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you know, scylla is the mother of a lot of greek mythology monsters which includes most that did not spring from Medusas blood. And you know whos also included in the list of her children? Our big red boy Cerberus. I wonder if they cut that part. edit; i mixed up scylla and echidna my bad.


Cerberus is more often attributed as a child of Echidna, the mother of monsters, and Typhon.


Yeah, he is the brother of Lernie, The Nemean Lion, and the Chimera.


"Hi, I'm Lernie and these are my siblings Nemi and Chimi."


And we also have seen Nemi! He just won't talk tho, I guess being a cape for Heracles doesn't help in his case.


This thread has me thinking that the third boss for the Surface could be a shade of the Nemean Lion wanting revenge on Heracles, who we, of course, meet in Ephyra. Like we'll go through the third area (I'm assuming there's going to be 4 like the Underworld?) and enter the boss encounter, and Heracles gets ambushed by the Nemean Lion and we have to help him defeat it and then we earn his respect that way. I'm spitballing, of course.


i think you’re confusing scylla and echidna


oof, sorry. i mean, theyre both woman with snakes/tentacles for legs that attacked people on the sea.


not to confused with the other other half woman half serpent Delphine XD


does she have multiple serpents springing from her body? because iirc both of the former mentioned had those.


You got Scylla and Echidna mixed up


So the family tree goes Hecate -> Scylla -> Cerberus -> ... . I think I know where this is going, the great reveal at the end of the plot will be that >!Chronos is the son of Cerberus!<


i got scylla and echidna mixed up my bad


In games at least, she’s referred to as an Oceanid, a daughter of Oceanus. No basis in the mythology as far as I can tell. They may do a joke about it like Zag and Dionysus trolling Orpheus. Or >! Poseidon !< convincing >! Polyphemus !< that he was his father.


Posiedon created the race of cyclopses, they all consider him their father.


In mythology yes, besides the Elder Kyklopes at least. >!However in game it’s specifically stated by Poseidon that Polyphemus believing he was his dad was a joke that he played on him, however he still looked out for him which is why Od got heckled by Poseidon.!< Edit: did the spoiler thing wrong.


Why didn't they make Poseidon as Polyphemus'father? It doesn't seem to be rooted with incest like the others


Constantly beating the shit out of Poseidon's kid would make him inclined to help you. Would've been a good Hecate style boss tho. Have him be testing you on the surface


I dunno, Hades killed his own son like a zillion times, and your Olympian family regularly tries to kill you for minor slights (boon trial rooms). Would Poseidon really be that fussy if you had to violently help his flesh-and-blood son take a little nap? I'm surprised he's not knocking the guy out himself, for all the gods seem to care about violence towards family in this game.


Theseus is also poseidons son and he doesnt mind Zag beating the shit out of him.


I was also wondering that. My two thoughts are that a) it's going to play into more interpersonal drama that we can't see yet because that dialogue isn't in the game yet, but it will make sense later, or b) they didn't want Melinoë's cousin trying to kill and eat her. I know Hades killed his son Zag all the time, but they both knew he'd never really DIE from that, so I mean... No hard feelings....?  But my money is on the first option. Like maybe we'll see some character growth of Poseidon learning to be less of a tool and the nature of his relationship with Polyphemus will play into that somehow, or this will be another example used in the game's apparent core thesis that "the gods are all kind of huge dicks to people who are less powerful than them". Since this really was a dick move on Poseidon's part.  I don't know why they needed to invent new drama when I'm sure there's a million examples of Poseidon being a dick in the mythology, but I do think they're trying to downplay a lot of the sex crimes in the mythology (hard to be entertained by the goofy water uncle when he's, you know, crossed certain moral lines), and I do think that is how MOST of Poseidon's dickery manifests in the mythology. Maybe they literally couldn't find any good non-assault-y crimes for him to have committed.


>I don't know why they needed to invent new drama when I'm sure there's a million examples of Poseidon being a dick in the mythology Weirdly enough they decided to keep him as the creepy uncle drooling all over Hera and insinuating to her in at least 2 occasions. Like, it is in character (sort of), but why keep that? And the worst part is that there was no need for that as he is often paired with Amphitrite, which in this story is nowhere to be found it seems; and in the original mythos he never tried to take Hera from Zeus (probably due to fear to Zeus, but still).


The "oceanid" title here might just be them referring to her as a denizen of Oceanus, the 2nd underworld region. Oceanus does not seem to be an existing character much like Erebus and Tartarus (at least I have not found a dialogue that alludes to either of them being something else than a place).


Mel specifically calls her a former oceanid, so it’s not as a result of her current dwelling place. It’s possible oceanid does mean something different in the game but as far as I can tell it’s not location based.


Your spoiler doesn't work. You need to remove the spaces next to the exclamation marks.


More complicated and more parallel universes than marvel


Oh yeah most likely. I'd also be surprised if they didn't reference >!Circe!< being the one to turn Scylla into a monster.


She's already noted to have a particular hatred of witches, both in the Book of Shadows and the lyrics of Coral Crown.


If you take the Knuckle Bones into the >!Polyphemus!< fight, he has special dialouge. Does anyone know if its similar for her keepsake with Scylla?


Very minor contextual dialogue spoiler: >!If you have a bunch of moly in your inventory, Circe talks about how it makes her nervous and it isn’t necessary. Moly was the magical herb (real?mythical? non-game?) Odysseus used against her magic. I wouldn’t be surprise if they build out her history more!<


Good point. I've gotten the one you mentioned but let me try it with Scylla.


Melinoe: you dated HIM? Hecate: Let me tell you something, LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING


To be fair, ~~yellow Artemis~~ Apollo can be a charming fellow


The Ancient Greeks were good at telling "fishing stories"


I will be very suprised if there isn't an alternstive form of the Scylla fight where Charybdis shows up and vice versa


I do like the idea that every night when you pick a route, you're basically picking between Scylla and Charybdis


i didn't even think about this, that's SO GOOD


Even more disturbing fact because it’s Greek mythology, they’re cousins. >!Leto(Apollo and Artemis’s mother)!< and >!Asteria(Hekate’s mother)!< are sisters. Even weirder fact >!In some myths Asteria transformed herself into the island of Delos, aka where Artemis and Apollo were born, which is why Delos was the only place that would allow Leto to give birth in spite of Hera’s wrath.!< Edit: Inaccuracy on my part regarding part of the second myth.


Cousins is tame for greek myth


Wait until they find out how Hera and Zeus are related…


Hence, because Greek Mythology. If incest isn’t involved it’s probably not the Classics.


SGG sure did a lot of work to untangle that knot of a family tree


Just to be absolutely clear.. They are siblings.


It was not Hera who transformed Asteria into the island. It was Asteria that transformed herself into the "floating" island of Delos so that her sister could give birth, since Hera prohibited Leto to give birth on land, and since technically that land is not part of the world (as it is floating), Leto was outside of Hera's authority.


Completely right on the transformation part, that was a mistake on my part.


Whut in tarnation


Hekate: Scylla can you please turn the music down a little I'm trying to brew more potions Scylla: but I'm MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! How are my fans going to know my latest album Apollo: that's my girl Scylla: thanks dad Hekate: your not helping


Wait till you see who is commonly referred to as melinoes dad


Oh, yeah. I've seen some small hints towards this in some dialogue. Seems equally inevitable that it will come up, and probably be dealt with more heavily than this Scylla business.


Yeah, I had a good chuckle when they made Scylla a singer. Made me wonder if they'd go with this parentage for her, but now I think it's unlikely.