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I do agree with this. But I also want to know what their take is with Narcissus. But the cloak/faceless version is very thematic for Narcissus


I would love it if he looked just OK and all the suitors just tried to gain his favor because of the misunderstanding that he is hot. There is enough horny in this game.


Just give him Nick Cage's face to match the voice and call it a day.


So are you saying… you want to take Nick Cage’s Face… Off…?


I'm saying his face is a national treasure


There's a map on the back of Nicholas Cage's so we need to take it off before anyone else can


I agree. Honestly it doesn't matter if WE think he's attractive, HE thinks he is attractive! ~narcissism~ If anything Aphrodite should be faceless because beauty is subjective. Although please don't change her, I love her. 😘


There is objective attractiveness. And since Aphrodite is the goddess of love, beauty and lust (positive and negative) I think it makes sense for her to be otherworldly attractive. Narcissus on the other hand is only mortal. Since Supergiant tends to put their own spin on the mythology, an average Narcissus that is in love with his own image, and others are only trying to woo him because of stories and have no idea how he actually looks would be a nice critique on beauty and social media.


By definition, attractiveness can't be objective. There may be some arguably universally attractive traits, but that doesn't make it objective.




Nice try, no one knows what attracts magnets.


How do they work?


Good one! but that's "attraction" not "attractiveness" lol


>HE thinks he is attractive! \~narcissism\~ My understanding of narcissus is that it is a little different in the Greek myths (at least, this is the version espoused in one interpretation I know of). The modern casual interpretation of Narcissus is that he is a narcissist. Vain and enabled by others. The Greek version is more classic tragedy where the fault is more subtle. This is a man who is so beautiful that he spends his lives chased by others, obsessed with his beauty. He can have no friends, he can have no peace. Those who love him are like stalkers, and care not so much for who he is as what he looks like. His visage is not a blessing but a curse (of the metaphorical kind). He is also specifically cursed (of the intentional, magical kind) by Nemesis to be unable to have anyone he loves reciprocate his love, so even if he tried to love one of his suitors, they would turn away for him. One day he looks upon his own visage and is trapped by his cursed visage, just as all his courtiers are. He is doomed to look into his mirror image and yearn for it, fruitlessly.


Hades 2 aphro is a butterface though.


I dunno, I think she's pretty! Why do people keep saying that? Lol I don't get it.


I think she’s pretty as hell, face and all, tf?


If you think that, it's because you've been terminally online and let some clickbaiting reactionaries convince you what to think.


I just don't like the art for her face. At first her whole visual concept was too sexualized for my taste but I got used to it. The massive downvotes from people made me chuckle, I obviously enraged some people by calling out their waifu.. :) Taste is very subjective as we know, so I won't really feed the fire any further. Have a good one.


My headcanon is that to us he’ll look average Because the beauty standards of the gods are so far above mortals. And we’re seeing him from a god’s pov


> there is enough horney in this game Wrong. Not enough.


*not enough horny Just a minor correction :)


Is there? Is there really? I say thee nay


Wonder no more, the rough sketch pulled from game files: https://hades2.game-vault.net/wiki/Narcissus#Boons I will say that considering they didn't include it on release, it might be more likely to change than other sketches they did include


I get why he’d fall in love w himself he’s super cute omg Also love the daffodils in his hair it’s a nice lil touch


They're probably narcissuses


…so daffodils. That’s exactly what they said.


Huh, here was me thinking daffodils were only the big ones


No, they’re the same thing. Narcissus is the Latin name of the genus, and Daffodil is its common name. All flowers in the genus can be referred to as either. Kind of like a Nymphaea and a Water lily are the same thing.


My b I usually just call all of them daffodils bc I can’t differentiate the species 🙈 but you’re right I think the small ones in his hair are different


omg he's cute


Right??? That's why he was so obsessed!!!


I hope it doesn't change too much, I really like it


You can find an early sprite on his wiki page


No I need to see Johnny Bravo in his full glory


ohhh mammma!


I want them to give him a even more detailed faceless portrait. Go all in on the cloak and stuff, it'd make sense.


I'd love if he had extremely detailed and pretty eyes visible beneath the cloak, ngl. It's like the best of both worlds, you see a hint of his beauty, but it remains shrouded in mystery.


Something kind of like the Hades 1 Charon portrait. Heavily shadow his face with some minor hints like silhouette or Cheshire cat smile. And then the wonderfully intricate outfit and accessories that Jen Zee makes for everyone


Should just be a wooden sign that says "this man is too beautiful for us to have made a sprite that does him justice"


That would've been extremely hilarious ngl


I think he should stay faceless but the portrait should change


Give us a view from behind while talking. Make his character model kneeling to look at the water so his hair or cloak hood cover his face


The games should secretly take a picture of you with your webcam and just crop it into the hood


🤣🤣🤣…🤣🤣🤣 oh my goodness that’s hilarious. I don’t think that go over well though with general audience and maybe the devs themselves. But I can totally see that as a future mod. Quick people that like to mod H1 and will eventually mod H2 write this down, write this down!


