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Wdym by "the first boss", the blast pit tentacles? Admittedly Half Life 1 hasn't aged well in all regards, particularly in the lack of auto saves and ridiculous fall damage, but Blast pit does have signage that helps the player figure out that they need to go to the two generators to turn on the rocket that'll kill the tentacles. I get the issues you're having, but a lot of half life 1 requires you to just pay much more attention to your surrounds than modern tactical shooters


Yes, as you said, it's not modern. Back then people still had attention spans and you couldn't just play another game when >the game is too hard< (when in reality you just have a skill issue). Which in my opinion makes a game better than the stuff nowadays when you don't do what you're supposed to do for 2 seconds someone or something tells you the next step. Also if you struggle don't go to Reddit asking, just watch a walkthrough on YouTube. Dont get me wrong I still encourage you to try to do it on your own




Quicksave helps, but having to do that so often is super immersion breaking. IMO that was the single best change made in black mesa- good auto saves




Yeah, fair


And yet I beat it in 1998 at 640x480 with graphics on low at 25fps. Watch a YouTube video on how to beat blast pit, if that is your issue. Crouch to remain silent. The tentacles hear you. Hand grenades to distract them from you. Turn on the oxygen and fuel for the rocket and push the button to fry the tentacles. Got to use your brain to beat HL


And I had a *ball mouse*


🤣 * adjusts onion on belt *


Just gotta listen to the guard who says "this thing hears us". The twntacle (hentai) is BLIND, so crouching, and distracting it with the multitude of grenades you get, while you maneuver around it to the 1 rooms to turn on oxygen, fuel and power, is VITAL


I just realized the similarity with Jeff


Just now?


I mean HL: Alyx character Jeff. It's obvious really


Yes what other jeff would you mean?


oh thanks didnt know he was blind lol :D anyways i swtiched to black mesa because hl1 is just too unbearable for me. i might try it with m mod later sometime


“hl1 is just too unbearable for me.” AAAAAH! THE HORROR!


Try the original. Not Mmod, not Half-Life: Source and ESPECIALLY not Black Mesa


Surprised you haven't told him to use OG models and specific graphic settings yet


mc=2×OG model - mp3


Heck, it even shows that making noise = death, since a guard tries to fight it while screaming, which results in him getting gibbed.


And shooting gun.


“Run. Think. Shoot. Live.” You have to play strategically, a central point of half life is that you’re just as easy for your enemies to kill as they are for you to kill. You have to think critically and approach every situation with care, if you run in guns blazing you’ll die a hundred times before you get anywhere, and you’ll likely only make it out with single digit health. Half life is full of puzzles, most of which cant be solved by shooting at them.


yes! the first boss is a bit cheeky... you need to listen to the guard when you approach - he says something important.. and then i can say further.. but that is a bit of a spoiler.. do you want to try first.. or should i write the spoiler.. let me know...


Blast pit isn't that hard. If you are struggling, look up guides


My guess is you're more used to FPS campaigns that are checkpoint-based. If you're having difficulty with a certain section, try save-scumming (creating and reloading multiple save files at advantageous points in the level). This way you can create some convenient restarting points (like after you've replenished supplies, or defeated a difficult opponent or obstacle) it saves you some time of replaying the level and makes trial-and-error much more efficient.


I believe you didn't pay attention to the guard who literally whispers, "Be quiet. This thing hears us." And you also failed to observe how his other friend dies right after he screams at the tentacle, "Hey, hey! Over here! Eat lead, you outer space octopus!" While shooting his gun at it.


I played on easy my first time, the only reason I struggled with the bosses was figuring out if I was doing damage or not so for the Gonarch just keep hitting the sack and jump around so the little head crabs don't keep biting you and for the Nihilanth you gotta break the crystals first and just keep fucking up his head with projectiles.


Yeah, this game kinda requires you to think heavily. If you want a much easier experience then you should try Black Mesa. I struggled with HL1 as well but I finished Black Mesa at hard on first try and had so much fun.


You tried shooting at the tentacles, didn't you?


you sound like you dont know how to beat the tentacles, use grenades and crouch, also think like a scientist


You have a point when you talked about the pipes breaking before Power Up. That’s just genuine bad level design, which was thankfully fixed in the PS2 version. I don’t quite understand how you had trouble with the Blast Pit boss tho, I thought it was easily understandable that you had to burn the thing by turning on the power, oxygen and fuel and that you have to sneak around it to not get damaged.


Use grenades to distract it. It can't hear you when you're crouching, which to be fair isn't explained that well by the game. Aim for the healthpacks on the table from the breaking pipe. I suggest loading an earlier save so you have more health, but if you dont wanna go too far back there's also a health station in the toxic waste river room down the ladder when you first leave the water This isn't a boss, btw. It's a stage hazard. There's no other ways it can be damaged beyond the scripted sequence of the rocket blast, but it'll show up in 2 more maps in far less annoying ways. The game is puzzles involving combat, not combat involving puzzles. The game isn't insanely difficult and unfair, at least until you get to Xen.


Come on man at 25 your brain should be fully developed, it does not take too much intelligence to understand that shooting the Tentacle with the little arsenal you have does nothing and that there are two pathways inside the silo that you may want to explore


You aren’t doom guy, don’t play it as such, the tentacles are not meant to be ran through. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dg5EQyw\_7Hk


Modern gamers think Souls-likes are the epitome of "hardcore" gaming lmao