGA?




I just wanted to say as someone who has watched gymnastics since 1991, that I just love where USA gymnastics is right now with the happy faces and the comraderie. I grew up watching girls and women who often looked petrified (Shannon, Kim, etc) and it's so much more calming to watch women out there who are enjoying themselves. Yes, they're still very serious athletes, but how nice that they seem to know that they won't literally die if they miss. Even Kayla with her heart broken still managed to sound upbeat in her post the other day, that this isn't the end of her story. Coaching still has a way to go, but it's improving. A more positive training experience is adding to the enjoyment fr the viewer. I hope coaches continue to learn and become enlightened and continue this more positive trend.


I was thinking how refreshing it is to fully be out of the Karolyi era.


So, so, soooo glad that era is behind us!! I worry Liukin is still of that old school mindset and hope he gets with the program.


Thank god he’s the exception not the norm with the current crop of coaches. It makes me ill to think of how he treated Ohashi who is maybe my favorite gymnast of all time.


I do believe that people can change. It may have taken time, but I see him as someone who is very influenced by the outside environment, so he seems to be going in a positive direction for me. Body language has seemed a lot more positive lately. Of course that's just one factor, but just trying to have some optimism lol


Also everyone looks like they have eaten recently.


And they get to drink water! Sponsored water, but it’s still an improvement. And they get to go to real doctors and not be hidden away in the woods where no one can hear them scream.


YES!! They all look like healthy *women*. The age limit getting raised improved this sport so very much and I'm so happy the age limit is rising in skating, too. Coaches seem to be finally understanding that underweight athletes are not a good thing. We need healthy athletes physically and mentally to be their best.


The men were all eating on camera, lol


Though arguably not all of it food (strawberry leaves with chalk on them)


LOL. Someone called it strawberrygate. I just think that is hilarious.


Wait I just realized my prediction that Shilese would be the next in the Olympics to Dancing With The Stars pipeline can’t possibly be true now. 😨


I do not like what this means for my Bruins but give it to Jordan!


Oh yeah, that's just facts. She'll be on the GOAT tour though, not sure the timing would work out!


2028 i hope?


now i can’t wait to not have to watch US gymnastics commentary again until 2025… thank you australia 😌


The Australian commentary is the BEST!!


i hope liz is back ! she’s always been so good and impartial 💃


Yes, she was my favorite! I was never a gymnast and having her do commentary i actually learned some new stuff which was really nice! Do you watch them on the olympic channels? Last olympics my husband made me some feed with a bunch of streams but idk if he can do it this year so I am hopeful I'll be able to get them as commentators but not sure.


Has there ever been a USA gymnast who has been Olympic alternate 2x besides Leanne?


☹️☹️☹️ On the bright side at least she is still included, more than we can say for shilese and Skye unfortunately 💔


raj bhavsar - named alternate in 2004 and in 2008 (but he eventually got onto the 2008 team bc paul hamm got injured)


Ahh nope nope nope, that’s not happening this time please!


Raj Bhavsar? 2004 and 2008 but he got to compete in 2008 right?


Raj Bhavsar competed in 2008 and got a team bronze medal.


Wasn’t Alan Bower one twice on the mens side?


Donnell Whittenburg if you count non-traveling 😭


This hurts so much




Does this team have a name?


Fighting Five Because they are back for another fight, and they are going to have to fight for that gold! 


Love this!


I think they should be the Famous 5 because 4 of them are already familiar faces


Yeah what F names are left? It was Fierce then Final? 


The Five Fatale. The Free (of Covid and Marta) Five. The Fearless Five. The Unflagging Five.


You could have Ferocious


Fucking awesome Five


Four Women and a Baby


Oh my god, I had to try so hard not to laugh as I’m rocking my toddler-who’s-too-old-to-be-rocked to sleep 😂


One Woman and a Baby 




The name is historically announced by the team after they win


The Reboot? lol




2020 Part 2 Electric Bugaloo


I like it, but can I recommend "Part Deux"


At least this decision isn't as maddening as the men's. Most sensible one even though my heart yearned for Leanne.


Agree I told my husband whatever they pick at least they will have considered the scenarios. UNLIKE THE MEN. I refuse to get over that.


