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I am so glad that he was allowed to opt out of those post trials activities and go home. I don't think some people understand just how devastating it can be for someone to be named an alternate. Yes, it is a great accomplishment, but it fucking hurts to be one step away from your true goal only to fall short. It doesn't help that Olympic alternates aren't even given any of the privileges of being on the team like swag or being granted access to the Olympic Village. This stuff sounds trivial, but it really isn't. I hope he takes care of himself and good on USAG for caring enough to allow him the space he needs.


It also particularly sucks to have had such a fantastic competition and have it still not be enough. He won floor and (single) vault, was 2nd on high bar, and 3rd AA. His lowest event ranking was 7th. That's a very strong argument for best ever Trials results to not make the US team.


Yep I think it’s easier if you mess up and miss it than perform your absolute best and it’s still not enough. That’s hard to take.


I think it’s more devastating to be alternate than just not on the team. I missed junior Olympics by one spot (one tenth, actually) and it was far more devastating than the years I missed by a lot


I listened to a podcast about happiness a while back. It confirmed that those who got silver in the Olympics were way less happy than those who got bronze. It was the mindset of being so close to winning that was devastating.


I wonder if it matters how *much* they miss it by, and who the gold medalist is. If the winner is on the level of Simone (or Michael Phelps, Katie Ledecky, Kohei Uchimura, etc), is it easier because of your expectations going into the competition? Very few people have ever seemed disappointed about being second to Simone as far as I can tell.


It also matters what your expectations are too. For example Simone might disappointed in an AA silver but I bet Hazely would be over the moon. It's a lot more gratifying if you're not expected to medal and win silver then if you are favorite for gold and win silver.


You’re right. there’s gotta be a huge mental difference between “winning silver” and “losing gold,” for lack of better phrasing.


That's exactly it! People view things differently (and take different risks) depending on whether their expected outcome was better or worse than what they (may) end up with. If you go in expecting no medal at all, you absolutely feel you have won silver. If at some point you start thinking you may/should get gold, you definitely see it as losing gold. People will make very different decisions in hypothetical scenarios depending on whether the exact same scenario is framed as gaining something or losing something, even when the outcome would be the same. I'm sure that also extends to emotional reactions to placing 2nd. Expect the worst and prepare for the best is truly the one of the keys to happiness.


Aly was certainly very pleased with hers.


I feel like Aly just wanted an all around medal in general. I’m betting she wouldn’t have been as dead set on coming back if the tie hadn’t been broken in London, or if it had come out in her favor.


Especially if you've made the last Olympics and probably dreaming about being in front of an actual crowd for the next one.


Yeah the alternates don't really get anything. They aren't "official" to the IOC so they are treated mostly like tourists. Tasha Schwikert spoke about being an alternate in 2004 in some interview and said she did have a good time in Greece. They got to travel around and see the sights, go out to dinner, go to other Olympic events, etc. I think she said the other teammates were good about giving the alternates some of their Olympic swag so they got some of that too. I wish I could remember what interview/podcast it was.


Yes, I'll never forget in 2000 that the MAG Alternate for the USA was stuck at the Women's College where the Team USA women's team was residing and training. USA Gymnastics couldn't even put the guy downtown or someplace closer to the action. I get that the IOC has to draw the boundaries on alternates, but you can't even house the men's alternate near anything interesting?


I think the biggest thing here is that he asked for permission to go home earlier and it seems it was granted - another indicator that things are turning about how they're treating mental health.


This is a really great point. Good for USAG


That was my big takeaway. It’s a huge sign of changing times that athletes are allowed to be candid about their mental state, and they are heard and supported through it instead of ignored and told to act differently/suppress their feelings.


This is what really stuck out to me as well. And good for him to share that thought process in a graceful way. That is a LOT to emotionally process in a very short amount of time.


Yes, but instead of being given a schedule they should have asked the alternates if they want to participate or not. It’s just assumed that alternates want to trot out and participate and my guess is that most do not, not at that time.


It's not the best course of action, but they're improving. That's what I meant by "things are turning".


I could have sworn I saw him at the very very end of the womens night yesterday…. Am I imagining things or did he come back?


Imagining things. He was not there - but the trampoline male Olympian and alternate were - maybe that was who you spotted?


