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May 16 - Marines of the HECU 1st Battalion, Alpha Company, on their way to Black Mesa discuss fine cinema. This image is part of my own Half Life fanlore project, Hierarchy Problem, which is essentially a 'realistic' reinterpretation of Half Life. This includes a whole bunch of changes to the story, most notably in this image being that the Marines are no longer sent to Black Mesa to kill everyone, but rather embark upon a search and rescue operation. Hence the "Understand that we are operating on restricted ROEs" line. If you're interested in reading more about this project, you can [check it out here.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BxTwDgq2AHDUA_daJaSVpGJ_2izbR9Cay7hHPQVVgGE/edit?usp=sharing)


that's sick




Good marines? Great!


Indeed. That was the impetus for this whole thing, many years ago in the long lost time of 2020. It quickly grew out of control after that.


Are we gonna see Gordon Freeman fighting along with the marines? I think it would be great if they *helped* him reach the Lambda Complex instead.


Indeed, I've got a lot planned to that effect. Not only do they help Gordon get to the Lambda Complex, they go with him to Xen.


You planning on making a sequel part or would it be too similar to regular half life 2.


Nah, not really. The end result of both scenarios is the same, with the Seven Hour War and resulting Combine occupation. I don't have any narrative problems with HL2 so anything I could do would be pretty much the same. And, if I'm being honest, I just think Black Mesa Incident is way cooler.


Mostly just want some closure on the two surviving marines that disappeared with freeman, maybe even direct freeman perspective during the incident. I don’t mind if you don’t want to, it’s a lot of work I think.


I'm kinda in the middle of doing something like that - little short stories set during the incident from the perspectives of some random people. I probably also won't be posting about that here since it'd be even further removed from Half Life "canon," as it were. As for the two Marines, I like to leave it sort of up in the air, but I also like to think that the Vortigaunts were able to intervene and keep them out of the G-Man's stasis entering some sort of abstract existence in the Vortessence as thanks for their liberation, and also because the G-Man wasn't as interested in them.


oh that’s nice, good luck!


vortigaunt intervention only to suffer the fate of Adrian Shepard. Speaking of Adrian, do we know anything about him, and race x? Or is race x non-canon and Shepard wasn’t even deployed.


I've effectively discounted everything from Opposing Force (except for the HECU itself, as it happens) but there's nothing that necessarily says he wasn't present or didn't kick ass at Black Mesa. I like to leave this kind of thing open since there's no real reason to restrict stuff like that.


Yeah my headcanon is that Adrian Got trapped and was listed as just MIA, but still survived until the air strikes.


Yeah, the marines being sent in to kill everyone is one of those things that makes for fun gameplay but doesn’t make much sense if you actually think about it.


Honestly, this would probably change a lot: - Considering much of the BMRF staff now survive and can work together with Lamba to close the portal. The HECU and BMSF can work together to protect the research staff. - The HECU doesn’t lose 100-200 marines to Gordon himself. So they can purely focus on repelling the Xen creatures. - Timelines move forward. The military no longer abort the rocket launch. Gordon and the research team no longer have to sneak across the base and just be escorted to Lamba. I still believe Gman nuking the facility is what stopped the satellite from keeping the portal closed, after Gordon killed Nihilanth. Eventually leading to the portal storms and the Combine invasion. But a more successful military intervention might prevent the need for the nuke to be deployed in the first place.


Indeed. I'm of the belief that if the Resonance Cascade, and all the events that followed, could have been stopped or prevented, they simply wouldn't have happened in the first place. After all, they weren't just a freak accident, but was the result of the G-Man doing his weird shit for whatever the weird goals of his employer are.


This is awesome!


Thank you!


Any time, any where!


Game over man, game over!


mmm t-block and chocolate chip




This Is like Generation Kill.