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U need finastride


I agree with you đź’Ż


and keep using minoxidil, you’re just shedding


It got much worse start finasteride


Why did it get worse if he is using min


Min alone can only do so much, it’s not effective against balding since the DHT sensitivity will take over if there’s no DHT blocker especially against balding this agressive. Think of it like pushing a boulder up a hill and the boulder keeps getting heavier and heavier, that’s what Minoxidil is like without Finasteride, it’ll buy some time but eventually it won’t be able to keep up.


But ive seen some people to regrow hairs and maintain that hairs for like 5 to 8 years on just min and dermaroller without fin


Everyone has different sensitivities for DHT, generally if you are young and have visible balding then you need a DHT blocker because that type of balding is aggressive. There’s always outliers of course but in majority of cases Minoxidil alone isn’t a good choice, it can slow down the hair loss but you have higher chances of improvement when taking it with Finasteride.


How bad is norwood 2 for 22 years old? With a little crown thinning too


Not the worst, definitely saveable for sure. Are you on any meds?


Nope you can see my posts


Ive still shed many hairs but i dont think it ia receding any further it is the same but ive teied every natural thing it didnt worked for me


Oh yeah I do believe we’ve talked before on DM. Honestly speaking, no sugar coating. Nothing natural will ever work unfortunately, for balding you NEED a DHT blocker for sure. I recommend starting Finasteride ASAP, ignore the fear mongering, every drug in the world has side effects and the side effects of finasteride are rare. Millions of men are prescribed Finasteride every year and majority of them are older men around 60+ who use it for prostate issues and require 5mg, for hair loss you only need 1mg and even then the side effect reports are still extremely low. Just to put things into perspective.


I am worried only about my sex life later on when i will get married cause i am just 22 right now and its a long road ahead


Can look at my hair on my profile I’m 18 what should I do


It does look like very early stages of MPB, but I’m not an expert and no one can diagnose you on reddit. Visit a hair specialized dermatologist in your area and get properly diagnosed, you’re old enough to start Finasteride which is what they would recommend since you still have not lost a lot of ground IF it is MPB.


Great explaining


In many cases, when you start treatment on your hair, you’ll go through a shedding phase so your follicles can grow new, thicker hair. I went through a huge shedding phase for like six months. When I first started, it was very scary. But after like 6-7 months I started to see signs of new baby hair coming in, and that made me feel really good. I was taking finasteride and topical minoxidil w/once weekly derma rolling. I really wanted to make sure I was doing everything I could, and that at least gives you a feeling of closure knowing you did everything you could.


Easy he IS improving the feed of his hair, but if this food IS "posioned" with DHT and testosterone then hair turns weaker.


Well you need finastride ,


Minoxidil does not prevent hair loss, it just regrows lost hair (and doesn't work for \~50-60% of people anyway). Finasteride/dutasteride are the only options to actually treat your hair loss and prevent it from receding further.


You shoul have started finasteride first, it blocks the cause of hair loss. Minoxidil improves bloodflow to help follicles get nutrients to grow but doesn't help if the follicles are still being attacked and reduced


So Minoxidil goal is to promote new hair growth, while finasteride is used to prevent further hair loss. They work best together but it is quite common to experience shedding so don’t be alarmed. Hopefully, this helps you on your journey!


You can try Dutasteride tablets and topical solutions better than minoxidil…


If you really appreciate your hair more than your health, and specially sexual health and fertility, then you should go to the dermatologist to make Blood tests and then maybe he IS going to give you something to break your balls and hormones into producig DHT the hormone if the sexual power.


Jesus Christ. What?


I started fin at 19, not the end of the world


Balding is a shit, specially if you are not beautiful. But maybe Asian girls appreciate bald men