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I had a mulleted 11 year old run up and kick me in both shins in the first 10 seconds of a Slayer pit. I feel like that's exactly what should happen and I got my money's worth Was also an 150 lb. 15 year old vegan and had a whole-ass adult kick me into the interior of one of those roll up warehouse doors with protruding metal struts, and that's how I inadvertently met a girl I'd date years and years later


Love works in mysterious ways my friendšŸ¤£ but my god that door story sounds horrific, that musta left a shiner on you




I watched a dude try to back flip in the pit, land on his head, bleed everywhere, go into a coma, and die a few days later from his injuries. Super fucked


Jesus fucking Christ!!! ā€¦ what band though?


I canā€™t remember. It was somewhere in North Florida/South Georgia in like 07-08 so probably like Kids Like Us, Truth Inside, Strengthen What Remains, etc. Something in that scene.


I fucked my back up doing a backflip off the stage during Angel Du$t. Messing one of those up can be real bad. I landed the second one, though, and made it into the Racecar video


If any band deserves people backflipping off stage itā€™s definitely Angel Du$t


It was a really cool small show at Union Pool. I think cap there is only like 150


I seent a guy do a back flip in the pit, the pit was crowded af so idk what dude was thinking. Anyway as he flipped the guy behind him was stomping pretty hard. So the guy flipped himself into a sort of curb stomp. Guy was out for about 5-10min. Then he suddenly gets up has a huge growth on his face and says ā€œIā€™m fineā€ and just continues about his day like nothing happened lol


OH NO WTFšŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬ i physically cringed my god thats horrible poor guy!


Had a friend break her neck, she turned out to be a terrible person though


Maybe that was her origin story


Was she a terrible person before the neck break? Iā€™m trying to think from her perspective and if I ended up paralyzed I could see spending a couple years after being a hatful pos just cause Iā€™m mad my whole body doesnā€™t work lol but if she was already like thatā€¦


She healed, wasnā€™t paralysed or anything. Just always a toxic, ultra manipulating person. I was just a dumb ā€œkidā€ and didnā€™t see her for what she was for many years and defended her shitty treatment of heaps of people for some unknown reason.


I used to get a horrible rash in my crotch area and upper thighs.


If you still do, gold bond medicated powder works wonders, i got chafing all the time up until i shed my baby weight off around 16


Dang, was she cute at least?


At Hardcore shows in the 90ā€™s nah man there werenā€™t any cute birds at them. Did hook up with a few hotties at after punk/indie shows a couple times and luckily never got any rashes from that. (These were girls I was already kind of dating that I just went to the shows withā€¦never had any luck hooking up with random girls at shows despite my many, many attempts haha)


i use talc for chafing: can get small bottles so itā€™s portable and removes all chafing


I knocked myself out stagediving into a pit at a SOIA show in the 90s, shortly lost consciousness so canā€™t remember what my head hit, had a bleeding cut on my forehead but thought that I was just sweating a lot, Only went to the hospital after the show to get stitches. Was diagnosed with a concussion two days later.


I physically cringed, thats wicked fuckedšŸ˜¬ glad there was no infection, how was your concussion recovery?


Recovery was fine, it was not that bad of a concussion, had worse ones from Rugby


Funny enough, I just saw SOIA and as I was walking out I saw some poor fucker getting his head wrapped up. šŸ¤•šŸ˜‚


You're a Tough motherfucker, respect to everybody who played/plays rugby, such a badass sport.


Hope you remember the show at least! Coincidentally, I was at a SOIA show and got knocked out early in the show, got a black eye later in the show. The show is a bit of a fuzzy memory.


I do remember the show and even enjoyed it after the incident as I was full of adrenaline, the pain came later


State diver jumped with his knees tucked and blindsided me in the head. Lost consciousness and had temporary amnesia. Real weird feeling knowing you know something, but canā€™t get it out.


The amnesia is scary asf man, especially since it feels like you forget how to remember opposed to actually losing memory, you get real frustrated(at least when i got amnesia from a blindside hit in football). Just scary shit man, glad you're okay now


Thanks man. It was pretty scary once I realized what was going on while trying to write stuff down and I couldnā€™t make it happen. I stopped being up front when the stage diving starts since then.


True story, I got a deviated septum in gym class in high school. About 10 years later, in a pit, I caught a forearm to the face and, lo and behold!, I noticed that I could breathe better on the following day.


