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The German dub has a line that is massively mistranslated so that I didn't even get what it was supposed to mean when I first watched it. It's the scene in Home Wreckers just after the gang wrecked the wall in Ted's house and Ted says that he has one more thing to do and leaves. Robin says the line "he was our ride", implying that they are stuck at Ted's house now. In German they translated that line to "er ist nicht verrückt" which means "he's not crazy". They probably misheard "he was our ride" as "he was alright" and thus translated it falsely but I'm baffled how nobody intervened since it makes absolutely no sense that she would say that there, especially with the laugh track right after. This also means that they are doing the dubs without a printed script or just don't pay attention to it.


Different dubs/subs being wrong about lines is a huge pet peeve of mine. I notice it all the time. Im beginning to think most of the subtitles in other languages are done by AI exclusively


It happens relatively often in the subs in English, as well.


And the French dub didn’t work either (especially Barney’s French voice actor), even those Canadian references that didn’t reflect the Quebec audiences when it did aired on Vrak back in the day. It would’ve been better if it was dubbed in Quebec French (just like they did one for The Simpsons, Family Guy and American Dad when it was broadcast in Quebec).


I think this is common with subtitles & translated subtitles unfortunately


That's one of the reasons why I switched to the original version after one or two watch-throughs in German, there are just too many jokes and lines that don't work in German, my favourite example is the episode where they salute to everything, the English terms are normal words while the German are mostly nonsense (I don't remember all but e.g. "General Wissen" (general knowledge🫡) is not a word in German, it's "Allgemeinbildung") there are other examples but that my major reason (🫡) when someone asks why I'm watching the English version


I love how close German can be to English. In hindsight, it's like,"sure, makes perfect since." But I understand zero German.


“Oh, come on. If you don’t laugh, it just seems mean.” —me to all the comments in here.


I actually like some of the quotes everyone else seems to hate except the one I posted lol


Well done lol


"Where's the poop" is decidedly not funny.


Yea, the fact that it comes from a personal story of Lily's, but she references that line as if everyone is supposed to know the expression from culture, or as if they all witnessed and can relate to the dog-burying-poop incident. That's what makes it not funny.


This show is riddled with “here’s a joke setup that the gang will never understand until they ask me what I mean” Maybe it’s just a sitcom trope but there’s a few times this show did it and I’m like “why not just start with the anecdote and explain it instead of having the group ask”


"How dare you! And what is that?"


Okay, but I actually liked that running gag. 


I just came up with one😂 “where do you get off? Wait what do you mean by that”


I don’t think that’s from HIMYM though


That’s how a lot of these friend group sitcoms work to be fair. That’s part of why characters like Robin, Frank Reynolds in IASIP, Penny in TBBT, etc exist. They’re an outsider to an otherwise close group, so when the close group starts doing weird shit that seems normal to them, the outsider is there in the audience’s stead to say “what’s going on here?”


Yeah it’s just an odd way to talk and also after spending almost every day with the same group of people for years, you’d think think they’d already know particular vernacular they use.


Thats actually just a lazy way go get away with the “show don’t tell” because now it’s in a dialogue and somewhat relevant to get the story going so it’s allowed to tell. Otherwise they would’ve needed to come up with a different way to show what happened beforehand.


I mean think of it this way. Another example is Ted saying randomly “what if I didn’t account for the books” Robin asks Ted if he’s ok. Ted states this out of context quip. He could have just said “there’s this story of an architect who built a library that sunk because he didn’t account for the weight of the books. What if I make that mistake.” Instead, the dialogue is - “I didn’t account for the books” - what do you mean - big long story. Idk. This writing is so awkward and I have never just interjected a story like that and then expect others to ask me to elaborate just so I can then give context. It’s crap writing but that’s an even worse way to converse with people.


I know it’s annoying but I sadly know people that actually do this. They ask questions, don’t actually want you to answer but rather redirect the question to themselves so they can tell you about their misery. It’s annoying but a strategy used by people nonetheless.


