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HEB is different than the other stores with cart corrals, as HEB doesn’t use a machine to help push them, just a hook and a rope


Dude I wondered why we didn’t have the machine thing when I was CCO/pharmacy cross trained from 2010-2013, it’s WILD they still don’t have them over 10 years later


Had a buddy who was the reason their Walmart stopped using the machine years ago. Some old lady walked out in front of the machine, got nudged, and complained.


Yeah I work at Central Market and we're out there all day with just a strap. We break policy every day to keep up with the customer flow. We're only allowed to pull 8, but we pull upwards to 17 to keep up. And 90% of the time, we're understaffed and I have to work a full 8 by myself with no support. I never complain, I keep my head down, I just wished people would see me working so hard that they'd stop and help with bring one in, or not stand at a distance ahead of me and ask "want another one?" and get upset when I say I can't.


H-E-B doesn’t use the machine because it costs money to keep up with maintenance costs, which is expensive if the machine breaks up or needs a tune-up.


People should really make it a habit to pick one up from a corral as they make their way towards the store. Especially during holidays.


I usually will wait a bit when I see someone unloading and take it for them.


I completely agree, but in the summer it gets so hot the carts can sometimes burn you, so I see why people get them from the shaded spots


As a customer, I always bring in a cart from one of the corrals. It just makes sense. I wish more people would do so. They probably would if they understood what kind of difference it could make.


Heb saves money on not hiring adequate staff. Heb does not give raises to staff in this role. They look like that by design.


Last I checked, I just pushed some carts and I’m pretty sure I get raises. Cashiers push carts and they get raises. Now if this is Houston this is different.


Was your tittle a CSA and how long ago. CSA, PLA and curbie partners are not deemed worthy of raises by heb.


True, I was all three. Never got my bonuses or a raise of any sort, if anything they would take our tips and claim they’re going to use it for a party or reward of some sort, but we never got anything like that.


Shut up ! I would protest then quit. Not taking my 7 dollars !


I’m PLA and I get raises


Same here


I’m cross function, but my store doesn’t hire PLA, we have CSA, but even then they don’t send just CSA Outside, they send cashiers to push carts. The whole point of CSA and curbie is to work the position for a few months and get moved to shopper and checker.


But the heat hurts my fingers


What's that now?


My fingers hurt


Well, now you're backs going to hurt because you just pulled landscaping duty. Before I get downvoted again, go watch Happy Gilmore if y'all don't get the joke.


unfortunately, the joke is ruined by the need to explain it. and yes, I 100% read it in Ben Stiller's voice.


No but you can get me a glass of *shut the hell up!* Now you will go to sleep, or I will put you to sleep!


My go to is always grabbing one from someone near by. If while I walk by they finished putting their groceries in the car just giving them a slight wave and I say, if your down with that cart Ill take it for you. They always act like Im some saint when in reality its that I have a vertigo issue caused by a vagal nerve disorder that is triggered by heat. Chances are it’s going to kick in before I reach the front door. And having something I can center my balance on is best. I literally do it for my own comfort. Vertigo issues or not I still suggest others do it. It’s such a small inconsequential act and most people truly seem to have a positive shift change. Not anything that will have you remembered but it’s a tiny positive interaction when someone might be having a bad day. With the added benefit it’s one less cart for the parking lot crew to take back


I always grab a cart that’s somewhere where it isn’t supposed to be (almost always by the handicap spots) and then I return it inside if I only have a bag or two


I've read before that there are carts by handicap spots specifically FOR the people who park in the handicap spots who might need to use the cart for balance. Unsure how true this is but I think about it every single time I see a cart near a handicap spot.


That’s definitely not true, actually carts frequently prevent disabled people from getting out of their cars because the ramps can’t go down


That makes total sense. The post I read had SO many people acting like carts being there to be helpful was common knowledge that I thought I was weird for never having heard it.


Being on the lot is amazing


It ain’t much but I always bring my cart back to the store. In the grand scheme of things, I know it doesn’t make a difference. But I just don’t want to contribute to someone sweating bullets. My first job at Kroger, each bagger had to go do karts for an hour. I would come back drenched in sweat. It was so embarrassing. And ! Kroger would only let us do four carts at a time. So you’re just running back and forth while the people you’re with no doubt drag ass doing nothing.


I probably did like 20 carts back in the 1980s.... and I lived in a snowy climate. That was fun.


we actually dont really like when customers push in more then 1, because if they hurt themselves.... but we also love it when customers grab a manageable amount or even just 1 so moral of the story, dont hurt yourself at heb


Yeah when it’s that hot and you can see it’s busy pick a cart from the corral and bring it up to use, you don’t want to put them out of a job but perhaps not give them heatstroke either. We have one older gentleman who always does it at my Olmos Park HEB, he works his tail off, so I look for a cart and bring it up in the Summer


I do this all the time! And if I’m not running late and have the time I’ll walk my cart back into the store vs leaving it in the corral. Bonus steps and calories burned and a small act of kindness for whoever has to bring them all in.


Customer here who used to push carts in my teens decades ago. I usually grab one in the lot as it is less steps than going to the coral at my local HEB. I also like knowing the sun has sanitized it.


If you want to take 4 carts at a time like op picture. Lift up on the back of the cart and itll turn the whole train super easily


No offense to the associates but Screw HEB lol