Going to the pit to fix my deviated septum ASAP!!!!!šŸ’Ŗ


can't say ive ever been to a show


Makes sense if youā€™re posting on /r/hardcore


Broken heart


I got tricked into being punched in the face while seeing Cannibal Corpse for the first time. I was 16 at Mayhem Fest 2008, a doting young metal head looking to be part of the crowd. A big circle pit formed, and an older guy was like "bro get in there!". Definitely all of the encouragement I needed. Anyways, his friend was waiting in there for me and as I was running around, he stepped out and punched me square in the face. There was so much chaos I didn't really realize what happened. I only figured out this was a set up after seeing these guys do this to a bunch of other young people, it was pretty fucked. I was in too much pain to do or say something, I was probably concussed.


There's some real losers out there sorry that happened to you my guy


wtf what an asshole move


Corpse grinder wouldā€™ve fucked those dudes up if he saw that sorry that happened to you.


Iā€™ve been fortunate enough to only get a few sprained ankles, a minor concussion, and some pinched nerves and pulled muscles in the pit. I did, however, get donkey kicked in the spleen at a show and couldnā€™t walk fully upright or lay on that side for about a month


On the brightside Glad it wasen't your appendix, still horrible, thats almost worse than a kidney, hopefully you're okay now, thats fuckedšŸ˜¬


All good now! Gotta love 12 year old crowd killers. Also, completely forgot this one, caught a stage diver and the heel of his Dr. Marten caught the bridge of my nose. Somehow didnā€™t break my nose OR my glasses but left a pretty nasty gash for a bit


Not me but around 2002-2003 as a 17 year old kid I watched a group of about 5-6 FSU guys all simultaneously attack some young kid doing spin kicks in a vicious attack that lasted maybe 5 seconds and then they all went in separate directions. I just remember the floor cleaning out and the kid was laying in a pool of blood and missing all his front teeth at a Hatebreed/ Converge show.


Ok not me but my buddy about 15 years ago took a boot to the face at a show bit off the tip of his tongue..it was 2 days prior to going into the FDNY fire academy..he did not become a fireman after that injury


At the first Sound and Fury in Santa Barbara, I got a strange one from the corner edge of the stage. The stages were about shoulder high and had aluminum metal coping on the corners, similar to grips for stair treads. As I was pulling myself up, right when I got my toe on, and transferred my weight to one leg, someone landed on me. Knocked my foot off and took all of this dudes weight and raked like 3/4 my shin. Went from a scrape, to a bruise, to an insane looking bruise. Then a giant blood clot had to be lanced and drained, (it looked like cranberry sauce from the can.) now it looks like a burn and all the nerves are dead.


Broke a rib getting kicked while seeing Speed. I didnā€™t know it was possible to forget how to breathe till that moment.


Asthma attack


7 concussions is fucked man you should be careful. You brain isnt even done developing for another 5 years. You can get kicked out of the nfl after having 3.


Came here to say this. 7 concussions is a big number for anyone, let alone someone that is 20. Have fun but please take care of yourself. It only takes one bad concussion to mess you up for life. Had a friend that took a few years to recover from one and still isnā€™t quite the same.


i have definitely noticed my bipolar mood swings being more frequent and a bit more extreme but other than that im okay, thank you for looking out, i have a loving support system in my life and never go to shows alone for medical reasons.


TBH, I'm doubtful he's actually had 7 diagnosed concussions. It's like people who say they caught the flu every year when really they just got a chest cold.


Thats probably true ha 7 is SO MANY some people have total personality changes from just one


I broke my own arm crowdkilling


Snapped my fibula right above my ankle in a Meshuggah pit. Bigger dude ran into my right shoulder from the side, and I tried to absorb the hit by planting my left foot. My foot suddenly gave out and I fell, and when I tried to get up my ankle gave out. One titanium rod, four screws, and 25 staples later I'm officially done moshing. That and I'm a year-ish away from 40.


ripped my back open from shoulder to shoulder by sliding down someoneā€™s spiked jacket after a stagedive


Dick tip smashed by a knee into my pube area. Can confirm itā€™s worse than being ball tagged, I had to run away and sit to make sure I wasnā€™t bleeding because I couldnā€™t even tell it was still there. Sucked bad


Saw a guy get rocked in the groin and yelp at an 86 Mentality show. Was this you?


Unfortunately, not even my mother was 10 years old then. Haha! Or should I say fortunately..


