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Whoever we don’t have dinner with is who we’re picking


I didnt have dinner with CH, just saying




The Slafkovsky special


Trevor Connelly confirmed per Livid-Canary4389


Simon Boisvert is that you?


Denis Coderre ! Yes !


Demidov is a HAB


They didn’t have diner with Sennecke. Just saying


> “I met them the first time for an interview and they were very serious, they weren't there to joke around,” Lindstrom said when met Friday on the sidelines of the NHL evaluation camp in Buffalo. Afterwards, we went to dinner and they were really good guys and we had a good time.”


Those kid are probably eating with so many teams. I wonder if the teams judge their meal.


On some ansel&gretel shit, making them extra round right before weight-in. It's all about the numbers in this league. Be careful.


Typical Frenchie dropping the ‘H’ 😀


Should've double checked🥲


I know they judge how they treat the employees at whatever restaurant they eat at.


Reminder that it means nothing, they dine with a lot of prospects every year and did not even have one with slaf ( though I'm pretty sure it was just because of scheduling issues)


Article says they also had dinner with Dickinson


I suppose if we get a high end left D at the draft I could see the team trading Guhle or Hutson plus one of our extra 1 rd picks for a top line forward. As much as I seriously adore both of them if management feels like someone like Dickinson has a higher ceiling than either of those 2, then that package could get us a genuine 1st line player. Ahhhh this draft has me equally excited and anxious lol.


I think Dickinson absolutely has a higher ceiling than Ghule, but the part that worries me about trading him is that defencemen take a while to develop and Ghule is currently the best of our young defence. It would worry me that the Habs would be setting the rebuild back a bit by trading away the most experienced of their young defencemen. That being said, I don't know if it's a big enough issue to not pull the trigger if the right offer comes along.


Guhle should not be traded. He has the skill, physical tools and more importantly he has an edge his play that will become more evident in the playoffs. He will be wearing an A soon enough. Those who see opportunities in his current game will have those sorted out by the time he’s 26/27.


Agree with your take on Guhle. I think he is going to develop into a leader and excellent all round defenceman. 


I'll play devil's advocate here - Dickinson has those qualities as well. He's very physical and plays with an edge, he wore a C for the WHC-17 team and an A for Canada at the Hlinka Gretzky Cup, Not trying to say that we should trade Ghule, but the reasons you listed can be found in Dickinson who most would say has a much higher ceiling.


We can draft him and trade him or Ghule in a few years


As much as fans are attached to Hutson, and he looks dynamic out there for sure in a small sample size, having a top 4 of: Dickinson-Reinbacher Guhle-Mailloux Could potentially be very very good, especially in the playoffs where size and physicality are important. If a package of Hutson+ could return a star winger, I wouldn't be opposed to taking Dickinson if they think he is a #1 Defenseman. Hutson could be amazing offensively, but he will never be a #1 all situations, 30 minutes in the playoffs type player.


I don't think someone would package a star winger for hutson+ nor do I think Hutson doesn't have the potential to be a #1 30 min defencemen. Both of those things could happen, I just don't know for certain. That being said, I could see Hutson being a Montour/Theodore/Hughes even Makar type of offensive player where they get complimented with a Ekblad/Pietrangelo/Slavin/Toews to balance offence and defence, being Guhle or Reinbacher or whoever. They'd be the ones eating big minutes 5v5, and hutson would be the one handling pp. I think it'll be very interesting to see next years developpement. It feels like each year the stakes get higher, there's more internal competiton and were going to end in an ultimatum being (hopefully) cup runs. Very excited for the future of this team and overall gems popping out of the bunch. Who knows, maybe struble or harris pop off for 50 points next year (though unlikely given their TOI and role int the squad) and reshape the D-core! All positive stuff nonetheless.


Dickinson could seriously go top 3, apparently he is seen as a very valuable prospect.


He was a lot better than Parekh in the Memorial Cup final. He was able to step up his game.


They're seriously not even on the same plane­ and anyone thinking they are only look at points.


I second this, Dickinson is a far better skate (while being 3 inches taller and much heavier), a lot a stronger and a lot better defensively. He also demonstrated in the Final that he is not a slouch in the offensive zone either, although he is not as dominant as Parekh.


Parekh is so sloppy and half-assed that I've given up on him. Silky smooth skills, but as we say in Quebec "Y'a l'cordon du coeur qui traîne dans 'marde".


Is he the new Ristolainen?


I honestly can't think of an NHL defenseman like him, because I can't recall any NHL PMD staying in the NHL while playing like they *don't* want the puck the way Parekh does.


Yea I remember reading that it helped his stock. I can definitely see the appeal.


Where does the article say this? There is zero mention of Dickinson at all. You must have read it somewhere else.


If we dont get Demidov I want Lindstrom.. with our old medical staff I would've said nope.. but the NYR medical staff have done amazing


With Sennecke, Lindstrom, Iginla, and Demidov, we're getting a top forward prospect no matter what.


Catton is also a realistic pick, they don't/shouldn't care about height. Look at stankoven, hutson, caufield etc. the league is getting smaller and more importantly faster.


