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Also, that's a DLC I'd happily pay for. ;-)


They said they're working on more music. So they better have our favorite sirens repertoire!


I could be on copium, but I hope if they reintroduce old characters, I'd like more songs by Orpheus and/or Eurydice as well as Scylla...


Orpheus Eurydice v.s. Scylla and the Sirens DLC please lord god Darren Korb


Eurydice and Roxy (Siren Drummer) are the same voice actress. So if the Sirens decide to not be backup singers you have a Eurydice vs Scylla.


...or Scylla getting salty cos she grudgingly agrees to let Roxy/Jetty sing for a song - and Mel comments on how much better the vocals "were that last time"... I mean, that's a reaction that writes itself!


>They said they're working on more music They did? FUCK YEAH!


Yeah! They didn't say what though (could just be the music for new areas), but we can hope


They must, they have the god of music and Jetty in the cast, isn't it time we get a proper guitar duel?


I was really hoping for dope solos for the featured artists in the battle. I want a sick drum solo so bad.


I am not against a good drum solo. That being said, the first game had that beautiful sweet duel in the Hades fight with all extreme measures (evidently I found out it's called "The Unseen" or somesuch). I *need* more of this. Most bands today either eschew from solos or do a minimal thing of like 10-15 seconds. We need more Tornados of Souls!


Man it woulda been cool to get an aspect for the axe that turned it into a guitar. That’d be rad


The Aspect of Jack Black. Then make the description talk about him fighting the devil with it.


The devil went down to Georgia, and he was looking for a soul to steal. He was in a bind he was way behind and was willing to make a deal


omg the Devil's Golden Fiddle!! Could be a musical weapon in line with Aspect of Lucifer like Hades 1.


Aspect of Billly


-- The pick of destiny "...something about the fates"-- would be a good hammer as well


Oooh this is so good. Alternative to that would be Aspect of Prince. Since he has some pretty wacky guitar models that would make great axes.


I’m secretly hoping the final weapon is a guitar, being unconventional like the Adamant Rail.


Lute would work. Orpheus and Apollo can be aspects. Get a modern band to be the hidden aspect (Aspect of Slash would be rad)


Aspect of Darren Korb


Loads of people also hope its an instrument.


This reminded me of Hi-Fi Rush, and now I'm sad...


Death to Bethesda.


They would totally call it the Aspect of Orpheus!


Aspect of Jimi


The gleaming axe Cloudhurler wielded in days yet to come by a revolutionary warrior in a time of upheaval. I could see it.


I just imagine an extreme measures version of the fight and Scylla goes full Death Metal


I did not think about that, but now that you mention it, that'd be my riot threshold.


Fuck it, Dethklok Murmaider Cover


Murmaider is far more on theme but Laser Cannon Death Sentence would be so good for a boss fight.


Time to rewatch all of Batmetal I guess. 


I forgot I posted this... But dammit! Now I share your Unseen pain...


If they do that, they should really get Adrienne Cowan from Seven Spires on it, she has insane growls and cleans


I want extreme measures chronos to just get a tank, full on Theseus style


Automatically turns the fight into Bullet Hell Mode


It's almost frustrating how hard Korb is going for the music. Like everything feels better, it's so satisfying to see all these amazing artists and musicians hone their craft and make everything so sublime. Jen Zee has been cooking forever but she's turned the damn heat on high, Korb was putting out bangers like a mechanical hammer and now he's practically a wrecking ball the way he throws out both beautiful ambience and earworms of boss fights I bought Hades 2 because Supergiant was one of 3 developers I'll support no matter what, now I don't think they'll ever leave the top slot.


This clicked for me on Transistor. The first time I played, I was like: this isn't just a game, this is **ART**! After that I'd always buy their games as soon as possible, no questions asked. They never disappointed me.


OOC, what are the other two devs that have earned that level of your support? Always looking for more great devs to follow.


Larian Studios had me after DOS 2, I'm also super excited for what Mobius Studios has for us after Outer Wilds. No hot takes here. I've also got huge respect for ConcernedApe. I would say Team Cherry but the Silksong branded clown makeup I bought won't wash off 🤡


For me, Larian Studios is definitely one—but that’s been common knowledge lately thanks to BG3.


