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I'm not a mod here, but your post titled "BLACK MESA IS RACIST TO WHITE MEN" was likely removed due to breaching rule 4, which states: ​ >Please be respectful to others. Personal attacks, bigotry, fighting words, otherwise inappropriate behavior or content, comments that insult or demean a specific user or group of users will be removed.


so saying something is racist, is bad?


To falsely claim something is racist is bigotry.


no it’s not. also it’s not falsely, white men are specifically replaced with women and black men, what if a remaster changed the skin of black men to white men and female to males, is that racist?


yeah bro dr kleiner got fem blackwashed 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭




It is false, because there are a number of black and female NPCs in HL1. [https://half-life.fandom.com/wiki/Simmons](https://half-life.fandom.com/wiki/Simmons) ​ [https://half-life.fandom.com/wiki/Gina\_Cross](https://half-life.fandom.com/wiki/Gina_Cross) ​ [https://half-life.fandom.com/wiki/Colette\_Green](https://half-life.fandom.com/wiki/Colette_Green) ​ And don't even get me started on HL2.


that’s a few, black mesa replaced white male characters with female and black characters.


You are an embarrassing waste of resources. The worst part is you are probably getting off on this. You must have a humiliation kink, otherwise there's no reason for you to keep coming back to get publicly owned.


owned? getting called racist for saying replacing white men with black men, isn’t getting owned.


Waaaaaahhhh the polygons arranged to represent a human figure are the wrong shapes and the wrong shades. Don't you realise that geometric shapes have rights too? Fuck off. Facts don't care about your feelings, you don't understand the terms you're using. It needs to be abundantly clear that no one is falling for your bait. Even if somehow this is a genuine opinion you have, you have sunk rock bottom for how immoral and wrong a person can be. Your ideology is filthy and undeserving of a platform.


okay, let’s have sgt johnson replaced by a white guy, let’s replace alyx with a man, if it’s just polygons, how about replace sgt foley from mw2 with a white guy?


it’s even funnier that you don’t even understand how embarrassing this is for you


you complained about something completly unrelated and vaguely tied it to back mesa. nobody wants you to complain about white men getting replaced in the workplace or whatever you said in the freaking half-life subreddit.


i mentioned the work place like once, my main gripe was against black mesa for replacing white men.


that changes exactly nothing about my point :)


it does, i used the work place as an example, i mainly talked about black mesa replacing white men.


Bait used to be believable


it’s not bait lol




You didn't say you didn't like it, you said that it was racist against white men because it has female and POC characters, which is an objectively stupid take that came off as trolling. That's not racism, it's realism. Last time I checked, not everyone in real life has the same five faces.


it’s not realism if most of the black mesa staff were white and the remake changed it. also poc is racist as it refers to white as not a color.


So all security guards looking exactly the same because of resource limitations is realistic, but them looking like different people isn't. Okay, Agent Smith. POC is generally accepted as a non-offensive term by most people when talking about representation.


it’s offensive and if they were to look different they would still be white because most black mesa staff was white.


I have never encountered the “saying POC is racist because it refers to white as not a color” take before and I will be laughing about it until the day I die guys did you know it’s anti-white racism to not think white is a color?


so if i don’t think black is a color is that cool?


are you afraid of heights because there might be women or people of color up there?




I know it's against the rules, but I personally find this and your last post extremely funny unironically. Please drop the white oppression rhetoric though, it's very cringeworthy.


totally agreed


im gonna call out something for replacing white men. one of the reasons, it’s accepted for white characters to be replaced, but it’s not accepted if it’s the opposite.


They weren't really characters to begin with, that's like saying your mad that minecraft villagers are now multi-racial


what if we made most random fallout females white men, is that ok?


when you’re applying for jobs, what do you bring up first: your race theories about video games? or your fear of heights?




calling me an idiot for saying this subbed has a censorship problem?




so saying this sub has a censorship problem makes me an idiot?








im 21, and i said what because it makes no sense what you said.


yes, but also your entire world view and all of your values also make you an idiot


so being against racism towards white people is not good value?


you’re literally complaining about ever having to see anyone who isn’t white


that makes two hilarious fears you have: 1. the existence of people who aren’t white 2. heights LOL


i said white people getting replaced is bad. there were black people in half life 1, i was fine with that. it’s when white men were replaced with black and female (you forgot i said female) is when i call it out. what if gta had remaster and replaced most the black characters with white characters


yes I am aware that you also hate women, big surprise


me not liking white men being replaced, doesn’t mean i hate black people and women, half life 1 had a few women (you even play as women in an expansion) and they had a few black men, im not against that, but replacing white characters and replacing men with black and female, is bad.


lol cry more you racist scumbag


you’re the racist and so is black mesa








No, there already were black characters in original Half-Life


a few, but mesa replaced most of the white males with black and females. it’s one thing to remaster already black characters, but it’s wrong to replace white characters with black, same opposite.


Would you be as angry, if In Half-life 2 RTX, THAT ONE citizen in red train car, in Red Letter Day chapter, would be black? Also, don't you think that you are overthinking it? Like, I really doubt that Crowbar Collective all the way back in 2007 collectivly decided to make WOKE Half-life remake.


replacing a white character to black is a sign of “diversity” for sake of agenda, and sign of white replacement. it’s one thing if they had remastered the women and black men, that’s fine, but to flat out replaced a huge portion of the white men staff with black or female is not good