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Given how many TLSQ she shoves her way into for no reason, I'm amazed she isn't on our friends list by the end of year 3 despite literally wanting us dead a dozen times over in the main story And we can even date her for some reason


and while she calms down once you hit year 4...she still remains an annoying entitled brat, that genuinely believe that the world is in debt with her because she exists, and that is kind of a blessing(in her mind) that people should pay for XD. <- yeah this is the level of her ego.


>And we can even date her for some reason It’s so unfair how we can date her but not Rath.


The TRUE enemies to lovers. Especially since MC and Rath are legitimate rivals (how does that work if your MC is in Slytherin?)


She’s just in her default house which is Ravenclaw if the MC is a Slytherin


Ohhhhhh I didn’t realise that!! I thought her natural house was Slytherin! Cool as, thank you for telling me!


Has anyone dated her. Does she get nicer if you do. I just got to year 3 can’t date yet. I would think if you were dating her you’d find your brother faster.


Right??? Why is merula always around like


She’s supposed to hate us and yet she’s always there


Like I don’t like you. And you bully my friends go away.


Honestly i just wish we could actually chose our friends and not meed to be friend with over 10 people just so we can progress in the game


Ban BEN and Penny? Gain Ismelda AND Merula? You have my support!


I get why ban BEN but Penny?? Why she's a good friend


Penny tries to pull a Love Potion dose on the MC instead of the normal “just Date Jacob’s sibling”.


I was not expecting to learn this while reading the comments, when the hell does she do THAT? Instantly put her from a mid tier friend to actual enemy in my books if that's correct.


I’m not to that part yet, but the wiki says that she brewed it to trade with someone else for something we need, not to dose us with it. I guess she could try to do that still, but it says nothing about it. Imelda, on the other hand, does dose Barnaby.


I give Ismelda dosing Barnaby a Pass only because one specific Valentines Day Side Quest has you try to help Barnaby realize that Ismelda LOVES him. You do everything Correct to help Ismelda and Barnaby “is so dumb” that he Ignores it and asks you to be is Valentine and even after saying NO you still cannot Set Up Barnaby/Ismelda. I still Ship them (now), but WTF Jam City?! I finish the Ismelda LOVES Barnaby Quest and it’s “Oh, Barnaby only focuses on Jacob’s Sibling.”


Perosnally i wouldn't be friends with Merula or Ismelda or Ben,they all either annoy me or anguer me


You are Year 4… Me I’m in Beyond plus I decided to date Merula as soon as I met her Year 1. Full on Wayne’s World moment for “Jacob’s Brother”. Hufflepuff dates Slytherin. JC generic story (NO Side Stories) has a VASTLY different version of Merula from “Side Story Merula”. As one Beyond Date says “I like being the only one you are nice to.”


I'm on year 4 in my current account bc my first one which i had been playing since the game came out i was in year 6


And i also got a lot of spoilers about how Merula develops,i still don't care about her


Banning Ben...well after he changed badly I really want to unfriend him. Penny is nice, and about ismelda and merula...ismelda is just... Ismelda, U know. Merula changed a lot over the years, I don't wanna spoiler, so enough 'bout them :))


Badeea is so dull, I would replace her gladly for Merula


I keep forgetting about her despite her being the ONLY Sphinx Club member in Beyond (post Year 7) you can choose. Penny Tonks ( or 1 per week Bill Weasley) Badeea One person per club.


Yeah indeed. Seems we get down voted for not liking some "friends" and liking Merula😂😂😂. Soft


Reddit is a HIVE MIND and you get punished for “Wrong Think”. Obey the Majority for Up Votes. Express Individuality for Down Votes.


I feel like merula needs to get her own story arc if she hasn't already that will make people appreciate her more, Since the fact she is always there means she cares enough to be around us and compete despite her flaws and she isn't a bad character but just misunderstood in general


Why are you so obsessed with me, Merula?




She’s there because Dumbledore said you have to invite everyone


Uhhhg fine!


Is that her name in another language?


I think they just misspelled it


Probably am a bed speller and I was to lazy to check


I hate that Merula is even a date option. Also she is like the enemy in main chapters and a best friend in side quests and tlsqs.


she is the cause of MC's problems in most of side-quests


Best friend my but she said she’s there so no lies gets spread about me.