Oh yeah it's an ethical and security nightmare. Would be funny tho.


“I don’t find you particularly attractive” -Melinoe


I think I'd like something similar for the first couple times you see him and then for him to take it off and show off his face once he maybe believes that you aren't completely obsessed with him


I remember back in Hades 1 early access (the first day it became available on Steam) charon and nyx had their hooded portrait placeholder. At that time I didn't know that they are placeholders. I thought it was very thematic for them, being mysterious and all. As for narcissus, I am more interested in their take. Or maybe they can give him a mask, kinda like trying to hide his "gift" to other people and only show it for those worthy (i.e, completing his questline)


Nyx's placeholder being removed was such a shock


Charon was way more of a surprise


Not at all


How do y'all reach Narcissus without realizing he uses the same placeholder as Charon??? I don't care if he ends up showing his face or not, most important is that he gets his own artwork.


I didn't notice until one of the gods showed up at crossroads


They should either go all in on the cloak so we can’t see his face, or just have his portrait be facing away from us


The only appropriate filler for the placeholder is Handsome Squidward. I will accept no alternative


He should have a real design, and it should be beautiful. Unfortunately I think the writers of the game misunderstand the Narcissus myth and I think the people saying he should have no face or should be ugly misunderstand it even more.


Yeah, I don’t think I get what’s supposed to be so unintentionally brilliant or whatever. His thing is that he’s very beautiful or at least he thinks he is, but we can’t tell what he looks like because of the placeholder art. OK? It’s slightly ironic I guess, but it doesn’t mean anything.


You just get a clash with what would be "fun" to do, like an ugly guy being very full of himself.. and the actual myth where he is basically too pretty. I don't really care where they take it, i am honestly not sure how close to the myths all other portrayals have been. My understanding of mythology comes from games and movies, so... it's already on VERY shaky ground :p If they play most, if not all, very close to the actual myths, yea.. they should just make him "handsome" whatever that means :p


Isn't he supposed to be insanely attractive? The issue becomes there isn't any one set of traits you can have that would make you universally so- there are things like symmetry and such that would assist, but nothing that reaches the level of immediate 100% love. That said, aren't sirens bird-women? I think a good portion of this game is creative liberties because you kinda have to for the sake of a cohesive narrative.


I remember back in Hades 1 early access (the first day it became available on Steam) charon and nyx had their hooded portrait placeholder. At that time I didn't know that they are placeholders. I thought it was very thematic for them, being mysterious and all. As for narcissus, I am more interested in their take. Or maybe they can give him a mask, kinda like trying to hide his "gift" to other people and only show it for those worthy (i.e, completing his questline)


I agree. I was kind of surprised to learn he was not intended to be that way. I thought it was entirely fitting that Narcisssus would not want any of his suitors to see his man.


I need him to look like Nick Cage


Spoiler alert: He is going to be modeled after >!Derek Zoolander.!<


But why male models?


Have his portrait be from the back, and his reflection is muddled by waves when we speak to him.


I thought it was intentional because since he's trying to hide due to everyone bothering him (or rather, being smitten) then his only choice was to cover up so that shades and ppl will leave the dude alone a bit more. You know, the classic "so beautiful it can't be shown to those unworthy " trope. And maybe eventually him revealing to us because he trusts us and knows we won't romance him/judge him for his looks. But nope, placeholder lol


It’d kinda be funny if he was hideous


I so agree that I love the rob idea of staying. It would be coolnto upgrade or enhance the current model, but have actual face as a reflection in the pond we meet him? Or reach enough hearts he reveals his face? Idk but either way loving the game. ❤️❤️


I am starting to pitty the guy who (presumably) has been working on Narcisuss design, creating possible versions, etc. Just to find out that the community wants the placeholder to stay xd


Nah man give Narcissus a proper artwork, during early acces of Hades 1 I thought that the placeholder shade worked really well for Charon I could not have been more happy with what we got. Have faith in Supergiant I'm sure whatever they are cooking up with the missing and unfinished artworks is going to be increadible just like what we already have


Nah, I'm way more interested in supergiants interpretation of the character rather than a bit of thematic Irony (which is kinda weak if I'm being honest)


I think they should keep him like that. That way there’s no real answer to if he’s actually gorgeous or not. There’s no “but he is hot” or “but he’s not hot” from the player base. He thinks he’s the hottest shit and there’s no question as to whether he is or not, and that makes his character both more hyperbolic and believable.


I like the idea that his character portrait will be the back of his head because he never bothers to look away from his reflection to us.


I want him to be a daffodil like he was cursed to be, and I think they might do that cause he says how much he likes the fields.


