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I mean, headcrabs are fuckin big. Imagine a cat attacking you. It might not be as easy as you think to get them off of you if they are determined enough. Now consider that the headcrabs entire existence is based around finding a host. So its body is designed to be very efficient at that. Getting it off of you would likely take a considerable amount of strength. Not to mention that it has large sharpened appendages and insanely powerful hind legs that are designed to allow them to jump far distances. Add to the fact that if they aim correctly, their teeth could latch into your chest before they try to get on to your head. In short, headcrabs are dangerous af.


They look a little heftier than cats even


I mean in Half Life Alyx, Russel has one in his fridge that looks about the size of a thanksgiving turkey...Imagine that flying at your head at mach 10


I don’t have to imagine. It’s midnight on thanksgiving and we are eating then because everyone forgot to put the turkey in the oven until late. Then uncle Joe starts talking about how the aliens are coming from the ice in Antarctica to turn us into the socialism, and my aunt Gladys starts shouting racial slurs at him as it is the only language he comprehends. My nephew, hearing this, goes into an incredible rage, and starts grabbing dishes and pieces of food and throwing them at whoever looks him in the eye. Aunt Gladys sees this and to discipline the boy, flings the turkey at him to knock him out for the night but misses me and knocks me out instead. I wake up in my living room with all the furniture and valuables missing and a note from my aunt Gladys telling me they’ve fallen on hard times and needed to borrow a couple things. I don’t see or hear back from them for another year.


Is this a copypasta


Nope. Just my thanksgiving


I imagine they’re the size and texture and weight of a raw turkey


Plus, you see how many of the pods were all throughout ravenholm? If each pod holds like 4-5, even 20 pods could disable a small population. The city itself was riddled with fear when the world fell, and took up severe measures to keep out any ground invading forces. That’s what ravenholm prepared for. They didn’t anticipate being nuked from the sky with headcrab rockets. They made themselves a perfect enclosure.


Not to mention they love to hide and sneak around and possibly attack you in your sleep.


>I mean, headcrabs are fuckin big. Imagine a cat attacking you. It might not be as easy as you think to get them off of you if they are determined enough. OK now I want a HL mod that replaces all the headcrab models in the game with cats 🤣


So that's why the cat gave barney nightmares


Meanwhile headcrabs in hla:


Eh, I let it pass tbh. It's pretty fun to get attacked by one and to pull it off. But if they made it actually difficult to get off of you it'd be super annoying (at least to beginner VR players). HL:A had to nerf some enemies to make it fun in VR and I'm totally okay with that. It doesn't feel like a breeze but it's not insanely hard either. They paced it well.


The commentary mentioned how they had to change the AI for Combine soldiers because the HL2 AI had them rush at the player and that's a lot more nerve wracking in VR.


Now I want someone to mod hl2 ai into hla. Though I guess thats just half life 2 vr.


FPS on consoles: Nerf the AI for people playing with controllers. FPS in VR: Nerf the AI for people playing with headsets. FPS in direct brain interface: Nerf the AI into—you guessed it— Frank Stallone.


You’re making them insanely dangerous even though I bop them with 2 pistol shots


They literally die from one wack of crowbar. They are like cats… big pussies.


Most people don't go whacking shit with a crowbar so there's that


Will helmet bigger than their mouth work?


Honestly, yea that sounds like it would work lol


Man I fucking beat the shit out of a cat head crabs ain’t shit


Having seen headcrabs in VR, I can say they're more like the size of a large thanksgiving turkey. Pretty big!


Me pullin' up to the fight in football armor and chainmail


Beacuse the HEV suit has this secret function known as "Plot Armor"


why can fathet gregori defeat them huh?


Because he's Bulgarian obviously 🙄


He is absolutely built different to other humans




He has the power of God on his side


And anime


the HEV suit a literal plot armor tho


No, it’s the gman creating plot armor


It’s the gman (aka Garry newman) providing the plot armor


youre wrong its Gabe Newell presenting you half-life Alyx!


Which turned out to be literal G man doing a Little bit of Trolling arouñd


Can't stab into the metal shoulder parts


yea but the citizens that gordo recruits seem to have plot armor too then..


