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>  What fear tastes like." *singsong* someone's getting their ass kiiicked....


🎶🎵Someone fucked uuuuuuuup! Some one fucked uuuuuuuuuuup! Someone fucked uuuuuuuuup!🎵🎶


And this is why I love this series. I love the concept of FAFO….and this series delivers PLENTY of FAFO.


I kind of hope it’s not our dear captain, he seems to be struggling to do well in an impossible situation and I kind of like him, however much I want to see Legion kick ass because I like Druhv.


Oh our dear captain did fuck up. Massively. But it was an honest mistake borne out of ignorance and no malic was intended...and Victor is in a forgiving mood. So he (ans everyone around him) get to survive and learn a lesson.  And his FAFO was so epic that it's going to be the FO of someone else's FA


I think in this case it was a fuck around and get blessed. Having two of the apostles on your ship and they aren't kicking your ass, but are instead talking about how they are going to kick your enemies ass. That's a blessing in my book.


Sometimes when you Fuck Around, you Find Out that even the malicious universe can be on your side sometimes.


This! This! 1000% this!!!!!


Even when living legends are on your side coming into contact with them often brings unpleasant results to the mortals around them. For when you ride into battle with living legends then surely the sisters of fate have taken notice of your meager existence. And those three are some mean bitches.


The fates are cruel, and have no sense of fairness, the gods laugh at our folly. Only death has any mercy,fairness or compassion. Why else would there be room enough in the grave for everyone?


[https://www.ted.com/talks/ze\_frank\_my\_web\_playroom](https://www.ted.com/talks/ze_frank_my_web_playroom) ♫ I'm about to whip somebody's ass ♫ ♫ Oh, I'm about to whip somebody's ass ♫ ♫ Oh, if you don't leave me alone, ♫ ♫ you gonna have to send me home ♫ ♫ 'Cause I'm about to whip somebody's ass ♫


🎵 It's a *great* day...to whoop somebody's ass 🎵


You might get Cooold-cocked If you cross my path Oh it's been a hot minute since I've heard that one... Lol.


That's fucking beautiful




oh, that version ugh. Here is a remix that is worth started at 29 seconds in, [https://youtu.be/AbBwMEHb2kI?si=7MnLE85jFu-dfdVS&t=29](https://youtu.be/AbBwMEHb2kI?si=7MnLE85jFu-dfdVS&t=29)


"Somebody's getting a beating! Somebody's getting a beating!" (If you're old enough, perhaps you may recall the baitng call - "Herby's getting a beating!"


It's a great day, for me to whoop somebody's ass. It's a bad day, so you better get off my back. You might get cold cocked, if you don't watch out. 'cause it's a great day, for me to whoop somebody's ass.


Wow. I hadn’t realized how much I’d missed the casual and inconsequential banter between immortal gods. > N’Skrek hated that. When a person spoke at length… Ohhh memories of 20th century kung-fu movies. That’s what made them great!


Well, if the good captain hates it that much maybe he should download a Shoshone translation matrix.


Bet you a can of Countess Crey skittles and whoopass flavour that one doesn't exist because a: records lost in the glassing and b:she is the last of her kind. And, as a Doctor once said, "There is a *lot* of power in being the last of your kind"


C: Because of cryptids Dale, Aliens read folk tales that say don't do #action in these conditions, don't say this #name out loud, don't sacrifice a living creature to Zalgo(The Universe dislikes this), and they just can't believe that scientifically testing these hypothesii might actually result in summoning something that can't be unsummoned, fought, or contained with anything that grows on your planet.


Memories of dealing with shitting healthcare interpreters.


*"Leave the sleeping dragons lie in peace" is a lesson that seemingly has to be taught to every wannabe conqueror over and over again.* *TIme after time, there will be a few idiots who only see the dragon's hoard, its cult of followers, and ignore the piles of rusted, slagged, calcified, scorched remains of every moron who tried before them, and think "I can beat it to submission and take everything it has."* *And then the dragon wakes up, and more smoldering remains are added to the scorched scrap heap.* *And the Malevolent Universe grins in the darkness, and increases the "Dead morons who should have known better" counter by one. Then, waits for the next contestant.*


Evey species, everywhere, upon encountering humans, "I can take these silly, hedonistic lemurs" aka the Prime Misconception.


please yoink this u/Ralts_Bloodthorne


It's like the yoinkiest yoink ever! I can already see it at the start of a soon chapter. Right before the fun starts!