I thought I saw him too when the men were off to the side, giving them high fives and what not. But maybe not.


Very true. And honestly, if they made him stay and he had a sour face or was tearful all day, it wouldn’t look good for MAG and could take away from the joy of the whole moment. I guess you could argue that regarding his complete absence too, but I’d rather it be that way than the first way.


> “It is said that a happy life is not the measurement of how much happiness you experience throughout your lifetime, but the diversity of emotions that allows one to appreciate the complexity of the human experience.” WOW. What a quote from Shane! I am so impressed with his poise and his honesty. What an incredible human he is.


Same here. That is a beautiful quote! I am going to have to save that somewhere to read during difficult times.


I literally just texted it to my therapist like “help me remember this!!!”


This is an amazing quote! It kind of reminds me of Inside Out how Sadness needs to be there first for Rylee (and Joy) to have happy memories!


Awww, he really articulated how he was feeling very well, without diminishing the others success. Really nice to hear that from him. And I'm glad he was allowed to go home when he felt he needed to.


I wasn't expecting that to make me a bit teary eyed. Such a mature response. I am glad he clearly stated that he was disappointed. I don't like when people gloss over that feeling and act like everything is fine when they are dying inside. Glad he has such a great support system.


At this point, I'm just in tears all the time this weekend (and today)!


Oh being in the arena definitely made me emotional.


At this point, I'm just in tears all the time this weekend (and today)!


Agreed. I like the honesty! And it's so well written.


This was incredibly, incredibly gracious.


I agree, I really admire him


I honestly cannot think of a better way to say it. Oh Shane.


The classiest, rawest & most brutally honest thing I have seen in all my life!


It's so well-written (and uplifting) that I find myself wanting to read a memoir from him!


He has a documentary called "Losing Grip": https://stevennye.com/losing-grip


However, I couldn’t find a way to watch the full documentary, and it seems like the documentary was only shown at film festivals.


Same, I've been dying to see this for ages! I hope they'll release it soon.


I have been so dying to watch this that I emailed the director (but this was a year or two ago)! he was really nice and basically said to get on the mailing list because if there's a new showing or way to see it, they will announce it there. Maybe we should use the power of this sub to get it on a streaming service 😁


God, right in the feels. To have the meet of your life, with your home crowd, and it not quite be enough…absolutely heart wrenching. The ecstasy and the agony, all compressed into a few hours - no wonder he needs to get away.


Not only all of that, but he medaled, too!!


He also won the AA during the second day of trials.


And had the top AA score on day 2.


Last night, a Redditor shared a "cute" story about how they "almost got into a fight with Khoi." Apparently, they had a chance to talk to Khoi in the VIP lounge or something to that effect and were trying to show their support. Khoi was supportive of his teammates and said that the team that had been named was the best and had the best chance of success. Redditor claims they argued with him, insisting that no, he should've made the team, the team would be better with him on it, ect, and he kept toeing the party line about how the best gymnasts had been named until they were arguing. I know that this person only had the best intentions . . . but, they didn't seem to realize that all they were doing was forcing him, over and over again, to repeat "no, I shouldn't have been on the team, the team has a better chance without me on it." Being an alternate can be brutal. It's incredible that anyone can do it with grace, and I don't blame Shane for needing some space. I hope people keep that in mind and really think about how we talk about, and to, the alternates.


Also, Khoi actually knows the gymnasts who were named to that team, and might consider many of them friends, and even if he's disappointed with the result he might not want to imply some people he knows and respects shouldn't make the team? And like what was he supposed to say????


Exactly this. I remember when people were pissed at Mykayla Skinner for being a poor sport for not making the Rio team. Saying something against his teammates would be bad.


People were pissed at Mykayla Skinner for being a poor sport and hugely racist. Second part obviously being a hell of a lot worse.


I think the difference is Skinner didn’t have a real argument for being on that team. Until Day 1 disaster, there was no question Khoi would be on the team. Khoi may be able to handle this “better” than Shane because (unlike Shane), Khoi had a very rough Day 1. Either way - the process was clear and there was no room for discretion in this case


I agree that post left me with an odd feeling


It left me with a feeling of immense cringe. This was a grown ass woman fan girling awkwardly over a college kid🙄


I'm glad someone said something about this. That post did leave me feeling kind of icky. Especially since they told him that they kind of hoped someone would get minor covid, so he would get to compete. I get that people have their favorites, but as a fan of the sport, it's disheartening for someone to say that because things didn't go how they wanted.