I got caught on hate five six, so Iā€™m archived looking like a dork forever. I donā€™t know if I can Recover


Torn MCL at This is Hardcore last year. Someone stage dived after the song was over and I wasnā€™t paying attention. Landed right on me and my knee went sideways and straight into the concrete. Didnā€™t realize it was actually hurt until a few days later when I couldnā€™t run on it


You must be a fuckin beast, ive seen my fair share of ACL and MCL's go and its not pretty, you're definitely a trooper lmfao


Broke two fingers at got a bloody nose at Parkway Drive in maybe 2009? I was 13 or 14 lol


Got donkey kicked in the balls parkway drive 2011


I chipped a tooth at knocked loose show once in Toronto, that was fun.


Nothing too crazy *knocks on wood* Iā€™ve eaten the concrete a little bit more than I would have liked on a couple of stage dives. Got a bloody nose after someone forearmed me in the face during a Napalm Death show I currently have a bruise right under my rib cage from someone elbowing me during an Orchid set two weeks ago. Honestly, the one that had me the most upset was the first time I saw hardcore dancing at a show. It was at Warped Tour 2017 (lol). I was seeing Being As An Ocean (double lol) and my teenage self didnā€™t know show etiquette. A bunch of dancers surrounded me and I got hit in the face and lost my newly bought cheap sunglasses in the pit. I was so mad but I ended up buying a pair of Acacia Strain-themed sunglasses that I still have to this day lmao


Hatebreed in 2002 had no idea what moshing was and immediately got knocked out. A kid opened my head up with a beer bottle during a sepultura set.


Hit the deck head first diving for Gorilla Biscuits at Outbreak fest. Split my.forehead open and was in and out of the hospital for 5 weeks with concussion related issues.


I fractured my face where your eye meets your nasal cavity and the whole right side of my face filled up with air/liquid every time I tried to breathe hard or blow my nose. I looked like the lady in Dr Dolittle who wouldnā€™t stop eating shellfish šŸ¤£. They told me it wasnā€™t worth surgery though. Still feels a little funny 8 years later. I also broke/bruised my tailbone- That shit took forever to heal.


Wind knocked out of my from a mule kick to the ribs


Knocked myself out by stagediving badly and put my canine teeth through my lip twice because people hit my jaw with their heads. I also almost went head-first into the lip of the stage (which had a metal bar) when I saw Norma Jean, but I managed to get my arm in the way just in time. Still hurt pretty badly, but not as much as it could have.


I got kicked in the head, mid-cartwheel at a Most Precious Blood show.


Got completely knocked out during Testament when I was like 14. Was up front, big ass crowd surfer comes through while security is dealing with all the others, I hold him up as good I can but he falls onto the barrier and as he flails on the way down he boots me in the face and Iā€™m out cold. I remember waking up to the real short guy behind me shaking me back into consciousness lol shout-out to him. Other than that just a couple nosebleeds and some bloody bruises on my face.


:( i had a nerve cut in my forehead from being kicked so hard there and now the feeling on the right side of my scalp is forever gone.


Last week at Adrienne while taking a break got pushed and took a step back I missed the ground and hit my shin on the corner of a wooden ramp and split it open. Kept dancing afterwards then got 5 stitches and got to look at my own bone


That vermont show must have been crazy, i woulda went to see adrienne one last time (im getting roped into something saturday so i cant go RIP) I thankfully never had to see my own bone..OUCHIE


Broke my pinky in september by having it snapped all the way back the wrong way. Made the extremely clever decision of taping it up with electrical tape and never going to a doctor so now it's probably permanently fucked.


Worst was getting knocked the fuck out at a metal show. Guy punched me in the face which also slammed my head into a pole. Next thing I knew I was swaying outside the venue with a door guy waving his hand in my face asking how many fingers he had and if I knew where I was. . . that said, it wasn't really a mosh pit injury. My punk ass was bouncing around the dance floor making fun of the metalheads for being a bunch of pussies too afraid to mosh. DON'T DO THAT. I'm also a lil fella OP. Same height. My advice to avoid the elbows is to keep moving in the pit and to keep your arms up around your face when the talls are around.


Had a guy step on my foot and break all my toes at a comeback kid show


Luckily only bruised knuckles and the occasional shiner . I gotta tell yā€™all , learn how to fall when youā€™re stage diving and keep a boxing guard when youā€™re moshing. The amount of KOs Iā€™ve avoided cause of these two skills is very high


Do hurt feelings count?