Careful friend, I once said the same about Squaresoft (not Square-Enix), Blizzard, and Westwood. They all made pretty excellent games for a long time, but each ended up falling away eventually. Supergiant has the advantage of hindsight on what can happen to studios similar to them, though, unlike the ones I mentioned so if they play it smart and strive to stay AA/Indie then they will probably continue to put out ultra high quality games that are almost all best in genre. I just hope they never try to move to AAA or go publicly traded. Those spaces are the death of creativity


I say.. we claw out his eyes! And.. and...


Drown him to death?




Nah cause that's less chances for Coral Crown to show up


Maybe Scylla will start the fight by asking if there are any requests and we can pick our fav. That would be so fun! Even if it just happened occasionally.


She's so unhinged and maniacal I wouldn't put it past her


... I could see a incantation that acts a jukebox and you can turn songs on/off rotation.


Well, Hades 1 had an in game jukebox. Isn't it time we get a jukebox in Hades 2 when the story is slowly completing? We can even have funny quips with Melinoe when she buys discs (tracks) to put in the jukebox "ugh, another Scylla single?"


Even better if NPCs could set the song, and a *certain individual* keeps changing it to Scylla. And gets shirty when we change it.


We all know Eris would sing it around the crossroads


I hadn't even considered that she would do that just to annoy Mel, that's even better. And having a duet between her and Od to *really* annoy Mel would be even more amazing.


I have 2 guesses on who would do this, and both/either is hilarious.


Fear not the banger you have yet to hear...


For all the people talking about the bangers of the Sirens(which they are) Can we take a moment to appreciate the genius that is, arguably, the best solo sax track of our generation that’s just casually in a game track that is Sightless Shepherd? Because my fucking raptor jesus, it’s insanity


the flute in that track goes HARD


Which part of the game is that ost in?


And **of course** we must get a vinyl release on that album, complete with painted vinyl, painted gatefold and of course obligatory t-shirt merch. I have already posted that on the feedback channel in discord. Already a friend of mine is gathering images etc. to make a custom t-shirt since SG sleeps on merch that would sell like hot cakes.


I expect one of the Sirens going main vocal at some point


...considering one of them is voiced by Ashley Barrett, I wish :-D


Scylla legitimately scares me she's unhinged AF


If the Hex Girls got an album for a direct to video Scooby Doo special, then Scylla and the Sirens need one too.


Switch player waiting for v 1.0 release but I couldn’t resist watching a few YouTube play throughs here and there. I RAN to YouTube when it was announced they had the full soundtrack on their channel. It’s become my new on all the time work background noise when I run out of podcasts. I swear my fellow floor dwellers at the library must think I’m insane with some of the bangers coming out of my cubicle corner.




I really do hope so! The fact that they only have the two songs and yet after 60 hours of playing the game and probably around 30 siren fights I still haven't gotten tired of either one is genuinely impressive. I dunno if I want to make a larger list a full *expectation* necessarily, but definitely a want. Having more songs like I'm Gonna Claw (Out Your Eyes and Drown You to Death) getting added as you progress and the Sirens keep writing about you, or your fights giving them inspiration, would be such a fun way of having a progression of their dynamic with Mel.


I really hope there's at least a little more variety because, and I'm sure this is going to be called sacrilegious, but I got a little sick of I am Gonna Claw.


Scylla and the Sirens rock cover of “Good Riddance” would go insane


I going to be honest, Darren Korb put out so much good music over his career i would be perfectly happy if he added only a few songs for Scylla


When I heard a new song for the first time I lost my mind. My favorite boss fight in either game and I was happy with just the first single, but the concept of an album that rotates is insane. I love how they emphasize the whole band, it's genuinely such a genius boss fight concept and such a crazy excellent execution with how they emphasize each instrument depending on who is defeated. In awe of this honestly.


just found out that scylla rotates between the two songs and YES PLEASE GIVE US MORE


There needs to at least be one more Scylla and the Sirens song that plays when the equivalent of Extreme Measures is added (as I have to assume they'll add to the final version of the game). They gotta make a third song for that, right?


Yeah the sirens are fine, at least they are not Orpheus