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I looked in your post history - to be honest I find your previous post difficult to read due to the lack of punctuation or spacing (no offense if english isn't your first language), and also there's no photos for anyone to judge off of. I'm sorry your post didn't gain any traction or attention because of that, but it's also only been a day. That being said, if you'd like to provide photos and explain your issues coherently along with a visual representation, I'm sure we'd love to check it out and try to help you. :)


what was your question?




Again, you are not using the reply function. Why are you hostile? Are you just lashing out because you don’t know how to do something? Children do that.




No you don’t because you aren’t even using the reply function correctly and are replying to your own post instead of the person you’re responding to. You aren’t being “bullied”, you just don’t understand how communication on this website works. It’s not like Facebook or a messenger. And I think that is what is confusing you. Which is fine, but that’s your problem and not other people’s.




Behave yourself.






And I did have three pictures up but I'm not going to be on a community that's supposed to be helping people and they call them stupid and incompetent




I dont think you understand how to use Reddit


I never called you any of those things, I'm sorry if you took it that way. Also, I haven't seen your response because you didn't directly reply to me - I only saw this now because I got an upvote notification.