Got a broken nose via flying elbow at a diy generator show one time, breathing is fucked in my left nostril now. Worst injury was a broken leg while my own band was performing in December, 30 seconds in jumped up and stomped the landing and fractured my tibia on impact. Adrenaline was high & I thought it was a sprain so I ended up walking on it the rest of the set but dropped to the floor after the set. Just finally recovered and walking again after that one


Not me but my friend spin kicked a cement pole and cracked his leg.


thats pretty close to how i got one of my concussions actually, pole's are not fun, buddy threw me a football at the park and lead me right into the pole, i was out of school for a week or two and that was the end of wrestling season


Got too drunk before getting in the pit at a bar show and ended up breaking my foot


My front tooth has a hole that I can stick the tip of my toungue in. Gonna have to take care of that eventually. Back of some kids head nailed me in the face at SOUL GLO lol


Rib injury (such that it hurt to sneeze or breath deeply) during Infest playing Sick Machine, Rib Injury during final song of an Mk Ultra set, Rib Injury 1st song of a Municipal Waste set, tooth knocked loose during some local show that wasn't a big deal at the moment but a few years later resulted in an extraction and multiple root canals once I joined the military and they decided it had to get fixed before I could be cleared to go into the fleet. Will never stop moshing.


Had someone bang me in the nose with the back of their head. Thought it was broken, bloody nose n all. Worst injury was last year, E Town Concrete gig in my hometown. Was walking around the pit when some guy kicked his foot out towards me, twisting my ankle out. I fell on it, and it just got worse. Doctors said the next day that it woulda been better if I had broken it bc all the ligaments & joints are fucked up now šŸ˜‚


Id highly recommend Physical therapy if you haven yet, after i got a high ankle sprain i did PT and it helped me so much


Broken arm, have a plate in my arm now thatā€™s gonna be there forever. Iā€™ve slowed down on the moshing but I donā€™t plan on fully retiring anytime soon. I used to be the dude who would mosh for all five bands on a bill, now itā€™s just one or two. Donā€™t want to do it again at my age.


My ankle got real fucked up from a combination of stage dives and dumb drunk mfs pushing ppl from behind while dancing in the middle of the pit. Been about 7 weeks and itā€™s still fucked up so I would say that tbh


Literally just dislocated my shoulder during Pain Of Truth on Sunday in Richmond. I think itā€™s fully back in but god damn does it suck to move.


I broke my sacrum stagediving at an every time I die show in 2012


Krazy Fest, Andrew WK set. He had a stupid sized circle pit going complete with a dude breathing flames in the center. I leave my feet, come down and feel/hear a snap. Canā€™t walk, no clue what the injury is until I hobble to the car. Take off my shoe/sock and foot is already turning purple. High ankle sprain. Iā€™ll never forget that popping sound.


Got knocked out cold and had my nose broken during a Seed of Pain matinee that my old band played. Woke up in a panic and had blood gushing out of my face. My friends took me to the hospital and then we went out to eat right after which was a huge mistake because chewing was painful and I could barely breathe through my nose. Also got a nasty concussion and a deviated septum from it.


Elbow to orbital bone/eye area while stage diving at a Title Fight show. Was bleeding profusely, went and got stitches right after. Fun scar right above my eye, if the impact had been a bit lower things couldā€™ve been worse lol


The worst is having my tooth knocked out but recently i left a show with bruised ribs, a baseball sized lump in my buttcheek, and a sprained ankle (,:


I rushed to see The Black Dhalia Murder on their last tour with Trevor while still wearing my steel toed work boots. During one of the circle pits I sprained the fuck outta my ankle. Had to attend physical therpay for 3 months and it took half a year to heal. Another time I saw Toxic Holocaust and was wearing my concert chucks which have 0 grip. While moshing I slipped and some big boy fell on my elbow crushing it on the concrete floor. I didnt have insurance at the time so I never got it checked out. It was bruised, swollen and I couldnt bend it for a month. It took so long to heal and I still have trouble with it. This one is not even the same genre but it was still in a mosh. I was watching A$AP Ferg and a pit formed near me so I was on the edge just chillin drinking a beer. Idk how it happened but from my friends story he said someone was crowdkilling while I was not paying attention. They elbowed my eye breaking my prescribed glasses and knocking me the fuck out. They crowd surfed my uncouncious body to security and they patched me up on the side somewhere in the venue (House of Blues). That shit was embarressing and I had a really bad black eye for a while. I have a few other stories from my alcoholic days... but yeah there are those to read lol.


16 yo kid connected his elbow with my head like 3 times during a SODOM concert. I didn't get a diagnosis or shit, but my head was ringing after that pit. Was also fun just sending others flying tho. Especially the ones that try to hold position.