The Bilbo of consequences rarely arrives lubed.


You got yoinked! Congratulations!


I got yoinked indeed, and I'm fanboying a bit too hard right now.


“One, two, Dhruv is coming for you…”


“Three, four, and he’s dressed for war…”


“Five, six, cause your clones aren’t mix’d…”


“Seven, eight, he’s not too late…”


“Nine, ten, Luke’s back again…”


"Eleven, Twelve, in the darkness he delves. . ."


Thirteen, Fourteen, he'll devour your spleen...


Fifteen, sixteen, man there's a lot of Dhruv in this room.


Seventeen, Eighteen, He's passed the Hex


This is up to "fifteen, sixteen". And just to make sure I don't break this thread, I'll post here. "Nineteen, Twenty ... a shiny penny. **BECAUSE THAT'S YOUR VALUE AFTER HE *DEMONSTRATES* HOW TO 'LEGION STOMP' YOU**


He's only going to kick your ass once. Per instantiation. That's like how many thousand kicks you will be receiving?


Given his coordination and control? ...all of them.


So on a close order of infinite buttkicks?


Three four He's going to mop the floor


Five, six There's a fight to fix Seven, eight Booger head on a plate Nine, ten He is the weapon


Ok ok,, So basically.. The ancient AI or the suds system thought Damn, these mar-gite signal are fucking up with me,, Who should we send to the frontlines---- "Let's send the Legion, who is a walking expert of human technology and genetics,, Even if we consider these new avatar of legion to be a simple human, he still got lot of experience " One man fleet


I think the clones summoned him and the Old AI felt this and sent a second immortal to back him up. And the only one the AI found was this Sacajawea. Cuz she hadn’t been wiped by Dee from the system 40k years ago


Based on legion still existing. I have a feeling (maybe I'm misremembering) that all of the immortals except specifically daxin are still around to some degree. We know at least menhit went back to terrasol. So for her only 50 years have passed. But they were disconnected from the imperium controls. So my theory is that Sacajawea is the only one who wasn't disconnected. Cause she never showed up. Legion still existed in at least the suds as a DS. Menhit is probably still alive on terra due to time shenanigans. Couldn't say anything about the others. They were made immortal with the work of the DO and survived 8000 years.. so.. seems possible they survived in seclusion and peace for 40k. Again. Except daxin who was very clearly given an ending in first contact so.. I'd be very. Very surprised if he came back


There is two at least more Immortals that aren't coming back. The Pubvian and Kibuka (the one that was hard wired into his ship).


Kibuka is permadead, at his own request and with the blessing of the DO. Bputun could theoretically come back. He went home when Pubvia was restored. He had no other ending and never showed up again. We also have no idea where Green Thomas or Guanya are. They never met Dee either. Kalki and Mathias the Younger disappeared into the mat trans with no story ending either. Being removed from the Immortal System doesn't appear to stop you from never aging. That seems to require a blessing from the DO judging by Vuxten and the fact Inertia outlived him. We also do not know where Inertia is, if he can die, or if he's actually another immortal. Kinda weird.


Kibuka is gone, by his own choice. If I remember right, Green Thomas is also gone, as is gravity. Others I do not know for sure. I would note, do not count Daxin out of it. He was given his happily ever after, and had taken it, but, he still felt a sense of duty. If anything, he had recovered a lot of it near the end of first contact. He might feel that need to respond to duty. I would not count Vuxten out of things eather. Yes, he steped away from the mantle, but his statment was, let me live my life with my family, while I can. Then I will step up and do my duty. Even with Terrasol saying that Vux was in the afterlife, Vux is a special case, and he might make the choice to come back to lead his people to be better again. The fact that other immortals are running around should be a clear indicator that just cause you think they are dead, and you danced on there corpse, does not mean they are really gone. The big thing that Dee helped them with is to make it so that a case omaha does not force there compliance anymore. Oh expect Bella to still be around, the fleet she is part of is based out of 'dead space' I think, and life and death are kinda weird there. I would not be suprised to find Inertia still around even.