Yes!! Thank you for saying this, the post left a bad taste in my mouth. Especially since she said she “joked” someone would get minor Covid so he could compete. Who even thinks of something like that? Even as a joke. Not cool.


I thought that post was strange. I think they thought they had a cute moment with him and showed how humble he was but it was just awkward.


Yeah, I thought that post was awful and I was appalled at the person who did that to him. As if he's going to say anything against the party line when he's right in front of cameras, press, the public, etc. On one hand being an alternate still proves that you are one of the best in the country and perhaps world. On the other hand, your dream just being a hair past your fingertips is such an awful feelings, especially when these people have devoted most of their lives thus far training for that dream.


The person also posted "I’m totally not hoping someone gets minor Covid so you can be on the team," which is quite frankly, disgusting. COVID even "minor" isn't cute and saying that was no different than saying they hoped someone got injured so he could take their place.


I got “minor” COVID that left me with lung damage. 😑


Glad I’m not the only one who cringed at that post. If I were Khoi I’d feel like they were just rubbing salt in a wound/reopening a wound, knowing that I had a good chance of making the team but didn’t and just getting reminded of it over and over again.


Incredible para-social feelings from that post. No disrespect to the poster or whoever but we really need to do better, these are real human beings not characters and it's awkward and embarrassing to act as if we know them like that. Also to suggest it would be good if someone got sick so their favorite could compete is so so wrong.


100%. Agree with all the replies as well. It was disrespectful to both the men who made the team and the alternates. Completely out of line. Props to Khoi for handling it well. Must’ve been so awkward. 


Oof. How hard would it be to say, “I’m sorry, we would’ve loved to have seen you in Paris!”?


>all they were doing was forcing him, over and over again, to repeat "no, I shouldn't have been on the team My understanding from that post was that she *told* Khoi they were in a fight, not that they actually engaged in an extended back-and-forth argument. While I don't agree with the sentiment she expressed (about minor covid), I didn't interpret it the way you did.


That was my vibe as well, I got the impression that it was a very brief interaction that ended on a joking comment about them being in a fight, not an actual fight.


I think the person took their post down. While their post was a bit off-color, at the end of the day I think they had good intentions and were just excited to share their experience meeting one of their favorite athletes. Again they could’ve gone about it differently but doesn’t hurt for us to move on from this considering they seemed to have learned from it which is commendable.


They took their post down.


What a well written and thoughtful statement. I don’t know if I could’ve done this two days later. He’s been so classy in the aftermath and I applaud that. I’m glad that USAG let him go home and not participate.


Being in the public eye adds a level of scrutiny most of us will never have to deal with. Most of us will never be asked to deal with disappointing situations under the judgement of spectators and the media. I think Shane’s post showed courage, particularly because we are often expected to be toxically positive when faced with situations that elicit sadness, anger, grief within us. The difference is most of us can work through our emotions privately, without a specific timetable. Appreciate and admire Shane’s post. It’s authentic and honest, reflecting the thoughts of someone with a high eq and self-awareness. Wish him and the rest of the men’s team much luck in Paris.


I also think it emphasizes how important the conversation around Simone and mental and emotional health was after the last Olympics - I genuinely believe she swung open the door for a new narrative that athletes aren’t just there to perform for you. And for a male gymnast to be able to share such an in depth account of his feelings and mental state, especially when males face so much stigma in mental health, is really truly incredible


This is an amazing post! I agree and applaud Shane!


He owed us nothing, but I’m so glad Shane decided to share this with us. I think the pain and disappointment he’s feeling must be acutely different than Khoi, Yul, and Donnell, who objectively didn’t hit enough when it counted (and I love all of them mean absolutely nothing against them by saying that). Though I don’t doubt it’s still very difficult, it’s one thing to not make it and know the reason why is because you didn’t perform your best. I think it’s another thing entirely to be as rock solid as Shane was and for it to still somehow not be enough. He knows the math didn’t play out in his favor, but that can’t make it any less difficult a load to bear. This was such a classy and honest statement and I wish him the absolute best in whatever is next for him.


