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"some...were bred for intelligence...." *Side-eyed watching my Australian Shepherd eat a god damn plastic bottle*


Some being the key word there. *Looks at my Yellow Lab that constantly acts as if she is inebriated.*


I argued extensively with both of my huskies this evening. Unfortunately, their arguments were well presented, researched and supported. I ended up losing: additional treats were allowed before bed.


I've never seen a husky lose a debate except against another husky. They are dogged with their rhetoric.


*looks at my Golden Retriever who only barks when Lady Boss (read: mum) comes downstairs but not when they’re at the door waiting to come in* *Which is really annoying when the glass in the door makes it hard to tell if it’s a dog outside or the tiles*


*Looks at my doxie mix who you can play hide-and-seek with…. by standing against the wall(I wish I was kidding).*


I feel you! *looks at my GSD-Malinois-mix eating a stick*


ah, well... there sure IS a difference between the working kind of a breed and PETS... all that intelligence may go into the gutter without proper training and handling.


Looks at my German Shepard Labrador cross as she tries to crawl under the cupboard to get her ball instead of going around to the other side and picking it up off of the floor next to the cupboard


You can’t say she doesn’t work hard!! LOL




Had a Labrador growing up. Smart dog. Way smarter than my dads goofy malamute. But that dog *loved* plastic bottles and toilet rolls. She’d tear the spent toilet rolls to bits and make a mess, but never toilet paper, only the spent roll. And she’d chew the shit out of a plastic bottle until it was flat and had dozens of puncture marks. Maybe the bottles taste good? They’d be lined with sugar and she mostly got spent coke bottles and soda water bottles.


It's worse than that. The human approach to tracking means that they can often track you **into the future**! Unless you manage to break the trail before leaving any data at all (this usually requires access to a mass transit system that allows for passenger anonymity), they will be able to use the combination of your survival requirements, past actions, and known goals to narrow down your possible choices to a degree that allows them to have someone waiting for you each potential destination.


While this information is true, I (and by extension the alien writing this) did not think of it at the time. Just one more reason to scream “Humanity! Fuck Yeah!”


"We evolved as persistence predators, slowly tracking things over a period of days until our quarry collapsed from exhaustion, but it's so much more comfortable to just skip to the end and sit with a coffee until they get there."




In Droopy deadpan: "Hello, Mr. Alien."


“I realize this moment may not be the most convenient for a… heart to heart…”


Humans, they track you to where you are going before you even get there. "We knew he was going north, so we decided to save time and just go directly to where we would meet him and wait there for him."




I was a sign cutter in a past life... it's a whole lifstyle...


What's a sign cutter?


https://www.itstactical.com/skillcom/navigation/sign-cutting-and-tracking-methods-employed-by-the-us-border-patrol/ Sign cutter. A tracker that has been trained to find nearly any disturbance in an environment in order to track their target. Footprint, overturned rock, broken stick. Ideally, someone could even leave signs for themselves to follow BACK out of the woods or back to where they were initially.


if I had seen this comment outside the context of this story, I would have assumed that it was a kind of vandal who enjoyed damaging road signs. Best guess: Someone who can cut through the clutter to find the signs of a person's trail.


"If you see a lone human, you're in trouble, because there are always more than one of them, and they aren't always human, either."


"A human trying to hide its numbers is the best proof that there are too many of them present for you to handle"


“All warfare is based on deception”


You expect me to trust anything you say after that?


Non-sentient -> non-sapient. Sentience = feeling Sapience = thinking


I used to know that distinction. Evidently, I forgot. Thanks.


I read. I upvote.


Generating Response… Please wait… Start: Yaay! So glad you liked it! End Program.


I read again.


: )


Persistence pack hunting taken to its max.


