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This was a scary time for people. It was also a little surprising how quickly they executed the older guy. The government wasn’t messing around with that one.


It was right after 9/11 and so terrorism was a hot button issue. I was just a kid when this happened but I remember the connections and speculations on National News if this would be the new reality for America.


Anthrax scare too


How awful is it to imagine that any time you go outside, you could be murdered by an unseen menace? It's like living in a volatile war zone.


Lived across the street from the Home Depot that someone was killed at. It was a wild time to be alive. I was a junior in high school. All outdoor activities went inside, but schools never closed. Even back then the news was a mess -- we were all told to keep clear of white utility vans because that's the vehicle the snipers were in. They weren't.


I was in grad school in DC during this. Terrifying.


Did some reading up on this, apparently they suggested gas stations put up tarps on the awnings due to the frequency of people being shot while filling up their vehicles. Scary stuff.


I was and still live in DC, it was a really terrifying time to be here and in Maryland as this was in the heels of the anthrax scare at the post office. It was a confusing time for me as a kid and I remember we were scared looking out for white vans as they initially said this was the suspects potential vehicle.


I lived thru this. It was very scary


When this happened I was stationed in Maryland and had a girlfriend in DC. I was in deployment though and every day someone got shot by this guy I was worried it was my woman. Strange times.


I don't consider myself a violent person but if that scumbag killed my girlfriend you can bet I'd be on a damn warpath.


I was in preschool during this time. I remember clearly being in lockdown and told to stay away from all windows out of fear we could get shot due to the attack in Spotsylvania . Memory has stuck with me my whole life. 


John Lee Malvo lived on the street over from my family in Tacoma WA prior to the shootings and they had to do ballistics on a tree that was nearby because he used to shoot into it when he lived there. 😭


Man I recall this, I lived across the US from it and still we were all paranoid as hell. Walking around trying to look at everything as a potential threat but also like how the hell you gonna spot a sniper it really affected a ton of people.


Man who doesn’t remember this who was alive for it. As others have said, the proximity of these events to 9/11 and subsequent anthrax scare really made for a confusing time to be growing up. I was 10 when this all happened.


I’ll never forget this. Probably the scariest time in my life where I was enveloped in fear wherever I went because their attacks were so unpredictable. I lived in Fairfax county, VA and never felt safe when I got gas for my car, groceries for my house or any other simple errand during that time. When I took metro to work, you could see the widespread fear in everyone’s eyes when entering and leaving the stations. The fear was palpable everywhere and didn’t dissipate until they caught those monsters. Disgusted with those contemptible legal groups trying to get Malvo’s conviction tossed. Malvo should be frying in hell with Mohammad now…


I was in elementary school. We had indoor dismissal and they told us to run in zig zags if we needed to run 😂 everyone thought it was a white work van for the longest time


Zig zags is good advice if you’re being targeted!


I’ll never forget my class was outside for recess and out of nowhere we were frantically ushered back inside with no explanation (it was a sunny day, no rain, etc). Come to find out years later it was because one of the shootings happened in the area and they obviously had no clue where these two would pop up next.