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Thats very intresting, although I have no idea what is Laplace Demon, I heard it by name, do you mind explain it as if I were 5?


Simpily its a borderline omni- scratch that, its a omniscient demon who can predict anything and everything. Now for the complicated version its the thought that if some superduper intelligent demon knew the position of every atom (including electromatic rays, light and radiation) and knows how they will react the demon could theoretically using mathematics predict the actions of everything. My nen ability is basicaly me trying to make that demon as a nen ability.


Holy cow, it´s a great inspiration pretty good nen ability, and on top of that he has a personality that makes it more interesting; I'm imagining it yellowish, maybe sulfur, in color with a long nose kind of a goblinoid figure, how do you imagine it?


I imagined it as the first homunculus from fma with a huge smile, but no eyes with a exaggerated demon goat horns. Imagine its more translucent red and black.


Oh hey I remember this, took a Phil of the Mind in undergrad. It came up as an argument against free will under the theory that everything boils down to physical phenomenon at the end of the day, and having omniscient knowledge of all physical phenomenon as they happen would theoretically predict even the actions of thinking beings. A sort of argument for predetermined destiny. As every atom bump to bump and chemical reaction would have theoretically been calculable since the Big Bang. Fun times 


Ya thanks how would you rate the nen abilities, if it was in hxh.