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When you figure it out please lemme know :(


Have you tried sexting? Maybe it’ll get the juices flowing. It’s low effort enough. Maybe you can invent some fun fantasies for the both of you. Also, start flirting with one another again. You need to reignite that desire.


I started feeling unattracted to my LLP because of years of rejection. I started writing smut. Just in notes on my phone I write down what I would want him to do step by step different encounters ect. Our sex life is basically in my brain and notes at this point. I started feeling butterflies again for him. But I do realize I’m lusting over who he is in my notes so take that with a grain of salt. Can’t really take the credit I saw it on an episode of the simpsons where Marge writes a dirty romance book haha 🤣


24 is young. I know at that age everything seems hyper-important but I would really examine what you want out of the next 20 years of your life.


I have this same issue! 25f here also so I feel you 💖 my therapist advised that we take baby steps to kind of rekindle the spark and desire? We sexted a lot in the beginning of our relationship so we’ve been trying to implement that again (it’s easier behind a screen lol). We also try to recreate our favourite dates, take trips away where it’s just us, flirting! It’s definitely difficult still but those tips have worked for us getting away from a DB!


There's not a lot you can do unless she engages. It sounds as though you love this person but you are also hurt and you didn't get this way from no where. The reason you put that side away was to protect yourself, no human likes rejection. Maybe both of you could read "come as you are" by emily Nagoski together. There is also a podcast available on YouTube. Don't put all of this on yourself. You need reassurance aswell.