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I’m also curious now, I’ve always heard “and I want you” didn’t know there were other lyrics. I’ve always thought it’s meant to be interpreted as when Christ expectes christians to devote themselves fully to him, so “he”/christ *wants* you. Not sure if that makes sense though.


I can't remember which is which but stigmata diaboli and sigillum diaboli both have different lyrics. I think sigillum is I want you and stigmata is die on you.


The weird part is that “to die on you” is found within the Razorblade Romance cd. The lyrics found in the album notes for Sigillum. At least it was for the cd I had purchased in the early 2000s.


Ooh okay my bad I must have not read properly as I get what you're saying now. Makes you wonder if maybe Stigmata was originally gonna be on the album but they re recorded it or something like they did with it's all tears on and love said no? But then you'd think a re-recorded song would be done way before the artwork/booklet is printed, unless they just forgot to amend it.


The lyrics in the booklet are wrong, nothing else. It's not the first song I've seen that has the wrong lyrics or is missing some part in the booklet. This or a demo version of the song exists and they forgot to update the lyrics in the booklet for the final version like happens with Resurrection.


Yeah 100%. The latest slipknot record the title of the album is wrong on my vinyl I think it's meant to be called 'The end so far' but mines called 'The end for now'. Shame its an absolute toilet of an album. Also the first disc looks like a hi hat the amount of concave in it, just poor quality all round on that one!


It literally doesn’t say that. You’re just making things up now. 😂


[https://www.discogs.com/release/24665036-Slipknot-The-End-For-Now](https://www.discogs.com/release/24665036-Slipknot-The-End-For-Now) dumbass.


Nice view but I see it totally differently. More evil sort of ;)


Unless we see the lyrics written in Ville's handwriting, it'll always be a mystery.


Yeah this has been a debate that has existed since both those albums were released haha


It’s only a debate for people who have never heard the song live, or make up lies about the lyrics being something different in the booklet. I’ve been listening for well over two decades and I assure you, real HIM fans do not debate this because we know what he sings live.


I always interpreted this song as she (or he) is the cross and Vile is Christ to die on her (him). "I want you" would place emphasis on how bad he wants that..


I've always thought it was "And I want you"


I just want to know why if you google the song it says it’s an the album Razorblade Romance but it’s literally not on any streaming apps. Probably my favorite HIM song and can’t even have it on a playlist just YouTube


Because you haven’t been listening to HIM for over twenty years like some of us have. I still have my copy of the original release of RR and it’s on there. It’s not on the streaming platforms because the album on the platforms is a remastered version, not the original.


Here is a link to an eBay listing for a 2002 edition of RR. If you view the pictures you can see it’s the 13th track on the album. https://www.ebay.com/itm/256330475113?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=6_R8TEWCQwm&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=7mpT63_TQOq&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


I now I'm dummy late to this thread, but I think I found the answer - There's a live version performed on YouTube that sounds like a Frankenstein mix of Sigillum Diaboli and Stigmata Diaboli and you can clearly hear Ville say "I'm your Christ, and I want you" during the chorus parts of the song. I'll put the link at the bottom because I know the text can be obnoxious lol I never knew this was a thing until I started hunting for a HER cd (if ya'll know anyone selling it, PLEASE lmk lol). These lyrics were on my bio for so long :) ​ Cheers, it's super dope to find other people who appreciate the bonus tracks and older stuff<3 ​ [Sigillum/Stigmata Diaboli Live Video YT](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkckIvjGEv8&ab_channel=%D0%9E%D0%BA%D1%81%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%90%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%88%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B0)


These are the type of debates that must happen to people who have recently discovered HIM or who haven’t seen them live. (I have been listening for well over two decades and have seen live performances and seen/read tons of interviews.) The lyrics according to even their earliest live performances is, “I’m your Christ and I want you.” Just in case you also think that HIM stand for His Infernal Majesty: Ville very clearly stated in an interview many years ago that it stands for nothing and “his infernal majesty” was a lie he came up with in another interview because he was basically annoyed by so many people asking that question. He legitimately said, “I can’t even remember what our latest lie is about that, I think I said ‘His Infernal Majesty’…” (paraphrasing, of course.)


Si then what does H.I.M? Stand for?