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It was too easy before, you could get the reward by just playing the game. Now they made sure that the only way to get the reward is by spending real money on it. Unless you have saved an absurd amount of energy I guess. Not very welcoming to new players of you ask me


Yeah, and even if you spend money it’s ridiculous. Never again for me.


Ever since they switched it to 1.5x, it is way too hard. I only got the tappie because I had over 1000 energy stacked before the event started. I completed 2 full TLSQ’s and some quidditch tasks until I ran out of stacked energy, then switched to repeat failing one hour 5 star tasks every hour. Even after these efforts in the end, I barely made it to 2000 while boosted.


Yes exactly and if you can't get it even by spending money there is something really wrong


Yeah I don't think new players will have any luck actually I think it will scare them off. What a greedy corporation that is jc


Did some math and calculated you'd need over 3300 extra energy BEFORE the carnival stated to make it. That's insane.


This is just fake. I did not spend a cent and still, I got the flowers.


fam why didn't you sleep for a week???


Because the carnival was for 7 days and I really wanted the tappie cause it was a pride styled tappie


They allegedly deprive themselves of sleep for a free to play game, and then take to Reddit for sympathy or something. Some people have to live with WAR. Good lord


I’m sorry, carnival sucks, but that is 1.5x. You don’t earn a 1:1 ratio of tokens to tickets. You earn 80% tickets of tokens spent, which turns into 120% of tokens spent with gem boost; 120% of 30 is 36. All you can do is save your 1 and 3 hour tasks as well as save any/all extra energy you earn from other events throughout the time between carnivals. This is why I’m currently taking a hiatus.


Honestly I'm grieving my sleep and my time that was a huge mistake. I think I'll follow your example and take a hiatus. Although if I'm being honest I still don't understand why put ×1.5 boost if it's not exactly that. It's false advertising maybe they should have said what you said it makes more sense that way


Glad I could help. Also, I definitely think they make it confusing deliberately; you’re far from the only one. I started my hiatus last month when the new TLSQ dropped. I just literally could not anymore. After seeing another TLSQ dropped today/yesterday(?) I definitely don’t regret my decision. The carnivals had a lot to do with it. Especially since they don’t even care that we can’t display all the tappies, let alone even just all the 23h ones. If you don’t think you can quit cold turkey, what I was doing before the TLSQs dropped, was stacking energy and doing quizzes/whatever during events I didn’t care about. Then, when one I did care enough about came up, I had several hundred energy from pets/dorm tappies/club tappies (which didn’t used to stack but do now if you didn’t know) and actually enjoyed the playtime. It’s not worth your sanity. It’ll always be there to come back to.


You're not wrong, and you've explained it really well, but I do agree with OP that it's misleading, because when the boost was for x2, you literally did get twice the number of gold tickets. Its not crazy to expect the x1.5 boost to work the same way.


Yes exactly thank you:)


The task costs didn't change though. For example: * Without boost: task costs 50 tokens, gives 40 tickets * With 2x boost: task costs 50 tokens, gives 80 tickets (80 is 2x 40) * With 1.5 boost: task costs 50 tokens, gives 60 tickets (60 is 1.5x 40) We've never had a task that costs 50 tokens and gives 100 tickets under any boost. So yes, the boosts work exactly the same way, they just multiply the given amount of tickets by a different amount.


How I win carnival: 1. Saved a low-level 1 hour 5 star task to fail over-and-over. I use Kelpie task 6: since I've failed it more than twice before already, I get the full amount of pity energy back so getting 4 out of 5 stars takes exactly 20 energy and I get 10 energy back (sometimes I have to spend 21 or 22 energy if the options are bad). So I start this quest, start a 1 hour timer and get 4 stars by spending 20 energy (and getting 10 energy back). You get 4 tokens per star for 16 tokens per hour. 2. I saved a few Dueling Events in the memory book. Spend 200 pages to start one and complete it up to just before the spell reward, then only fail from then on out. Every win gets you 4 tokens and every fail gets you 1 token. Note you also get 100 coins per fail, so this event milking is worth doing outside of carnival too. Easy fail method: Defensive->Throw Vial over-and-over (faster than spells and don't have to trace or wait for skip option), switch to Defensive->Wiggenweld Potion if you are in danger of winning (you can't win if you never do any damage, so you will eventually lose). 3. When my energy gets full (since 10 energy used per hour is less than I get from regen (15 en/hour) and tappies (about 9 en/hour for me in year 6)), I run a Search for Creature Food (48 energy for 12 tokens for me in year 6). Then go back to failing the 1 hour Kelpie task 6. With these and buying the 1.5x boost for gems, I've gotten the tappie on every carnival. So, it is doable but not particularly fun. List of tasks to fail is at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CfyaifFmqhrhXZcf2s_eEgUS9yVQh_ROYcSiM2q1TMQ/edit?gid=1660095429#gid=1660095429


I do the same though without buying the boost as I don’t like to spend gems. I agree it can be done but am I enjoying the process? No. And for someone who can’t log on regularly throughout the day…well, probably out of reach.


That's what I do exactly, but with a task from the Cruppy quest 😄. Reaching the tappie is usually no problem, and this time I even got all the prizes after it. That might have been a first, I can't remember. I'm in Year 6, too.


