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I choose Chiara. Yes, there's always going to be the threat of lycanthropy but Chiara is my partner despite that


If it's good enough for Tonks, then by god, it's good enough for you!


She is adorable I know.


I also choose Chiara. Sure in the wizarding world lycanthropy is a threat but my MC is way more of one than her.


I mean... you still have to take "attempted bloody murder" at 11 years old...


Yeeeah ok, she's been raised by two Death Eaters. I would love to see anyone born in that family, how would act; all in all, she ended up way too well, especially growing up, from the 3rd year.


Barnaby was also raised by death eaters...


No, he was raised by his grandma. (Or am I completely misremembering something here?)


He was definitely raised by his parents until the end of the war. He’s met Voldemort.


And suffered direct death-related trauma because of that. Still a good person. If "kid of DE" is an excluding term, Barnaby is still 100% better for MC than Merula.


Barnaby didn't pass much time with his parents, ALSO (I love him but still...) he's not the sharpest tool in the shed


Barnaby's parents killed his pets in front of him, just to amuse voldemort.


Merula's parents served 1 year in Azkaban. They were death eats. So were Barnaby's. His parents also raised him. Nature vs Nurture. Barnaby is a gem. Merula is a future supporter of Voldermort.


Funnily enough, I don't think Merula has much respect for Voldemort, despite being pretty bad. Or was it the Malfoys that she disliked? 🤔


Idk man, locking somebody in a room with a plant doesn't exactly scream "bloody murder" to me. I think a lot of people are just too unnecessarily hung up on that anyway 🙄


it's the intention that counts, also what if MC was wandless back then? or no way to do any magic(same for rowan)? I may attempt to kill you with a sponge, but doesn't mean it's not an attempted murder just because the weapon is soft or not-likely to actually kill you.


Merula is abusive to us though.


Tsundere vibes, I kinda like it sometimes tho.




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Well, Penny, at 14-15 yo, >! literally try to hit MC with an entrancing enchantment after getting an explicit warning from Professor Filtwick about how morally bad that would be !< and I've hated her ever since. That girl can stay as far away as possible from me - in my canon, we are literally not friends anymore, and I don't know if we ever will be... Bonus negative points for later having the nerve to >! state that "Ismelda must be pretty desperate to use a Love Potion" !< and trying to take the high road! Don't try me, I know what you did...


That was a case of atrocious writing on Jam City’s part and must never be considered canon under any circumstances because someone with such a strong moral compass would never find something like that to be socially acceptable.


Whaat? Ahahahah did she? When??


During Valentine's Day TLSQ (year 4)


Sorry but, how will she explain her behavior?? Nono don't answer, I can't wait to see it


Your cannon sounds hella interesting🤠🤠🤠


The fact that you need to justify how good Merula is means she’s not as good as Penny. Penny being the best long-term partner is just a given.


Penny IS better than Merula. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool. What I'm trying to say is that JC put a lot, maybe too much, effort into the "ambiguous" interactions between Merula and MC, leaving aside the fact that as I already said, Merula is the only romantic option that reflects some changes on the main story. In a nutshell, the point is that it is not so obvious that JC has Penny as its ideal main romantic option.


I feel like you forgot to mention that Merula is an attempted murderer and a repeat offender and idk but I feel like it's a pretty important detail to take into account when you want to date someone


As I said, she has been raised by two Death Eaters. What did ya all expected? A 11 yo everything you know is what you did learn from your parents, and her parents were murderers. Year after year she undeniably become more and more calm and soft, obv keeping that tsundere behavior, but absolutely not a bad person.


Barnaby was also raised by death eaters before joining his gran and yet he didn't try to murder us for no reason


Because Barnaby had people in his life who cared for him. Merula did not.