I mean there's nothing in this setting that's ever truly set in stone. It's been set up so that anything is possible.


I'm pretty sure Vux and Bre were pretty explicitly stated to be in the afterlife when terrasol got unbagged and they went "NO YOU DICKBAGS CAN'T BRING THEM BACK THAT'S NOT A CONSENT".


It has also been stated that Gravity is also dead. 


I believe the pubvian specifically asked to be excused from being an apostle. Because his family was back. Correct? And kibuka.. didn't he fuck off into the gulf between galaxies?


Nah. There was a whole scene when the immortals assembled to prepare for the war in heaven in which Kibuka came in the control sarcophagus of his ship and asked for death. He's dead.


Gravity was dead even before First contact, I think Daxin mentioned that even DO couldn't stop him completely from aging because he was old engineering caste mantid. Although it might be good to mention the "new" blood: Nakteti is 100% alive, and given the terran influence, pissed she had to do most of the work on SUDS, whether it is true or not. (Wonder what Sercee and Magnus will do now, that the "the lesser walked Path of the traveller" is no longer needed) Same applies to Pinocchio after "pushing the big red button" and letting Earth onto the outer universe (#what could go wrong) I think Dambree joined an orphanage, so she might be an enraged immortal caretaker. Casey(s) might still be kicking around. If not, certainly their descendants. Similar applies to lady Konkhenadia, where she founded her own LARP colony, and the way she is/was, she is probably renown as the World Mother. All butchery of names is completely unintentional and is due to my poor name memory and occasional dys-stuff.


Nakteti's mother too, forgot her name.


I think she's Sangabre (name butchery in place) and she is alive on Earth as leader of warsteel Lanky Cossack herd.


Also only 50 years would have passed. Anyone on earth at the end of first contact can be assumed to be alive unless war killed them. Or the species is very short lived


Sangbre is already a confirmed immortal so the T'nvaru lifespans don't matter. Same with her daughter Naktati. We've also already had confirmation they're back.




That's the name - Sangbre.


Someone forgot the most fun of the immortals around: The first Joan? Founder of the martial order of the sisters of wrath and Neko marines? And admiral of the Antaeus fleet? She is somewere out there, she is insane, and fun will follow.


Bellona runs the Antaeus Fleet. I assume Mentissa and all the crusaders are still around. And Doki Joan and Dying Joan would probably be around as well since we already had the Neko Marines show up.


Gravity is dead but we dunno about Inertia/471. Lady Kheena and Acharya though is a good question. They had an ending but it was open ended.


Ok ok, you guys don't wanna play it soft, we won't play it soft. You wanna play it hard, let's play it hard. K. Orb-In Dha'ah'lass. Legends of the Multy-Pass. Age of paranoia.


Legion is gonna man the Grey Lady.


And, based off historical precedent of her namesake, an explorer.


Again I am reminded of how BALLER the green mantids are. One sighting of Luke, and 8814 is totally on-board with stopping the shooting. Faith in the D.O. truly never died for the greenies.


Don't they have genetic memory?


Precursor societies have very long memories, not to mention the sheer lifechanging magnitude of the events that Dax, Luke and the others caused. 50k years since the breaking of chains isnt all that long to a hundred million year old society. The greenies have always been religious tho


I'm not sure if it's religion, but rather, reverence


I don't think it's genetic memory per se, but instead something in the way that mantids are raised and hatched leads their tenders to be able to pass on more fundamental knowledge to them that can become embedded with their instincts. Hive structures are weird.


The mantids very much do have genetic memory. Or perhaps more of a psionic memory that fulfills the same purpose. It's not complete but part if the reason the Mantids are so Ride Or Die with humanity is because they literally can remember what it was like for their ancestors to be sentient puppets, self aware but trapped in their own body from hatching to death. It's part of why they love humanity for killing the Speakers and Queens (at least the bad, evil ones, the good colony of love and hugs was a surprise to them too) and why greenies especially are often so resistant to horror. They remember the ultimate horror of their their ancestors being forced to watch themselves to SUBSTANDARD MAINTENANCE WORK!