This makes sense; I saw people mention that he wasn’t there with the rest of the team yesterday and had a feeling he might just be too sad and overwhelmed for more public appearances. It’s gotta be tough to keep it together in front of so many people when you’re dealing with such big feelings. I think this is a pretty reasonable, balanced statement. I feel for him and I hope in time he’s able to process the disappointment and be proud of all the things he did accomplish in his career.


I appreciate that he’s being honest and not just putting on a happy face for the public. Even if no one did anything wrong, it can still be a tough situation where several men had a dream that could only come true for five. Tough feelings take time to process and work through. I’m glad he has good support while he works through it.


That was a lovely, vulnerable, and gracious statement. I’m glad that he was able to take some time for himself.


This breaks my heart. Also makes me an even bigger Shane fan. This is so honest while still being gracious and polite at the same time. I really admire him


Sorry for pointing this out, but I see your comment 4 times.


Hahaha of course, love Reddit. Thanks!


So sad for him! Have there been any other instances of someone medaling in the AA at trials and not making the team because I don't believe I've ever seen this happen before


Someone else will have to answer to if it’s ever happened before but the selection procedures this year are different than anything they’ve used before


Sean Townsend was 3rd during the US MAG Olympic trials in 2004, but he didn’t make the team. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_United_States_Olympic_trials_(gymnastics)


Yes - Sean Townsend was third and Steve McCain was fourth at 2004 Trials, and neither made the Olympic team. Townsend wasn’t even named as an alternate - the alternates were McCain and Bhavsar. The 2004 selection process for men was terrible - it was designed entirely around ensuring that injured gymnasts Blaine Wilson and Jason Gatson made the team. Blaine and Guard Young had no business being on the team in the first place, and Gatson was too injured by the time he got to Athens to be useful on the event where he was needed most (rings). The end result was that the U.S. threw away a team gold that they could have won had the right team been selected. I hope we are not saying the same thing about the Paris team (that the U.S. threw away a bronze) because they left consistent Shane off the team while others (coughStephenandAshercough) end up not hitting.


This triggered the shadiest NBC move of those games- they kept panning to Raj in the stands whenever one of the US gymnasts screwed up... the look of disgust was palpable.


Do you think Shane would've made it under the old selection model?


I honestly don’t know, his biggest “flaw” so to speak is that his most competitive events tend to be vault and floor and we just … don’t need the help there.


Yeah, that's similar to Kaliya Lincoln, whose floor is world class and might have make the team if they needed a 3rd floor score, but since the team needed a UB/BB gymnast she's a non-traveling alternate.


Same with Joscelyn. She did SO WELL last night, but with Simone and Jade, she probably would be two-per-countried on her big events if she had made the team.


Jordan also scored better than Josc (so she was fourth on floor.). Josc did get 1 overall for beam but I don’t know if that’s representative of her beam vs the others (Simone, Jordan and Suni had falls).


He's also really good on high bar and after Brody and Frederick we do need help there.


Yes, but Paul helps on pommels, rings and floor, and is also useable on high bar, which is why he went over Shane.


Sure. I have no objection to Paul being on the team. I do have objections to one event specialists being put on an Olympic team, especially when that specialist can often be inconsistent.


I’m glad they let him opt out of those activitiess!


By chance, I was sitting behind Shane’s partner and several of her friends and family members during trials. The level of support they (along with the whole arena) showed for Shane was enormous. It’s no surprise that he felt comforted by his family and loved ones during what must have been an extremely difficult day. A classy and honest statement about the _human experience_: elation about a “perfect meet”, pride, shock, disappointment, self-reliance. It took real guts to write this. I am also so glad he felt the courage to ask for what he needed - and that USAG granted his request. (Also hope goodest boy Beacon perhaps provided some comfort in those first moments).


sorry if we hurt your ears this weekend with all of our screaming ❤️


What I learned from this: If Shane ever writes a book, I’m buying it. This was SO well written


It hurts like hell now but I hope one day he can look back with TRULY no regrets. He did everything he could and left it all out there.


That’s a really good statement from Shane, and I understand why he felt the way that he did. It can be difficult to process the emotions that come up when you fall short of your goals.