People often forget freeman is probably much more capable of destroying the headcrab than the average citizen


that plus the hev suit


And the fact that he uses a crowbar


Dude swings a metal crowbar back and forth as if it was made of plastic. Full swings even. He definitely has an edge over everyone else.


A year ago I touched a real crowbar for the first time in my life (I'm almost 30 and I don't know why I haven't handled one earlier) I lifted it and wondered, how the hell did Gordon do that in HL1 💀💀💀


power armor?


an expensive piece of Black Mesa issued equipment


But he couldn't do that in hl2 :(


At first I thought, "*Freeman's suit gives him protection against headcrabs that the average citizen doesn't have...*" but then I remembered that **he never wears a helmet.**  (ʘ_ʘ)


I like to think his hev helmet rolls up in combat/submerged, dead space style


Like the Da'at Yichud armour that Blazkowicz wears in Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus


i believe he canonically wears it, but for promotional art and his in game model he doesn't to make him more recognizable or something.


I find it hilarious that in the box art there's this random protagonist that never shows up ever lmao


i mean, he does occasionally show up in blue shift and opposing force, but that's about it really


Because of the Combine bombardment


They were essentially overwhelmed by the amount of headcrabs, which were additionally poisonous... And the lack of supplies


add the line from this clip [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2J\_6IPc2YFM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2J_6IPc2YFM) with out hev suit you die from first swipe of a crab


I never thought the poison headcrabs were supposed to kill people. Head canon: the neurotoxin is incredibly debilitating so it makes it easier for other headcrabs to attach to victims


Buddy. Imagine you, a random citizen chilling in your home right now, minding your own business, and suddenly you just got hit by a bunch of missiles. And the missiles start to spawn bugs that jump on your head and turning people into zombies.


Stop describing my secret paradise!


Headcrab kink🤤


And I think I'll end my intrigue on this post here




Citizens can’t quicksave.




Use a tactic known as the "larry's hat"


if its anti-barnacle then its anti-headcrab


I can't believe no one brought up the fact that there are 3 types of headcrabs there. You got the normal ones, the fast ones, then the black poisonous ones.


The head crabs had big meaty claws


if a head crab attacked me i would let it go on my head but not let it bite into my head. instead i will let him sit there and i will name him jorge and we can explore the world together. he will be friendly to me as i will give him treats like lasagna and chocolate bars


Headcrab apply directly to the forehead


c'mon, hop up


i hope that this post doesn’t turn this subreddit into the batman arkham subreddit


**I hope it does.**


Have you seen them in half life alyx? They're much bigger than you'd think in VR


I dare say that these guys must have been responsible for most of the casualties humans suffered, if we count only the Xenian fauna. All it takes is for you to divert your attention elsewhere for a second, and boom, the head humper latches onto you.


Also no HEV suit to tell you that you have minor lacerations


r/BatmanArkham the aslume escaped


The shelling sends out shockwaves. The humans are stunned, shaken, and vulnerable to parasites jumping into their heads and hijacking them. You can be the smartest guy in the world but all it takes is a cylinder rocketing through your roof, knocking you flat on your ass from the shockwave, and then some head humpers emerge and zero in on your head. (See: that scene at the end of Route Kanal where the refugee camp gets shelled, the shells are sending out shockwaves that either instantly kill or knock out nearby unarmoured humans.)


Crowbar shop was closed.


They took down a whole government black site with some of the world’s brightest scientists..




Springy spikey meaty little fuckers


Even with video game super powers and weapons it’s pretty hard to stop yourself from getting ambushed by these things. Imagine 1 hit = zombified and non-video game aiming ability if you have a weapon at all.


Well, if you were a resident of a pretty small town and you see something you've never seen before, what would you do? Run and tell people or attempt to fight it? Realizing that they're overcoming the the small and isolated town, you're pretty much fucked even if you stronghold somewhere. Resources would be limited, and seeing those creatures turn your neighbors and friends into zombies probably will keep you on edge for a while but not enough to hold out. Tldr: headcrabs can be deadly in packs.


I think that they were overwhelmed by numbers, and pretty soon, it was too late.