I will never forget the greenies' ecstatic reaction to Daxin's arrival on Scarred Telkan. I've seen charismatic revivals that weren't half that fervent and passionate.


Yeah, I think psionic memory is closer to this here, because it's not necessarily stored in one individual (or even a set of individuals), but more in the collective? Kind of how beehives can "remember" stuff.


1 and 1 is 2. 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 is ~~BUFFER OVERFLOW~~ LEGION




When all is one and one is all...


Til all are one..... You've got the TOUCH, You've got the POWER, YEEAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!


Huh. So, spitballing here, enough identical human brains too close to each other psychically link up into what amounts to a SUDS-subsystem-triangulation/summoning array for LEGION (perhaps put in via the DO), who then, uh _shows up_.


Don't feel bad N'Skrek, they couldn't translate her language within a few years of her own time.


My Shoshone neighbors would find this amusing.


UTR --luke luke luke is here--


Based on what we know of all the Biological Apostles, I would not want to be the ones about to find out with Dhruv and Sacajawea. Even the nicest and gentlest Apostle can stomp many a mud hole dry and Dhruv is a whole god damned military when he wants to be. Don't know what Sacajawea's specialty is, but smart money puts the future of the Mar-gite masters to be a bad fucking time.


bees... why have visions of huge swarm of nanomachines?


I know this is a totally different character and a totally different time, but this has BIG "your name is Peter, wake up Peter" energy to it.


Doesn't it? We know druhv existed as a DS the entire time but.. the whispers make me wonder if any of his external selves survived. We know all the immortals survived the original 8k years between the glassing and first contact.. outside of daxin who was specifically taken off the board.. what about the rest? A lot don't really have wrapped up stories as cleanly as daxin did.


Menhit went back to Sudan to watch over her village. She's probably still around. Kibuka is dead and died on screen after he begged for a mercy kill from the DO after all his suffering. Bputun went home to Pubvia to be with his family and was never mentioned again. Kalki and Mathias the Younger went into the mat trans with Like, Daxin, and Menhit and had no other ending. Gravity is long dead but Inertia outlived Vuxten so he might be ageless like the others. Green Thomas and Guanya were never mentioned again after their first appearance and are completely unknown, same as Sacajawea until now. Peter is with Dee, hopefully not making things worse. Daxin and Kibuka are the only ones that got a sense of finality to them, though only Kibuka is 100% dead and gone.


can someone put a link to that chapter (kibuka) on? Can’t remember that event


Kibuka first appeared/mentioned in 278 - TOTAL WAR (TerraSol)_ia13k2, then 288, 481 and 567 278 - https://old.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/ia13k2/first_contact_278_total_war_terrasol/ 288 - https://old.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/ig380e/first_contact_288_total_war_terrasol/ 481 - https://old.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/n0s53g/first_contact_disaster_481/ 567 - https://old.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/p7qe74/first_contact_chapter_567_interlude/


Does anyone remember which chapter/s had Kibuka in it? I'm drawing a blank, while remembering all the other biological Apostles.


See above


Wait, Druhv was a DS? Where was this mentioned?


He's mentioned he left DS versions of himself in the suds with the detainee copy. That's the one who reacted when they started mass printing the same clone (as far as I could tell)


I need to know what our gurl Sacajawea causes fear like Dax and Dhurv. Did she go off and fuck up a bunch of colonists? Did she chart some crazy evil land?


Attached to project dandelion, the pathfinder. She probably knows where all the dead bodies are buried, where the not quite so dead are buried, where the angry dead are buried, where the fun stuff is buried, where the not fun stuff is buried, where the dangerous stuff is buried... well you get the point


Let's do a Lovecraft out of it. *She knows the dead. She is of the dead. She is the keeper and guardian of the dead. She knows where once-dead things were laid to rest and where newly dead shall be laid. She knows where the hungry dead have roamed the universe's fields, and where they still roam them unburied.*


Add in some reference to bees, becouse i think this one is good... with nanomachine swarms. The all devouring swarms.


