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Play original first, then appreciate even more the modernised Black Mesa.


playing OG first will allow you to appreciate and enjoy black mesa more


That depends on your preferences. Black Mesa is definitivelly an awesome game which adds a lot to the half-life 1 experience, both gameplaywise and narratively wise. That is no shame for old HL, of course, black mesa released 22 years after the original afterall. It gives a great change on the later half-life levels which were quite rough in the original into an incredibly awesome experience. It also adds some continuity spots in the story that better connect it to Half-life2 and episodes either, but it is a fan game, and as such, It's unclear on how canonical are these events. Half-life 1 even after that long is still one heck of a damn amazing game tho and I still play it to this day. If you're the type of guy who can easily go through a game despite graphics and also likes to consume as much as you can about the franchise you like, I'd advice you to play Half-Life 1 then play Black Mesa. If not you can go with just Black Mesa, and then if you find yourself curious you can go for classic HL to see what they did there in comparison.


> It also adds some continuity spots in the story that better connect it to Half-life2 and episodes either, but it is a fan game, and as such, It's unclear on how canonical are these events. I played BM a few times (and HL1 countless times) but I don't know what you're referring to. Would you mind explaining those in a spoiler tag? Thank you.


>!It's mostly detailing, !< >!If I remember correctly, Dr. Kleiner and Eli now appear as themselves instead of borrowed model facial features only\[dialogues\]!< >!as well as adding HL2 friendly vortigaunt speech and delves much more into the vortigaunt suffering on Xen factories, whereas in the classic it was kinda up to interpretation, now It's much more obvious and impactiful their reality as slaves by having they crying for their dead friends and lamenting \[Animations, voice acting, AI \]. I might be misremembering It but I think there is a part where you side with them \[Or they stop fighting back or something like that\] which I do not remember being in the classics!< >!Not related to HL2, but I also love the Inclusion of HEV zombies and humanized environments and machinery at Xen add to the idea that the facility have been present at the borderworld rather than just having a few corpses here and there.!<


mom said it's my turn to pit hl1 against black mesa


I am so glad we voted original over black mesa, i love black mesa and all but it cant stqand up to the original


Og Half-life has better movement


Bm is literally better in everything and if you dont wanna play hl1 classic first i don't blame you, let young people enjoy modernized games, if its old it doesn't means that is perfect


Both are great, the only problem I have with black mesa is the weapon sound especially for the shotgun it's just better in the original


Play Half-Life first, then Black Mesa. They're both masterpieces. ​ Also, *do not* play Half-Life: Source. At all. Unless you're for using the assets for GMOD.


half life source was delisted


Good, then you have nothing to worry about.


You can still buy some bundles which include HL: S.


If you bought both, then just play the original


play both, but first half life so you can enjoy how amazing black mesa is. also xen in hl is shit so better finish it first-


How are you with older games with old engines and old graphics?


You should play first the original Half-life and also half-life 2, and then try Black Meza.


original first then black mesa


Half-Life all the way. Black Mesa is good and you should play it but only after you've played through the series once already. You won't get half of the references otherwise.


if u like goldsrc movement then i think the original is a more fun experience but if u prefer simple sprint button then probably black mesa


Play OG first to get the real experience. Then later play BM and enjoy better graphics and changes/improvements. Doing it the other way around won't make much sense since you already know the story and will be disappointed by the graphics.


They both are the same thing and share the same experience. But here is my answer: If you like nostalgia, Play HL. If you like Twists from the community (but don’t want to mod HF), then play BM. Also fun fact they both have some kind of VR mods. But in reality, it’s your choice.


Play the original, play HL2 and its episodes, jump into black mesa.


def original first dog. then hit that sweet sweet bm


I mean you bought both, obviously you should play both.


if you got both then i'd say play the OG and then the RE.


They're both great for different reasons. In a nutshell, HL1 was revolutionary for its time while Black Mesa takes what already exists and pushes it to its limit. When it was released, HL1 had an incredibly advanced physics engine and combat system that was almost unprecedented (in all fairness there were also games like Unreal), not to mention a much more in-depth storyline than most other games at the time. On the other hand, Black Mesa took the Source Engine, something that HL2 started, and really took it to new heights, especially with the Xen chapters. The level of detail in Black Mesa's maps is just insane a lot of the time, and it really nails telling its story through a show-don't-tell approach. There are some differences in the overall themes, too. HL1 manages to feel both fairly realistic and kind of whimsical and silly at the same time, while Black Mesa has a much more grounded vibe. HL1 has a lot of black comedy, and Black Mesa takes a darker approach to the story and setting while still having some funny moments. I'd say play HL1 first, then HL2, and then Black Mesa. That way you can really appreciate how much BM actually does.


vote quick or else im gonna start playing cod


don't play BM first!


as someone who played HL when it came out , I would say play BM . BM is made as a labor of love and is a wonderful remake that shared the vision and dream of the original valve team. Even more so a better choice because of the Xen levels , which Valve itself said they rushed , are absolutely wonderful in BM.