I love the “what if I don’t think of the books” line. It may seem a little, idk if corny is the right word but for lack of a better one, corny. It’s intriguing and eloquent. Instead of just “so there’s this story…”


Because non-sequiturs are funny.


True, although at least the exchange "She's a poop-sniffing dog" "I think that's just called a dog" Was amusing.


I thought that was interesting tbh


Marshall Eriksen put a baby in my belly is the worst


When she said it With sincerity that one time😭


Nobody likes that line lol


It’s the WORST


“Nobody asked you Patrice!” etc for me


I’m so surprised this has so many upvotes, it still cracks me up every time!


The first one is great. But it definitely should not have been a running gag


That’s basically my feeling


surprised that this is how a lot of people feel about this. robin yelling at patrice is my favourite running gag


Robin just seems cooler than that. If a friend, let alone a romantic interest talk to anybody like that is a red flag. Let alone a character that is a nice good person. Her character punching down is the problem and is odd fitting to be a running “gag”


People in this sub especially are always complaining about Robin screaming at Patrice all the time


Ahh I see, thank you for the context.


I swear! It's such a super fun dialogue. I showed my friend this part for the first time and she loved this part.


In the context of the show, all these lines are funny. Cruelty, narcissism, all of it are played up for laughs in awkward or zany situations and have gotten chuckles out of me. If we slow down to be thoughtful on it, this is one of the worst lines. There's unintended fat shaming going on and really hits home a misogynist complex that develops in Robin after a while. I still laugh.


Can you help me understand how it’s fat shaming? I see it as bullying but not how it’s fat shaming. If please help me understand


They may be implying Robin only does that to Patrice because she’s overweight. Not sure though…


That feels like a stretch to me but I guess to each their own


Yeah, I’m not really sure. A lot of people say things without any evidence lol


Man you ain’t lying


Yeah. That's fair. The only heavy character in the show is unreasonably annoying and the whole joke is it's funny that Robin is irrationally angry with her. Then when Barney falls in love no one can believe it and it's a shock. That's specifically because of her looks.


You are 100% right and this is a great take. I appreciate that you can see this and still get a chuckle from it. I can too. I personally watch shows like HIMYM for the escapism, cheap laughs and relatable moments but I’m not overanalysing all the themes and scenes of the show and relating it back to real life otherwise I’d never watch anything funny. Edit: reading through more comments I fear I may be alone in this!


I think it's important to be able to turn brains off and laugh but also to recognize that I'm not an obese person. Or a person of color. People see me and assume I'm straight and male. When do much of the comedy punches down at others it's easy to turn brain off and laugh. But I think it's important to recognize when that joke hits closer to home it's much harder to turn off. My nephew is quite heavy. He's picked on in school. He annoys people. I could see him being crushed by this joke.  I'm reminded of the Key and Peele skit about the insult comic with a burn victim in the crowd. Very very well done. Comedy is great but there are lines. Those lines are different according to time and place. A friend once sang about lap dances being better when the stripper cried in an elevator to shock someone he never met. Hilarious moment. Also awful subject matter.  It's all fuzzy 


For me, it works because I think a lot of people have a person (or know someone who does) that they just cannot stand for no rational reason, even when they're perfectly pleasant and friendly.


Yeup. And the comedy in the moment is really supposed to be how irrational Robin is. The joke isn't Patrice, it's angry shrill Robin that can't keep her cool. But it gets to be a tightrope when that outburst is cruel 


I’m normally averse to jokes that mean-spirited, but the way Cobie Smulders pronounced “Patrice” is comedy gold


Why was Patrice so nice to Robin??😭


Because she was a nice sweet person.


Hey, hey you kids. Do you know what happened at this very bar? Just....all kinds of stuff.




Yes!!! It could be so good and it’s just dumb.




Aldrin justice is neither cute nor funny. Just a massive God complex from Lily


It's weird that she does things or gives advice based on how she runs her kindergarten class. Like when she tells Marshall to tell his boss after the boss screamed at him how bullies are bad or whatever.