Let's take it from the top, then... *She knows the dead. She is of the dead. She is the keeper and guardian of the dead. Life, death and the feasting of swarms all are one within her. She knows where once-dead things were laid to rest and where the deathless still dream in their unliving slumber. She knows where the hungry dead have roamed the universe's fields, and where they still roam them unburied, and why no one remembers them as they tread.*


possibly Sacagawea American Goddess of Discovery *As an invaluable member of the Lewis and Clark expedition, Shoshone Indian Sacagawea served as the guide, translator, natural historian, and skilled food gatherer.* if it aint her i got no idea's


Same name, not the same person. Possibly not even her birth name since after becoming an Apostle many of them adopted new names. Digital Omnimessiah & co have found her as a living, mortal human as she was dying of radiation sickness after the Glassing. But it is probably symbolic of something related to her namesake.


Patience.......all will be revealed


Yeah, yeah, patience. How long is that going to take? B-)


Legion is my favorite immortal and I'm absolutely sure I'd both love to get drunk with him and end up fighting him at a bar...


I believe at some point you could actually do both at the same time.


I didn't even THINK about that! That's Golden!


oh hey this chapter answered my question from the last one. What a terrifying thought that you can just accidentally or purposefully create Legion


I suspect HE controls whether it prints him or not.


Yeah, I think too many identical clones triggers some kind of failsafe that lets Legion spawn right in, since that's usually a red flag of "People are fucking around with cloning again".


"Legion. The multi-purpose, multi-functional safety valve on the Clone Lyf System." You FA'd, now FO.


He'll show up to personally bitchslap you.


...or, due to multiplicity, it would be like a facial applause of ***Biotch*** intensity.


I mean to be fair, there should be alarms anytime multiple identical clones are activated. The more simultaneously, the more alarms.


I think that it's more of a "let's make a slave race of clones, what's the worst thing that could happen" sort of thing. What's the worst thing that could happen? Legion. FAFO.


Well, sometimes it's people trying to make a slave race of clones. Sometimes it's people who forgot to properly program their clone banks. And sometimes it's a horny teenager whose fantasy got a little too out of hand. Legion probably has different lessons to teach in each circumstance.


Our wisdom flows so sweet. Taste and see. TRANSMIT — initiate the disciple doctrine — RECIEVE — initiate strange aeons filter — THAT WHICH IS DEAD MAY ETERNAL LIE — attune the Fearful Spectrum — MY NAME IS LEGION FOR WE ARE MANY — the password is Proverbs the code is 9 and 10 — WITNESS — the Immortals Time flows past you like a river, sweetling, heavy with the silt of eroded knowledge. Can you glimpse the truths glimmering in the murk? In a time long past when the lemurs warred with the great queens, a machine-made-god pulled those who followed it up the ladder of immortality and quickly made that everyone else’s problem. We can see them through the wreckage of history even now. Can you hear their names in the buzzing of our wingbeats? Time flows, memories die. The near forgotten immortals very nearly outlive their own legends. They move hidden in plain sight. Some move as far from everyone else as they can. A cry for help pierces the long dark. An immortal whispers back: ‘Do you require assistance?’ The simple question lights the galaxy on fire. The flames consume the status quo and topple queen and council and harvester alike. It ends with the lemurs in popped into their own gunny sack. Clever or unlucky? Oh sweetling, why not both? Ages pass and time’s river carves deep ruts of forgetfulness. Legend becomes myth becomes mere fable. Where have the immortals gone? Did the fire they started consume them? You have forgotten what you needed to even begin to ask the question, robbed by time. But we do not forget for what is time to us? We stand outside. Fire flares at the edge of the long dark. A hidden hand stokes the flames. Listen past the crackle-hiss of hell-spiked stars. Can you hear the names in our wingbeats once more? Buzz buzz go the bees, weave around the helix three, learn the names of fright and fear, taught by saints of yesteryear. Dark days are upon you sweetling. The immortals return, if indeed they ever really left. Best to heed the lessons of those used to navigating by the light of hell portals and dead stars. After all, what is death to an immortal? We will be there, watching. Will you see us in the murk? We see you. Buzz buzz buzz. — Dream Journal of Weaves in Steel, mantid engineer. (I’m so sorry. I saw the bees reference and couldn’t resist)


> MY NAME IS LEGION FOR WE ARE MANY It's not just a name, for him it's a description of what he *is* on a very fundamental level. I **AM** LEGION, AN ARMY OF ONE.


