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>Aberdeen Eww gross could you imagine living in a neighbourhood with the worst road in Ontario. No thanks. /s


And it's one of the most affluent neighbourhoods in the city. I swear this city council has a sick sense of humour. Seen the Clairmont lately? Mudslide anyone?


Spec article next week. These Aberdeen residents are tired of the condition of these roads. “It’s simply not fair we have to deal with these kinds of roads. We don’t live near Barton Street.” Said long time resident John White. “I understand in neighbourhoods that don’t have the affluent families, but my kids go to school here. They should be able to walk down the road and see nice pavement not these pot holes”. New Hamiltonian Stacey MacDonald says that it’s not right. “I moved here from Toronto expecting a nice clean city. Do you know how embarrassing it is to know that my neighbourhood where I chose to live is now called the worst road in Ontario. If I knew that I wouldn’t have come to Hamilton”. Councillor Maureen Wilson has assured families that she is taking control of the issue. “It’s just not right and I will be taking this to city hall”. The city of Hamilton has assured families like John and Stacey that these roads will be resurfaced and fixed within the next couple of weeks. Mayor Andrea Horwath was unavailable to comment.


Careful, or Margaret Shkimba will plagiarize you. The irony is that the absolute moon crater condition of Aberdeen is likely having an equivalent effect to slowing traffic than the road diet has had (with the exception of people with spare suspension money burning holes in pockets).


Yes for Aberdeen will be a race track when paved. Although if I lived there I would be more concerned about the several hours per day traffic is continuous and slowly essentially idling for hours everyday


No one is talking about the blatant elitism expressed by Joh White?


Maureen, you're not gonna do squat. It's been bombed out for 10 years and you've done nothing. It's like getting that infamous worst road award is the only way this fucking city gets shamed into doing anything.


Aberdeen is used as a thoroughfare for people to get to the highway, which causes wear and tear. The area is also old, so they’ve been having a lot of issues with pipes bursting, so lots of patch work repairs.


I used to use Aberdeen to go from West Mountain to Westdale quite a lot. Now, for the sake of my car I go the long way along the 403 to get there. That road is just such a mess I will avoid it as much as possible


Same, but I think we see a lot of that strategy just adding to the congestion at the linc/403 junction. And it's quite a bit farther. The queen/aberdeen route was designed to get the Westcliffe area to the 403. It was there long before the Linc.


I work for Canada Post and, as a result, drive around the city all day, every day. Aberdeen would not crack my top 5. King has manholes sunk so deep that if you drive in the left hand lane it could completely destroy your car and the crosswalks in the downtown core are all elevated for some reason, allowing you to catch air if that’s your thing. Main out by McMaster is not a road. Ottawa North has a rail crossing that you could launch your car into the sun from at any speed exceeding 25 km/h. I don’t know how out of towners don’t rip their oil pans off every single day on that thing. The rail crossings on Kenilworth south are rougher but must be traversed if you find yourself stuck behind a train at Ottawa that moves back and forth for 20-30 minutes at a time for some reason. Every side street in the East End is piecemealed together. Also, just for fun, Barton East where it’s just been redone by Rona is smooth, but also wildly uneven. It’s fun, because you don’t rumble along but still feel like you’re surfing a sweet Hawaiian wave. I no longer hope into the road after looking left and right when I do delivery. I check, very closely, everywhere, where my feet are going to land in the road. Accidentally stepped off a curb into a giant pothole and broke my ankle a couple years back because this place is fucked.


The section between Wilson and Olympic plaza is horrible. I take the long way out of Dundas up 8 just to avoid it when going to Ancaster.


To be fair, the section of Barton East in the leading image (looking east from Parkdale) was completely rebuilt and repaved last year.


It's ongoing redhill to woodward. Slowest Construction Ever. Takes 20-30 min to get from RH exit to Woodward and people are driving on the median, using the turning lane to get ahead. Almost tboned everytime I use that route. It's insane.


Man, last year when they'd close Barton to westbound traffic, the drivers making the left on Woodward to detour on Melvin were *fucking insane*. Yeeting themselves into oncoming eastbound traffic without any sense of self-preservation or care for other drivers/right of way. I don't know why anyone who gets that angry at traffic wouldn't just go around the construction; get off at Woodward, Tesla, or Queenston instead. If I could have I would have, but I work on this stretch of Barton.