I said this too. Life isn’t like Kindergarten😂


It’s funny to me the first time it’s introduced. She’s still in her full on meltdown about her relationship and her career trajectory and takes it out on that idiot Hammond Druthers. So it fits with her unhinged era. But later in the series it’s super weird, I agree.


Isn’t it only brought up one more time in the series (the ashtray)?


It’s also brought up in the final season when she tells Tracy (the mother) to steal Darren’s van. Also Lily tried to steal Zoey’s scarf, but I don’t think she explicitly said ‘Aldrin Justice” that time.


Good memory!


She does compare life to her Kindergarten class too often…


Every time I rewatch the show, I hate Lily’s character more.


I hate the laugh track that follows the line that Robin’s friend Jessica says when Lily and Marshall find her. She’s explaining how depressed Robin became after Jessica had a baby because their friendship suffered, and Jessica says, “I think she tried to kill herself.” Then she plays a riff on the organ and the stock laughter kicks in. That joke sucks.


Remember in the episode "Noretta" in Season 7 when someone actually committed suicide by jumping off of Barney's building and they treated like a joke


I love season 7, but the whole Noretta episode creeps me out.


Marshalls clapping in that scene while leaning on one leg is something im getting stuck on, dont know why


Every time Lily gets a new catchphrase. Or most catchphrases in general, except some of Barney’s.


Tyler no likey!


This one makes me die laughing whenever I hear it for some reason


For the last time, you are not getting a catchphrase!


I hate, with a passion, the running gag of Lily saying "you son of a bitch". It's 0% funny to me, and repeated ad infinitum for no good reason.


It’s very uncommon for me to think any sort of catch phrase is funny but this one is worse because it never sticks and seems super forced.


Started rewatching it for like the 4th time and I just realized how much that line irks my soul.


*glass shatters*


*Thank you, Linus.* Speaking of..


It’s funny until the accent starts being added to it and then it stops being funny


I'm so happy somebody else said this 


Thank you thank you for saying this! This line is NOT funny and she is just so forced when saying it. UGHHHH. Like nails on a chalkboard for me


This is 100% how I feel. It's like they thought the show was a PG-13 version of Full House, where everyone needs a f*cking catchphrase. It's dumb already, but I can't stand her delivery of it. Like what exactly is the joke there? How is that supposed to be funny at all?


Tyler no likey! (I agree the line is trash)


Oh my, I thought I was the only one who thought this! I always felt like it was very cringy


Most of the lines people don't like are Lily, no surprise. 


To beat the dead horse, she isn’t a well-developed character. And overall a bad person.


Marshalls Oprah-thing


Why is she southern?


This is the WORST










Not exactly a line but I figure this is my chance to gripe. Personally, the episode where Ted’s sister comes to prove her maturity to Ted is the one time I truly grind my teeth at the lack of logic present. Literally what happens is in order to prove that she isn’t an irresponsible girl anymore she pretends to sleep with Barney and yeah… that all she does, and somehow it’s because of this that Ted realizes he’s wrong about his sister… What? This doesn’t prove anything except that she can lie to her brother (Also how Lily convinces Ted to keep quiet about his sister’s secret is so baffling. It’s an issue between him and his sister. Why would Ted care what his sister thinks of Lily in the context of Barney sleeping with his sister. It’s like if someone told me some guy was robbing me but don’t tell that guy I told you or he will hate me.) To me, this show is so well written all throughout that it’s this one particular episode I can’t stand. I can’t be the only one who thought this episode was full of holes 🕳️


“My name is Rufus and that is the truthus” I loathe this line so much


Yeah, that's a rare stinker from the first season.


It’s a reference to a line from Do the Right Thing


It’s a reference to a line from *Do the Right Thing*


I figured that was some sort of reference to something from the time.