I got hit in the back of the head pretty hard in a Zao pit last year and I felt it for a couple of days. Whenever it happened, I heard a ring and then I could only hear bass and low-end noises for about 2-3 minutes. It was not pleasant and I started to get worried for a second wondering at what point I should seek help.


Dislocated knee cap


I got knocked unconscious during a xRepresentx show. The last show I went to before I started playing bass for them lol. I just remember being in the pit and the next thing I knew I was being dragged out Also had my tooth go through my lip at a Pain of Truth show. I went to the ER the next day to see if I needed stitches and they said too much time had passed for me to get stitches, so instead they gave me a scooby doo bandaid and a $250 copay


tore my ACL completely, tore the meniscus, partial tears in the MCL and LCL and a fracture on the tibia all in one shot. had to have surgery to replace the acl and clean everything up.


I feel like I twist my ankle at like 80% of shows I go to


I got COVID and a broken nose at a festival last year. Wouldn't have traded that set for anything though!


Herniated disk in my neck. Didnā€™t feel too bad at the time, but the days following were horrible.


Blew out my shoulder during a stage dive in 2019. Torn labrum, torn bicep tendon, torn pec. 3 hour surgery in 2021 to repair everything. Still canā€™t do a push-up or bench press. Apparently I had a separated shoulder from a snowboarding injury in 2006 that made everything weaker and more prone to injury. Also just got Hyphema in my eye after catching a backswing directly in the eyeball a few weeks ago. Hyphema is when your eye bleeds into your Iris. Vision got suuuuuper foggy for a few days. Thought I was going to lose vision in that eye. Cleared up with some steroid drops and rest. Definitely sucked tho. Also a broken nose.


Had to relocate my own jaw after catching an enthusiastic elbow to the face at a The Devil Wears Prada show.


got hit in the eyebrow with a guitar headstock at a Darkest Hour show got hit in the bridge of my nose by a bootheel at a Deafheaven show fucked up my knees slipping on beer/concrete floors at Graf Orlock i know i've gotten rocked to the head pretty bad once or twice but i can't remember which shows specifically (surprise)


Nothing too crazy outside of the obvious random painful head shots. Worst was broken wrist, kicked by someone in the Suffokate pit in like 2011 or so. Now, Iā€™ve SEEN some serious shit. Just never happened to me


Just a bleeding nose and a split lip, nothing special


Ask me what Iā€™ve done to myself on a skateboard and thatā€™s a different story lmaooooo


No show injury has ever been as awful as fracturing my tailbone skating lol. Was 16 and had to carry around a cushy toilet lid to sit on at school for over a month bc I couldnā€™t put any pressure on it. Fun times! Loved all the ā€œhahahahahha you got hemorrhoidsā€ comments in high school, super fun lol


Iā€™ve got a permanent spinal injury that has taken me to mosh retirement. The nail in the coffin was seeing spy and Sunami on tour. Worth it. Iā€™m mostly fine just have to do some extra stretches each day to keep it in check. Apparently 15 years of mosh pits can do this to ya lol


I was at a show and the person in front of me jumped on the back of the person in front of them, but when he jumped up, his booted feet swung upward and the same time I had been going to bend down and got kicked right in the nose/left eye I ended up breaking my nose (for the second time! Itā€™s permanently bent to the left now) and I had a gash that I had to get stitches for that ran along the entire crease of my left eyelid. When it first happened, some people thought my eye had come out but it wasnā€™t that, it was just the fatty tissue of my eyebrow. And fuck do facial/head wounds bleed a lot


I tore something in my knee in a Metallica pit Big ole goose egg on my forehead in an August Burns Red pit Got cracked by a fist or elbow in the head in a Gojira pit and started bleeding pretty badly, I left before Deftones came on


Dude be careful, getting 10 concussions is crazy


Im definitely taking it easy, im a big fitness guy so if i couldnt workout for an extended period of time i'd lose it. Thats my main motivation to stay clear of pits


Broke my neck stagediving. I didnā€™t even realize it was broken, it just hurt worse and worse until finally a couple weeks later I went to the ER. Ended up spending 3 months in a neck brace. I donā€™t stagedive anymore.


I got knocked out by some dude during first blood in like 2006. That wasnā€™t that much fun. Shoulda known when I saw the dude putting in a mouthguard before the set. Ya live and ya learn or something


I broke my hand while crowdkilling in a Justice For The Damned pit in the fall. Before that, wasn't from moshing but I shredded my ACL and meniscus when I botched a stagedive at last year's LDB Fest (I got surgery for that after my hand healed lol)


Torn cartilage in my knee that required surgery. And a severely destroyed shoulder that happened almost three years ago at Psycho Las Vegas. Iā€™m just powering through that one and honestly it negatively impacts my day every day. But Iā€™m old and dumb.


prob when I bashed my elbow and had the tendon lock my arm up for like 3 days. And all the untreated head injuries.