I wish NOBODY had been injured but if there was anyone I could magically make uninjured and on the team, it would be Shilese. Imagine this team of 2020 Olympians + Shilese. 😭😭


I can't STOP wanting this! I was so hoping for a team with no teenagers (not that Hezley doesn't deserve to be there, because she earned it!).


I miss Shi so much. :( ugh this sport is not fair


I ADORE Jade and Jordan but IDK that i would leave an uninjured Skye of this team.


You can only pick one person to magically un-injure in this hypothetical!!!




Very valid, I’m so heartbroken for her too. She was looking so good on beam and then disaster struck. 😭


i accept these terms and this team.


Would've been my favorite us team ever


I didn’t think of it at all before, because my initial team had both Skye and Kayla too but now that this is what it is, knowing how well Jade peaked and how nicely Suni and Jade progressed, this feels like the dream team. No hate to Hezly, of course.


We would have been unstoppable!!!


Just a random thought: NBC must be thrilled with this team selection. They get a “silver medal team back for redemption” arc, a newcomer with super expressive parents, returning AA champion, returning floor champion and THE Simone Biles.


I’m still convinced that strings were pulled for Hezly. Does a great routine and gets rewarded, while Tiana does a great routine and gets the same score as always. After night one, I’m convinced the arc was always, if Hezly hits, she’s going, so make sure the scores make that look like the right decision.


Plus Jade getting the team experience and going for vault redemption and Suni going for bars/ beam redemption!


We’re going to need the largest bingo board of all time for these broadcasts. May the odds be ever in our livers’ favor.


Just think of all the fluff pieces they’ll be able to do.


I am not looking forward to how much I expect they will focus on Hezly's dad during the Olympics.


Ugh there’s nothing I hate more than begging-for-attention big fucking clowns like him. So much respect for Hezly’s success despite having to grow up with his nonsense.


Awww I loved her dad lol


My Hispanic BFF is having nightmare flashbacks to all the machismo ahole men from her life. I do really hope we are not sitting anywhere near them in Paris.


https://preview.redd.it/9yxaxyeyut9d1.png?width=659&format=png&auto=webp&s=a97b8fbff181e69fe2e1e90d0af1bd2c5450a4de yeah he's a real gem /s


Love that this quote is captured like this for easy posting. That article turned my stomach in '20 and when I put it together that this guy is her dad I was just so super sad. And NBC is already acting like he's the only parent in the stands. Ugh.


I don't love his unwavering support of Maggie Haney


Same. Ugh.


Same and her floor music. Lol


i don't think she'll be doing floor at the olympics


I still cant believe Shilese is not on this team


One thing about Jordan Chiles is she’s gonna make snow angels in the confetti lol


I just feel deflated after this whole weekend. I'm happy for everyone who made the team but god so many devastating injuries in less than a week.


It was horrible. I’m finding it hard to be excited because I’m too devastated


One thing I’ll miss about the 2021 Olympics was quals being the wild wild west. Six US gymnasts competing every event. Jade never would have been given the chance to go for that final if she’d been on a five person team.


Everyone getting the chance to do AA in quals was the only thing I liked about the Tokyo games


Just let every gymnast do all the events in quals. Make the four they want to count go first.


I wish!


Grace mccallum watching from her sofa like 🧍🏼‍♀️🧍🏼‍♀️🧍🏼‍♀️


I’m sure she’s got all her racist bully friends to keep her company…


You judge Grace for the things other people do but not Gina for what she did? Questionable


I’m not judging JORDAN for Gina. Also ok, stalker.


I’m no stalker you literally posted this comment and another comment in a public forum where I frequent and I happened to notice both. I just find it off putting you are putting down Grace here when you said the other day about Gina “she served her time” with no empathy for her victims. Subjective morality


And Grace supported her abusive coach and bully teammates over victims. Gina DID serve her time. Bringing her crimes up because her family is shown celebrating their daughter, which should be the entirety of the discussion is obnoxious.


Gina forever impacted the life of an elderly woman likely without recourse. Not an impulse crime - one thought out and executed over the course of months and months as she used the money she stole. It is obnoxious for you to defend that, it is obnoxious that fans have to see so much of her on an otherwise engaging and exciting event. Totally grosses me out Totally ironic that you choose to give grace to the criminal that did such a terrible thing to another human being and choose to judge the gymnast without acknowledging the complexities of her situation. Grace is a young adult on that Utah team where she probably has had so many formative moments and positive experiences. She’s not responsible for her teammates’ actions


Oh! Is she part of the Utah clique.