Every time an athlete stands up and advocates for themselves, the next generation watching them feels even more empowered to do so. It's a beautiful thing!


He had an amazing trials. I think John Roethlisberger put it perfectly when he had a comment about Shane being the competitor that best maximized his potential throughout the weekend. It's so true--he left it all on the table and at the very least I hope will walk away without regrets.


Screw everyone who judged him for not wanting to be paraded out. Especially the people who said he did not deserve to be the alt because of it. Needing to process is okay. Especially because he did not do anything bad. He just retreated. It isnt like he went on twitter sharing racist shit in anger, he just needed time.


Who said that?! Those people need to shamed. Why would anyone even think that? I was surprised that Khoi was even there.


I know that Gymc*stic made a tweet mentioning his absence because he decided not to be there. A lot of people felt the tone of the tweet was..snarky


That's even worse. They are one of only a few outlets that cover gym exclusively. So they need to do better. Seriously.


Every time I think gymcastic can't disappoint me any more...


Ooooo I was just remembering Raj in the stands. he was being a good sport by going and they totally took advantage of him. Those people talking crap about Shane are the same people who perpetuate everything toxic in our culture’s view of masculinity.


Oh Shane. 💔😭 I cannot begin to imagine the pain he is feeling. We’re feeling it for him. This is such a raw, emotional and gracious statement. One I don’t think I could come close to if I were in his situation. I’m so glad he was allowed to opt out of yesterday so he could process his emotions. We love you Shane. ♥️


Wow, what an incredibly well written post. My heart breaks for him.


This is such a beautifully crafted and vulnerable post. We love seeing a man in touch with his emotions in the world of sports!


So well written with such emotional maturity and deep perspective.


Such a beautiful post about difficult and bittersweet emotions. 👏❤️


This was so raw, real, honest, and beautiful by him. I think it brings awareness to the mental health struggles that these athletes are bound to deal with after working so hard for so many years and then having a painful outcome. Just love him. ❤️


I’m crying again! Thank you Shane for speaking to the brutality of being expected to “lights camera bitch smile even when you wanna die!” So so brave!


I'm so proud of Shane for speaking his truths and standing up for himself. He showed so much strength in telling USAG "No. I need this time for me." He's given everything he could these last few weeks in preparation for this competition and then turning in the best two day performance of his life. That wasn't enough for the committee but now they are asking even more of him. He just doesn't have it to give. He needed to care about himself in that moment and I'm very glad he did. But this makes me worried about two things: 1. Khoi and Leanne. Josc seemed very excited but the disappointment for the others must be devastating. The selection committee needs to give a bit more time for the disappointment of being an alternate. Did Khoi know he could opt out? 2. His post makes me incredibly sad that this is the first time in his career that he's experienced that kind of crowd with the kind of roar and excitement he could feel this deeply. This is a man whose been on an Olympic team and he's never felt that before. We have got to do better in supporting these guys like we do the women. MAG is big across the world. There's no reason its not here except for stigma. Fred, Khoi, Ian, Stephen and everyone else who uses socials to increase engagement should be commended for their work in getting people interested in MAG again. Those guys, plus the World's 2023 team are doing wonders for the sport. I just hope this Olympics team can continue to build off that momentum without Khoi and Yul and now Shane.


I totally agree with everything, and especially the end. I think Ian’s work especially on social media has done WONDERS for mag, even if it hasn’t converted many people into diehard fans (although it did for me lol), it’s informative but also is just what everyone wants to watch


Nothing but respect for him. So beautifully written, and I think it captures the somewhat cruel schedule they have for the alternates post announcement. (I think this is totally dependent on the situation, some alternates may be incredibly happy - but I can imagine many feel utter devastation)


You know, I think USAG is really trying to celebrate the alternates’ accomplishments and show that they are valued. Shane deserves to be allowed to step away from that if it’s causing him pain, of course, and it’s good that the organization is supporting that. He’s said his piece and explained his emotions in a way that the organization can reflect on for next time. I don’t think anyone will forget this sentiment.


Right! And they need to allow these people to feel that. Shane has every right to feel angry, sad, hurt, etc. He was one of the best performers.