That's not a reason to try to kill someone repeatedly (trapped us with a Devil's Snare + and tried to push us off our brooms during flying classes)


You’re right. But it’s part of how she became who she is. People compare Merula a lot to Barnaby and yet miss out on crucial details. Barnaby had people who could keep him in check. Show him love and happiness. Teach him the better path. Merula did not have that. She had to find it on her own. So she reacts unchecked and does things because nobody teaches her to handle things. Merula is kinda the child who swings a stick in a ceramic shop and nobody really takes action to stop her. So in the end, all the shit talks, death threats and underhanded tactics to get ahead is all she knows and all she can do. Now don’t get me wrong, it’s not to excuse her actions throughout the story or telling that you are wrong, I totally understand the hate she gets and you are more than welcome to hate her guts. This is more that we that likes/dates Merula sees that she is a heavily flawed character and there are reasons that people tends to gravitate towards her.


why are they downvoting you? you're right 😭


Eh, ignorance is bliss and all that. Let them have their downvotes while we enjoy what we have with Merula.


i’m just saying that if someone attempts a murder i am not getting near them ever again mate for very obvious reasons 😂


Oh cm on that was a lazy try. That plant could even be stopped by a flashlight. We knew ONE spell, and that was enough to beat that vegetable 💡. She just wanted to scary us.


and we’re 11??? i’m saying if i was in the shoes of MC i’d be pissed knowing someone sent me into a room with a dangerous plant that can kill me, it doesn’t matter that it’s easy to beat with a spell it’s the fact she did it in the first place


Once, during an argument, an ex of mine threw towards me her hairdryer, while I was in the bathtub 🙄; she knew perfectly well I would have pushed it right away with a slap. It's not like she tried to kill me... Some people just want to make a scene sometimes.




See it’s not attempted murder if you’re like 90% sure the person will save themselves it’s just common battery. I mean that’s like, barely a misdemeanor so there’s no issue. /s


And when we say about the toxic thing, the comment is deleted... But they prove us right...


On another occasion, with the same girl during another argument, I was SO SICK about that very argument, that I turned my back on her to go for a walk to get some fresh air and relax few minutes, and she threw me the knife she had in her hand (to be a drama queen, she often took a knife in her hand during arguments). Obviously she wasn't a ninja, and the knife landed badly, and just ended bouncing into my back, and then falling to the ground 😂. I'm used to this kind of behavior, in fact Merula doesn't seem like anything more than a little girl who wants attention and doesn't know how to get it; I find it almost sweet.


I'm sorry but just because you're used to abusive relationships doesn't mean attempted murders are now OK.


I mean, guys you're just being drastic. That wasn't attempted murder; the real attempted murder is something else entirely.


I think i understand your point but... Your real life relantionships are far far away to be compared with the one in game. Merula did that once when she met MC and never tried do to any harm (physical at least) again, so i agree that she's more of a girl looking for a attention she never had... But my friend... Wth, this are NOT things to be used to.


My dude, this is toxic Attitudes like that are NOT normal, this is violence I'm telling you this as someone who grew up in a family where things like this (and worse) were "the bread and butter" of everyday. And it has a name: domestic violence Never EVER justify this kind of thing, NO ONE deserves this and it's really dangerous. One day it's the hair dryer, another day it's anything else... and worse And about Merula, yes, what you say about the redemption arc and the “enemies to lovers” trope is true but if we get more serious, well, it's also very toxic to be with her in a relationship. I went with her to the celestial ball and the next day she says that she hopes I die like my brother (also, she says despicable things like it smells horrible like my dead brother's body). This is serious I mean, I can't imagine dating her without the intention of getting back at her for all the bad things she did (yes, that's toxic too) or not doing it at all. I really believe that if I really want to date her seriously, it is necessary to work on my self-esteem, my self-love and know what I really deserve and what I don't and know how to set limits... But at the end of the day, Merula is not real, but it could be reflected in real life... Please be careful, and again, this type of thing IS NOT NORMAL. It can cost you your life... And I say this from experience. I hope you're well.


I said it to another and I'll say it to you too: What are you getting at with her parents being deatheaters? Merula has been nothing but positive about them. Unlike Barnaby, who mentions getting physically abused and he turned into a real sweetheart.


And don't you think that, if there is something weird in this situation, it should be Barnaby? Do you think in real life, a child raised by two terrible murderers would turn into a honey cookie? Idk, sometimes seems like people reject the idea of ​​even trying to reason.


I'm reasoning with you already. And yes in real life people go through horrific abuse and turn out like wonderful people despite all of that. It happens all the time. So many people break the cycle. Just because not all of them do, doesn't mean no one does. And in the case of Merula, like I said there is no evidence that her parents were abusive. Just because they are murderers doesn't mean they were bad to her.


