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It’s funny because I am yet to see any passion. I know there’s this whole underlying element of guilt involved. But I think that guilt coupled with passion can be done so well, giving into the forbidden love trope. Infact, if done well, this could really make audience ship them. But the execution has been so lacklustre. Olivia speaks about how Crispy is Alicent’s first ever love that she finds hard to let go. But really none of that translated on-screen. Alicent doesn’t look like she’s into this one bit and Criston also doesn’t like he’s into her. The whole slapping and fucking towards the end of last was supposed to be sexy I guess but it was so cringe. Unwarranted Daemyra plug but during their fight, Daemon’s hand lingers on Rhaenyra’s neck for 2 seconds and that is 10000000 times more sexy than whatever this crap is.


I was gonna say, there is so much more tension with rhaenyra and daemon literally just staring at each other WHILE ARGUING than with alicent “kinky slapping” criston or whatever they were trying to do I don’t know if the actors just don’t show good chemistry with each other (even though they did for photoshoots) or they’re purposely acting “bad”


Bruh Rhaenyra legit growls during that fight, and for a second, you think they aren't even arguing but doing some kinky roleplay. Alicent and Cole look like two dead chickens rubbing on one another. It's so freaking bland I cannot. And it's sad cause you know both Olivia and Fabien got the chops to pull off some excellent toxic couple vibes on screen but they just have nothing to work with.


Not gonna lie Rhaenyra had great chemistry with every partner from good old day Crispy boi(before turning into a hypocrite, simp and incel) to Daemon. Alicent and Criston have zero chemistry they are like two souless corpse slammed into each other.


Trueeee. Emma and Harwin's actor shared no romantic scenes, and yet you could feel their bond just through the way they looked at each other. It was amazing. This just feels like gratuitous boning to give Alicent something to do, while also meeting HBO's sex scenes quota


It’s actually crazy how they were able to convey such love, stability, and support for each other with so little screen time and no romantic actions.


I don’t think the way we feel about Alicent/Cole is an error, especially in relation to Rhaenyra/Daemon. Rhae/Dae feel passionate and genuine were as Alicent/Cole feel hollow and false…kind of like everything Team Green stands for. I think Cristin and Alicent both mistake trauma bonding and lust for love when in reality they don’t truly *like* each other but due to their whacky morals view one another as necessary. I personally really like that Alicent/Cole scenes feel weird and unappealing as it serves the story well in my opinion.


That episode did some good subversion of expectations. I was terrified the head was going to fall off during the funeral or the body would fall in the mud. I kept thinking "please don't do it" Then when Daemon put his hand around her neck I thought "holy crap are they really going to have them have sex here". Two good switcheroos there writers.


I kinda like how bad their relationship is. Like in another life they could have been happily wed together. But they’re so sullied by their crimes and hatred and jealousy for Rheanyra that what could be a passionate love affair is just lifeless and empty and they know it. But both are so far gone that they’d rather beat that dead horse than admit it


Yeah ngl I just didn’t know what they were trying to do with this whole Alicent/Criston thing like at all. I mean are they supposed to this great couple that people are meant to get invested in and root for, fuck buddies, hate fucking/angry fucking etc. like do they even like each other I just don’t feeel enough of anything which is odd because they have had quite a few sex scenes but I don’t even know what I am supposed to feel about this? Even if I liked either of the characters what is even happening lmao ?? So confused 🤷‍♀️


Daemon resting his hands on her neck wasn't sexy. He literally choked her last season and you could see how fearful she was as he first went to grab her. It was literally domestic violence Man the fan base for this show is weird.


![gif](giphy|TAyqF0VYMVkMo) Not one person besides the ten Alicent and Cole shippers want to see this shit again. Please let it die bro


I think I reached a point in my life when I could better enjoy a Mushroom self-gratification scene rather than another Alicole ride.


I'd pay actual money for mushroom to be show canon.


Wasn't mushroom shown last season? Or was that another dwarf


I don't know if he was a named character... But good point I'll check. I'd just love a direct remark like Aegon with his bros drunk in the keep requesting the fool mushroom or something


But mushroom was a fool for rhaenyra no?


I'd rather see Aegon climb back in that window than are these 2 morons again. I am so sick of them!


Yeah. I would rather see Larys find himself a new set of feet. And at the time I thought that was the worst thing.


