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It's probably MPB, go to a dermatologist asap if you want to save your hair.


Thanks for your reply man. I figured as such, but I also do suffer from chronic inflammation working with doctors regarding that. But do you think I should hop on minoxidil??


just finasteride, you don’t need minoxidil


You think so? I’ve read up some side effects of it and I am a little worried, mostly because of the suicidal thoughts as I’ve got a history of depression


yeah no reason for you to go on minoxidil. Finasteride is the best option for you, it will help you have your hair into your 40s. I have taken finasteride for 3+ years and now I take dutasteride with no side effects on either. There are very few instances of people having psychiatric issues with either drug. If you want to have hair into your 30s and 40s it’s pretty much your only option. No reason to do minoxidil as your hair is still relatively good and applying a topical twice daily for the rest of your life is kind of annoying vs. just taking one tablet by mouth every night at bedtime. I understand your worry but the only thing that is going to keep your hair in the long term is a 5 alpha reductase inhibitor like finasteride or dutasteride.


Thank you man. I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out here. I’m gonna take your advice and start taking Fin or Dutestaride soon. Just wanted to ask though, do you think the topical ones are just affective as the oral ones or is it just bs?


Oral is most effective. Topical definitely works for some. It’s literally just one tablet every night at bed don’t overthink it. If you have side effects then reevaluate your plan accordingly but just research the data yourself. The statistical instances of side effects in clinical trials is pretty low. All the side effects are reversible if you discontinue the drug. Again, I have no side effects on finasteride or dutasteride. I use to think about losing my hair from morning until night and cry over the issue. Like 8 months into finasteride I started thinking about hair loss significantly less and eventually got to the point where I rarely think about it. It’s not that big of a deal anymore to me anymore because i’ve pretty much fixed it for the most part. You have a lot of hair still, it will thicken and come back plenty. Just go see a doctor and ask about finasteride. Ask them how their patients do on finasteride if you need more information.


look at my last post for why minoxidil shouldn’t be used until you’ve seen what finasteride can do in a year.


Going through the same thing at 21 havent really noticed and sides yet but you still have a really good head of hair i think you should just try to take fin even 0.25mg everyday if ur scared of sides and try upping it if it does not work out for you thats what im doing currently only side ive gotten about a week in is watery sperm and some nipple sensitivty no problems with libido or erections starting both fin and min at the same time might cause ur hair to shed really fast before u see any regrowth and that usually scares people off