I just hope they pull through with his reflection. Right now it's bigger than he is and seemingly more muscular. I hope they keep with that!


SQUIDWARD CHAD is the route they should go


I think your idea is not good, I want a real design there. The one who needs to like Narcisus appearance is himself, not you.


Here I was thinking they should liken his appearance to true perfection.. Theseus.


While i like this idea, i still hope to see Nic Cage's face=D Maybe a reference to Conair and his glorious hair


i thought it was amazing too! we had different reasoning for the facelessness but id love to see them have a design based off the general premise!


I'd just like to note that people were saying the same thing about Nyx in the first game's EA, that it made sense for Night Incarnate to just be hidden in a cloak. Then we got her actual art and the idea was basically never brought up again because her actual art is amazing.


I want him to look like Johnny Bravo


This. That’s who I think he sounds like.


Plot twist: this is what they reveal [Narcissus](https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/gollum)


Yeah, I thought it was clever. He is so narcisstic that he doesn't want other people to see his own face because he was frustrated that people kept falling in love with him.


I do think it'd be a good bit to do a Hades-style portrait of Darren Korb. Just a normal looking mortal who thinks he's as beautiful as the Olympians.


I think, perhaps even without considering the styling of his voice, only a near perfect recreation of Nic Cage’s face would be appropriate.


I'll be disappointed if he isn't handsome Squidward


No. i want him to look like stupid super handsome squidward.


I do hope they change it but I’d rather him still be faceless, at least to us. Cloak up, face in shadows. I think it would work well.


Everyone in the game is exceedingly beautiful. It would feel redundant is Narcissus was just like... EXTRA beautiful. But then again, Aphrodite exists, so I won't be mad if they try.


I’m ok with whatever they do even tho personally I haven’t really pictured a apparence hence the veil for me


Yeah I think it fits his character perfectly. I hope they don't change his character portrait or model.


I thought thats his supposed design as well, really liked it


I think it’s a really cool idea, because everyone knows who Narcissus is, and even those who don’t get a pretty straightforward idea right from the start, and you can elicit an image of Narcissus just from your imagination, with everyone having their own idea of what a self-obsessed person would look like. Personally I like to imagine that he looks kinda like Handsome Squidward, it matches the voice and just makes the entire conversation so much funnier to me. *Edit: typo*


His image has already been leaked! He’s handsome and staring at a waterfall. He almost looks like a mermaid


I do agree, it'd be funny if narcissus looked like theseus though.


I'm hoping we'll only see him from the back side as he gazes to the water.


Alternately it's just Zagreus with blue eyes and a tan.


As much as I love this idea, Hades 2 is lacking in Himbos. I need my himbo Narcissus because Theseus left a hole in my heart.


Look, I love the shrouded look for Narcissus, but saying he just looks okay, and the suitors were all duped, means that poor Echo had been suffering for what she THOUGHT was a supremely attractive person. And hasn’t she suffered enough?


Plot twist... his mug has an uncanny resemblance to Hades :D


My work buddy says he wants him to look like Nicolas cage. Because that’s who he sounds like kinda.


Me. He is supposed to be the most beautiful man who ever lived, that's why he fell into the mirror trap. I for one would love him to stay faceless. His voice already betrays enough about his appearance.


Based on the text by his name, and his story. I'm hoping he's displayed as the narcissus flower


Yall, hear me out, a character customization screen, with different eye, mouth, nose, etc sprites. You yourself choose what he looks like.


I absolutely agree I also love the mystery of how attractive he may(or may not) be and he's so in love w himself regardless I think it actually adds so much to his character By far one of my fav side characters in the game plus his VA is perfect


I hope he gets a design and he’s actually kinda ugly


It's a super good joke for sure. He'd be fuming to know his likeness hasn't been given a second of thought at all and I'm all for that


What do you mean? How is a faceless Narcissus a stroke of genius? What aspect of him possibly relates to not being able to tell if he is or isn’t looking at his own face? How is this even ironic? What the fuck are you talking about


Seriously. I've seen way too many of these posts lately and it's a pretty lame take


I think it's pretty important to have him remain faceless. We're talking about the most attractive human being in the history of the world. If the devs give his appearance form, they're actively giving a judgment on what physical characteristics would make someone the most attractive. This holds the implication that anything else is less attractive, which goes against the whole inclusive thing Hades has going for it. It's a honest nest best left unkicked


No, we are talking about him thinking he is the most attractive human being. It would be far more interesting to make him ugly.


Eh, we already know he’s not attractive to everyone. Melinoë doesn’t see it at all. Sure, he’s got groupies, but so do plenty of celebrities. I suspect they’re probably gonna go with an Elvis thing, judging by the voice, and that would also fit well with the gaggle of fans.


I mean... they've already depicted Aphrodite.