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Yeah when I first heard about it, I didn't feel like it fit, either. I always through OP4 2 would fit better in that 2 weeks that Alyx and Gordon went missing after teleporting away from Nova Prospekt. This would be something even Gman wasn't prepared for, so he has to retrieve Shepard from stasis to help keep things on track. Shepard gets involved in a mission to supply the resistance with their arms to fight against the Combine.


To a degree, this is exactly what the standalone "Prospekt" mod did. Sadly it was meh and felt like it didn't go anywhere or do anything interesting story-wise last I recall playing it, you were just Shepherd casually going through Nova Prospekt, then space... and Xen, for some reason. But you pass through that exact teleporter room sometime after Gordon and Alyx used it, which was cool.


I had a whole outline written up for my idea once, like almost 20 years ago, after playing HL2 lol… I’ll have to see if I can dig it up.


That's what the mod "Through The City" is going to be about; Shephard during the first days of the uprising


Interesting. I guess I should probably check it out.


I don't like the zombies in Arkane's Ravenholm game. The headcrab zombies are iconic, headcrabs are what set Half-Life zombies apart from generic zombies from other media.


Valve did it with the Revivers in Half-Life: Alyx. We don't know the full reason for the Headcrab-less zombies in the game, so there could be various explanations.


It feels like a cheesy fan-fiction. Adrian is back! Is that Grigori? Ravenholm! Also the Zombies being more stereotypical is disappointing. Imagine if they added more headcrab types, more zombie types, expanded upon the Genome considering Adrian was brought back...


i think adrian being back is the only thing that pushes it over the edge into being fan fiction-y. grigori helped a lot of people out of ravenholm. he’s also a little bonkers and getting too old to keep his lifestyle up. we’ve got a lotta headcrab blood around here… and some syringes. i can understand why people think it could be bad writing but i think it’s a fun concept


I was all aboard for all the years we knew nothing about the project, except title and that it was scrapped. And then last year (or the year before that I forgot) they released a ton of info on it, in hopes of getting people to talk about it maybe? And after I watched the hour long video on it, I was glad it got cancelled. It's a bad fanfic, as someone else mentioned here. It's so bad it's just bad, unlike shit like Hunt Down the Freeman that's at least so bad, it's good.


breadman making an op4 sequel taking place alongside the events of entropy zero's story would be fucking dope, thinking about how ez and ez2 kind of feel kind of like source engine op4 follow ups


I hate the idea of zombies being in Half Life’s lore for no reason. No reason to have not made them headcrab zombies!


I don't see people complaining this way about the Revivers in Alyx. They could very well be the explanation why the zombies in the Ravenholm game have no Headcrabs, seeing as we don't particularly have an explanation otherwise.


A lot of people still haven't played Alyx.


I would rather have Shepherd leading a Squad (or multiple) of former (multiple nations) Soldiers as a leader of an separate Resistance Organization.


The fact that the developers thought that headcrab zombies should be replaced with literal L4D zombies proves the game’s writing was absolutely horrible. They literally had Grigori injecting himself with headcrab blood. It was so dogshit, it was like they were making a Half-Life spinoff with no actual knowledge of the games, just vague pop culture exposure. The only redeeming quality it had was the whole lighting/nail gun system that was super unique.


I want him back man


I don't agree, at least not fully. A lot of this is weird and acts as if HL2 follows up with the exact same kind of feel as HL1 did as well, but that's the issue, post 7 hour war, the world is entirely different. You're not fully going to get the same situation at all just as we hadn't with the others. At most, maybe you could have Adrien Shephard fighting apart of the resistance army, but that's literally already what you do as Gordon, and either way, would probably be better and more suited for Barney, especially with him being a key resistance figure. Shephard's deal in Opposing Force was that he was a one man army. All the other Black Mesa events were already over with basically by the time he arrived. He ocassionally had a squad help him open a door, but really OF was basically "EVERYONE'S GETTING OUT OF HERE" and Shephard being the sole person walking against the crowd going deeper into it all. Not even because he necessarily wanted to, but because G-Man forced him down the path that no one else wanted to/were willing to take. And so the same is happening here again. Where everyone else in Ravenholm died or ran, Shephard goes to cleanse the place as the guiding hand of G-Man demands. Him being a soldier, I see him going through the trap-filled Ravenholm more akin to soldiers doing house sweeps in the Middle East or something like that. Watching for traps set up by Grigori or others. Able to more accurately deal with the situation, while Gordon is more someone who was wading the water of the infected and looking for the exit. All this said, not the biggest fan of the less Headcrab-y zombies and more just regular zombies, but HL Alyx also did it well, so idk, I guess it depends on how it's presented.


The main thing I don't like about Return to Ravenholm is the zombies without the headcrabs (crab-less zombies, if you will). How would that even work?


I think a lot of the issues with the Ravenholm game was just expectations. And the reason it has a “huge,” contextually speaking, hype is because it was Half-Life content that was seemingly almost finished that was cancelled. And if there’s something I’ve learned in my 20+ years of playing games is that people don’t want to hear that content was cancelled for any reason. You’d just need to see the TF2 community to see that’s true. When the big leak happened a while back, everyone was pissed that they “almost” had more content, but fail to acknowledge that that content may just not have been good.


No your wrong


I think I agree. I want Adrian to come back, but it's gotta feel like an actual OP4 2, and expansion of the story found in the first game, not a new story branching off of HL2.


Agreed. I’d love to see an *Avengers Endgame*-style “bring together everyone in the HL canon for the grand finale” game some day, but it ought to make sense plot-wise. ‘Shepard in Ravenholm’ just sounds like Arkane pulled two plot lines out of a hat Mad Libs style.


It featuring Shepard is actually just a rumor that got spread primarily on YouTube. They never actually had a decided protagonist for the game.


I don't like Ravenholm. So a whole game in Ravenholm would suck to me. For *that* to be Adrian's insert point is, kind of stupid and a waste, IMO. So, I'm glad it didn't happen. I never wanted that in the first place.