Tooth snapped in half from a glass 40. One time I jumped from ground height and landed slightly wrong then sprained my ankle for like a month


Last year I was at my first Knocked Loose show in Munich and the support band got anounced the same day which happened to be one of my fav bands at that time (DOGBITE). I was so hyped! So they played their intro all fun and games and when the second song hit, the side to side started. I didn't really pay attention and bam - got spinkicked in the face. I got up pretty quickly but when I landed on the floor after I got absolutely bombarded with a Class A Jackie Chan kick I landed on my left arm very unfortunately and fractured 2 ribs through the pressure of the fall. Watched the whole Dogbite set and when Knocked Loose came on stage the pain was unbearable and I went outside the venue where there was an Ambulance already waiting. Will never forget that


In 2004 Greg from Dillinger leapt like 15 feet into the crowd and landed on some kid in front of me, breaking my nose with that kidā€™s skull.


I'm not a tough guy. But I had a very angry skinhead call me out when I saw Cro-mags opening for Motorhead at The Ritz NYC. 89-90 ? He's still alive.


Partial retina detachment. I was partially blind in one eye for a few days


Bro, donā€™t take anymore shots to the dome and stay outta the pit.


I had the nape of my neck pierced until a Living Laser show. Someone ripped that shit right the fuck out.


At a Mad Caddies show a kid in a batman hoodie was going against the grain and hit me so hard I chipped a tooth. Starting wearing a mouth guard after that.


I dislocated my knee. Broken the same finger twice. Bruised rib. Black eye. Nothin bad.


Bit thru my tongue at a Ceremony show...


Broke my fifth medicarple at a Terror set. Got knocked out at an END show.


I was at a venue that like doesnt have shows anymore and moshing on gravel. I fell and a rock took out a big chunk of my knee cap. Noone had bandaids so i was walking around with it dangling for a while. I think i needed stitches but I didn't go and it ended up getting super infected and turned green šŸ˜Ā 


After something similar at a festival, i always keep a massive first aid kit and food and water in my car now


Broke my ulna at a show in highschool. Had a full arm 90degree rookie of the year type cast. Genius me decided to get black fiberglass in the summer. Had a hell of a time driving my car around, as it was manual.


I got my eyebrow split open at a take offense show on Friday. Ended up getting stitches after, prior to this I've never really had anything too bad lol


Couple concussions. Broken nose from a 300lb skinheads elbow. Could have been worse. Iā€™m 37 so I donā€™t do dumb shit anymore lol.


A buddy broke 3 of my ribs doing a spin kick and Iā€™ve had a boxers fracture that needed surgery. I also sprained the fuck out of my ankle at FYA this year and it STILL hurts.


Iā€™m tall - 6ā€™5ā€ - and I was right up front at a Murphyā€™s Law show in Boston and a stage diverā€™s boot got me right in the head. I came to a minute or 2 later standing in the back of the club. No memory of how I got there. I had a nice boot print on the corner of my forehead.


I lost all of my fingers in the pit. Typing that out was a bitch!


I can 100% relate to being afraid of CTE. I've had about 7 concussions too, football, skateboarding, and snowboarding beat me up growing up. Luckily I haven't had any crazy injuries from moshing (just the typical boot to the face every now and then), knock on wood though.. 3 shows in the next 10 days for me!


Torn ACL / meniscus at End It show. I came out of mosh retirement only to re enter it moments after lol.


Broken nose, chipped/broken teeth.


Caught a low sweet chin music to the ribs during a Speed show. Donkey kick to the femur during a knife wound set. Caught a couple 2 piece spicy combos during hold my own. Blew my nose and my broken Orbital swole up had to hit the ER


I know a guy that got his face smashed by a bass. It was some shitty local nu metal show back in like 2002. This one band the bassist would go into the crowd swinging his bass and this one time he accidentally smashed someone's face. I don't remember if that band ever played again but shows at that venue stopped shortly afterwards.


