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> I like (Cole) Caufield coming up to me and giving his condolences when my brother passed. Good guy Cole. Et c'est fascinant de savoir que Pierre Houde reçoit des textos de Mike Matheson et Tomas Plekanec lol


S'il y a un mot qui résume la carrière de Pierre, c'est **respect**. Il reçoit des joueurs la même attention qu'il leur porte lui-même; le meilleur exemple étant l'effort qu'il met à prononcer leur nom dans leur langue maternelle.


Imaginez avoir eu Houde + Denis pour commenter le but de Lehkonen :(


[Martin McGuire m'a donné des frissons aussi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDaxp-kAO4I&t=117s).


J'écoutais leur description live à la radio en même temps de synchroniser le poste anglais tout le long des playoffs. Première fois que je les écoutais et j'ai adoré!


La meilleure expérience hockey, à mon humble avis!


comment tu fais pour synchroniser? j'ai jamais réussi a trouver une bonne combinaison de stream + stream radio qui me permettait de le faire


Radio sur mon cell et dans le temps je crois bila sport tu pouvais mettre pause et syncro


Merci de m'avoir redonné des frissons ! Voir que ça fait déjà 3 ans de ça. Je m'en rappelle comme si c'était hier! J'ai été incapable de dormir avant genre 2-3 heures du matin tellement que j'avais l'adrénaline dans le tapis. Edit: Hâte aux prochains frissons de séries d'ailleurs avec le belle équipe qui se forme tranquillement, mais sûrement, présentement. Je serais quasiment prêt à mettre un beau 20$ que Slaf sera le type de joueur à marquer ce genre de but.


Avec un peu de chance, Houde pourra commenter le but gagnant de la Coupe Stanley de Cole Caufield d’ici quelques années.


He came up with: un peu de brasse camarade dans le coin, les arbitres interviennent et on ira pas plus loin


Oh, quel manque de synchronisme…




Et il s'en veut




Pas possible


Du rififi!


Pierre Houde is and always be the GOAT.  Despite being anglophone I've always watched on RDS because nobody else can match his energy and passion for the Habs. It was a sad day when we found out TVA would be taking the majority of games. 


I'm the same... Slowly learning french but I will never be able to keep up to play-by-play. But Pierre Houde conveys with his tone and calls out the names often which helps too!


Nice to hear ❤️


100% agreed, Pierre Houde is the GOAT! I also don't speak french but I prefer watching the RDS broadcast even if I can't understand what's being said specifically for the reasons you listed. The TVA guy on the other hand is quite frankly, terrible. Le tir.. GOAAALLL. Nah gimme that "et le BUTTTT!!!!!!!!"


TVA has a minority, but unfortunately, it's the Saturday night's games, which are the most viewed. They still had some memorable moment like the "LEKHONEN, HÉROS NATIONAL" but overall it's a downgrade on RDS broadcast


Have you ever watch a game described by René Lecavalier ?


Rogers' (and by extention TVA'S) exclusivity is coming to an end soon Here's to hoping RDS gets all the Habs games on the TV rights renewal


He's so good at being just a bit louder and passionate as the fans in the building.


Yeah man. Pierre Houde is why I pay extra for French Sports. When TVA has the broadcast I just watch it in English.


There's a YouTube video with seven different calls of Lehkonen's dagger against Vegas, and I'm still salty that none of them belong to Houde.


I heard TVA's contract is up soon. Perhaps it's perfect timing for the playoffs to return to RDS with the Habs expected to be a competitive team in about two years.


TVA Sports is hemorrhaging money, and has been since the beginning. The whole project was a gamble that if TVA could get a monopoly on Nordiques games and have access to Habs Saturday night and playoff games through its deal with the NHL, they could marginalize and eventually kill RDS and take over its role as sole French language sports network in Quebec. The project backfired, the NHL never agreed to give Quebec City the Nordiques back, the Habs outside of its pandemic surprise runs were at best OK and at worst absolutely terrible, and RDS was able to hold on through its other contracts, including the Habs' 60 local games. Plus, TVA paid way too much for the NHL national rights, so TVA Sports has been a money pit for Groupe TVA. I don't know if axing the channel altogether is in the cards, but there's a good possibility that TVA won't bid nearly as much on NHL TV rights the next time around, giving RDS a chance to get those back.


Just imagine! I got goosebumps just thinking about it… 🙏🏼🔥


Yea he said that in an interview a few years ago with him and Felix(?) from TVA sports. Funny thing is that he was saying “Lance et compte” wasn’t appropriate due to what Lecavalier said and you just have Felix(?), who always says “et compteeee” sitting beside him smiling as he’s being given a lesson by the GOAT lmao


Who still wants to talk about Houde's spectacular english play by play for the early Avs games?


Yesterday I saw the Hockey360 clips where they show him commenting in english, i didnt expect that it would be as good in english than it is in french. That man is a national treasure




He's getting up there in age and has lost a step or three. I can't think of anyone who could replace him tbh. There's no one who's nearly as good


Benoît Brunet once said: "If price didn't stop the puck, it'd be a goal" I think we need his savant analysis. /s


J'ai noté une coupe de perles de Brunet durant son passage en remplacement de Pednault: - Le prochain but sera important Pierre! (dit-il en prolongation) - Ça, c'est des tirs ou le gardien doit bouger pour faire les arrêts. - Si tu patines pas, tu bouges moins rapidement sur la glace. - Si ta passe est pas précise, t'atteint pas tes coéquipiers (no shit)


Merci d'archiver ces perles de la culture québécoise ❤️


*"Écoute Pierre, l'équipe qui compte le plus ce soir aura des grosses chances d'emporter la victoire!"*


Perle de sagesse


Benoît est bon entre les périodes, quand il a le temps de penser à son affaire, mais comme "color man", ouf! "Ho! Ho! Ho!" "Faut qu'ils bougent les pieds!"


Sébastien Goulet de TVASports est très bon.


C'est drôle comme l'equipe "B" de TVA Sports est 10,000 fois meilleure que l'equipe "A"


Denis Casavant est excellent. Le gars peut décrire n’importe lequel sport


Lui et Yvon Pedneault (RIP) étaient un duo franchement pas mal


Je suis toujours un peu déçu que ce soit pas lui le descripteur principal chez TVA Sports


What a great article. And it turns out he feels the same way about this current gen team that we do. Pierre Houde is a legend. I hope he has the energy for many more years. I think next year I'm going to make a point to watch all the games on RDS with the occasional Mudryk who is pretty good too.