What is that fearsome thing? oh, that's a wolf. They used to kill and eat our ancestors. .. you didn't wipe them out? no, we ended up taking them into our homes and breeding them for various roles YOU WEAPONISED YOUR PREDATORS? and what a good pupperino they are


you can run but you cannot hide


And you can’t run forever and nor can I but I can run a whole lot longer than you


MOAR \*insert hangry emoji\*


Rotties were bred for herding and pulling wagons, not fighting. That's a hollywood thing.


Cue the more you know graphic.


Pitbulls used to be called the nanny dog because parents would leave the kids at home to go do whatever it was that rich people did during the Industrial Revolution and would leave the care of those kids with a pitbull.


We’ll just call it misinformation the less informed humans inadvertently spread.


The operative phrase being "used to be called". Before some a\_\_hats started breeding them for aggressive behavior instead of protective. I believe there are some physical differences between the English Pitbull and the American "Pitty" as well. The dog from the old/ancient "Our Gang" series was a Pitbull


Yeah, sorry. Upon reflection I realize what I posted could look confrontational. I've just seen firsthand what people will do to a dog breed they fear. Just trying to help stop misinformation as best I can.


It didn’t come off as confrontational to me. You’re good, man.


Ah, great. Cool.


Also, don’t try to take the stone for too long. The human tracker will eventually figure out your strategy and start following you that way instead.


> The humans created the disturbingly named bloodhound. Nicely done!


To counter the bloodhound, one can enlist the use of zigzagging through rough terrain, like bushes or shrubs. While the bloodhound on its own can cross this terrain relatively easily, it will almost always be on a leash held by a handler, and it will buy you valuable time to get away.




Dopamine release is noted. : )


/u/Ceramic_Boi has posted 11 other stories, including: * [Duds.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/12aprwb/duds/) * [The Faults of our Forbears 6: Recon](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/118m33r/the_faults_of_our_forbears_6_recon/) * [The Faults of our Forbears 5: Ping 216,000](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/117ls1k/the_faults_of_our_forbears_5_ping_216000/) * [The Faults of our Forbears 4: Analysis](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1152e9x/the_faults_of_our_forbears_4_analysis/) * [The Faults of our Forbears 3: Human?](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/114jdlh/the_faults_of_our_forbears_3_human/) * [The Failures of our Forebears 2: TV Dinner](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1133de1/the_failures_of_our_forebears_2_tv_dinner/) * [The Failures of our Forbears.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/111t18k/the_failures_of_our_forbears/) * [The Galactic Bulwark](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/111f8j9/the_galactic_bulwark/) * [The Cursed and Damned XXXII Legion](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/10z5qw6/the_cursed_and_damned_xxxii_legion/) * [The Most Dreaded Bondsman](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/10wjqzd/the_most_dreaded_bondsman/) * [The Myth of Human Spite](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1075y52/the_myth_of_human_spite/) This comment was automatically generated by `Waffle v.4.6.1 'Biscotti'`. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FHFY&subject=WaffleBot|12hmo0m&message=If%20you%20have%20problems%20with%20updatemebot,%20contact%20Watchful1.%20We%20do%20not%20maintain%20it.) if you have any issues with Waffle.


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no tales of the legendary tracker Sam Gerard.


Nope. I just found a YouTube documentary on British Special Force’s process for tracking people and thought, “Hey! I could make an HFY story out of this!”


I read the title as "human traffickers" for a second.


Oh. Oh dear.


No this story isn’t about me


I know a couple of hunters/guides that are both capable of trailing a snake across a flat rock…


This reminds me of the Marine Corps "Combat Hunter" program. They teach all sorts of crazy things about how to track another human in just about any environment. There is a really good book called "Left of Bang" that goes into what they teach there (I think it was written by a past instructor?). Anyways, really cool read. I absolutely love the look at how we hunt.


Aliens get introduced to a human called Sherlock Holmes:


Geez. I posted this story as a bit of a throwaway in order to get myself back into the writing mindset. Now it has more likes than there are years between the start of the Common Era and my birth… Don’t know what to say except thanks, you guys.