Of course it's gonna take forever... when your goal is to siphon off as much money from the city as possible, you're not gonna rush. Or do a good job. I'm sure in 5 years Aberdeen will get the same treatment. It's also hilarious that people think that re constructing about 2km of a completely neglected and crumbling city street is somehow an engineering marvel.


What's your experience level to say that the work is quality or not? Or are you just assuming it's bad because it's fashionable to talk shit about municipal work


Time is my experience. I've witnessed our so called new roads deteriorate rapidly after being rehabbed. Look at Locke St. Also, not that I have to qualify, but I am in the construction industry, sloppy/inefficient work is obvious both during construction, and in the finished product.


Lol barton is a full reconstruction. Concrete roadbase, new super pave ashpahlt, new warermain, etc. It is a quality road being put in. Also what are you talking about with locke? It's in great shape since the recon a few years ago. I'm not sure what you do in construction but it doesn't sound like you build civil infrastructure.


Locke doesn't look that good for the age. And they keep tearing it up for sewer laterals. There's frost heaves all over it closer to Aberdeen. If you're a civil engineer, how could you possibly defend our roads? It's not fashionable to bitch about our mismanaged city, it's pure frustration. I'd love to say it's a greatly run city, but I've lived here since the 90s and it just isn't. But it's all just shouting into a void. What the general public doesn't know, is what makes us the general public.


The pot holes in the dundurn fortinos are worse than most towns. Not even joking.


what always surprises me in Hamilton is that it's not just municipal property which isn't maintained. Private properties don't maintain properties here to the same standard as literally everywhere else as well. It's like some sort of local culture to have crappy, litter-strewn and pothole filled streets and parking lots.


Totally agree! Also, I literally mean the inside of the store! Inside the store there are literal pot holes for your shopping cart to fall into! They patch them pretty quick with some kind of quickset. Madness.


Not surprised about Hamilton. The new speed bumps are nothing compared to the rest of the road.


100%. IF they ever resurface it, and lets be clear, that's really all it needed about 10 years ago was a good shave and pave, they'll probably put massive speed humps in. Or just put the speed humps in on the horrible surface they have now. They did it on Sulphur Springs Rd. in Ancaster.


Also doing it on Dewitt in Stoney Creek this year. Repaved last year, time for speed bumps on an arterial road!


They fucked the traffic flow on Aberdeen really good with all the lights, and parking at all hours... traffics backed all the way up to garth, and the intersection of queen and aberdeen is a gong show. Mission accomplished city dipshits. It's like they want people to leave for good.


City that receives lowest $$$ per capita from the Provincial government for roads, also has the worst roads, more at 11! A vote for Ford is a vote against Hamilton if you live in Hamilton. He absolutely hates Hamilton.


Well maybe Hamiltonians shouldn't have voted as their mayor the Premier's former rival. If you live in Hamilton and you want infrastructure projects done faster (like uhhh idk maybe an LRT?) give your head a shake and vote for someone other than Andrea Horwath in the next mayoral election.


So we should only elect people who are approved by the existing government. OK class, what does that sound like to you?


Where do you live? Remind me to defund it following that same logic lol. But regardless, even if you had a point to stand on, Ford has been Anti-Hamilton before Andrea Horwath was elected, so you have no point. On top of that Ford cancelled the LRT for Hamilton THEN reinstated it years later at double the cost. It's just as dumb as failing to cancel the Beer store earlier for less $$$ and then cancelling it now for more $$$. A vote for Ford is a vote for stupidity.


Hopefully there will be a decent option next time


It's what we're known for. Keep up appearances is what we do best.


Top 1 & 3! Proud Hamiltonian let's celebrate! eeewww


The city needs to prioritize its annual road reconstruction plan/budget. I've seen streets (and sidewalks) in my area get repaved when they don't need it, but they're on the reconstruction schedule, so they get repaved. Surely they can determine when a road is scheduled to be paved but isn't needed and can replace it with a road that really needs it. Inner city side streets are really bad. The other thing is the materials. I won't mention names, but for several years I had to sit in on city council's then-engineering committee/public works (boring but very instructive) and contracts were given to - and still are - to paving and other companies with dubious quality materials. The roads deteriorate a lot quicker when shitty material is used. The city shouldn't grant contracts necessarily to the lowest bidder. I think there's something not quite right in the public works department.


