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So fics where she is just a nymphadora? ...I'll see myself out


Ahhhhhhhhhhh ;);););););););) I got that very sneaky


I mean, the whole Nymphadora thing probably isn't doing it any favours.. I think I enjoyed "Like Grains Of Sand In The Hourglass", though it has been years since I've read it. I also vaguely recall a post-Hogwarts AU where they were partnered together as Aurors, though I cannot for the life of me remember the name..


If you do please link it. I'm dying for a buddy cop Auror story.


I know what you mean. I've been worried it got purged or something (though I don't remember any explicit scenes) since I last read it like 2015-2016. It was more than 30k words, on FFN, and not completed. Sadly, I've been through that list and never found anything.


Could this be what you guys are looking for? https://archiveofourown.org/works/32277421/chapters/80003149


It doesn't seem like the one, but this definitely looks interesting by itself!


I vaguely remember one from few years ago, but it did have skippable smut. Quite a few of it, untill half way trough, plot outgrows it.


[a graceless tandem](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13806550/1/A-Graceless-Tandem) is kind of a buddy cop fic, def one of my favorites. Gets a little dark, but 100% worth a read


Harry Potter and the Metamorphmagus on ao3 by CanonConvergence18. Needs ao3 account to read.


Yeah. I'd like to see one where she's neither a nymphomaniac nor some cheesy, cringe, true-form-cliché excuse of a romance (i.e., avoiding the cliché of Harry preferring her 'true form' which makes Tonks fall head-over-heels for him).


I can't think of the name of the fic/fics at the moment but I know I've read at least one fic that has Tonks going off on that saying how guys used that line to try to get into her pants thinking that she would swoon at that line whereas Tonks states that she never had a true form as she was shifting form in the womb after 6 months. So she has no "true form". So she tells any guy who uses that line to "F-off".


I'll have to see if I can find the story in which she dumps Harry because she *wants* someone who will make use of her talents to spice things up in the bedroom.


*Don't* • call me • Nymphomaniac


Summer of Change is pretty much a classic at this point.




The Ever Changing Face of Death by L0sts0uls


Oh, this is a good one. I'm a sucker for stories where Harry steps up and becomes the best parent they can be for Teddy.


Jamie Evans and Fate’s Fool




Grace by WokFriedIce (AO3) As it is a Songfic I highly recommend listening to the song in the meantime


The Heart Shaped Box


The Thief of Hogwarts. It’s incomplete, though. Last update was 11 years ago. It essentially ends the summer between CoS & PoA.


Ironically, it just started updating again. Though it's not Harry/Tonks. More Harry & Tonks. It's Harry/Fleur. I could see it becoming Harry/Tonks too, but I kind of doubt it.


I kinda see both in it.


Um, she ain't _actually_ nymphomaniac in most of this type of fics. She is actually girl who enjoys sex and is rather flirty. Nymphomany is _addiction_ . Very ugly, evil, hard to beat addiction that has potential to leave people with it wrecks of their former selves. If you don't understand difference, educate yourself on some of movies on this subject


...yes, that is kinda the point, OP wanted fics where Tonks have more interactions with Harry than simply having sex everywhere.


Ah mate now come on. I didnt say she was a nymphomaniac in a literal sense it was hyperbole.


Very ugly hyperbole. Let's say I have _personal_ experience with this particular sickness and Imma leave it at that. I am aware that, like most of words, it tend to be used in incorrect context, but it's just my trigger. I am sorry for non sequitur😶


No worries. While I’ve not had experience with that particular addiction I’ve definitely had experience with addiction in the family so I can see how It could be triggering. There was no offense intended so I apologize.