It’s a reference to a line from Do the Right Thing


“Thank you Linus” is just not funny


the reason i hate that gag is cos we later find out all Lily’s drinks are alcohol-free - why is she acting like she needs constant top-ups if it’s just lemonade? 😭


This is a good point lol


It is the first 2-3 times, but it wears off after that


Well only when she keeps breaking the glasses


I guess I just became numb to it


You guys are lying you just don’t like Lily


I like Lily, just don’t like this joke.


I think Barney talking about him having sold a women is objectively the most terrible thing being said in the show. What the hell were the writers thinking.


This is the one - there is no contest. It makes Barney’s character 100% irredeemable - it never should’ve been included!!


Yes, it makes the cartoonist caricature of a person from a comedic program with a unreliable narrator "100% unredeemable".


Never cared for “What the damn hell!?”


Everytime I’m like that’s a weird thing to say to a baby 😅


All of the conversations pertaining to The guy Robin was dating that has a small Wang


You sonofabeech.....ugh I hate that. Mainly on how it's delivered. If it was just "oh you son of a bitch" id be fine but I hate what they went with.


I didn't really like when barnyard asked his dad how he changed from the person he was and his dad said "you gotta meet the right girl" My most favorite part of the show is Barney's character change and it kinda ruins his entire story if the sole reason is because of Robin. Not him making improvements himself


"...And that's really noble, but even if you save every rainforest from being turned into a parking lot, well, then where are you going to park your car?" I get the meaning behind this line being fine, but the example is just so bad.  Demolishing rainforests is obviously not the fix to lack of parking lmao


He's not speaking literally. I'm pretty sure it's a reference to the famous line in the song "Big Yellow Taxi." It's just a metaphor.


I know he doesn’t mean it entirely literally, his analogy just should have been much better and it always bugs me


"Ouchie in my mouth!!"... I know he's supposed to be acting immaturely, bit I can't imagine a grown man saying that under any circumstance


I hated when Marshall referred to him as “the kid” in the first season. I’m glad it didn’t stick


Was there any explanation for that at all?


“How dare you… and what does that mean?” in the last season or so. Another one that was funnyish the first time until the joke every episode seemed to be “let’s come up with another societal rule with a clever name and base the episode entirely around that.” and the characters were saying this constantly.


I actually find the line “how dare you…and what does that mean?” quite funny


Marshall talking like Yoda when he gets drunk before the Lilly goes into labor was incredibly unfunny to me. To be fair, I can barely tolerate Yoda doing it.


I thought that was just drunk talk😂


“If I could bleed the locket out” always makes me Cringe


“I carried that lesson with me… And I carried it with me when she got sick.”


Why is that bad?


“Daddy’s home”


Who's your daddy? I DONT KNOW Top 5 favorite moments from the show to me


Okay okay mainly jokes cause yk Barney😂




Remembering this


“You brought lunch for everyone?” It wasn’t even enough food to feed more than like two people and I see plenty of people pack large portions of food to eat throughout the day. Just made Ted look stupid to me.


Wheres the poop


I don't like all the misogyny. "Throw like a girl", "Oh you gonna cry like a little girl" etc, or women calling other women whores and things like that. I accept that it is a sign of the times and when the show aired people did speak and act in those manners, but it just doesn't sit right with me.


,,Lily, come on.." maybe it didn't in the real time but for me it went for sooo goddamn long and I felt more and more awkward every time Ted repeated that line


Only a one time thing


youuuusonofabitch never got a single laugh out of me. A sad attempt at a new catchphrase


When Robin and Lily act flattered over a “two syllable damn”. Women don’t like being catcalled, i have no idea what that was about lol


How has nobody commened Curreesssss


Not too keen on Ted’s transphobia occasionally popping up.


Can't remember that, you have any examples?