"it happens all the time" as if you had some sort of statistical record proofs in your hands 😂


I don't, but the proof is all around us. Just watch shows like evil lives here, where family members of murderers speak out. They didn't turn out to be evil too. I think it's really sad that you seem to believe things like that can't happen. What a bleak view of humanity


I 100% feel what you're saying. It does feel like the most satisfying character arc if we're working with narrative standards and such. She has a redemption arc waiting to happen since day 1, and, even if I'm not into fanfics and such, she's the screaming version of the enemies to lovers trope. As for Penny, yeah, once again I agree with you, she's absolutely lovely as a character, and I love to have her as a BFF (she's the first BFF I really feel like it, unlike Rowan and Ben), but romancing her feels... bland, unsatisfying, idk, she's a vanilla romance and works better as a loyal, cheering, sincere friendship. But I'll never not say it: Tulip would still be the PERFECT romance option. #JusticeForTulip #TulipRomanceNow


Bruh we absolutely think the EXACT same things, Tulip part as well! Unfortunately Tulip isn't always avaiable as romance, but she is no doubt the best girl in Hogwarts Mystery.


Op I’ve read some of your replies, and I just want to say that you shouldn’t be use to an abusive relationship. You shouldn’t be used to people throwing a hair dryer or knife at you. As for your post, it maybe could have worked. However the way they wrote her story, I have no sympathy for her


I can understand


agree to disagree lol


I don't like either. I can see Merula be this interesting, fictional, romantic girlfriend. But that's it. If she were someone in real life, I would advise staying far away. She is toxic and draining and you will be very unhappy after a while. She is not long term couple material.


I chose Penny because they didn't have Skye and Rath as choices in the romance part 😭


Literally writing a fanfic where one of the pairings is another player's MC-turned-OC who is romancing Skye. XD Skye is Slytherin in my fic and the OC is Ravenclaw with Rath, so their (f/f) pairing is going the enemies to lovers route. So much more fun than Merula "I'm actually mean" Snyde. XD


Dang would love to read it 💙


Sent a DM. :]


When will this generation learn that friends to lovers is better and less toxic than enemies to lovers 🙄🙄




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Cannot relate to this as a big Penny x MC shipper. I see the long-term romance playing out best with Penny, but I admit there isn't nearly as much build-up between the two in comparison to what Merula has going for her. Even Talbott has a well-written role as a love interest than Penny, even though Penny is the popular choice.


i mean, in year 5(main plot) we've literally penny saying how important is MC to her merula's "redemption arc" goes from hating you, to hate someone else because they're bad people.


Totally get you said unpopular opinion. But I'll never understand wanting to date the abusive, mean person. Yes she has some moments. But throughout the entire story she's a jerk. She's 1 of 2 options that are always a hell no for me.


I mean...if that's your thing, it's completely fine. But to say that Merula is a better lover than Penny (objectively speaking) is just untrue. At the end of the day, they are fictional. You can date whoever you want with no consequences. Hell, if Tom Riddle was a choice, I would date him too just to see how it turned out. Not a reflection of the choices I would make IRL by any means. Still, I wouldn't say an enemies to lovers trope is something healthy. It's a toxic ship, but you CAN enjoy it as it is.


I'm a little more partial to Chiara myself. Maybe I've just got a thing for canines. I don't know. Point is, both are good.


Chiara is legit the cutest one


She also moonlights as a good pupper.


I’m the dating events Merulas’ personality is a lot better, which gave me whiplash every time going from MSQ to romance content because it’s like damn girl we’re dating. Best part is there’s an event later on where she reminds you that you’re dating if you chose to be official with her


Honestly I find both of them have some drawbacks and don’t want to date either of them. I like penny but she’s a bit too bland for me (and like someone said a bit sketchy at times and I don’t like that) even though she generally is a very sweet and kind person so I’m not saying she’s bad or anything (I’m really more just friends with her), and I just can’t ever bring myself to ever like merula any more than a very short lived each time pity moment and that’s as far as it ever goes (and she usually makes me regret thinking she’s worth pity soon after because you can only feel so bad for someone if they keep doing the same things over and over and over again even as they age and grow). It also feels like those two are always in every piece of content (which they aren’t but it feels that way) so I got almost… not burnt out but sort of with them. There are so many other characters I’d rather be with, like most of the rest of the cast I’d sooner date. Chiara for one is a really great character (personally of course, not a fact or bold statement just an opinion) and I’d totally date her if I made a second account. Which isn’t to say someone else can’t like them, if you love either one that’s okay! There are different characters for different players and that’s great and it’s fine to have differing opinions~ Just since we are talking about love interests who “make the most sense” the opinions will differ on who that is to you personally and to someone else. If your one true love or endgame is different from someone else’s that’s okay. But people will come and share whether they agree or disagree too~ I do wish we had more options too because even though I can see they’ve tried to add variety it would be nice to have even more (like tulip, quidditch folks, newer characters, characters we see in the future just are dating temporarily etc).