Wait fill me in on this (very out of the loop)


Just search Utah gymnastics in this sub


Same, I thought she just quit


I’m happy that the olympians from Tokyo get to be celebrated in front of a crowd this year


As someone who had tickets to Tokyo and is now going to Paris, ME TOO!!!


We are going to Paris, as well. We have tickets to the team final and all around.


I have WAG AA and all 3 days of events. I’ll be watching team at home.


That's great! The event finals are so fun. I wonder if anyone else is going or if there will be a meet-up. We are spending 8 days in Paris. So excited.


So happy for the 2021 Olympians making it again! These veterans are inspirations! I love Simone, Suni, Jordan, and Jade! Whoohoo. Jade will now get the team experience and the comraderie she didn't really get to enjoy last time. Great women! I'm gutted for Josc and Leanne. Josc was sooooooooooo close and she has that little bit extra experience that I would've put her on the Team. As an audience member I always root for the athletes I've come to know and it's hard when someone (feels like) they've come out of nowhere. Mixed emotions tonight. Oh, and Suni made me cry when she said just last year she didn't think this was possible. Wow. She is innately talented and worked so hard to get where she is right now. And Simone, there's just no words for how inspiring she is. Zora wanted to act all impressed over a "16 year old" making it, but it's far more impressive that a 27 year old has! And she's better than she's ever been. There's no one like her. "Amazing" just doesn't do justice for what she is. She's brought so much joy to the viewers over all these years. And she's such a teacher, too. Always reminding people to take care of their mental health. Love her!


Omg I’m so freaking happy for Suni. She literally thought she’d never be able to do gymnastics again.


I think that's the reason it's tough for me to be excited about Hezly. This sport is so grueling, you kind of want the people who've tried so long to make it but athletes sometimes just peak at the most ideal times.


I know exactly how you feel. With the higher age limit it lets us see *women* compete and women that we've known for a few years (or even several). It's so much better than the '90s-early '00s. It allows a fandom and loyalty to build for the athletes and viewers. I got so sick of gymnastics where a new face was constantly replacing my faves and the sport chewed the competitors up and spat them out every single year. Also, and this is nothing personal, and she's a talented and "pretty" gymnast with artistry and good lines, but I don't like her coaching team and I *really* don't like what her dad was quoted as saying in 2020. I don't want that kind of training to be rewarded because it will just perpetuate it. And that's bad for the athletes and the sport. I was hoping that old mentality was in the past since we've gotten away from the Karolyis and abuse was exposed. I just want all gymnasts to have a positive happy training.


What did her dad say sorry? I’m out of the loop


He defended coach Maggie Haney and said that he didn't want his daughter to come home happy and smiling every day https://preview.redd.it/l9ykcctf0v9d1.jpeg?width=659&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9418c611946bb7ddd8fe651bbe726e91f3515a8b


TBH this is one of the least dramatic team namings due to the injuries. I honestly can't imagine the stress that would have occurred if Skyle and Shi had shown up and done what they needed to do.


probably Jo and Hezly/josc alternates


I have to commend Leanne for the fight she put out! She saw skye bust out a Cheng and said let me bust out a Cheng at trials! She brought it and Am Proud of her


4/5 returning Olympians is crazy!


I will need Tiana to be a LA star


Oh she fully will be!


It's wild that Hezly was barely even a consideration a few days ago before injuries took out some amazing gymnasts and now she's going to the olympics. I'm still so gutted over Shilese. I simply adore her gymnastics. Her beam routine is one I can watch over and over. Life is so unfair sometimes.


Its Bars for me. Shilese and those damn handstands. She's just so gorgeous on that apparatus!


Simone is the only 2023 World team member to make the Olympic team :/


That is a wild fact, whoa. 


This is not a stat I was expecting.




Commenting on Discussion Posts | USA Trials WAG Day 2 | Sunday 06/30/2024... oh I’m so sad now


I’d like to imagine that all these incredible women who didn’t make the team, whether due to injury or just coming up a bit short, read these threads and know how many fans they’ve got. We love you guys!


I need Leanne to pull a Skinner and make the team her third try but I doubt she’ll be able to if she’s applying to medical school. Has there ever been a gymnast in medical school and training elite at the same time? Seems unattainable