Almost everyone makes a few comments in the early seasons, sign of the times


The one scene I vividly remember is when he’s out on a date with Janet McIntyre - where they didn’t google each other so he knows nothing about her - while she goes to the bathroom he imagines things - one of them being her coming into the man’s restroom, standing on the urinal, lifts her dress and says ‚I know, I’m a dude‘ - he gasps in horror. Another one is where he and Robin are about to get married (also in a daydream) he tells her he loves her and she replies with „I used to be a dude“ and he was like disgusted going „Ohhhh“ And another one is when he dated that one girl who kept yapping and his friends hated her (for obvious reasons). He wondered why and one of his imaginations was her saying to the friends something along the lines of ‚I bet he’s going to the urinal now. Yes I remember when I had a penis‘ and that freaked him out. I know there’s one or two other scenes but I can’t remember them vividly enough to explain them to you now..


It’s not transphobic if you literally don’t prefer to date trans women. Like I accept trans women but if I found out all of a sudden that my partner used to be a man I’d be turned off


Having a preference isn’t transphobic, making a horrified reaction to it be the punchline of a joke multiple times sorta is


Would you tell your kids “I really loved your Aunt Robin, but sometimes I got worried she might confess she used to be a man because I never did well when your Uncle Barney and I played who’s hot and who’s Scott”?


If robin turned out to be a trans woman, I’m sure that Ted would be turned off. It’s not because he’s anti trans, he just isn’t into trans women and that’s ok.


To me, at least, the problem wasn’t so much that he wasn’t into trans women, as that the reveal was used as a sort of hilarious horrifying punchline that everyone in the audience was meant to immediately relate to. Because first, plenty of straight men are fine with being with women who were assigned male at birth. So it’s not the “no explanation needed, obviously a universal nightmare” situation the show plays it as.  And second, ok, if you found out your partner was a trans woman, you’d be turned off.      But it wouldn’t be you slapping the sides of your face in dismayed horror, mugging to the camera as a sad trombone played, or doing a disgusted spit take as you remembered all the times you’d kissed her.       It would be really sad. You wouldn’t instantly fall out of love. You’d struggle with it, you’d try to convince yourself you weren’t turned off, you’d probably have some anger but also be heartbroken, etc.       And she’d be frightened as well as heartbroken, because trans women have been beaten or even killed when their partners learned that they are not cis.       She wouldn’t be blithe about it, and you wouldn’t be Jed Mosley stomping your foot in frustrated fury because she was a fan of the wrong sports team.  And, turned off is fine but the “omg that’s so disgusting” reaction is honestly just so childish. It’s like the over-the-top horrified gagging sounds certain young men make at the suggestion of them kissing a guy, or seeing two men kiss. Like, okay, you’re not into it. Calm down. 


I'm so surprised you've been downvoted I feel like you made some really good points. in light of how far trans rights has come today, the old jokes don't land as well, that's all there is to it.


I never personally said it was. I agree with you. But it is categorized as transphobia - if it makes sense to us or not.


There’s also “who’s hot and who’s Scott” when a group of models is in the GNB lobby.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted, this bugged me too


When is he being transphobic? Just because he doesn’t want to date someone who’s trans doesn’t mean he’s transphobic


“Wanna go downstairs and play Who’s Hot And Who’s Scott?” Also, he keeps bringing it up. People have preferences and that’s fine, but if Ted told his kids he didn’t want to date Black women as often as he comments about transgender people it’s a safe bet there wouldn’t be as many people jumping to defend him.


That’s one comment, everyone has preferences and especially for sexuality. It’s basically if the main character were a gay guy and he was scared he was dating a woman


If Ted had three jokes in the series where the punchline was “but I won’t date Black women” would you be making the same comment? Yes or no?


I think you need to brush up on people’s sexuality and racism lol and please don’t use racism to support whatever agenda you’re trying to push ever again. Everyone has sexual preferences and people shockingly don’t want to date someone who doesn’t fit their sexual preferences. If Ted said he doesn’t date Black women yes that would be offensive.


I think it’s great It’s not even transphobia, mainly just him turning down trannys who wanna hookup with him Back then it was great, everyone was tolerated and not blindly accepted. Now you get crucified for making a joke about literally anything


Using a slur for people who are transgender in the same sentence as “it’s not even transphobia” makes your take on wether or not it’s transphobia irrelevant.


