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It somehow reminds me of when I was a kid trying to figure out what flavor monster energy was made from.


I believe that was made from laboratory monsters. Or, more commonly known as petrochemical squeezins.


I mean... why didn't you just beat me with my own grey beard... I was in my twenties before the original Red Bull was actually available in anything other than my local oriental super market, with the Austrian version arriving shortly thereafter... and many years before this "Monster" you speak of. \*sigh\*


I just checked the date and I think I might have been actually thinking of Red Bull.


"When I was your age, we got our Red Bull in little 50mL glass bottles with no dilution or carbonation AND WE LIKED IT THAT WAY! UPHILL, BOTH WAYS, IN THE SNOW!"


Oh PaLeeease. We had to chug Jolt Cola straight from the can and LIKE IT.  The US wasn’t gifted those little red caffeine bombs till 11 years later! 


Oh, I'm of the Jolt generation as well. I hesitate to call it "good stuff" but it was certainly interesting. It always made my teeth feel a little funny after drinking it. We (my l33t h4x0r friends and I) once made rock candy out of Jolt. It still worked! Given how coffee is made, we were *pretty* sure that the heat wasn't going to destroy the caffeine, but we weren't *entirely* sure.


I still have a glass bottle of Jolt Cola.


Well, that makes me feel *somewhat* better... :D


Coffee grapes, I love it! I hope they try planting a few of the fruits to see if they can get the tree to grow here LOL


Now i want a coffee grape tree......


Possibly the only plant I'd ever manage to water adequately.


Nekminit coffee wine


I love this place, always something new and interesting happening


Interesting that the other dimensions all seem to be able to find the Hotel without any problem. I assume that's largely because the hotel thinks that's a good idea.


I am now lamenting my lack of coffee grapes. 


Are the Zoo and the Crossroads in the same universe? Would the bosses be friends or rivals or maybe just professional acquaintances? Like maybe a gryphon somehow gets loose in The Crossroads, and they have to call The Zoo to pick it up.


That sounds highly entertaining! Someone else asked that actually, but I'll leave it up to the readers. :)


Or you could have some travel pamphlets show up, and one of them reference The Zoo, then just leave it at that. But yeah, you could have all kinds of fun with a crossover. Maybe have some of the Zoo people stop in with some creatures that have been breeding well to release to the wild. Or possibly to pick up new acquisitions. Then they help with some crazy that's happening. Or just the staff having to deal with their odd "pet" accommodations.


So, in the context of this story, coffee is like caffeine cider.


...I need dis.


Another excellent short. Thanks


I’ve long wondered what irl coffee fruit really tastes like.


apple tree is just starting to bloom. So, that's nice.


Want coffee-apple-grapes. In IT. Would make a killing. We're already nearly immune to anything that isn't straight amphetapples, so... This would make for a nice come down.


The first healthy energy drink.


“I am sooo tired!” “Here, have some pie.” Breakfast desserts!!!! YEAH! I wonder what the jellied version would taste like? This could be dangerous.  I Like It!


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