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I remember the times when level 45 was the maximum and it was enough, not like now....


You will spend more time starting over than doing some grinding now. My alt is on the *beginning* of year 6 with such stats, I will be okay with it.  If you returned from a pause though, you'll have now a ton of TLSQs that were released while you wasn't playing. You may skip some of them and do classes while you waiting the timer.  Also feeding maxed creatures in Reserve manually helps a lot with attributes. And Study with friend 


But would TLSQs give good attributes? Compared to farming classes?


Exactly. They don't give attributes. Just a little bit for choices. If you'll do them all, that would be even slower with attributes. That's why I'm telling "You may skip some of them and do classes while you waiting the timer". TLSQs come back again eventually anyway


Thanks for the advice. I was so burned out I had left the game for months at least twice. I played year 6 since the day it released and I still haven’t reached halfway yet. That’s how fed up I was with the grind lol


😊 Do you read speech bubbles? They can be fun thus make classes more interesting) Also good way to speed up accumulating points is repeating 3-hours mandatory classes. Complete 4 stars and let expire. (Start with close to 0 energy and come back before the end)


> Or should I just start over?  [RT\_Ragefang](https://www.reddit.com/user/RT_Ragefang/), you don't need to start over at all, you just need to stop in the passage of the plot and complete temporary tasks, simultaneously attending classes. The attributes will come. Starting over is a heavy burden, believe me!


I already did that. I have 10-ish max creatures and feed bulk them all the time and farming 8 hours like crazy. The screen says I got like 50 per stars along with whatever I got in between, but I still missed out for another 2k


>The screen says I got like 50 per stars along with whatever I got in between, but I still missed out for another 2k Right. For 1 star you get 10 attribute points. The total is 50 for an 8 hour lesson + for mini-games in between. 2k is needed for the quantity for the next level. And this needs to be done a lot,Once, if you want to raise your attributes. >I already did that. I have 10-ish max creatures and feed bulk Not enough, of course. From such a quantity the increase will be small at a time, considering that you are still engaged in mass feeding. Well, all you have to do is do all this, and after a while progress will be visible. In six months, I think there will be progress.


Bulk feed gives more club points than attributes (average 7-8 club points for creature and 5-6 attribute points). Individual feedings gives 15 attribute points on average and no club points


As soon as I started using this method, I immediately began to see progress in club levels, but fell into attributes. But it saves a lot of time, and now I’m not tied to the game like before.However, a lot needs to be done for this!🙄


Here is my example of mass feeding. https://preview.redd.it/ijvw2qlwpr7d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d35fc395ae9d3093440154dcae05c486cb99570e You can see that the points are distributed evenly, but this is not always the case. The stats are distributed evenly in order to balance the lack of points in different categories, but it will always be equal.


Sadly there is no fast solution. I personally prefer to grind mainly about feeding maxed creatures. Provided that you have a reasonable amount of maxed creatures AND plenty of food. I feed individually, not via bulk. It takes more time but you can choose and it's more efficient. Additional I study with a friend to flatten the imbalance of attributes given from feeding. If you are lacking maxed creatures and food it's more difficult. I don't know another proper way except of doing lessons. That's really laborious and boring. I only do this if I have to. Perhaps other members have further ideas. Apart from that you need a lot of patience and stamina. Good luck with that. 🙂👍


Does studying with friends give significant attributes? I usually used it to farming relationships, but I’ll check it out thanks


It depends what you understand under " significant". 😉 Well, I do it every day. Using 3 brown books since I have enough and knowing it takes each time exact 1 day. You'll get 60 from the wanted attribute. If you do this regularly you can equalize the different amount of attributes pretty good. So is MY experience at least. Cannot speak for others. Additional you can regulate friendship points. Especially those who need to be upgraded. So choose wisely. If the offer doesn't suit you wait 1 hour and you'll get a new one.


I have 36 to all in year 4. I don't grind classes for points, I feed maxed out magical creatures. I think I have 26 and I feed the all twice a day. I use the seasonal event and buy all the creature food I can and I individually feed each maxed out creature and choose the highest attribute reward. If they offer the same I choose the one I have least of. Though I will say, while I'm grinding attributes this way i am not progressing the story. I log in, collect all my energy from pets and tappies, do daily planner, feed creatures, and level up any friendships I have that are not 10. Later before I go to bed I log in collect my energy again, feed my creatures again. If you have a lot of magical creatures you can get attributes fairly easy by just feeding them.


Year 4? Now I feel even worse lol. I only have 10 critters because I don’t have enough books to buy them. Guess back to farming for me. Sadge


Oh.. I'm sorry. To be fair I am probably the slowest player in existence, so please don't feel bad. I spent literally 16 months in year 3. I cannot bring myself to skip any TLSQ. So basically I log on every day when i wake up, collect all my pet and tappie energy, do the 2 daily planner tasks that don't require energy, feed my creatures and log off. Then I get back on before bed and feed the creatures all again. I stack up 1000 energy before I progress the main story at all because I want to smash out the TLSQ all at once. Since they release so many it takes me eternity to progress through the main story. My advice would be to stock up gems, buy the MM keys every month to stock up on books. If you can manage to get a decent amount of magical creatures to lvl 10, it's much easier to earn attributes that way than grinding classes, just takes awhile to stock up and get to that point. I wish you the best of luck, the grind is real


Just start over. I agree with the fact that you would take less time grinding attributes, than starting over, but it would be way more neat; also you would enjoy the storyline much more, instead of breaking it by this inconsistent playing style you had.


Bulk feed really help a lot! Sure you gain less than feeding one by one but it’s saves a lot of time. It’s a great feature from JC.