Yeah, there is so many points on the game where MC and Merula have some "picking and flirty" interactions. I saw that something was going on when in a Potion Class (im not sure when) Merula have a bubble saying >!"What you mean you dreamed about me?! Is better not have being weird!"!< and for me was "ooh okay this is a sign 👀". And about Penny, i have to adimit that her interactions on the first years where... making me unconfortable. She knew all about all our MC before we even talk with her, she was always ready to do anything for our MC (including breaking rules) and it was always super friendly and super happy. This is my opinion (okay? My opinion, there is no need to fight with me or whatever): im afraid of people like that, is way too happy, way too perfect, and it seems that she is trying to get MC attention to her a lot too. (Edit: Want to add here for those who blocked me and are downvoting me now, you are sad, and imature. Saying others are toxic dosent make you less toxic.)


Yea this game got plenty of these kind of stuff. Also in Flying lesson she said something like "You always stare at me while we're flying, you stare at me while we're in class; what do you want??"


ppl hating on merula are too basic i totally get what you say it’s always the same excuse bc people don’t get complex character i totally love her and i see penny as a friend only


Indeed! Me too!


Nah penny ftw


That’s my boo. I went on dates with a few others but they sucked. Merula ride or die


honestly I'm disappointed by some of the answers here - especially because I see it happening not just under this post, but in the whole sub. This is just a game, there's no need to get so worked up because of a game. Let people enjoy things! Liking a character doesn't mean condoning their actions, the world isn't black and white like that. The game doesn't paint Merula as a good person, literally no one (not even Merula's fans) is glorifying Merula's actions. People here love to bully others for liking Merula, when... this is **just a game**! We are allowed to like characters due to how interesting they are - good or not, gray or not. Chill out, guys, OP just shared their opinion - share yours too, but don't shame them/make them feel guilty for that. Because, sadly this is something I see way too much in this subreddit.


Well I understand why people think that, and I love enemies to lovers trope, it’s like people who ship Harry and Draco. But same as with Harry and Draco, merula x mc was never written to be more than enemies, maybe friends at the end. Even if you started to date merula it doesn’t change her tone in the main story so it is just confusing. If you start dating penny however, she is kind to you and will stay kind to you in the main story…


Also, both Draco and Harry are straight, so it wouldn't make any sense in the first place shipping those two; it's not about "enemy to love" or "friend to lover" here, it's just breaking the backgrounds lore.


Where does it say they are straight? People who end up with opposite sex partners are not necessarily straight


Let's just talk about the facts, shall we? Do Harry and Draco have a partner of the opposite sex to them? Yes. Have Harry and Draco ever shown even mild romantic or sexual interest in someone of the same sex? Definitely no. Has JKR ever said anything that would even make readers even think that Harry and Draco might, even in their deepest subconscious, not be straight? I think she broke out in hives just asking this question here and now, knowing her. Ultimately, there is no (rational) reason to doubt this fact. Let's avoid falling into the Woke, please.


You don't know that about Draco. He wasn't a POV character so we have no idea if he ever fancied someone of the same sex. It's true that we don't see Harry experience it, but that doesn't mean it would never be possible. We leave his mind at 17. Many people have just started to explore their sexuality at that age. It's not uncommon to discover new things about yourself. The only fact here is that it is never explicitly stated for either of them. If facts are woke now then I'll gladly fall into the woke.


Do you actually understand they're fictional characters? You are just headcanoning stuff, that's it. The only person who can say something like this is JKR, and she POSITIVELY won't agree on letting something like this happening, I promise you.


You're right, only JKR knows. Which means you're headcanoning as much as you accuse me of. All I say is that nothing is stated about this, so no one knows. It's not that hard.


