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Agree, goes well with aspect of Charon


Works really well with aspect of Pan too


Maybe if you arent using Aphrodite burst build


Pan with Poseidon special goes crazy and let's you stay a bit safe


This build with the bouncing knives hammer felt like a free win when I got it


True. I got it last night but I got hook knives AND concentrated flurry. I had Hestia's cast and got the Poseidon/Hestia double boon. It was horrifying lmao


My first win was literally exactly this. It's so good.


Pan with Hestia. With [Redacted] you can pull off 2 full omega specials sans addition benefits. STACK. THAT. SCORCH.


Deals its full damage in 3 business days lmao


Get that hestia Demeter duo in there double scorch stack lol


More like aspect of Chiron, when combined with Pan.


Got a screenshot or a link to a wiki article about it? Can't remember if I've seen it as an option or not


Don't have either of those. It turns your cast into a skull that shoots straight forward and latches on to the first enemy if hits dealing 200 damage. All cast effects are then centered on that enemy, following it as it moves


Oh yeah I remember seeing it and being underwhelmed by the idea, but I guess I can see how it can be strong


It's Hades' cast from the H1, literally strength doesn't matter cuz it's the coolest damn callback to the first game


Some of his boons are callback to his bossfight The DD improvement (probably the weakest one) is reference to how he has multiple phases Dark is obviously when he goes invisible


I'd argue dark is weakest cause it only empowers one hit and requires you to be hit which depending on your build you can only afford getting hit 3-5 times on a full bar. But yea the DD one sucks too lol


Found Hades with 5 dd still ready to go grabbed it and only used 1 dd in the fight


If you dont have a cast build, its almost useless compared to the others. But with a Cast Build... oh boy!


It deals damage when it hits the target, and a lot, so it's never useless


It makes your cast deal 200 and lets you slow Chronos down at range. Kinda nice.


If you have the card that gives you damage against enemies in your cast it's great regardless of your build


Its really good for certain builds. Might be underwhelming for others. With a strong aspect of charon build. Its the icing on the cake. I just got my second ever chronos kill with it on charon aspect and i had taken luckier tooth just in case. I still had it as well as two more death defiances untouched. Would highly recommend the build for anyone struggling with defeating chronos. It was fairly brain dead for the most part, just had to make some smart choices.


It’s good to cast away, works quite well for Chronos like OP said, if you have a cast build.


>All cast effects are then centered on that enemy, following it as it moves I wasn't impressed with it until I realized this bit right here. The fact that it moves WITH the enemy makes it so incredibly strong against Chronos specifically. It makes his dashes so much less dangerous.


Essentially the same as the glowing coal boon from hestia, just stronger. Should be "Howling soul" in hades' case.


Zeus and Hestia cast sidegrades do pretty much the same thing, but Zeus one is even instant placement (you gotta hold it a bit though)


They're different to REDACTED's, with them yes you can shoot your cast at range but they don't stay stuck to the enemies (even while they move) like in Hades I. That last part is the killer feature of REDACTED's cast upgrade.


Huh, neat. Didn't ever notice that. Well, gotta try some insane cast build now


Combined with Hephaestus cast picked up late it carried the final fight for me a couple of times


Im pretty sure that the cast staying stuck to enemies is a bug unique to the purple numbskull enemy. Of the boons that let you shoot your cast at range (zeus, hestia, hades) all of them mention where the binding circle forms, but none of them mention it moving with enemies. Edit: i was incorrect


It works on Chronos and all other enemies in Tartarus. I think that Hades' cast behavior is intentional and a callback to the first game.


For placement, I actually prefer Zeus's and Hestia's. [REDACTED]'s I've actually missed more than hit, with half the circle of the cast being out of bounds and pretty much useless. But that just might be a skill issue.


Hopefully they turn it into a keepsake or something, it's way too fun and dynamic to only have until the end of the run


especially since if you *really* want that kind of ranged cast functionality, you're likely to hunt for hestia or zues's version that do most of the same thing, which will likely prevent Hades' version from spawning.


I’ve never gotten Hades’s version while running Zeus’ or Hestia’s


Yeah I agree with the findings that it locks you out of it, you can't get the skull when you already have Hestia or Zeus' throw cast. Which is a bummer because it's totally a lottery if he'll offer it, but can make the cast build go berserk in the final fight.


I tried it once and I missed it a lot somehow? Had a cast build too I’m not sure what I was doing wrong


It weirdly veers to the left instead of going straight, at least in my run. I couldn’t figure out exactly how to control it, and didnt seem like it was auto aiming. I just ended up casting it a little closer and worked wonders. Was my quickest chronos battle.