That's because the side quest are usually based around the fact the game assumes you are somewhere or close to nearing beyond, Most new quest like that it just assumes you are at end game even when it doesn't make sense


She is there because i believe everyone secretly pity Merula, or they're so wary of her, that they would rather have her in their sight, than elsewhere while probably plotting something annoying XD


No I don’t pity her. I hate her.


by everyone i meant "MC's friends", not the players.


I doubt Bill and Rowan fell bed for her


Reality is, that it is not about what we want, it is about what some members of Jam City want. We don´t know their personalities, or their grade of evilness or with how much irony they like to take life, all they are is computer programmers. That is the problem with this game. It is not thought with psycology, it is thought with some computer programmers that decided this.


Because Jam City has inconsistencies.


My one MC is a Hufflepuff and genuinely likes everyone She finds Merula annoying but also feels sorry for her and likes the occasional glimpses we get of the person beneath the hard shell. But again, she likes literally everyone. My other MC is a Ravenclaw and thinks things through logically and knows Merula is all bark and no bite and that she can be annoying but she is also useful because she has an entire knowledge set my MC does not.


How did you get 2 characters?


I play on two devices :). An Android phone and an iPad.


deux parties sur deux jeux différents.


Like if you hate me, Merula, why do you seem so obsessed with me????


Thank you!


Because she is your rival and wants to compete


Merulas bad, sure, but when you get the side quest to help ismelda with her crush, (who just so happens to be my characters boyfriend) ur blood will really boil


I hate how she always hangs out with the player in side quests and is back to her nastiness in the main story. *A very Weasley Christmas tlsq spoilers* I find it hard to believe that >!a bully like this actually visited the burrow in a side quest!<


I totally agree, I have never liked her and make it clear to her in every choice the game gives me, but im still forced to interact with her😭


Like I hate you, you hate me, now please leave me alone forever!


If it's not Merula it's Penny, I am tired of both of them.


or Ben coming along and complaining about being scared the whole time


Ijbol it's so true- I grew to like her over time but it took a lot of effort. Not like more tolerate 😌


You have my biggest agreement. Like, whenever MC gathered her friends around, Merula was always there. She isn't MC's friend, she hates MC and she wanted MC dead several times ffs. No one would do these things to the person they consider a friend and/or a love interest. No one.


Thank you! Like I hate you, you hate, you bully my friends so go away.


People love tsunderes.




Send her to me, you can have Barnaby in exchange.


Sure he’s already here and he is actually my friend




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She’s the BEST Girlfriend material ESPECIALLY if you choose her for EVERY Side Mission.


I 100% agree. Also, she clearly is the most canon one even for JC. She is the only one who is not in our friend list (no friendzone), she's the only girl whose relationship has a real impact on the main story (very important fact, talking about "canon" stuff), She is the only girl for whom MC actually shows physical interest and this can be seen from the quick phrases during the lessons (when clicking on Merula, she often says phrases like "what you mean "you had a dream about me?" or "you stare at me while you fly and stare at me now, what do you want?" and many others). She is the classic "enemy to lover" and JC seems to love it too.


thought i was “different” for liking her for the first few years. now i cannot be in the vicinity of that neanderthal without getting pissed off. idgaf what she has to say, i’ll be tapping through her dialogue just to get her off my screen 💀


Because She's obsessed with MC.


And I love it.


Yes ! She always comes when we’re here and yet she’s supposed to hate us


And so hate her to!


Merula is your friend she is like a Tsundere hard from outside soft from the inside, over time especially around the sixed year She will become nicer to you and be on good terms




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Chill, it's a game😭😭


Yeah so I get invested


Merula is the BEST Girlfriend material ESPECIALLY if you choose her for EVERY Side Mission.


Well, it’s not YOUR story that’s EMMA’s story (JC’s main character who you can see in loading screen). YOUR choices or opinions don’t matter. Rude? Maybe but that’s the sad truth. So you should adapt your roleplay for JC’s vision on story (Merula and Penny would participate in EVERY TLSQ for example) or it’ll be a lot of problems and inconsistencies with your headcanon in the future.


I don’t care it is MY story am the one playing


That's pretty rude. Its an rpg and people can have any headcanon they want. Emma just appears on the loading screens and she's pretty inconsistent herself. She used to be in Hufflepuff and now she's in Gryffindor. If JC itself can't stay consistent then why should everyone else care about what is or isn't canon in this game?? Why even bother with house and character customisation if only Emma matters. There's no point to a rpg game if one can't customise the game and story how they like.


You can literally make her disappear in all your headcanons.