Anything that ever came out of Mickey’s mouth.


“THEY FIRED WHATS HIS FACE, although Now I suppose it’s more like where’s his face”




"hey the use of this slur makes me uncomfortable" gets downvoted lol. literally 2 of the other comments that got downvoted were about similar things


It's because "tranny" itself is a slur. 


I am transgender lol. I know it is a slur


Rewatching the show again, and even tho I don't have any example to give (zero memory), I realized a lot of the jokes felt flat this re-watch! It's obviously set In it's time (aka mid 2000s), and a lot of jokes just are very sexist or just not that funny. You really have to put yourself in that old mindset where : making fun of women, fat people, people who aren't promiscuous, or like being single, was just considered hilarious.


“The show wasn’t even funny and I have a great sense of humor!” Lmao


I don’t know why you get so many downvotes for this. Isn’t it a well known fact that the humor in older comedy shows is (and/or was) offensive? In friends as well.. I still like the show, not even the fat jokes make me feel bad (I’m a big girl but they’re still funny) but I understand that some people feel some type of way.. and that’s ok - no one has to watch


Huh. Maybe you don’t like the show 😂


No, I do, I just have critical thinking and can recognize when something isn't funny anymore.


It’s not that serious.


Thank you for being the benchmark on what is and what isn’t funny. It’s such a great service you provide


Critical thinking? This isn't an English essay bro. It's comedy, you either laugh at the joke or you don't, no mindset, not offense, nothing. Don't care if you make fun of men, I will still laugh, if the joke itself is good. ​ Other than that, don't care.


Ok "bro". It's also just a comment on reddit. The show is still great. You don't need to pee your panties just because you don't agree.


All of those jokes are still, indeed, hilarious


Haha yes. Now watch something from the 90s (or even 80s) that we all thought was very good. Even Seinfeld or Friends, though those are definitely better than the average show from that era.


I honestly think that Seinfeld has held up better than HIMYM. Ultimately all the actions of the Seinfeld gang are supposed to reflect they’re shitty people, and repeatedly they are the butt of the joke. The HIMYM gang behaves the same way but they constantly go back to “but deep down they are good!”. Episode that irks me is the playbook one, Lily knows that Barney is a womanizer who has put his own needs over anyone elses, knows he constantly lies and is a whore, but all it takes is a half assed speech in a scuba diving suit for lily to tell this poor random woman “deep down he’s a good guy give him a shot!”


Yeah I didn't find it remotely believable that they'd all fall for the Scuba trick with no suspicions.


Yup, agreed ! Friends is one of my favorite shows, but man does it have loads of fat and sexist jokes lol.