At least Hamilton gets the honor every year... I think the worst road is Nebo the section between Stone Church and Rymal, Rymal too is in the pits.


Aberdeen from Longwood to Queen was 5 days a week to work and back for 14yrs....the abuse on the suspension of a 4x4 truck was brutal. Been retired for 2.5 yrs and the odd time I take Aberdeen now it has become worse. Like someone mentioned, one of the most affluent areas of Hamilton and they put up with a crappy road. They will redo Aberdeen when they start the LRT bs followed by the replacement of the old TH&B bridge....need more chaos in this city.


Potholes slow down traffic. They probably don’t want it fixed.


Yep. And Maureen is a long time resident of that area, so there’s no way she’s not aware of the condition of Aberdeen - she simply doesn’t care. The two-way conversion of Main St is going log-jam that neighbourhood and there has been crickets from Maureen.


Problem is they go and pave a section of road, then a week later there’s a crew out ripping it back up to fix whatever the hell pipes or sinkholes under it, and now it’s a Frankenstein mess again.


This is what it’s come to. We have to shame municipalities to use OUR tax dollars to repair infrastructure.SMH


Fruitland from Barton to highway 8 is in despondent condition


They probably dove in on Barton and out Aberdeen.


As long as the binder that is supposed to be in our asphalt ends up at some Goomba's driveway paving company, repaving the roads will not help.


Potholes and "traffic congestion"...to which hamilton city council will make worse by removing a lane and adding bike lane for a highway access road.


Upper James right lane is rogue


I’m sick of Hamiltons crappy roads. I drive a heavy spec commercial truck and it’s killing me.


John White and his whole “it’s not like we live on Barton Street.” Comment. You are what is wrong with this city John.


This list happens 10x a year and has turned into click bait.


it's once a year.


The eastern end of Barton all the way to Barton Centre Mall is awful. Completely unbikeable. The whole thing needs to be torn up and redone. Edit: I meant west end.


It is over the next couple years


The whole section is scheduled to be repaved and have streetscaping done sometime in the next few years. I run a business right in the middle of the section that is pretty dependant on road access, and having seen how the same job went on Concession and Locke st has me dreading it. Building up some reserves and trying to come up with some plans for when it happens, because I fully expect it to take twice as long as they say it will.


Honestly, that's if it ever gets done. After stadium park was canceled I'm pretty convinced the city has zero interest in developing anything in that part of the city. They want to focus on west end and downtown. Barton village is largely just abandoned to blight and neglect.


What do you mean by "eastern end"... Fifty Road?


When you never go further east in town than Kenilworth, Hamilton centre feels "East" I suppose. Sort of like folks on the escarpment who view anything not on the escarpment as "downtown".


I live a 10 minute walk from Barton center, with dofasco in my back yard. I meant west end. I'm shitty with directions. Basically, everything from the furthest part of Barton before you'd turn to Cannon to get to York Road, all the way to where they've already redone it is horrible.


Why do you people stay here and have your tax dollars stolen? Nothings changing, get out now!


No surprise. The city allocates any funds to stupid things instead of infrastructure. You can pour money into drugs and homelessness and it won’t solve anything because no one ever focuses on the roots of those problems. But yea have people considered just not doing drugs so safe injection sites go the way of smoke lounges ?


Instead of spreading misinformation you can go learn some things. City is massively increasing road infrastructure funding.


They have to! It's like sitting in your living room getting rained on, and saying "Well, I guess it's time we look at getting a new roof. Hey everyone, come jack me off, I've decided to get the roof replaced, aren't I a good guy?!"


I wouldn't call it misinformation. They do install a lot of unneeded traffic lights, speed bumps. By Inverness and upper james the have one every 200 meters. How much money went into that city wide no right turn signage and changes.


Safe injection sites have dramatically reduced drug use and drug related crime everywhere they are implemented. Telling people to "not do drugs" is about as helpful as telling people to "not starve"