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Why are beyond players as tall as Hagrid


JC doesn't have the real body model of Hagrid, since he's said to be around 8'6”. In the game, he's as tall as the rest of the adults.


That's his movie Height he's about 11'6 " in the books, but his size in the game has always bothered me .


Because they finally made the characters the height they should be.


I started the game with +12000 energy because I received all the energy I had paid for and stuff. So... more than that.


Wait, as in a new game?


Yes. You get everything you payed for and can keep 2 outfits and 1 set of furniture. But like all the energy, gems, books, pets and whatever you payed for with real money, you get to keep.


Wait I’m so confused, even though you’ve already used it in previous game?? You start a new game you get it all back? 


Pretty much yeah.


As far as I know there is no limit. But it's not a good idea to get more than 600 energy quickly, there was case of player banned or put in the monitoring list because they have too much energy. Most of the time the wrongfully banned player are unban but still when you are in the monitoring list even a tiny strange occurence will get you banned even if you did nothing wrong. So as beyond player I nerver get past 600


Either 2,147,483,647 or 9,223,372,036,854,775,807


username checks out ;)


Technically there's no limit. Though JC might be suspicious of you if you get too much.


Specifically if you get too much too quickly


I've stacked over 3 000 recently


I've had up to about 1900, but that was quickly gone during a TLSQ. I usually don't get much past 1400 before a new one triggers, though. Then, it's back to stacking.


The past year I usually stack up to around ~1500 and then blow it on a tlsq then start stacking again. I really don't play much at all. And tbh I'm over the tlsq's anyway, I've got too many dorm and clubhouse items and nowhere to put the new ones. It's annoying! Why build a clubhouse and not have enough room for these treasures??!!


Above 634 energies (pretty sure that's the number the trials settled on), your account will be "flagged", aka treated as if you had cheated BUT without banning you. Don't believe the people who tell you you'll immediately get banned, that's just not true and fearmongering. You'll be paired with other flagged accounts in house pride and full marks, which is super annoying because some are actually cheating and will get stupid number of points. However, there's no limit to the amount of energy you can stack, through buying or simply not playing and collecting daily! It's quite helpful to have stacked if a TLSQ starts when you're working/don't have access to your phone, and I personally passed the flagged threshold a long time ago so I just contact support with screenshots when I'm paired with cheaters.


Hold up if you go a full day without playing you'll get another full round of energy the next day? I've never had energy stack through just not playing


No, you need to not spend energy and then log in and collect extra from the tappies in your dorm and the clubhouse. Normal energyspots won't stack above your max energy, but those will. Energy from events will also stack.


What about pets?


Everything in your dorm stacks


And in the clubs.


Pretty sure it's unlimited..


Where did you get that outfit?


The last seasonal token exchange.


Ok thanks


Wtf, a giant


A lot, I don't know if there's a cap, bue beware because I've been reading about the Full Marks event and how lots of people been studying about energy and cheaters and apparently if you go over 600-650 stacked energy, you get flagged by the game. Flags cannot be removed yet and that means in all your future Full Marks event you'll be put in groups with only flagged people, which also consist in a lot of cheaters... I'll put links below if I fin them.


[Stacked energy and Full Marks](https://www.reddit.com/r/HPHogwartsMystery/comments/1d7kyeg/stacked_energy_and_full_marks/) [Stacking too much energy will likely cause you to get sorted with more cheaters in FM/HP ](https://www.reddit.com/r/HPHogwartsMystery/comments/uu1hxw/stacking_too_much_energy_will_likely_cause_you_to/?share_id=Wljst1ttbiVSJXTl1vrpE&utm_content=1&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1)


Is there a way to tell if your account has been flagged? I think I've had around 1.5k energy from purchases and stacking before, so now I wonder.


What I gather from the second link I posted (the detailed experiments and analysis) and the comments, the only way you'd realise you've been flagged would be in FM events.. If you suddenly notice your group is full with people getting really high scores, scores that are too good to be true (don't know how high really because I don't pay much attention to FM events), then probably you're flagged... On the comments it was mentioned that all the accounts they used to test this hypothesis were free-to-play accounts, so chances are if you're paying real money, you wouldn't get flagged for stacking energy because you'd be paying for it and therefore would not be cheating... One would think they would be able to detect this but the people running the experiments had no way of knowing that..




Your post was removed as discussion of hacks, exploits, and other forms of cheating is not allowed.


what is the point of accummulating?


In anticipation of new release such as the June 26 they have been promoting. I have done all TSLQ that have popped up, paused game advance and now have almost 1000 for it. After I will continue on with main game. Yr4 ch4 atm


When in beyond and you have nothing to do besides waiting for a new chapter/tlsq, you can simply stack up on energy.


Holy mother of energy almighty


My max Is 55 xD


Um, as you can see in the picture, I have over 800.


I Said "my" 😅