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Hello loyal supporter of Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, First of Her Name! Thank you for your post. Please take a moment to ensure you are familiar with our sub rules. - Crossposting From HOTDGreens and asoiafcirclejerk is banned. - No visible usernames in screenshots. - Sexist, racist, transphobic, homophobic, or discriminatory remarks of any kind will not be tolerated. - No actor hate. - No troll/rage-bait. - No low-effort posts. *** Comments or posts that break our sub rules will be removed and may result in a ban at the mods' discretion. If you are reading this, and believe this post or any comments in this thread break the above rules, please use the report function to notify the mod team. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HOTDBlacks) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Welcome! ![gif](giphy|zWIxCxk7185APICDGN|downsized) Yeah but I’m banned too for “trolling” since I said that Criston was terrible at his job and failed to protect two princes when he was lord commander and had the nights watch at Driftmark


It cracks me up. They really wanna be on that high horse, so they just put blinders on and trample over people while claiming it’s all team black. Lol


It’s honestly really cringe that there are people being fanatics over a ducking show, both sides. Sound like democrats vs republicans and it’s a make believe tv show. Even the actors are saying that both sides are terrible and to just enjoy the show


Typical of the Greencels to get so triggered by hearing an impartial summary of their Kingsguard himbo failing to do the job he’s supposed to take more seriously than anything else in the world for the rest of his life. There’s no reasoning with people who are so far gone from reality.


Once might have been understandable, but at this point, Cole is clearly just a horndog.


How have I not been banned yet? I’ve called Ser Criston a child rapist no less than 2-3 times


Skill issue on my end I guess LMFAOOO


The best thing ever is, the mod literally came here to troll my post, and I called them out here for editing their comment on the other sub to me, so they blocked me. Now I’m not only banned from TG sub, but blocked from seeing toxic boy. 🤣


Three princes and two noble ladies actually 


Now three princes. Dude's shit at his job but somehow keeps getting promoted.


You’re welcome to have them, they’d fit right in






I just went to the green sub for the first time ever, the only interesting post I saw was an ad for solar panels.


Did you buy one? 😂


They’ll probably last a lot longer than the Green’s bloodline, so maybe


Not even a Green and this clapback hits omg


Good one lmfao


love that flair btw


Thanks! I made it up when la_villanelle_ got promoted to a mod since they’re the bane of the other side’s existence like the icon that they are. Flairs are so much fun.




https://preview.redd.it/imaot36fth8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69efa43418eb05c374ab83f075ace71a5b4289b4 <3


how do I get one ?


Well after all it's... *Green* energy


Tbh it kinda sucks because even though I'm Team Black, I actually really enjoy the characters on Team Green overall more (I don't play into this weird aggressive team rivalry) and I went onto the green sub to read their posts and while a fair amount of them are nice enough, the overall vibe felt a bit...weird? Obviously both sides have their fair share of hostilities but I noticed a lot of posts blaming (as OP said) Team Black over the Fabian death threats but there's 0 proof that's the case. Blaming them over a lot of stuff involving characters and how the show is biased, etc. Then I come here and there's more posts defending the actor and while there's some green piss-taking it's much less aggressive and mean spirited and it threw me off guard. From my experience observing both sides, I honestly think I see more Team Black supporters being offended on behalf of green characters or even complimenting them than I do Team Green when it comes to other characters. The Green sub says the Main sub is full of Team Black but I genuinely don't see that either, the reverse actually.


Yeah that’s one of my biggest problems here. They blame TB for bullying, even though TB has spoken out in defense of TG actors. But TG is just dismissing TG harassment of TB actors as basically propaganda. At least that’s what this banning is saying to me. It just looks really really bad for TG sub. Then there mod fallows me over here to troll in my post, and blocks me. Like please grow up bro. 🙄


I think a bit of friendly rivalry can be fun for stuff like this, but at this rate it's like obnoxious sports fans but if they were chronically online.