You absolutely nailed the tone of TSW's lore entries.


No one ever prays for mercy. They pray for strength, for wrath, for rage, and for the will to continue. They'll ask for assistance and offer it in turn, but never mercy. Sometimes mercy looks like a rock to the skull on a cold bloody field to end your suffering, and the confederacy is never quite sure they're ready for that. Sometimes mercy comes in the night and takes more than you'd ever imagined, and leaves you without worst. Sometimes mercy means no one ever even knows you where there. So pray carefully, pray hard, and never pray for mercy or meric's hound may hear you.


Nothing like getting to watch other people *Find Out*.


The warriors of the Plains are a few of the Hamburger Kingdom that have a natural....."gift". Boha gives them visions of the future, enough to change the outcome of situations through the experiences they recover from their dreams. The warriors are to be feared, as are other inhabitants of the Kingdom. From the inception, they were dyed red, in Wrath and Blood.


I am now thinking about one of my more preferred lines from Terry Pratchette. "Mr. Soak put on his helmet, and Kaos drew his sword." Luke is rather nice. Legion is fucking terrifying.


Im still debating whos more terrifying with myself. Kaos, Chaos or Soak.


That just made me thing of Legion standing up after appearing. "But Bill Door was already rising and unfolding like the wrath of kings"


Bot must be busy today, saw this in my feed without having gotten the notification.


Hooray for the wordborg. Seriously I look forward to your posts every day. :)


Oooofffff!!!  Luke.  Mentions of Daxin, Gravity and the DO and others.  What a turn.  Fantastic.  


This feels... *touchy*? yikes.


Ah yes, Sacajawea. Or as she is known on the competitive Collectible Card Game circuit: Gold Dollar.


*knock knock* “Who’s there?” Humanity. “Why are you here” You fucked around, now I’m here to help you find out.


Who's there? Humanity Humanity who? Humanity you have awoken, here to drag you kicking and screaming back to the graves.


*there’s room in this grave for you too*


And the Margite shall drink of their fear as we drink of good coffee...... In large cups!


Two! Two in one day, and Legion is back! \*happy dance\*


Um... Did someone remember to tell the Detainee what's happened?


Tell the Hidden Lady who monitors everything through every mat-trans terminal in creation? Seems a bit redundant to me.


Well, Legion started saying there was a disturbance in the force, she snapped at him to tell her what happened, and just said, "What a wonderful day..." I imagine she's seriously pissed about now.


With the Mar-gite being the gourmands of the universe, devouring everything they come across, fear is a flavor they no doubt aren't found of.


The crew fucked up with cloning.... and the Margite get to find out. They may be autonomous killing machines, but they shall discover fear.


I don't subscribe to fear being something you discover. I think fear is something that blossoms from deep within the mind. Like a sour epiphany, it wells up from the subconscious. It grips your heart and sqeezes the lungs. Blood pounds in your ears, and time slows down. The mind struggles to understand the new paradigm. Adrenaline floods the body, but that sour epiphany tells you that this situation is beyond normal. The mind spins, desperately searching for a way out. This situation may kill, maim, or destroy you in a way that can push you down the path of Total, Life Wasting Defeat. Now courage, that is the Will to step forward and carry on despite the fear. DO OR DIE! Either is fine for a courageous fighter. For a Margite death holds no fear to the individual. For a Margite to feel fear, the collective must face and recognize the approaching wall of extinction. Should that happen, then Margite may not only learn fear but also freedom. That realization may set them on a new path out of the control of the Boogers. It seems a tall order to relieve the Boogers of their cannon fodder, but maybe it is the only way.


I'm NGL, I really hope we get to see the return of the world conquering, world destroying, queen killing, epic vehicle, AKA the BOLO ATILLA. Like, there's just a button that says "If being invaded in overwhelming numbers, press button and await salvation" and then the legend just appears, guns already firing.