>(I think this is totally dependent on the situation, some alternates may be incredibly happy - but I can imagine many feel utter devastation) Yes, I think some of it is about how close you were - it probably feels very different being picked as alternate if you're an athlete who hasn't had a lot of international experience, who knows their scores are a bit further off the main team, compared to someone who's actually doing better than some of the people selected, and has previously been selected for things like Worlds and even the Olympics, etc.




While not entirely similar, Shane's statement reminds me of MyKayla's experience in Tokyo before Simone decided not to compete in VT finals. She wasn't part of the team; she had to call it a day after having a solid QFs; she had to, of course, make a public statement about being proud of herself (even though she was most likely upset); and then she was sent to multiple interviews by Team USA where she had to talk again and again about being satisfied and happy, how proud she was of the team, etc. It was probably an out of body experience, and I don't blame her for wanting to get out of Tokyo as soon as possible and go home to be with her family. Things soon changed, of course, but it must have been so peculiar to be kinda but not really part of something. I hope Shane finds time to process and heal.


I think even for Jade that whole Tokyo experience must have been extra stressful. They were there but not part of the team so going in had no guarantees of medaling whereas the team was certainly going to take home a medal.


I’m so happy Jade is on this time and has a chance for a team medal. The individual role was great to expand opportunity but team medals are just another level of success. I’m so happy she has this opportunity.


I think Myk's attitude doesn't lend to getting the benefit of the doubt. She's a perpetual victim and a poor sport who thinks she's the best to ever do it. In her mind, she's Simone level but not recognized as such because of ...politics. She was not an alternate, she was a recognized competitor. Which is than what Shane can say right now. Unlike him, she got to stay in the Olympic village, get credentials, go through quals, participate and be a recognized Olympian. While she may not have made the team, her experience was better than what poor Leanne and Kara had being stuck in their hotel room all day in a different part of the city. Plus, she could have qualified to AA or other EF on her own but wasn't good enough. So Myk trying to hop a plane to leave before the VT final announcement was in poor taste. Lots of people didn't make the finals but stayed with the rest of their federation.


Shane was on the U.S. team in Tokyo and competed. May not diminish his disappointment this year (and I personally wanted him on the team), but he is a recognized Olympian.


In 2020 (2021) they both were. But please re-read the post I am responding to. Neither of myself or that person are comparing Shane 2020 to Myk 2020. My response is in relation to comparing Myk leaving the Olympic games early in 2020(1) to Shane not participating in pre-travel celebration as an alt in 2024. One was selected to compete as an individual at the games and had a chance to qualify for all event finals if she could hack it. She made only Vault final but was initially 2 per'd. So she decided to hop a plane and left in the middle of the Olympic competition and had to turn around and come back for the final because she left too early. No one else had left. Grace hadn't made any finals but she stayed. Myk was just doing Myk things and being a poor sport. She had a shot to contend but didn't and sulked her way out of Tokyo. That's not the same as Shane (in 2024). He was not selected for the main team. He is disappointed. Being an Olympian in 2020(1) won't make the sting any better in that moment. When he reflects on life, maybe he will be able to put that into perspective and just appreciate the one appearance. But for now, all he can think about is that he won't be a 2 time Olympian and have a shot at redemption. Just like Jordan, Jade, Suni and Simone are all talking about. He said he wanted to go back and try to help win medals this time around. So in his disappointment, he decided to hop a plane to go home and process his grief in private instead of being paraded around like he isn't hurting inside. He also probably doesn't want to potentially poop on the other guys' party. Because his pain and anger means he feels someone else shouldn't have made it over him and he's trying not to be shitty to them.


This was Tokyo. You were asked to leave after your competition because of Covid. MyKayla wasn't even a reserve because she was 2 per countried out. She could leave and decided to go. Nothing wrong with that.


That's not the issue. Her competition had not ended. No one is/was asked to leave before their federation for that sport. Grace wasn't in any of the finals, she didn't hop a plane home.


He had what was probably his best meet. It’s awesome that it all came together like that for him.


Shane is a class act and this statement is a wonderful example of that. Glad USAG allowed him to be absent from the day and that Shane did what was best for himself.


What a beautiful, poised, heartbreaking statement. I am such a fan of this guy.