I tried to defend aemond by saying that maybe the show is trying to flesh out his character more and got like a 100 down votes and someone repeatedly saying that George said his single defining character trait is his loyalty to his family. I like the greens too but there's something weird about the subreddit


I was defending Helaena, her response to B&C, and contradicted someone who said that her being a pleasant happy child in the books meant she had a good childhood and I got downvoted. And that user was like “oh so you’re saying if someone is happy they had a bad childhood-you’re delusional” and I was like dude wtf.


I got banned a week ago for saying that most of the posts and comments since the show started were doom posting or why the show is awful. They constantly whinge about being banned from TB sub but do the exact same thing in their own sub. I’m definitely not anti ban and am fine that I was, just don’t be hypocrites about it and pretend you don’t do the exact same thing


That’s my whole thing. Don’t be a hypocrite. And as you see in the comments Mr or Mrs toxic fallowed me over here to continue. 😂


It’s also interesting to see how they blame the writers for everything because in their eyes their characters didn’t do anything wrong, the writers did LOL


We’re on the right side of Westerosi history. Glad to have you onboard


That sub is the biggest pack of whiney babies I’ve ever seen. Wear your ban as a badge of honor.




I wish there was true neutral sub where both teams could talk about the show without being downvoted into oblivion if you go against the other team i like hearing perspectives from both sides. Even the main sub feels more team green than black.


I got downvoted for saying we shouldn't excuse rape in the main sub. I didn't even think that ***could*** be a controversial statement, but here we are.


100% agree. I just like discussing a show I love, and characters and actors I enjoy. But sometimes the statements get so far out of hand and twisted by hate, that I can’t not say something. It’s just so ugly. Glass houses and stones.


I like hearing both sides about multiple aspects I would like a sub to hear why team green thinks aegon should be king without hearing them attack rhaenyra and her children just true neutral sub where everyone is allowed to discuss why they like/dislike characters without sexism, misogyny, hate speech etc. I love daeron I’m team black but I loved him in the books and excited to see him in the show.


It's honestly impossible because neither of them should rule in the first place. Why is Rhaenyra getting the throne? Because Vizzy said so, not for her any of her merits (Heck, Daemon said it himself in the episode, and she scoffed because she couldn't actually deny it). Why is Aegon getting the throne? Because Otto said so, for having a dick and HT blood. It's hard to push for either of them from a neutral standpoint because neither of them are good, actually. And before you come at me with the pitchforks, I want to see like a list of bulletpoints or something in which Rhaenyra contributed to the betterment of the realm and not her own and actually did it. Her saying at the council to stop the beef between Blackwoods and Brackens is not a point because she said it and was shot down by Alicent. Like... you have a dragon, your daddy loves you. You can convince your daddy to let you fly off and scare a bunch of people with dragonfire in order to make them stop fighting. Or... just do it. Consequences aren't a thing for Vizzy. For Aegon I'm not even suggesting it because Condall already proved he's shit at ruling, so no reason to defend him from a neutral standpoint.


The main sub and that freefolk sub all Green. The number of hateful and misogynistic posts are unbelievable


Maybe try r/hotdgirls. It’s a really small subreddit but it’s completely neutral


What we need is a Westerosi hippie sub where we all protest the war while smoking Mary Jeyne.




That sounds fun man ![gif](giphy|TLu2L3PGebSHS)


I go to r/asoiaf for that. The sub was originally meant just to discuss the books (since the show wasn’t out when it was made). Anyway, I’ve been going there since GOT first aired and that place is still mostly a bunch of chill people who love the books and are willing to discuss the shows. Cheers.


#Greenlit hightower saying her final goodbyes to everyone lmfao


Greenlit fucktower is a giiiiirl?


Why bother? Their outrage is performative. You’re dealing with the “hehehe fatnyra” crowd, remember?