There’s absolutely zero chance that Crispin isn’t thinking about Nyra every time he fuckles with Alicent, right? Nyra has been living rent free in that himbo’s head ever since he let a wild boar nearly kill her as a child (and that was a solid set up that he’s terrible at his job btw).


Alicent/Cole has done one thing, it caused both Black and Green subreddits, to agree that the whole relationship is dumb.


It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't destroy the actual characters and even their births so they could do three sex scenes between Alicent and Cole and do more with Rhaenyra and Alicent that does not come close to happening. It's not the Dance. They had a huge chance to stay very close to the book even with how they did Season One, but they leaned into things that don't matter in this story like Alicent getting nookie from a dude that really shouldn't be around her again from this point forward... artistic license is great, and they had plenty of place to do it without completely changing the underlying story to an illogical mess...


 LOL I am  tired of this cringe fest... ewww.


If that shit was replacing Rhaenicent I would gladly take the blow, but the fact that we will have to endure BOTH is just too much. Ryan you went too far


I prefer Rhaenicent 1000 time over this crap. I’m sorry but at least Rhaenrya and alicent have chemistry. Her and Crispín look like they are being forced.


https://i.redd.it/vxzstaphcr9d1.gif It’s only the third episode like holy shit 😭


It is the only thing TB and TG agree on ...


This tweet is a threat.


Only this show could ruin seeing two gorgeous creatures like Olivia and Fabian be together with their bullshit. ☹️


Okay. I think these two are very cringe. But I do think it makes sense that Alicent would go overboard to make up for lost time in regards to her sex life. She's always been resentful of Rhaenyra and her partners so it makes sense she'd do this. But I'm not sure I'd say it's something I actually want to see as much as it is something that works for the characters.


I literally just don’t want to see it anymore for how *bad* it is. If they weren’t so bland and boring to each other with zero chemistry, it might possibly be tolerable to watch, but the acting or set up of the characters just sucks so bad. Whatever happened in the first episode was fine, just one and done. We don’t need to keep seeing this


Agreed they literally have zero chemistry.




I have never been more disgusted watching 2 beautiful people go at it..... NO ONE wants to see this anymore! I would rather watch hours of creepy foot loving from Larys


I'm not caught up to Alicole so I have no idea how *they* are playing it, but I know how *I* would play it. Guilt-fueled, in that to admit that they have absolutely nothing together is to admit that everything they've done comes to absolutely nothing. Otto *could* have allowed Laena to marry Viserys, and the absolute shit-fest that is the Tygarian succession would have been less shitty. Alicent could also have told her father to go take a flying fuck at the moon and dropped out of the race for Queen. Alicent could have picked her friendship with Rhaenyra and thrown her support in behind the princess, and positioned her sons to support their sister and made them useful to Rhaenyra's future reign, which would have meant a peaceful transition and, in Aemond's position (that being "Ain't never gonna get the fucking chair and you goddamn know it, kid.") would have given him something to focus on other than "I hate Daemon" and, just possibly, have given him a way to develop a personality. Her sons *would* have had a future if she'd positioned herself and her kids as Rhaenyra's supporters and raised them to be *any other fucking thing than what they are*. In fact, if Alicent had taken *any* fucking interest in her sons beyond raising them to be scared out of their minds, the Greens would be in a much better position because Aemond would have kept Vhagar's butt on the *ground* that night. But to admit that supporting Rhaenyra was the smarter move would also require Alicent admit that her father is a fucking coward who fed his daughter to his King and his own ambitions, who never, *ever* would have had the same grade of balls that Strong had during his tenure as Hand--including getting his son the *fuck* away from the Princess when it became very obvious what was going on. Alicent sacrificed her entire life to her father, who blissfully fucked off and left her holding the baggage, that being Otto's ambitions and her two extraordinarily fucked up sons, and only came back when her desperation gave him something he could use. Her hatred of Rhaenyra keeps her from having to admit that she's fucked up *everything*, because at least she can justify what she's done as "It kept Rhaenyra off the throne". And Cole is symbolic, in a way, of every reason why she thinks she hates Rhaenyra--he's her former sex partner, he's a Kingsguard who broke his vows for her, he's her discarded trash, and he essentially only has value now because Alicent stuck her neck out for him. He's become sort of her touchstone for everything she wants to accomplish, which unfortunately is not "my son as King" but "Rhaenyra as Not-Queen". She doesn't so much want to win as she does want Rhaenyra to lose. Cole has exactly the same complex, with the additional baggage of being rejected. He can't handle rejection. At all. He's a man who built his life with his own hands, but he has no value in what he's built because it's not enough. *He* made it, and he's a man with no titles, no wealth, and no family. He's laboring his entire life under the burden of being born in the wrong family and economic bracket, and, in a way, he views Rhaenyra's rejection of his offer as a rejection of *himself.* He's not capable of seperating his sense of self from his accomplishments. It was acceptable to him to trade everything he worked for to gain a princess as a wife because, regardless of where that lands them economically, being the husband to a princess would elevate him to someone like Corlys, husband of Princess Rhaenys...at least in his mind. He has a very unrealistic view of how nobility works, because he isn't one, and he oversimplifies how morality, ethics and position work in Viserys's court. In his mind, Rhaenyra rejected Criston Cole, and everything that could possibly be symbolized in Criston Cole, and Alicent saved and validated him. So it does not matter what he does, because he's found his validation and honor in Alicent. Neither of them actually want to fuck each other. It's about what they symbolize to each other: Beating Rhaenyra. They're both having sex with a concept of victory, and that's why they keep on going back to each other for comfort: because if they can just beat Rhaenyra, it will be worth it, and all of this horror will have some kind of meaning. They just have to stick with it, long enough. And, on the flip side, giving up their extremely stupid liaison would be admitting that maybe they've been in the wrong all along. So they will probably be on each other like teenagers until Cole finally buys it. Not because either of them give a solitary shit about each other, but because they've turned each other into a symbol, and *that* is what they're fucking: the desperate hope that they haven't just destroyed everything they were ever supposed to care about.