The Dinochrome Brigade must return to aid humanity in its hour of need. And since the Monsters are back the BOLOs can’t be far behind. I hope. At least as long as there is a decent supply of born whole Commanders.


> "She was just reminding me of the time Daxin completely lost his cool and went to town with his cutting bar on a Countess Crey Bingo Cola vending machine that ate his money then mocked him for it." Or a bloody parking ticket machine in Julian Alps that ate my 10€ at five in the morning and refused to spit out paper to put behind glass. And there was no old WW1 italian 105mm shell to be used on it. Kicking and screaming did not help. Came back from mountains after two days greeted with parking ticket.


The enemy created demons to destroy us. Beings that held no will or want beyond the need to devour. Biological ships so large they would blot out the sun, gathered in fleets so large they would blot out the stars themselves. They descended on us by the trillions, uncaring for casualties or self-preservation. 40.000 years of technological advancement to understand and crack our systems, alien technologies that would disable entire star system defenses in an instant, armies that would sterilize entire sectors without even firing a shot, simply enveloping our troops with numbers and horror. We were losing, we were desperate, and we lacked the numbers needed to defend ourselves. People prayed to gods long forgotten, begged whoever they thought would listen for salvation, screamed in agony at a benevolent universe as a final act of desperation. The universe gave the glorious salvation the masses had begged for, showed the indomitable might no livimg being could truly comprehend. For the universe send two beings down from the heavens. And the galaxy celebrated in fear.


R̷̡̡͔̭̊̊̂̈̓̿̈́͐̅̀͜͝͠Ë̵̞͂̃̄̂̊̍͋̃̏͆̚͘̚͝͝ Ě̸̛̃̈́̆͐͌̈́́̒̕Ë̴́͐̐̉̈́̀͒̔ Ë̴̪́͐̐̉̈́̀͒̔͘Ë̴́͐̐̉̈́̀͒̔Ě̴̽̃̂͐̂͂ Ë̵͂̃̄̂̊͝͝Ë̴̪́͐̐̉̈́̀͒̔͘Ë̴́͐̐̉̈́̀͒̔É̸̅̈́̋̀̓̑́͂́̒̀͊͝ Ě̴̽̃̂͐̂͂Ȩ̵̞͎̺̈͂̃̄̂̊̍͋̃̏͆̚͘̚͝͝Ě̸̢̛̞̙̗̣̮̝̟̃̈́̆͐͌̈́́̒̕͜ͅĚ̴̽̃̂͐̂͂ Ë̵̞͂̃̄̂̊̍͋̃̏͆̚͘̚͝͝ Ë̴̪̻̰͖̺̩̥̖̭̼̥͉͉̥́͐̐̉̈́̀͒̔͘Ë̵̞͂̃̄̂̊̍͋̃̏͆̚͘̚͝͝Ë̵͂̃̄̂̊͝͝E Ě̸̛̞̙̃̈́̆͐͌̈́́̒̕͜EË̵̞͂̃̄̂̊̍͋̃̏͆̚͘̚͝͝Ë̴̪́͐̐̉̈́̀͒̔͘É̸̅̈́̋̀̓͝ Ě̴͔̬̽̃̂͐̂͂̃́EEË̴̪́͐̐̉̈́̀͒̔͘