Right, they complain about people saying mean things about Alicent or Aegon, and yet constantly talk about Rhaenyra is a fat whore. It’s just like people talking about how gross it is that Daemon and Rhaenyra are uncle and niece and are married being the thoroughbreds, and completely ignoring the fact that Aegon is married to HIS SISTER. 😂


Idk why bother going to their sub. There is maybe like 3 interesting posts there covered up by 1000 posts of complaints, copium and just sheer lack of awareness. If I say here I like Otto, Aegon and Allicent I should be mostly fine but if I go there and say I like Rhaenyra or Daemon it’s insta execution. They have some valid points like show Criston being a punching bag with no development or cool moments but they overextend them to blabbing about how team black is actually even worse lol


I personally can’t stand that sub, I simply said Emma Darcy, Tom, and Rhys had wonderful performances this season and got down voted for simply mentioning Rhaenyra’s actor…


The thing that I like about this sub is it’s basically just enjoying the show for what it is, biased or not. The greens sub is just pure hate on the show and the blacks. No joy at all over there.


Some of that is Season 2. There used to be some joy.


You must wear this as a badge of honour. The amount of times they flagged me as suicidal because I pointed out Alicole's hypocrisy is downright criminal. They need psychological help. ![gif](giphy|fdyZ3qI0GVZC0)


I don’t visit the Green sub or post on there but being banned for, what, stating the truth and providing evidence? What are those mods on? Also issuing bans for giving a contrary take to their fav characters is also lunacy. Like did they forget that HotD is *fictional*? No one actually needs to bend the knee to Mr King Dragoncock and no one will be hanged for just doing their job. We are not nobles in Westeros declaring which side to support. I feel like they need to chill.


I think that’s probably the only power the mods have in their lives.


Yep and they beat off over it 😂


To pictures or Olivia’s feet.


Well… she does have some nice feet. Lol


Good god what has happened to us ?


The mods of most of the subreddits are being super liberal in their interpretation of what is ban worthy. I got banned for saying most of the posts since the second season dropped were either doom posts or posts saying that the show is awful 😂 which is true. They are mostly that.


People just not allowed to agree to disagree nowadays 🤷‍♂️


We have become tribalistic sycophants.


HBO’s marketing department reaping a fat **L** right now for what it’s done to the fandom. “All must choose.” Get fucked.


Oh, no, that's a W. The marketing did its job.


We’re still doing it and the way they’ve portrayed each side means it was only ever going to end one way.


I stay out of team green subs because I do not support it so I don't see why I should go look for things I won't like.


I wasn’t either team. I liked conversing with people about a show and characters I enjoyed. And everything was fine when it was something I agreed with them about. But boy once you disagree or point out the flaw in their logic. 🙄


They are childish babies. When they lose an argument they just ban you.


Im surprised I havent been banned yet. I mostly in the middle. I root for the blacks mostly but i find the greens to be more interesting. I will argue points for both sides because neither side is made up of saints. Neither side can handle the smallest inkling of the truth. Rhaenyra made some mistakes but as portrayed in the show, she seems to have learned and been tempered by them. For some reason though, TB cant handle the fact that she isnt perfect. TG gets ugly anytime you point out the fact Aegon is a rapist. On the flip side of that, I thinks he’s entertaining as hell lol


That’s mostly how I am also. I’ve always been in the middle. I like both sides in the show for different reasons. And I know both sides have their flaws. Unfortunately now the other sub is just taking it a little too far, and trying to silence what isn’t their narrative of evil TB.


Team green is delulu


lol at the greens right now complaining about misogyny and racism in their ranks and a decent number of the comments being literally the most vile shit imaginable attacking the OP in their ranks for suggesting being a racist fatphobe transphobe misogynist is “bad for appearances” and not like, idk, a bad thing just in general for you as a human


So weird how people are so sensitive over a tv show rivalry. Team green doesn't like the shows direction, so they're acting out I guess


The team sport thing thing this fandom is doing is incredibly tiring and juvenile. On both sides. Just because you saw it on a promo poster doesn't mean you need to engage in it.


I do not disagree. I originally got along with both sides, I’ve had good conversations, and less than pleasant ones in both groups. The situation on the other sub that the mod decided to ban me for was silly. I simply stated what I have heard and seen. They could have found it to if they tried to look it up, but they didn’t. I thought we both originally just came to the subs to talk about a show and characters we all enjoyed.