I would have rather seen the full on make out session Mysaria and Rhaenyra had in that alternate timeline.




Oh is there another alicole sex scene! I know condals playing with us now 🤣 Isn't turning to sex to deal with stress and grief a pretty normal thing tho? They didn't have ice cream and the ability to bingewatch shows so they'll probably take whatever distraction they can.


I mean this happened (as far as we know) right after viserys died, but with the comfortability they have and the “looks” of them in season 1, along with the rumors saying they were supposed to have feelings for each other in the first season , i don’t think it’s a “grieving” thing. It’s definitely a “you’re my whore, wait by my bed for a good night fuck” type thing.




So..I know we're TB, so we have our POV, but like are other folks really into Sir Cinnamon and Queen Denial? Like that's a shot from an article so Hbo must have metrics that say ppl want it right?


https://i.redd.it/xwccsq2sis9d1.gif please GOD not another Alicole scene we get it, they're guilty and horny we don't need anymore screen time devoted to it


COle gonna get pegged on tonight's episode


Yeah I'll be honest, I don't get this. Those actors have zero chemistry. I really like Olivia Cooke and I find her so talented, but something about these two together doesn't work. I don't get passion or love from them. They're just bleh.


......are you telling me there's going to be *more* Alicole?? 👀👀👀😬😬😬🤮  No shmexy loving Daemyra times, yet they inflict more of *this* nonsense upon us?  WTAF, and additionally, BBQ EVEN.  I guess it's ever more a good thing that we're breaking out the vodka decoctions yet again for this one....




Fueled by ![gif](giphy|KdXNtmDmpVJTh4IG7x)


Thank god he’s leaving the city soon


If I have to see ANOTHER episode end with them fucking I’m gonna lose it


I hope they put more layers into this development and actually show that both characters are using each other and not really in a positive way. Whether it’s guilt, or it’s their way of trying to forget (or reminisce) Rhaenyra. Because I don’t see any genuine spark between them and it doesn’t make sense, given their personalities. Criston is very emotionally driven and does whatever he wants especially whenever he has a temper, and I don’t see how that would slide with Alicent when she chastised Rhaenyra for being the same way. One would argue that Alicent always wanted to be able to do whatever she wants, and that she is inherently a hypocrite but that still would mean their attraction for one other cannot be genuine.


I just want Cole dead already. He’s not even fun to hate like Joffrey or Cersei. He’s just annoying to me. Like I have to fight myself to not slip his scenes.


Alicole or Rhaenicent?


Well, guess what….


Fuck these are the times when I find them the most bearable. 


We’ve seen too much


I think they're staging an ugly breakup between the two, one will betray the other for example. Which is why they're inserting so many of their scenes together




Jesus Christ, *again*? If I didn't hate these two before, this would do it.


You are likely going to have to see them again. They are annoying but it's part of the show. Ignore it.


Yes. Everything to see more Olivia.