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This is how the "game" is supposed to work. It's not to be done quickly.


Thanks for your response. I totally get that it's not designed for instant gratification, and I'm trying to practice patience, but energy runs out *so* quickly that it takes hours just to get a couple of stars in one study session. There has to be something I'm doing wrong!


I don't think so! I mean. After you get through years 1-2 (because I'm not sure about them) it takes slightly less than a full energy bar for a 1 hour class, full energy bar + pets and various tappies for 3h, and twice the energy bar + some for 8h ones. And around 3 hours to replenish the bar, give or take. So 8h class actually takes me around 4 irl - open the game, get a few stars, close the game, do something else for 3-4 hours, get back to a full energy bar, finish the class. For fun story tasks I sometimes hope to get energy by feeding pets or buying extra chocolate frog cards, if I'm in the mood to spend more time in the game.


I guess I'm really just going to have to accept that this isn't a game designed to be played for a few hours at a time like, say, HW Legacy. I installed this off the back of Legacy consuming my life (lol) and feeling the itch for some Hogwarts immersion. I just find myself increasingly frustrated that I can seemingly only play it for a few minutes at a time, with hours waiting in between. That's mobile games for you, I suppose. It's a shame it takes so long to replenish energy... the 4 minute thing really sucks. I was hoping maybe I was doing something wrong or there was some easier/quicker way of obtaining energy, but I suppose not. I shall persevere... Thanks again!




Thank you - that's good advice. I'll try and get more pets. Do you have any pointers for getting the resources needed for acquiring pets? Thanks again.




You do!


The best sources for books (for pets and creatures) are Magical Milestones and the Chocolate Frog Card event. If you can, try to buy the MM Key for gems every month. If you never spend real money in the game and you still have the full ads, then those should give you enough gems to buy the key every month and have some left over for other things like pets (you don't need to buy the frog, you can earn it in a TLSQ). The CFC event starts in Year 3, it gives plenty of books and extra energy. In Year 3 you will also gain access to the library. There you can turn pages into the books you need or convert unwanted books into pages.


That's great advice, thank you so much.


No, it's how it is supposed to work. If it can help, I use the game for pauses during work - when the energy is full, I take a 15 mins pause


if you think year 2 is bad…wait til the snooze fest of year 5-6


It definitely doesn’t get quicker. This is definitely not a quick game.


Yeah, I think I could've worded that part better, I just meant since it's such a grind to get energy, one lesson takes me hours and I can barely progress through the story at all nevermind slowly. I just meant will it be easier/quicker replenishing energy as time goes on.


Make LOTS of Friends! Prioritize BILL WEASLEY (get him to 10 before he graduates)!


Thank you for the tip... Is there any way for me to *make* friends though, before the characters are introduced through the story?


No, just wait for them to be introduced and focus on certain Friends.


Year 3,4,5 are longer because of amount of TLSQ you have to do obviously they’re optional but year 6 is a lot quicker going


I have done the "amazing opportunities." While some of them are a good deal to get diamonds there are others that just aren't worth your time. If you are looking into one check the details very thoroughly! What is required and how long you have to do it! I've gotten some good diamonds off of them but have also DL the game only to realize "oh crap this will be nearly impossible" if you do DL one before you start playing make sure that it says that it was attributed to the game or you won't get the credits and no diamonds! Good luck!


Thanks for the tip!


The point is making you wanna buy energy. The more you play, the slower it gets. Yes there will be more ways to find energy, but tasks will need WAY more energy too; Example: 1h tasks during the first year need 22 energy, while in 6th year will need 40 energy. Same trend with 3 and 8h tasks.


Gather books over time, get one of each pet, pet energy can be accumulated, and energy from the 4 special areas will also accumulate (but not the hidden spot energy for some reason)