Have you inhaled so much copium that you think you could slightly be in the right? YES, ONLY JKR knows, AND, she told us that the both of them ARE STRAIGHT; furthermore she is not and will NEVER be willing to come to terms with the production, to please the LGBT community, she LITTERALLY said this (That's why there are so many delays with the Harry Potter TV series). ALSO, quoting Wikipedia: "Since late 2019, Rowling has publicly voiced her opinions on transgender activism and related issues. Rowling has used language and expressed her views towards transgender people in a manner which has frequently been referred to as transphobic by LGBT rights organizations and some feminists", and do you think she could even think of changing the sexuality of two of her favorite characters in such a drastic way, for no reason? You are just talking nuts, my friend.


I don't know what you've been reading, but again I said nothing is stated and only JKR knows. No one is changing anyone's sexuality. If you looked up anything about it, you'd find that the actors have speculated about both Harry and Draco's feelings, but also about Ron's. Because anything is possible, because nothing is stated. And I don't get what being trans has to do with this. JKR is a confirmed transphobe, nothing new. Transphobes do not necissarily hate gays though, there are gay transphobes even. Also her fave character is Dumbledore, look it up.


1) Did I say "her two favourite characters"? I don't think so. 2) She did talk about LGBT community, guess what G is there for? 3) again, you're just grasping for straws; At first it was funny, now you're just cringe. Not much to talk about: Everything (and only) in the books is canon; everything else is not. Harry married Ginny (and had a crush on Cho), Draco married Astoria (and was in a relationship with Pansy). Believing that they might be gay is just ridiculous woke conjecture. I'm not interested in continuing this discussion because you are clearly dead wrong 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


I am happy to hear that she does have impact on the story, my boyfriend chose her while I chose talbot and he said there is a difference but not a big one with our interactions with her. When I saw his cutscenes it didn’t really seem different than mine, but again, I’m glad to hear there is an impact, it makes more sense that way.


I do not agree. Merula is the only romance option that, if chosen, has several impacts on the main story. If I'm not wrong, Penny would only cheer for you during quidditch matches, in a more "flirty" way. From this point of view, therefore, Merula seems to have had more work from JC.


I feel ya, more or less. I've been after Mer-Mer from day one. Yeah, she's mean and angry and selfish and arrogant and a whole lot of others things. But it's also just a cover for her real emotions. Or at least, for other emotions. She's a feisty lil' firecracker who lashes out at everyone and everything because, as far as I could tell, that's how she was raised by whoever takes care of her, given that her parents were Death Eaters. And in rare moments, the sad, sweet and sometimes compassionate side of her does show. She's the goth rocker girl that's always looking for a fight, taking her own emotions on others. Granted, it's not fair that she does and she should totally make up for it, but I can see what causes it. That may not excuse it but it doesn't make her irredeemable. As for Penny... she's the girl next door. The BFF. She's fun and helpful and always the first to give a helping hand. If Merula wasn't romanceable, Penny would be top of the list, closely followed by Chiara and Badeea and Skye... and Tulip and Tonks. Polyamory for the win! But I digress... Love them both but Merula just a wee bit more.


I'm so glad there are some people who understands my thought about Merula and Penny so damn well! I couldn't have said it better.


What are you getting at with her parents being deatheaters? Merula has been nothing but positive about them. Unlike Barnaby, who mentions getting physically abused and he turned into a real sweetheart.


I did not say them being DErs suggested they abused her, physically or... well probably emotionally they at least influenced her. It's clear she misses them and wishes she could see them again. But just because they treated her well does not mean they weren't a bad influence, see the Malfoys for reference.


Every parent influences their kid, that's natural. But we have no evidence that her parents influenced her to lash out at others. Could just as well be from the trauma of losing them and being placed into the care of her aunt, who is proven to at least be emotionally abusive


Excuse me while I barf my guts out. 🤮


Good observation 🤔 😊


Merula's an asshole but I wouldn't want it any other way. I'm so far gone for her that Penny's not even up for consideration despite how great she is.


some of you speak of Merula's redemption arc like she personally fought voldemort to protect MC and died in the process, while her redemption is info-dumping on us her sad backstory and changing the target of her hate because the actually harmed her first. It's sad that your standards are so low. It's like praising someone that spent a whole year going from level 1 to level 10, when next to them there is someone that in the same amount of time went from level 10 to level 100 and ignoring them because "this person already has more fans, they don't need our praise". The problem with Merula is how the writing keeps her as she is because you people like her like this, never changing, never improving(personality-wise), and happy to have her acting nice during romance-SQs...but such events make her inconsistent to her main-plot's version I'm so far in the game that i've no reason to change my current exclusive romance with her.