Oh, Shane. I absolutely adore you. What a classy and vulnerable post. I cried for him not making it - I understand that the new formula for naming a team is ultimately more fair, but how incredibly devastating to have the best meet of your life - and a better meet than some others who made the team - and still fall short. Especially knowing that he held on one more year to try to get back to the Olympics. I imagine that it's really hard being named alternate when the alternative was to retire gracefully. If you can retire on the spot, you can move on - surround yourself with those you love, go into the next phase of life, try something new. But he was made alternate, and so he's kind of forced into this liminal space where he's probably had his last meet, but has to keep training and holding on for another month. My heart breaks for him. Love our MN athlete. Hoping he gets the support and strength he needs, and good on USAG for permitting him to opt out.


Shane is such a classy athlete in all possible ways.


Wow, this was powerful. Shoutout to everyone who made him feel loved and gave him exactly what he needed.


I didn’t cry all week but man that last slide about the emotions actually got me.


Beautiful statement from Shane. He's handled this situation far better than I ever could have handled it. I'm still heartbroken for him, but I'm glad he has such a wonderful support system to help him work through all of his emotions.


What a beautiful yet heartbreaking post. Very well-said. I’m glad he was able to ask to leave and that they granted him that.


Very classy.


What a beautiful, honest, heartbreaking statement. ❤️


This is a very mature statement


Why do the traveling alternates need to do all that media anyways? Sadly they are not olympians and are not treated as such when they get to Paris. I don’t blame him at all for not wanting to put emotional labor into that when he’s crushed inside.


That's what I'm wondering. I can't think of another Olympic sport where the alternates are expected to do so much media for the US team.


I don't know why they include alts in all the festivities. Seems overkill and a strange practice. Or, maybe it can be made optional for them? That would make more sense.


I think for some people, it's a recognition of actually achieving more than they might have thought was likely, so for those alternates it would be a genuine celebration. Like one of the British alternates posted that she was happy and proud to have this opportunity - I believed her, because she actually hasn't had the chance yet to go to big international team events (she went to the individual Worlds in 2021), and she's really valuing their prep camp. But I agree it should be presented as optional, as it won't feel like that for everyone.


It’s still an incredible achievement, especially considering how often alternates have stepped in to perform in worlds and even Olympics.


It has always seemed particularly cruel to me that they make the alternates trot out and play happy at what must be an incredibly difficult moment for many of them. I guess at least they’re not still showing them being told (a la girls team of 2004).


Had no idea they used to do that. Just searched it, that was a hard watch. Seems cruel


The close-ups of Holly Vise biting her lip and trying not to lose it make me want to jump through the screen and slap the camera out of someone’s hands.


I really hate that he felt the need to justify or address any of this but I am glad that he is shedding light into another thoughtless plan of action from USAG.


Class act.


Aww this made me tear up. 🥹 he really did quite literally have the meet of his life. I know they went with the highest scoring team, which is fair. But the fact that he did everything right at trials and it still wasn’t enough is so heart wrenching 💔


He immediately deleted it off Instagram... Edit: It appears it is still up. He might have deleted the first version and reposted it. I sent it to friends and it showed post unavailable, and I tried to comment and it said Media no longer existed. I am incredibly proud of him for taking the time he needs to recover from such a big disappointment. Only sending him love.


It's still on his ig account


Weird. I shared it to two of my friends and it showed as post unavailable and I tried to comment and it said media removed. Maybe he reposted it.


What an impressive guy. Being honest and vulnerable while still being gracious shows a lot of emotional maturity. I’m so glad that permission was granted for him to care for himself. Maybe it’s trite, but I feel it’s attitudes and expressions like his that really encompass the Olympic spirit.


What an outstanding young man. He had so much to still achieve in life with that wisdom and maturity.


What a class act.


No shame for being a human and having emotions. Related to how they make alternates pretend to be happy for two hours after the announcement, I feel like it’s also expected if you’re physically capable after an injury to go back into the stands and cheer for your team. And man every time the camera hit Shilese she looked miserable. I don’t know her or what’s inside her mind but I feel for her and hope it’s socially acceptable to go home and cry if it’s not already.


This was so well articulated. I have so often wondered how this really feels for alternates - such a mixed bag of feelings for most athletes. Within minutes you’ve got to ✨smile big and say how thankful you are ✨for the cameras. No time to process all the conflicting feelings. His expression when he walked out during the announcements was worrisome. He was…..composed….? I got the sense he was on autopilot. Well done Shane. Class act.


oof this is rough


Stupid formula. Though how is third overall not enough? What else does the formula include?