I got to 2700 this time, mostly because I stopped trying hard after the tappie at 2000, and the TLSQ started. Furthest I've made it in a long time.


That sounds unreachable for me ngl. I'm sure you achieved it but damn the farthest that I have come is with this carnival and I really tried


When is the cruppy quest?


It's a Year 3 Quest, I think. Puppy-Dog Tales.


That's incredible thank you for showing me this and taking the time to write it I really appreciate it!!! I'm going to try it if a carnival comes and I really want the tappie like this one. Omg wow you are very clever and tactical


Search for Creature Food doesn't work in Beyond.


Can't stand how p2w this game can be. I could barely get any rewards there was so little time


Yes it was so hard and without spending gems is it even doable? The event was 7 days but the rewards were so hard to get


The carnival is impossible without paying real money or having *thousands* (yes, plural) of stacked energy if you’re in a later year, especially Beyond. Do yourself a favour and ignore it. 


Yes that's exactly what I'm going to do from now on cause it has become ridiculous at this point Having thousandS of stacked energy is a crazy requirement...


how do you stack energy? that sounds incredibly helpful


If you have full energy certain sources will stack. Pet/dorm energy, clubhouse energy spots, chocolate frog card energy and gifts/magic milestone energy. 


I've never liked the overly tiring and expensive carnival, perhaps even more than Full Marks. The carnival could have been fun but instead I wasn't having fun😒


I don't think they want us to have fun anymore sadly they only want to milk us for money


Unfortunately 😒😓


The levitation game returns 24 tickets without the boost. 1.5x24=36 with the boost.


Oh okay that makes more sense but they did not advertise it this way


The carnival has been ruined. I don’t even try anymore.


Yes exactly and it's so sad it used to be so fun


Yeah this one was frustrating as hell. I’ve rarely gotten the tappies from carnivals because I feel like that part at least is designed to really only be gotten if you spend real money on the game and I’m not doing that but I’ve never really had a problem getting the entire furniture set, but I’m short like two pieces on this one. I mean this set was ugly but still


The tappies are so out of reach it makes me so frustrated sometimes. Yes not being able to get the entire set is a new low for jc Also I think the dorm set was a divination inspired 2020 set if I'm not mistaken.


Oh I guess that makes sense, it just comes off kind of ugly and mismatched though but yeah I think I’ve only ever gotten one tappie from the carnival and that was because I just happened to have a bunch of energy stacked up or something I honestly don’t remember


Yup agreed. Probably my last time doing carnival. It's not like I've space for another Tappie anyway.


The lack of tappie space is sad it's like jc doesn't put any effort in the game lately. Honestly my last time too probably


I agree, the earlier carnivals with 2.0 boost through diamonds was better balanced. I did carneval once after the change and I got nearly everything except the last prize. But it was no pleasure to play it. Conclusion: It's doable if you have a) a 1h/5⭐️task and b) enough time. With enough time I don't mean to skip sleeping, that'd be a NoGo for me. No game is worth meddling in my health. Meanwhile I decided to skip the carneval due to several reasons. Too long, too laborious and I'm not in the mood being forced to look regularly in my game for the 1h task. Not important for me, and since we have no place for tappies anyway it was an easy decision to stay at the side-line. 🙂


Yes the old carnivals were so much fun and you always got the tappie it wasn't an exclusive item for those who spent money or for players who did so much stuff in order to get it. Yeah you are right NO game is worth your health. You did very wisely by not participating ngl I should have done the same.


It's just absolute bs. When it was 2x, I could finish it and get the tappie just barely. With the 1,5x I am not even close, they want you to spend insane amounts of money to get the rewards. It's a shame that they want their loyal everyday players to actually spend money every single event.


Fully agree! It's so ugly how greed can make a fun game into something so ugly and deprived of joy.


Yeah so disappointing tbh. I love HP and I like the game a lot, so I for sure will keep playing. But I'm not spending extra money to reach these ridiculous milestones


Yeah and you shouldn't have to, it's unfortunate the game has so many negative aspects


They want you to spend money on the game.


True but It's ridiculous


The monetization model is the same in games for mobile platforms. If you don’t want to wait, “pay or wait and waste a lot of time.” Unfortunately, this is the reality.


Because that's how JC roll..


Oh jc the greed has gotten them


I’ve never gotten to the end of a carnival event. I don’t bother with them at all anymore.




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Agree this one sucked, too hard, too long. Lost a couple of hundred gems for nothing, gave up Day 5


I win the tappy like 75% of time (rlly dependent if i like it or not), i get the boost and only play the biggest of ticket games. I usually win the carnival with days to spare 🤷🏻‍♀️. Also try doing all the side interactions to build up tickets (i don’t mean to state the obvious but it did take me a few tries to realize how substantial that could be). Even without the boost this works for me most of the time.


I win the tappy like 75% of time (rlly dependent if i like it or not), i get the boost and only play the biggest of ticket games. I usually win the carnival with days to spare 🤷🏻‍♀️. Also try doing all the side interactions to build up tickets (i don’t mean to state the obvious but it did take me a few tries to realize how substantial that could be). Even without the boost this works for me most of the time.


Even after the boost, I haven't even got close to getting the tappies lately.


I don't find it hard at all


That’s because you’re only year 4. Come back when you’re year 6+.


Yes exactly requirements are so strict after year 6




That’s what she said