Wait do people actually support team Green? I thought this was all just ironic beef not actual beef. They’re like legitimately in the wrong for causing the entire conflict in HOTD to begin with. Started with Otto scheming to get his family connected to royalty but then continued with Alicent completely mistaking something an old senile man said on his deathbed


Can I get the link too please?


The team black post telling people to stop bullying Fabian?




[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/HOTDBlacks/s/uN7JCKz9Xt) all you gotta do is scroll through the sub.


Wait is the fandom splitting up into teams? I didn’t get that raven


Honestly I thought the serious complaints in the two subs were ironic. I can't imagine caring that much.


I think that sub for the most part has actually pretty cool. As long as you don’t overly disrespect their characters they won’t come after you. I’ve said how I love Rhaenyra on there and I’ve gotten upvotes there actually.


It depends. I’ve posted comments defending Green characters and gotten downvoted, and I’ve posted comments that quote from the book directly and only a couple have ever not been downvoted to death but those couple did okay.


Me, someone who is subscribed to both subs: ![gif](giphy|uWzS6ZLs0AaVOJlgRd|downsized)


[It's just a TV show.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUL7q8eyig8)


I think HBO wanted Edward vs Jacob and they got a bunch of psychos that are too invested in a book series that will never get any conclusion. The things I've seen people say since this show came out are equally hilarious and insane. And it's both "teams" doing it.


You commented that TG people were messaging Matt Smith’s mother to tell her that she raised a pedophile. I asked you to provide proof of this claim or else get banned for just making shit up. You didn’t, so you got banned.


https://startefacts.com/news/matt-smith-s-mom-getting-harassed-over-his-hotd-character_a117 Here’s one about his mum getting harassed for him playing an abuser, so not paedophile, but there was harrasment.


Not to get in this beef with you too but https://x.com/snowbidenn/status/1803475626113806673?s=46 this is a comment made my a green account under his mothers post. So yes his mother does get hate from unhinged TG fans like I am sure unhinged TB fans also do the same. Both sides have rabid people. Saying one side doesn’t is nonsense.


That’s not evidence at all of what they claimed. And even if it was, they most certainly didn’t provide it. Obviously there’s unhinged people on both sides, I’ve had to permaban quite a few of them since season 2 started. Also not sure why you got banned, it certainly wasn’t me.


Eh it’s fine I rarely went over there but I’m sure you saw my posts with the cross posting some people did lol. But I have seen the comments OP was talking about before on Matt’s mom’s twitter. There was a post awhile back that someone made that clunked all the unhinged shit people wrote in a thread on Twitter.


I have unfortunately heard talk of such things as well, so, it's not made up and it's not coming out of nowhere. (such level of derangement is also profoundly disturbing and utterly terrifying as well)


Although I hate that it happens, I basically just tune out all unhinged fan activity on other platforms bc it’s not like I’m going to track them down and find their Reddit account or whatever lol. I’ll unban you since I don’t think you really did anything and also bc I low-key agree with your Cole takes 😅


![gif](giphy|2HtWpp60NQ9CU) Criston Cole haters unite


Incorrect. That comment was separate from when I was asked for proof. And maybe you should look through comments on that thread, I was not the first to bring it up. When I was asked for proof was after I said the persons “it’s all team black” comment was stupid and that team black has posted about Fabian being harassed and telling people to stop. Someone asked me “where I’ve looked and don’t see it,” so I posted the link and made the Matt Smith comment. Please be consistent in your delulu bs. Username definitely checks out. 😂


I fully welcome any person to dig up this comment exchange and judge for yourself.


So you’re the mod that has taken up the greentower mantel of banning people based on vibes? Interesting.


Yes please. And it’s funny you edited your comment there. After my comment you said “proof of you getting banned,” then changed it to “proof or you’re getting banned.” Way to troll!


That is so embarrassing omg lol


I think it is about Twitter drama that happened in 2023. But it great if he banned from TG sub. It's complete trash 😅