At the risk of being downvoted, as a fat guy, fat jokes can and should be made, not only are they really funny and easy to make, but they actually help people a lot of the time to realize "okay, I'm at my tipping point, time to get healthy" (exhibit A: I got tired of feeling like crap and got tired of my friends messing with me for being fat, so in January I decided to be healthy again, I'm down 70lbs since then, and I feel great). We shouldn't normalize fatness, even when it's genetic (which is way more rare than you think), obesity is very unhealthy, and being put off by extreme weight is a natural human response to saying "wow this lifestyle is very unhealthy". And also, newsflash, there are men and women, women can make fun of men, men can make fun of women. I bet the sexist jokes you're complaining about don't include the tons of small penis jokes they make, right? Probably just talking about the jokes towards women? Yeah well guess what, you can be sexist towards men too, and the "sexist humor" aimed at us in the show, I can guarantee 95% of us don't care. Hell, they make a couple jokes about Irish people throughout the show, and as someone with 100% of my lineage tracing back to Ireland and a lot of family still from there, I don't get offended, I laugh. Sexist jokes can be funny, especially when it's a sitcom and you're literally told it's a joke by the laugh track. Fat jokes *are* funny, there's an obvious difference between fully harassing someone for their weight, and making fun of their weight, but in the setting of a sitcom, fat jokes *are* funny. Racist jokes can also be funny, if done properly, and HIMYM has done a couple, and done them right, imo, again using the Irish jokes as an example. But they also make jokes about the Chinese, Lebanese, black guys, etc. It just needs to be done right. Fun fact: humor is tragedy + timing, with a bit of offense sprinkled in, and the obvious implication that you're trying to be funny. You *can* be too offensive, and that ruins the joke, and you *can* screw up the timing (for instance making a 9/11 joke the week of 9/11), but that never happens in HIMYM. They're not too offensive because they stay away from current events of the time period, and they're not too offensive because they're making fun of fictional characters as well as ideologies/general physical traits. Yes fat is funny. I'm not fat anymore because of fat humor, and I can make fun of my friends for being fat, knowing it's funny, knowing they'll think it's funny, because none of us are soft (well a few are physically soft because of the fat, but mentally they grew up listening to "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me". I can walk up to one of my friends and poke him and do the Pillsbury Dough Boy laugh, and we'll both laugh about it. Seriously what happened in the last 2 generations where we went from "sticks and stones may break my bones", right into the polar opposite "words are violence"? Like I'm gen z and I don't get it, my whole generation gets *that* offended by some quickly fleeting words? It's like cyber bullying, I don't get that. Like just turn the computer off. The same goes for most verbal stuff- like unless someone is literally following you around and repeating the same cruel jokes at you, breathing down your neck, non-stop when you expressed that it offended you, you can literally just think "okay whatever that was just one joke, it was spoken into the wind and now it's gone", words aren't permanent, they can be forgotten and/or taken back, or with time can be laughed at more easily than anything else. Humor used to be funny, man. Now it's just walking on eggshells to appease a small group of people who are so insecure that they find personal offense in *everything*. Fuck that, humor is fun. Yo mama so fat she has her own orbit. I used to be so fat the local pool used to mistake me for Shamu. Yo sister's so fat, when she went to Vegas for her friends Bachelorette party, they mistook her for the Las Vegas sphere. You make Fat Albert look like Skinny Albert. You're so fat that when you step on the scale, it says "enough". How many Polish people does it take to screw in a light bulb? 3, one to hold the bulb, 2 to spin the chair. How many Irish people does it take to screw in a light bulb? 3, one to pour the drinks, one to yell at the Polish, and one to pass out drunk. *What's the difference between peanut butter and jam? I can't peanut butter my dick in someone's ass*.


If I had an award, I’d give it to you for this comment lol


Much appreciated lol


I don’t remember any sexist jokes in that show. Unless you are using the new-age translation that doesn’t mean sexist.


>There is a word in German: Lebenslangerschicksalsschatz. And the closest translation would be…’Lifelong Treasure of Destiny.’ And Victoria is wunderbar, but she is not my Lebenslangerschicksalsschatz. She is my Beinaheleidenschaftsgegenstand, you know? It means…’the thing that is almost the thing that you want…but it’s not quite.’ Lebenslangerschicksalsschatz is not something that develops over time. It is something that happens instantaneously.It courses through you like the water of a river after a storm…filling you and emptying you all at once. You feel it throughout your body…in your hands…in your heart…in your stomach…in your skin…Have you ever felt this way about someone? If you have to think about it, you have not felt it. Everyone does eventually. You just never know when or where. Terrible speech. Not funny or moving. Totally undercuts the themes of the show.


You know you're asking to be downvoted, right?


I did not know that. People like that speech? I sincerely thought it was the worst moment of the whole series. I’m open to hearing why I’m wrong.


No I thought it was dumb too.


As a German I can't stand Klaus and ESPECIALLY that word. I know we're known to have an expression for everything, and it's kind of true. But this "word" is just so terribly wrong, I hate it.


Fun fact: this speech quite literally helped me put into words how I was feeling about my boyfriend at the time. I know it may be dumb but it helped me figure out what I wanted and I was able to move on.


> Totally undercuts the themes of the show Good point, the show is often putting across the message that's something like "looking for some storybook ideal of The One is just asking for disappointment because that's not how reality works".