I agree. If you are considering Demidov, you better be looking at Catton as well! Another one I think would be good to look at with our 26th is Basha. He seems to have completly fell off most ranking we see online and he looked REALLY good next to Lindstrom.


Basha is my (realistic) dream at 26.


what's a comparable for Catton?


I don't know. I haven't seen much of him, but he had good hands, good vision, and scores a lot of points lol. At 5'11'' he's hardly small (althought some places have him at 5'10''. His drawback is his defense I think, but if I draft him i'm playing him on the wing anyway so meh. He's probably gonna slide outside the top 10 and the team that draft him will be veeerryy happy.


Logan Cooley / Clayton Keller


I disagree. The league is moving to the Panthers style of big guys who can clutch, grab, hold, hook and interfere with skilled players. It’s the 2000’s all over again, which sucks because it almost killed the sport the last time the league decided that the refs needed to “put their whistles away and let the players decide the game.”


I hate to admit I even listened to what Marchand had to say in an interview, but he was right when he said look at where the pure skill teams are and the ones with a mix of skill and grit. There needs to be a balance and I think right now MTL needs a high end prospect with size, skill, and grit. Lindstrom and Iginla has a mean streak and can score. I could see Catton being a solid choice with a team that has that size and grit upfront already. 


The panthers are still one of the highest pace and execution team in the league. Plus if your theory was true that the league is preffering bigger guys over smaller guys, then why is it that guys under 5'9 are getting chances and signing nhl contracts left and right. Obviously there is a counteraction being that bigger, faster guys are introduced to stop them, but the overall trend is still smaller, faster. The league itself is even implementing on-ice rules to protect smaller skilled players compared to what it was years ago. So no, by all means, the NHL isn't going back to 2k rough and tough plays, they'll do whatever it takes to make the game faster, more high-scoring and overall entertaining, just like the NBA is doing. Fuck the 1-0 games, most finish upperwards of 3-2 nowadays.


The Panthers are the dirtiest team in the league, and it’s not close. At team that plays like that and has success is going to get emulated. Watching these playoffs, and what the refs are letting players get away with has been a real eye opener. Shots per game are way down from the regular season, mainly due to the amount of interference being allowed away from the puck, as well as the clutching and holding that’s not being called. Smaller guys were getting contracts, but the league is going to be moving to Turner Stevenson types. Big guys who can skate fast, but have no offensive skills.


Agree to disagree then🤝


Bettman rules. Canada drools.


Catton is the only guy I want! Watched a lot of Spokane Chiefs games this season and my god is this kid entertaining to watch! Like this man will pull some moves and drive to the net like it’s nobody’s business haha


I mean, Catton is 5'11". He is not the tallest, but he is also not that small. He just needs to gain a little weight


With Sennecke, Lindstrom, and Demidov, we’re getting an injured forward no matter what. 😂 JK. It’s just funny that three of the sexiest forward prospects are all out with injuries right now. That’s gotta be some kind of record…


Yea that's kinda random lol. A funny thing about this draft is that despite everyone saying how stacked it is in defense, I could see the first five pick go something like this : 1. Celebrini 2. Demidov 3. Lindstrom (probably the most unlikely forward pick is here tbh) 4. Iginla 5. Sennecke Imagine that lol. You'd have crazy value of Dman to be picked at 6, 7 and 8. And tbf this is just as likely : 1. Celebrini 2. Levshunov 3. Dickinson 4. Silayev Either way, I can't wait for the draft. I think there's a decent chance internet is gonna lose it's shit hahaha


This will be the most fun draft I can remember. Total free-for-all after the 1st pick. My gut feeling is it’s incredibly unlikely that rebuilding teams like Chicago and Anaheim will pass up an opportunity to draft a top pairing D, especially when next year’s draft is going to be much weaker in that department. Not impossible, but unlikely. And all of these forward picks are notably higher risk, apart from Iginla who seems to have a pretty high floor. Sennecke, Demidov and Lindstrom, for various reasons, all have a higher bust potential than any of the defensemen. I’d be pretty happy with any of them at #5, but a GM picking 2-4 has to be that much more careful weighing the risk/reward factor.


I second this. Last year the only wildcard was Michkov. This year everyone in the top 10 seems to have a chance, big or small, at being 2. Then the list goes on and apart from #1, everything and everyones opinion is different. It feels almost like the 2017 draft to me. Some ELITE defenceman prospect and loads of quality players. I could even see cellebrini being a hischier type player where he doesn't pan out like the offensive talent, but reshapes his game to be more two-way. Some evident similarities.


If Levshunov doesn’t go top 4 we would be nuts to pass up on him.


This was in lieu of the combine testing Lindstrom wasn’t able to do. The Habs medical staff will have noted that if he was able to cut his own steak *and* lift a fork to his mouth, those are very encouraging signs.


With our injury history over the last couple seasons this choice scares me


Last couple? He didnt miss time in 22-23


Reading 101


The Habs broke records for man games lost




"des comparaisons avec Eric Lindros ont fait surface en parlant du joueur de centre de 6 pi 4 po et 216 lb" Is he really 6 ft 4? Everywhere else he's listed at 6 ft 3.


Ok donc on le repeche pas💀


Back problems at 18… not worth the risk with better forwards available