Tore my ACL at a Show Me the Body house show


Memorable ones (Iā€™m sure I was concussed multiple times) was when I got elbowed so hard in the face I got koā€™d and lost half a front tooth. Iā€™ve also had my nose busted multiple timesā€¦so much I had to have reconstructive surgery. 51 now and still havenā€™t learnedā€¦fully ;)


Torn ACL. I was on the edge of the pit and some clown got mad that I was swinging near him. When I was turning, he pushed me at the right angle, ripping my left knee to shreds. It required a few months of recovery and therapy just to use it again. Moral of the story: Never stop crowdkilling. Fuck people who are scared of the pit when they willingly stand on the edge of it.


Suicide Silence at extreme thing 2008 in the vegas summer heat, the first song they played (unanswered) I was in the pit and got shoved really hard at an awkward angle and my knee cap was just...on the left side of my left leg. Totally dislocated, I had to grab it and pull it back into place.....stayed in the hospital for 2 weeks its never been the same since


Dislocated my shoulder doing windmills. I also played the set before


My arm got stepped on after stage diving during Terror last week Was basically a red welt that turned into a bruise. The venue is carpeted and someone suggested it was rug burn. That prospect of getting rug burn at a venue like that grossed me out more than any of these comments


Iā€™ve received a broken orbital and a broken thumb in two separate pits. Iā€™ve seen a friend break her ankle stage diving and seen a random snap her femur in the pit.


my worst one yet has been getting stage dove onto at magnitude and someoneā€™s shoe smacked my head I thought I was paralyzed for a second. the lump on my head is now gone after like 2 months


Manā€¦ I have seen a few and been in a few. Saw a dude OD at a Hatebreed show, collapse in at the edge of the pit and we got him to the security who called an ambulance. Saw a kid get his earrings ripped out at a Killswitch Engage show. I got into a show stopping fight in Jacksonville during For the Fallen Dreams set which ended up with me punching out a ā€œsecurity guardā€. I sent a dude to the hospital in S. GA after a charity bike race and show as we were closing up the bar/venue that night. That story ends with my buddy taking the dudes GF home, wild night. Watched a dude break his leg failing at a ā€œstage diveā€ in a house show in Tulsa. Saw a cartel shooting outside a show in Ixtapa MX. That was fucking wild and one of those moments when I realized I should find a job back home in the states.


Got a girl pregnant


I got punched in the face by some dweeb in mesh shorts during Rise Against at Warped Tour 06 who was just in there to crowd kill. Was I standing at the edge of the pit? Yes. Did I take my eyes off the pit to watch the band? Yes. A few hours later I was home getting ready for bed, blew my nose and my left eye blew up. Went to the ER got some scans and turns out my orbital bone was cracked so a bunch of air filled up under my eye. Had a swollen black eye for a few weeks. It didnā€™t feel like that bad of a hit when it happened but my biggest regret in life is not going after that kid.


I broke my ankle during Cattle Decapitation at Irving Plaza in NYC awhile back. My dumbass decided to finish out the show by standing in the back of the crowd chugging beers. Proceeded to walk back to grand central and drive 20 minutes home from the train station after. I still feel that one.


Some dude got bodied by a much larger chap and his head smashed into my teeth, displacing 5 in the front top row. Luckily none of them broke and the dentist was able to put them back in place, and they glued this weird retainer into my mouth for like 6 months while it healed.


I havnt....ok, bruise or two...but I guess my age/ "disability" keeps from staying as long....


I got hit so hard in the head by a shoe from a crowd surfer that my sinuses decided to empty and I had to leave the crowd to blow my nose for about 5 minutes to clear up the mucus.


had a chair thrown at me at a liferuiner show when the owner of the venue decided to shut the power off mid set.


Going to see Knocked Loose tonight. I'll let you know tomorrow.


I also got elbowed in the lip and busted it in half. Then drove 1 1/2 hours home to go to the hospital. I had 7 stitches in my upper lip that night. Then I went to work the next morning because I'm working-class. I flipped off the stage and broke a finger. Scott Vogel inspired that.


I broke my hand about 5 weeks ago and haven't been able to work. Pretty neat in your mid 30s.


Iā€™ve always been really lucky in the mosh. When I was a teen, I once got pushed down and was on the ground and had a couple of people form a mini barrier around me so no one could trample me and then help me up.


got kicked in the head during contempt of cop by sunami from a guy throwing legs like shaun michaels


Torn meniscus on my right knee.


whole show people were stage diving/crowd surfing from right to left side of stage into the pit. one girl dared to be different and ran from left to dive to right, totally blinded myself and rest of the crowd, i took her foot to the temple. severe concussion. one of my pupils was dilated, other pinpoint. that was a story lol.


not really an injury but i got an elbow shoved into my chest and passed out bc i forgot how to breathe lmao. then im also a heavy smoker so theres that.