It was literally just highest scoring team potential. Heartbreaking for him.


Search the sub. There's a pretty detailed post about it. Look for men selection criteria


Although by far not on the same scale lol, I've had a similar-ish experience with something called Match Day (for those who don't know, US medical students rank and are matched to residency training programs prior to graduation, and traditionally the whole class gathers together to open their envelopes to see if they got matched to their top choice or not, along with faculty/family and is typically a big media op for schools), and his description of that mixture of being genuinely happy for the people around you, while simultaneously processing and trying to smile through your own immediate disappointment while taking a million photos rings so so true. And I chose to stay for the celebrations because my joy for my friends truly overrode any personal sadness in the moment, but I had that same emotional crash once I got back home and had a chance to actually sit with my feelings. In both situations, the celebrations are certainly intended to encourage celebration of all achievements - but people should also be allowed to process their feelings in their own way and I'm glad Shane was able to eventually opt out and go home and spend time with his loved ones. It's refreshing that he was open about this and I think he expressed his thoughts beautifully - at the same time, I hope moving forward, fans won't feel the need to throw shade on an alternate not being present (because I definitely saw comments/tweets like that) and subsequently, athletes won't feel the pressure to post a tell-all of their feelings if they don't want to.


I was at Match Day with a bunch of my friends...lord almighty. We all went out that night for a VERY intense evening. Cut to almost a year later when a sweet little resident came into explain my shoulder and we recognized each other in a rather horrified fashion....


I noticed he wasn’t there. Can’t blame him. Khoi looked out of sorts too. Can’t blame him either. It’s absolutely gut wrenching to be the top of your game and picked over for a fucking one trick pony when you’re top 3-5 on EVERY event. I hope both men can rally and come back for another Olympics. Same with Yul his energy and spirit are electric.


Actually, his lowest placement on an individual event was 7th place on both days of trials. https://www.reddit.com/r/Gymnastics/comments/1dq78he/2024_us_olympic_trials_mag_day_1_results/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Gymnastics/s/qQJDjFH8LE


Amazing post, so much respect for Shane for so many reasons. Good for him for being so open and honest about his emotions.


While I know there are some men & women who may feel very excited to be an alternate, I have always thought it is cruel & unusual punishment for the alternates to be paraded out & forced to stand to the side and plaster on a smile while the team members are celebrated. They provide counselors & private spaces for those who didn't make the team or named alternates, but the couple named alternates are put on display and treated like they are part of the team, but they aren't. (I can't remember in my lifetime when an alternate was called up & part of the team.) Of course they are happy for their fellow gymnasts who did make it, of course they want the best for the Olympic team, AND they also are disappointed & quite often gutted for their own loss of their dream of making the team. These are the athletes that were the closest to making it and for whom I'd suspect need even more support of their families, coaches, counselors given the what ifs that likely go thru their minds than the athletes that weren't named. I personally think they should be allowed if they want to just be announced and not have to stand up there in front of millions of people watching (and sadly often judging) their reactions. Again I believe it is cruel and unusual punishment and they shouldn't need permission to prioritize their needs first in regards to whether it will help them or further add pain to their own experience.


Not sure how old you are but the last time this happened for the US was in 2008, Paul Hamm had to withdraw like a week before the Olympics and alternate Raj Bhavsar came in and then Morgan Hamm also had to withdraw literally the day before the Olympics started and Alexander Artemev came in.


I appreciate the response& info! I $idbt remember that... probably because I really don't follow men's gymnastics as much. But I was at the men's trials as I am in the Twin Cities so of course a fan of Shane. But also couldn't remember a women's alternate ever competing but I am sure it's probably happened as well. Thanks again!


Yeah I think the last time it happened for the US women’s team was in 2000, Morgan White had to withdraw before the Olympics and Tasha Schweikert came in.


I learn something new everyday☺️


I hope young MAG athlete's take note. If you're not top two AA in the country don't bother. Just pick a few apparatus and save your body and pull a Nedoroscik


You are a stellar athlete and gymnast through it all. Sending kudos and all good wishes!
