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fun fact: Merula never won against MC, if you don't count cutscenes after a duel-minigame(that you must win anyway to continue the plot)


So basically, she never beats the MC if you don't count that one time that she did. Giving the MC the title "the Not-quite-so-undefeated-anymore-but-nevermind".


also one time Merula won in an ambush cutscene...it's all about if you count cutscenes or not. Ultimately power-scaling in Harry Potter is vague, because anyone can beat anyone, Molly defeated and killed Bellatrix, Harry Potter defeated Voldemort, but literally destiny had to bend in his favour to win. Greyback in human form (and without a wand) somehow can defeat a bunch of students...it's unbelievable at best...with this logic, Merula may defeat a dragon with both hands and feet tied up and without her wand, only to die while giving her absolute best against a first year student who was throwing a tantrum about candies.


Yes, I would count cutscenes (but not ambushes). The dueling minigame is just that, a minigame. In story duels, the MC usually wins in the cutscene anyways. In fact, I'd say the dialogue both before and after the duel minigame are *more canonical* than whatever sequence of spells the player uses in the minigame. So if in a story duel, the MC says their opponent was really strong (even though the player probably one-shot the enemy via high stats), then I lean into believing them.


then Merula won like a couple of times...like so long ago that i barely remember something...one time MC disarms her in what year 6 or 7, and Merula uses wandless magic to push MC down...if we go by duel-rules MC won, if we use the "no rules combat" mentality, Merula won by putting down MC, and MC didn't continue to fight.


I think you *may* be misremembering something. At the start of Y7; >!she challenges the MC to a "friendly" duel, then doesn't take out her wand at all, then knocks them down with wandless magic. She proposes a rematch, both wandless, and wins the rematch. The first duel was a cutscene, no duel minigame. The second duel was actually almost impossible to win for the player, at least when the chapter was first released, and winning wasn't required (a first for a duel at the time). She wins anyways in the cutscene. As far as the story is concerned, Merula wins, fair and square.!<


fair enough.


A forced win isn't a win. Merula won that one because JC forced it for her to win no matter how many attributes you have. That's not a win, do it doesn't count


So... none of the MC wins count? The player is forced to win to progress. How should the game reflect that some characters are sometimes stronger than the MC in their confrontations, if the MC *has to win* every duel to progress? Or, as another example, does the stuff that happens at the end of Y4 >!with the messenger from R who blasts the MC after the duel, in a cutscene!< not count either? I get being annoyed that the writers resorted to an unwinnable scenario to show a shift in the power-balance *status quo* of these characters; but saying it "doesn't count" for arbitrary reasons that don't hold under scrutiny is just silly.


The main character is the main character for a reason. Merula isn't. If the only way possible for her to win MC is being scripted forced, means she's not good nor better than MC. So, her win doesn't count


But her being scripted to fail isn't a forced win for the MC? Following this logic, there is no way for the writers/developers to show a character best the MC in a confrontation. If it's a cutscene, it doesn't count. If it's mechanically rigged, it doesn't count. And if it's left up to the player legitimately winning or losing, the story has to account for that with two different outcomes. Which, in some circumstances, would be... awkward. Like if there was a duel for the confrontation in Y6C18; two legitimately different outcomes would lead to very different stories.


It would count if the MC lose and the story continues, which happened in a few times. But if her stats are, let's say, 50 and yours are 60, you win the duel but by scrip it shows you lost, man, that doesn't count. That doesn't make her better than MC because she didn't win by herself


Saying "didn't win by herself" when talking about the way the game is scripted (as in, coded) is nonsensical. How's an NPC supposed to win by themselves, when the very concept of "themselves" doesn't exist in that way? There's the Watsonian explanation (she trained a lot and managed to get the upper hand on the MC that one time), and the Doylist explanation (the narrative wants to make the point that she got the upper hand, so the game mechanics are rigged to make it happen), and you're just trying to mash the two together in a way that doesn't work. Again, it makes sense to not like that plot point, or how it was handled. But saying "it doesn't count" is just burying your head in the sand at this point.


Bro, no. Is exactly what I said: if your stats are higher, you win the duel and still lose it because they coded for it to happen, as to forced it, doesn't make her better. If you don't want to accept it, so do you. But that's how it is: she can only win if is forced by JC or she cheats. You not liking that fact won't make that fact to change. Enough of this.


I *know* how it works, what I don't understand is how one could confuse the mechanics of the game (an NPC getting a forced win) with the narrative of the game (Merula wins one time) and claim *the character* is cheating somehow. Instead of, y'know, the writers. Merula, *the character*, wins a duel against Jacob's Sibling, *the character*. *The player*, who is *not* the characters and is playing a game with a closed script, forcibly loses a minigame just as they forcibly won the same minigame countless times.


Dude you’re very confused. I don’t even know if you understand what you’re saying


She is so delulu its crazy




She's overconfident and yet she always loses. She's probably jealous that the player is getting attention instead of her.




For real.


Thank you!


U a Hufflepuff or a Gryffindor?




U seem like a Hufflepuff




Yeah, you did beat her because it is a kid game. The lore tells us she actually is super smart and excels in almost every class; the MC is better than her only in flying class. Also she is extremely attractive when she wants to (MC says it). So, womp womp.


You should get an award for being the biggest glazer ever. Hogwarts mystery being a kids game isn't an excuse buddy, it's just how the lore is built and you have to accept that mc is stronger than merula in most things lol


The rest of the characters are better than her in everything. The only thing she's better than the rest is to be nasty




What lore? The only one who ever talks about how great Merula is is Merula. I think it's mentioned once or twice that she might be decent at something in year like one or two, but otherwise, all she does is overconfidently announce how great she is, and then bungle whatever it is she's trying to do. She loses countless duels in like three seconds, she turns herself into a flobberworm, etc.


"Merula is a genius witch. You might not like her personality, but you have to acknowledge her skill." — Tulip Karasu Patricia Rakepick took interest in Merula for her skills and took her on as an apprentice during her fourth year, along with a handful of other highly skilled candidates... Merula was formidably skilled and knowledgeable in the art of potion-making, as she achieved an 'Outstanding' in her O.W.L. exam to be able to advance to the N.E.W.T.-level Potions class taught by Severus Snape. Merula basically was able to advance to the N.E.W.T.-level in almost every single class. Saying that she is not extremely talented is just stupid, and the only thing that emerges from anyone who says that Merula is not a talented student is that he/she is a superficial child, and incapable of understanding anything beyond her own tiny ego, so small that it manages to be pumped up by the achievements obtained by his/her own game character.


Your examples are tulip and rakepick??? lmao tulip should've stayed merula's friend and leave MC alone and rakepick.... oh well


No I don’t and I beat cuz am better


No (?) the game makes you win against everyone even if you are not stronger. Barnaby is supposed to be the strongest one, and MC beats him with a single spell... Guess why? Because it is a kid game.


Even if it the game didnt make us win i'd still beat her bc the only thing shes good at is being a annoying lil btch