Dislocated both shoulders in AILD pit in their tour in 2021. Worth it. Also discovered Ov Sulphur at that show


Top 3 in descending order: torn ACL, broken foot, broken nose. Not all at once. I did actually fix my knee post-ACL repair in the pit. It was stiff as hell for almost a year from scar tissue I guess, felt it pop during a two step and it hurt like hell for 3 days and then it never really bothered me again.


I had my whole jaw crushed. Still have 2 screws in. I still mosh but mostly to the "softer" core bands.


I dislocated my shoulder moshing to The Devil Wears Prada on my 16th birthdayā€¦.in my living room. I swear Iā€™m cool now guys. I swear.


At a small venue, kid jumped off the wall and tried to do a wall kick mega man style and his foot caught my forehead, I had a pretty good cut in the middle of my forehead for a few weeks Not bad compared to some of the other stuff in this thread lol I didnā€™t even need stitches


I've only ever moshed at metal shows, so only pushing. But I aggravated an old football injury seeing a local thrash metal band play. I avoid moshing. Metal or hardcore. I'm too old and beat up.


And I get what you're saying about CTE. I quit boxing because I was tired of constantly getting hit in the head.


Thatā€™s a lot of concussions at your age. I would try and slow down my pace. For me I got knocked loopy once and more annoying another time I sprained my thumb and it didnā€™t stop hurting for years. It was years till I could crack my knuckle on that thumb.


Ran head first right into someone else's head when we were going opposite ways in a circle pit at ADTR. I avoid circle pits these days. I've never gotten that injured in a push pit. Thankfully no one's thrown hands on me in one, though. The worst they've done is tackled me a couple times. I get more injuries from overcrowded shows where other people's arms are rubbing against mine all night giving me bruises the next day.


got knocked out at a show back last november, diagnosed with a concussion and have struggled with some memory loss after, nothing super substantial but itā€™s definitely different šŸ˜­ still mosh at every show thošŸ’Æ


I just got my first one the other night during kaonashi on the boundaries tour. Sprained and/or jammed the absolute shit out of my right ring finger. Hurts like a bitch


I saw that tour in Pittsburgh. That whole night was nuts.


Busted lip, thrown into Salt the Woundā€™s merch stand, busted head, bruises when I got attacked by 3 guys dancing during Carnifexā€™s set in 2009 Got kicked right in the ribs moshing to Broken Vow/Terror


Cracked the back of my head open at a Vital Remains show. I was bleeding alit but it wasn't bad. Head wounds bleed alot. The guy who's mouth came into contact with my head had alot LESS to say. I kept drinking and headbanging. This was 15 years ago or so and then here hadn't been lat consecutive s


Tore my acl during UnityTx šŸ˜“


Fractured a front tooth


Got a tooth to the left side of the bridge of my nose, in my early moshing days. If you *really* look at my nose, you can still see the scar. Only time I ever bled at a show. The last show before I officially mosh retired, I did a stage dive, and was only caught by my right ankle. Pretty sure that was a concussion.


Broken nose 3x but Iā€™m 5ā€™ tall so right at elbow/kick height. 2 broke ribs, an ex was pissed at me got me in the pit and purposely kicked me in the ribs. Concussions too many to count. One that was totally my fault, moshing about 6 months after I had fractured my leg in a car accident, ended up dislocating my knee. Oh one time I got hit in the face, ended up dislocating my jaw so badly I couldnā€™t fully close it or eat for a month.


nothing too bad but i broke my nose in the pit at drug church. stayed for the whole show anyway


Broken nose that required surgery


Got mauled by a pitbull in a Jesus Piece set


I died


I got a TBI (back in 2002/2003 before TBIs were a ā€œthingā€)at a Hatebreed/LOG show at Krome when Chris SR moshed me. Didnā€™t realize the extent of the injury at the time beyond the 8 staples in my dome and blood everywhere, but the goth/metal girls by the merch tables thought it was pretty bad ass. Ended up getting severe headaches while wearing my army equipment that were so bad I didnā€™t deploy to Fallujah with my unit (thankfully because I was not gonna make it home with how little my squad leader cared for me - I was always first in the door and always in the turret) and ended up transferring to the Air Force the following year That scar is still prominent on my head over 20 years later.


two broken ribs. took a boot to 'em and they folded like paper mache. being a small woman does suck because my head is at elbow level and my organs/chest are at kick level


Nothing serious thankfully, but worst was getting hit in the balls then immediately after getting kicked in the head by a crowd surfer