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That’s lovely. Just freaking lovely. You don’t read Wen Spencer’s books, do you?


No, what does he write?


Urban fantasy. Really well written. Pittsburgh switches into an elf land. Back and forth regularly. Not stranded. So elven wildlife creeps in to Pittsburgh. There’s a tv show homes and gardens of Pittsburgh or something. Reminded me hilariously.


Pittsburgh Home & Garden. Teaching the residents of Pittsburgh about all the new animals making their way into the city on Elfhome. And how to deal with them. Occasionally involving flame throwers.


That’s the one!!! Fantastic series!!!


Yup. Waiting for a paperback version of the latest to be avaliable.


Pittsburgh Backyard and Garden, affectionally known as PB&G. Hal is a hoot, but I wouldn't want him in my city. ;-]


[Ukiah Oregon](https://www.wenspencer.com/ukiah-oregon-series/) is great. Too bad it's only 4 books.


*Waves hello wildly* Hey! You can't just namedrop good authors without giving book titles too.


Book 1 Tinker. By Wen Spencer Book 1.5 Pittsburgh Backyard and Garden Book 2 Wolf Who Rules Book 3 Blue Sky Book 4 Elfhome


They are amazing books. Urban fantasy. World gates. Evil and good and sometimes good-evil and evil-good!!


Thank you!


Why Karen? Why do you do this to me? And how damn it? I swear, every story you write has me feeling for the characters. You are amazing.


Thank you!! :)


She's the queen of the onion ninjas.


Onion ninjas all up in here.


Oh Pronkila, you have no idea what an honor it is to be asked to be a Make A Wish. No one turns it down (except apparently the Barefoot Contessa, and she got shat on hard for it). To play a part in the treatment of a potentially fatally ill child is a big deal. Good on you for bringing the fun.


Why would she fly from Florida to South Carolina? It's not that long of a drive. Wait, is my Midwestern showing again?




Depends on where in Florida, and where in South Carolina, and Georgia is in between.


Yeah, so, 6 hours? 8 hours? That's a normal drive.


My little Dutch brain is on the fritz after reading that. In less than a 4 hours drive you're at the other side of the country. Edit: I guess the old adage is true: America is where they think 200 years is a long time ago, while Europe is where they think 200 kilometers is a long distance away.


Yeah, the state I grew up in is bigger than the UK, which boggles my mind when I read UK history on how many wars they've had and how far away everything is when...we drive that for a nice weekend away. We've moved 12 hours away, and we still go back home pretty regularly because it's just 12 hours.


There are 11 states bigger than the UK. Michigan is the smallest of them.


Well, yeah, but it still boggles my mind when reading English and European history how small it all is.


I guess the main difference is population density. The Netherlands is 12 times as densely populated as the US \*average\*. If you only look at population density and surface area, we're basically a slightly smaller New Jersey. Yet somehow, after the US, we're the second largest exporter of agricultural products in the world. Something which takes quite a lot of space...


The Dutch also import a lot of agricultural products for further export. https://www.freshplaza.com/europe/article/9600894/the-netherlands-the-third-largest-agricultural-products-exporter-but-with-a-0-4-production-share/


Fair point. I was aware of that (though not the exact numbers) but didn't consider it when adding it to my comment. Which led to some deceptive implications I didn't take into account properly. So thanks for the fact check!


Happy Cake Day!! 🎂




My in-laws live 3 hours away. In the same province, manitoba Canada. We do the trip 6-10 times a year. Nearest city is 1 hour away.


It's more than 4 hours to get to my cabin up north in my state. Top to bottom it's like 9+


Facts. To me, the sweet spot is about an hour, but less than 2 hrs from a city with all that it offers. [Maybe 100 - 140 km ] Close enough to use its resources without it being a big deal, but (hopefully) far enough to be free of its negative influences. Closer to a smaller town for day to day supplies, etc. Outside of city limits so there is less regulation, and you can do your own thing. I have seen 2 models that I think are pretty solid as far as life planning. To "have it all" (family and career) it may be best to do things in stages. Kids first. As the kids need less supervision, begin higher education. As the kids grow up (and start their own lives whether they immediately move out or not), you are free to start a career with a fresh degree. With this setup, a woman does not have a developing career interrupted by family demands, may have a more mature perspective when choosing and pursuing a degree (less bs). By taking things sequentially instead of at the same time, there is less stress trying to be a superwoman. By having kids first instead of career first, she doesn't risk age related infertility and other complications that are more related to partner selection and being on the same page at the same time. The other is about extended family (blood or found family) and location. For about 200 years or so, there was a pattern that worked well and was only broken apart by violation of Trust, which ultimately broke down (this branch of) the extended family. Someone would move to a new area and send back word telling the others how it was working out, encouraging more people to join them and form a mutually supporting micro-community. They would have a hobby farm and a town job. They were not "farmers", but could provide the basics. The town job provided money, but during an economic downturn, they could consolidate at the farmette and at least have basic food and shelter covered. As the economy expanded and contracted over time, the core properties could be developed. Intermarriage, guardianship/adoption, long-term friendships, and other relationships linked a couple of extended families into one "family" or clan. Branches budded off and formed their own groups in other areas over a few generations.


For an American Terran. For others, not so much.


For 2 years, my nearest grocery store was 40 minutes away from home. The rebuilt the grocery store in town and opened it at the end of May.


I keep studying your writing for *technique*, trying to understand *why* it hits me so very hard *every* time. The pacing is spot-on, and I think part of that may be because you have found the sweet spot of *just enough* world-building. I am neither confused by too little, nor bored by too much. I have much to learn.


Thank you so much! That's very flattering.


Your stories never fail to bring me a smile and a laugh!


This was awesome.


Always a great story, Karen, a nice boost at the end of a shitty week.


Lovely story! Is John Cena chilling in the back helping carry equipment?


Your stories are amazing and yet disappointing all in one. I rarely notice who posted a story, I just dive in. I love so many of your stories, and then I get to the end and see your tagline and hyperlinks and know that it's another amazing one-off and won't be a series. 😔


The tears are their own reward to you for being secretly nice. :')


Great work Wordsmith


Ninjas. Ninjas everywhere.


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