Do you have auto aim on? I always play with it on and had good results. Auto aim does seem to have a range limit though


I do since I’m on controller; maybe last patch fixed it?


yeah no i stand by it; just picked it at fear 32 and shot it straight at chronos and it went past him and i died


It's really good, problem is it comes way at the end of the run, and can be dodged, leaving your cast in a really weird place. If I have a cast build and haven't picked up some of the other ranged cast boons I'll pick it up, but I usually skip it for other options otherwise


Took me so long to get offered this because almost every single run i gave Hestia or zeus targeted cast cause theyre broken


I really want targeted cast to become the default


Seriously, I don't want to be in the thick of a crowd of enemies and trying to my omega cast on.


Maybe you know this already, but if not: you can press your cast and dash while holding the cast button, you can finish casting the omega after dashing away from where you dropped the cast.


With a lot of people choosing controller (myself included) I think a lot of people haven’t figured this out because with default controls it’s extremely awkward to do, due to the cast and dash both being face buttons. One of the reasons I swapped dash to R1.


I did not! I was just running and for some reason never tried to dash. Also, for some reason I got quoted in my quote when I tried to reply, so that's why I deleted my comment in my comment. Recursive comments.


This is why I always stick with non-projectile casts. Having to stay still while charging the projectile ones feels like a death sentence.


maybe a good idea to put a spoiler tag, mate. also strange to put [redacted] in the title but keep saying Hades in the post


I think they were trying to keep the spoiler out of the title, as required by current sub rules.


ahh, makes sense


Marked as spoiler, thanks


I think it’s strength is to balance out the fact that you have to wait until the very end of the run before you can get it. If you rely on cast for your curse damage boost, the first three acts can get dicey. Has anyone had it show up when they had the Zeus or Hestia ranged cast? I’ve only seen it when I haven’t had either.


Yep just got it with aspect of charon along with 2 epic chaos cast boosts along with a bunch of other cast and spec boosts. I melted chronos fast


His ranged cast is quite good. Agree


Got my first win yesterday because of this! Got the Apollo cast for the first time and ran into Hades where he gave me this option. Only my 2nd time getting to Chronos but I knew the build was special. Loved the burning skill cast throwback to Hades 1.


Yep i discovered on my first chronos kill that hades cast is basically a free win button


Did two of my 5 clears with this boon and the Zeus omega cast boon.


I love it with full hestia build, the fire nuts him off with any duo boon, like the steam from poseidon


what? how to unlock hades


He gives a boon in the npc room in the fourth biome of the underworld.


Ahhh fuck! I never had him offer this in my dozen meetings. I was hoping he became a patron. Like a regular one. Ah well, I can still hope for Zag as one in the full release.


It's worded very similarly to Zeus's and Hestia's boons that make your cast shoot forward, the text doesn't indicate that it follows the target. It's probably my second favorite boon from him, after 50% less reinforcements.


Sometimes I have a really rough run where I end up with having used 2 or 3 death defiance's, and had them replenished. I'll take a potential 60% damage increase from daddy lol


How do you unlock him?


mine just stops working after a while, like I cant shoot it at all, figure it was bugged so I started taking other boons from him.


I figured this out today when I used this cast and it kept going in one direction, disappearing, then popping up in another seemingly random place. I realised it was targeting the teleporting skulls and when they teleported it went with them. Made that room fight goddamn confusing and I did not like it. Later in the Chronos fight it was better since I actually wanted the cast to stick on him (in the room fights I try to use the cast as traffic control and it does not really work when it teleports with the skulls).


I stopped using it because it doesn't cut Chronos's dash like a regular cast does.


I got this on my first kill. Only took 60 damage from Chronos because I could outrange everything.


Combo it with Poseidon cast and it's basically a rocket launcher


Hades cast works just like his damn skulls. They stick like a covenant grenade.


Didn't know about the lockon effect, I'll have to test it. Iv been generally choosing darkness.


It's good with the one caveat that if I'm that deep into the game and I haven't got a projectile cast (eg Hestia's or Zeus's) then either I've ignored my cast or I probably have a build that works with me being in the cast (such as Apollo's regen or Hera's long lasting cast). So it's often the case that when I get the offer it no longer works for me. Screwed myself over once by taking it when I had Apollo's mana regeneration, not realising that the edges of the stage don't count as walls during Chronos phase 2, so I couldn't just shoot it into a corner and regenerate Magick there.


That and Appolo glyph carried my last run.


It's fantastic, but also I really dislike any aspect that doesn't let me move around while charging the Omega cast :/


How do you unlock Hades?