The "are they stupid?" Posts really need to die


Would that mean you are ***stuoid***?


The Combine bombed the town. This may simply have taken the rebels by surprise, as they were neither prepared nor equipped to defend themselves directly. The rebels are not constantly equipped with their weapons when they are in some sort of base. So Ravenholm probably fell because there were so many enemies everywhere who quickly overwhelmed and took the rebels by surprise.


Skill issue.


OP would be a headcrab zombie and he doesn't realize it.


Is there a lore reason why the headcrabs didn’t leave ravenholm


My guess is that Ravenholm got screwed soon before Gordon arrived, since Eli knew about it but Alyx didn't.


Alyx did know about it, considering she stated that the tunnel is sealed for a reason


Why didn’t they call G-Man?


Let’s say this. You’re in a town with roughly 50 people and the combine shells your entire region with hundreds of, regular, fast, and poisonous head crabs for a whole day. Do you think you could survive that?


Headcrabs would actually be terrifying if they were real. Their main torso is as large as a turkey and they fly at you from 10-20 feet away. If they get on your head then their beak will dig into your skull and you're done for if that happens. Even if you avoid their beak they have bigass claw daggers that at the very least will cut you and most likely will hook into you causing pain and making the headcrabs job easier. Plus if you're in a group and a headcrab gets one of you, all of a sudden you're fighting a human too.


You humans are scared of little spiders, and think you can destroy all headcrabs? And IF you will, we have ∞ of capsules with headcrab Combines


Because they are not Gordon Freeman


The amount of times I've been clapped by them turning corners in vents and entering random rooms. People of Ravenholm never stood a chance, esp the poison ones and faster ones.


are *you* stupid?


Because, there were probably too many canisters the Combine was launching and Ravenholm probably didn’t have a lot of weapons or really any defense since the whole point of Ravenholm was to be an hideout shelter for refugees with the help of Black Mesa East. Similar to the canals and the stations. They weren’t mean’t for defense or fighting because of their purpose. Only places like Black Mesa East and White Forest have a lot of things to protect themselves. So it’s safe to say the people of Ravenholm couldn’t defend themselves because they could fight a lot because they had to be careful but also had little defense against how many canisters were being launched.


Yes. They stupid


*Why couldn't


Holy hell!


The shells knocked them unconscious


They should’ve just carried crowbars since they one hit kill headcrabs Absolute buffoons. Embarrassing


I think the people of Ravenholm couldn't kill the headcrabs because there were so many of them. They also probably weren't prepared for what the Combine did to the place when they canned the place with headcrab canisters. Showing that you're never safe from the Combine's reach...


ya, they stupif


Based on the headcrab zombies in the VR game, the stuff they inject into your head reacts to your blood insanely bad that your head practically just bloats up into a red raspberry. They don't want to deal with them because that's how they literally do to your literal head.


The underground railroad guys couldn't when Gordon got there, and those were regulars. Ravenholm got fast and poisoned as well.


There was just too fucking many of them


It was a surprise attack. There were many Headcrab bombardments judging by the number of Headcrab warheads we see. I also believe it was the first time the resistance suffered a Headcrab bombardment, and you can see it has left a mark as you encounter a live bombardment in the radioactive waste areas.


They don’t have an HEV suit.


oh man, r/halflife is turning into insanity


Don't forget, that Headcrabs can't mate with Gordon's, Barney's or Adrian's head because they all wear ballistic helmets and therefor also no one from the security corps, HECU or any other scientist in a HEV. If you are a civillian with no head protection, (a hard hat most probably isn't sufficient) a head crab is pretty much a one hit kill if it doesn't miss you.


dude, as someone who is into batman: arkham, and is in the subreddit for it, that “are they stupid” gave me major whiplash LMAO


Yeah. Or they lived in a liberal area that didn't allow them to own firearms.


headcrabs are cat but big cat the humps your head and takes you entire body over on


they citizen and not high trained soldier


The fact that they have big sharp legs and teeth makes me think that fighting one might be really dangerous if they managed to latch onto you, you could probably get hurt really bad by fighting one let alone 2 or more.


i have spiked helmet, headcrabs cannot control me