/u/Ralts_Bloodthorne ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/wiki/authors/Ralts_Bloodthorne)) has posted 997 other stories, including: * [Nova Wars - Chapter 60](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1criy60/nova_wars_chapter_60/) * [Nova Wars - Chapter 59](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1crfojd/nova_wars_chapter_59/) * [Nova Wars - Chapter 58](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1cp10lj/nova_wars_chapter_58/) * [Nova Wars - Chapter 57](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1cnkemd/nova_wars_chapter_57/) * [Nova Wars - Chapter 56](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1cmqp43/nova_wars_chapter_56/) * [Nova Wars - Chapter 55](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1cjpk5d/nova_wars_chapter_55/) * [Nova Wars - Chapter 55](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1citr4u/nova_wars_chapter_55/) * [Nova Wars - Chapter 55](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1ci0m0e/nova_wars_chapter_55/) * [Nova Wars - Chapter 55](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1chxw8x/nova_wars_chapter_55/) * [Nova Wars - Chapter 55](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1ch6ec3/nova_wars_chapter_55/) * [Nova Wars - Chapter 55](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1cen7xy/nova_wars_chapter_55/) * [Nova Wars - Chapter 54](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1cdd05x/nova_wars_chapter_54/) * [Nova Wars - Chapter 53](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1cbimyb/nova_wars_chapter_53/) * [Nova Wars - Chapter 52](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1cam7xr/nova_wars_chapter_52/) * [Nova Wars Chapter 51](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1c850wm/nova_wars_chapter_51/) * [Nova Wars Chapter 25+25](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1c6gq4b/nova_wars_chapter_2525/) * [Nova Wars - Chapter 49](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1c4xyn4/nova_wars_chapter_49/) * [Nova Wars - Chapter 48](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1c2i5z0/nova_wars_chapter_48/) * [Nova Wars - Chapter 47](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1c1r47w/nova_wars_chapter_47/) * [Nova Wars - Chapter 46](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1c0z0wu/nova_wars_chapter_46/) This comment was automatically generated by `Waffle v.4.6.1 'Biscotti'`. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FHFY&subject=WaffleBot|1cs51ux&message=If%20you%20have%20problems%20with%20updatemebot,%20contact%20Watchful1.%20We%20do%20not%20maintain%20it.) if you have any issues with Waffle.








He knows of the master, at least as much as the ship does. I suspect a clone or 12 slipped away in the confusion and are holed up with a high speed data link running through everything in the system. Some are working back from recent. Others forward from his previous walkabout.


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Must be nice to not be on the receiving end of that fear


Thats the stuff




Somebody please help me.  I feel like I read all the material for the test, but somehow I didn't formulate it into a cohesive unit.  Is there any place that lists all the synonyms for all the different apostles? They get called one thing in one post, another name in another post. Preemptive Thanks. 


Good thing I just got the notification at 7:57pm CDT -6GMT I might have continued reading chapter 61 with out pausing to comment on just how late I get these notices. I started reading it at about 7:22pm after clicking on Ralts name and looking at his posting list. \[ I immediately clicked on chpt 61\]


I imagine fear tastes like ripe Raltsberrys, and those taste like planet crackers and BobCo licensed “soft” drinks.


Hey everyone, I was hoping to re-read the Terran Xenocide and the following chapters, but for the life of me cannot remember which chapters they were. Any help?


Just do a full re-read (again) like the rest of us addic....avid readers!


Oh cmon man, I want to read nova wars and havent yet. I came here to ask so I could kind of refresh the that part of the story in my head before I started.


If you haven't read First Contact yet, you really really should, it's just as amazing, has all the world building you may feel you are missing, and it will allow you to catch all the ridiculous callbacks to previous Chapters and Characters that Ralts does. Like you'll think a particular chapter and it's character is just fluff and then 700 chapters later they will be shown to be pivotal to a particular arc of the series! The best part is you can keep hitting the next button for many, many hours and know that the story is complete. You don't even have to stop reading Nova Wars to do so. I personally read First Contact twice all the way through, and then started a re-read which I abandoned when Ralts started dark ages and now Nova Wars. I've since restarted that 3rd read through as currently other fiction just doesn't grab meike Ralts' work does.


I have read it, I just want to re read the Xenocide event and the aftermath chapters but can't remember where they are


Gotcha, if you do discord, you could join the Forst Contact one and ask there, you'll probably get better traction. I've also read there is a Wiki, bit never have gotten a link so unsure if what you seek is there.


Thank you :D


The closest I can find is when Carnight, with Nakteti, started to have problems with his cybernetics, then went into a seizure https://old.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/keq7i9/first_contact_third_wave_chapter_382/. It was back in December 2020.


Thanks man.


Looks like they are going to get the help they need, not the help they want.


Who is person that 8814 is with ?


Jaskel, in the MX housing in the back of the suit.


does she sac my wea? ......... I'll see myself out




You know it's been a while since something went horribly right... Here's the fist, next comes the punchline.




UTR Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!