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People overstate this scene a lot, going as far as to say that Otto “wished” he had chosen Rhaenyra. As if. He’d still pick Aegon over her a hundred times over. He’s just now realizing how good he had it with Viserys. A King who was predictable and malleable, who didn’t make rash decisions and leaned on Otto’s counsel more often than not. Otto was in such a hurry to crown Aegon, that it would be the final move in his take-over of Westeros. But as it turns out, he had more influence and power when Viserys was King.


If I was Otto I would feel sorry that I'm losing all of my power because the person in charge can't be manipulated by me


Team Green threw a tantrum over that. But it's very logical from Otto's POV. In Otto's mind it was easier to control Viserys (Viserys was level headed except when it came to the Strong boys in the end). Whereas his own grandson is firing him within a week. Otto was sad & infuriated seeing his power slip away.    What I found more interesting was the parallel of Daemon and Otto almost making the "two sides of the targaryen coin" argument for Viserys!  Daemon : He was too cowardly, he saw greatness but never reached for it as he was too afraid to spill blood. Vs Otto : His forbearance, his judiciousness, his dignity...it's what kept his reign away from full blown war and catastrophe. Very interesting!


As an additional parallel, both Otto and Daemon fell out of favor with their respective bosses for opposite reasons. Otto wasn’t aggressive enough an Daemon was too aggressive. Which I thought was a good parallel to see given how the two hate each other so much. Aegon would have loved Daemon’s plan to try and kill her or one of her kids. Sadly the equivalent plan he got was to send a single guy with a sword and hope that no one noticed he wasn’t supposed to be there whereas Daemon at least found a guy who was supposed to be in the castle first




This was actually peak fiction thank you


Reading the description made me get off the couch and go buy myself dinner so I could read this while eating. Thank you.




I don’t know if this is just me, but it makes me sad visery didn’t have any true friends except maybe Lionel it’s said Aerys and Tywin we’re friends before Aerys became king and Aegon the conqueror had a friend in his rumored half brother orys like not having true friend who you can truly confide in and isn’t schemeing behind your back must get lonely. I would’ve loved for visery and otto to have some kind of true friendship.


Otto’s my least favorite character tbh. Sleazy.


Now he’s down bad crying at the Sept. Everything comes out usurped petulance! “Fuck it if I can’t have him” “My grandkids might die it would make no difference”