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He probably a pimp in his life so I guess it’s by either justice system or by one of his worker not taking it anymore


his worker killed him with a bug zapper


Or lit him on fire. Like a moth to the flame.


Or maybe he was poisoned, which explains why he’s got poisonous saliva and aroma.


That's true. Though I always figured his poisonous aroma was more like a prop to help further explain Angel's addiction. Like he can't help but breath it in because it's all around him.


I thought the saliva and aroma were pheromones? Moths communicate via pheromones.


Well yeah, but there’s a whole song called Poison, so I assumed he just secretes poison like pheromones.


I think it’s metaphorical and a dual sided one at that.


Song was called poison because that's what Valentino is to him, an addictive poison. Angel Dust sold his soul to Valentino and is suffering the gruesome effects of his toxic allure. The song is a metaphor and a cry for help. (I like to think that in the universe that the song didn't really happen, but it was all Angel Dusts thoughts as Valentino worked him to death basically)


All three at the same time.


Something related to both of those I'd like to think even some of peoples smaller habits tend to follow them after death into hell That being said I'd like to think that bit how it showed in the studio where all the plugs were half hazardly plugged in CLEARLY being both an electrical and fire hazard then I'd personally like to think he died from getting electrocuted and died from something as simple as poor cord management Bonus points if you think about him wearing a flammable pimp coat that also caught fire when being electrocuted


With his bad eyesight too, yeah I could totally see that.


Also explains his sorta quick reaction time to putting out the fire in the episode that screen shot is from.


It would depend on when he died, I don't know if it's confirmed he died at a time when electricity was common. He might genuinely not understand the danger of poor cable management.


Being seemingly based off a pimp I'd think he most likely died when electricity was pretty common Besides that you're really underestimating just how idiotic and careless Valentino is you're giving this man way to much credit by giving him the benefit of the doubt that he might've just died when electricity wasn't common Though now you've got me thinking of a version of Valentino that wasn't a pimp as he's portrayed but instead some guy that ran a really old school brothel


A giant bottle of Raid








FUCK TAKE IT JUST PLEASE SPARE ME https://preview.redd.it/q04xsqkb7emc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=e6b89285ba007a820e1801ac2f069f6e98617d7c




I don’t know what just happened, but I love this




And I hope angel kills him too


Can’t be possible angel can just pull guns out of no where and has had plenty of chances already so there must be some sort of binder in the agreement so val dies angel dies or some familiar sort


Charlie could Just ask lucifer to take it


Lucifer isn’t powerful enough to do that as we know lucifer wants nothing but free will for everyone which doesn’t work with the overlord system


I mean how about this guy https://preview.redd.it/j2ra7iinecmc1.png?width=3100&format=png&auto=webp&s=2593286860ba71355902c20a3dd0152211a4e1d2


Charlie surely has his number. She could call him up to pride and have him tear up Val


Charlie probably refers to the Sins as her uncles and aunts.


For some reason I read that as "the Sims"


I can see Ozzie making an offer to Lucifer. "I'll hold him down. You punch."


I feel like Lucifer’s desire for Free Will would go out the window when Charlie tells him “Hey dad Valentino licked my arm”. Lucifer would then make the extermination look like a joke


Angel isn't strong enough to kill him, plus he has the Vees backing him up, so that's a mess to deal with. Not to mention, depending on what he sold his soul for, he risks losing whatever was important enough to sell his soul for in the first place. That's why his game plan was to wreak himself so he wouldn't be Val's favourite play thing. If Val loses interest, then it's not Angel breaking the contract.


It's more of a psychological problem, Angel thinks that Valentino is more powerful than he really is. I'm sure Angel could just gun him down with that tommy gun that he used to fight the exorcists, but Angel is so convinced that Val is all-powerful that he won't even try.


There’s probably a clause when someone owns your soul that you can’t kill them. Seems like an important thing to leave in the fine print


Welcome to heaven is typing…


Or rivalry. overstepped somewhere and got a bullet for it.


Fucked a lamp.


I laughed so hard with this one. Needed that on a monday morning.


Relatable ngl




This needs to be higher - I lol'd for real


He went from fucking lamps, to fucking TVs!




Drunk val with his shitty eyesight, spotting an electrical socket: 😍






My headcanons on how the Vees died: Vox: Electric chair Valentino: gang(bang) violence Velvette: "so guys today i will try this new challenge trend called taking selfies on train tracks"


Vox: Head crushed by CRT monitor/TV. Valentino: Father of angry girl/boy who Val was pimping. Velvette: Texting while driving.


at least this isn’t projection about being a pedophile for velvette jesus


I’m afraid I don’t understand your comment sorry. My English is not so good some times.


It's about how people are comparing Velvette to various YouTubers who were outed as pedos, the commentor is saying they're grateful you didn't mention it. (I think.)


Ahh alright! Sorry My knowledge of English speaking YouTube is pretty limited.


It's okay, I'm happy to explain.


Somebody had a theory and said vox died by an epileptic seizure and for some reason I now can’t unhear that


Vox was taken out by the banned Pokémon episode.


But to get in hell you need to do terrible shit. So velvette probably took *minecraft youtubers* route Edit: the assumption is a joke, i dont think that.


What does that mean? Grooming? (Honest question)


A lot of MC YouTuber has been outed as a pedi, groomer or a abusive person (besides for DanTDM the goat)


Don't forget stampy


i was gonna say, surely stampy's also chill


And Skip the Tutorial


And technoblade


captain sparklez is also in the clear although he stepped away from minecraft recently


He's still uploading *Minecraft* videos though.


yes but it’s specifically his final spell of videos, hence the name “the final let’s play.” he made a video talking about how he wants to step away from it.


It amazes me how most Youtubers willingly tarnish their entire career like that, i mean ffs how hard is it to just not be a scumbag??


Yeah, it’s not hard to just… not ask minors for nudes. Like what


Idk. Maybe because some people are like this or they get so blinded by fame, money, ... that they forget what's right and wrong. Honestly, I just don't know why.


Wait, what about Grian? Or Mumbo, or GoodTimesWithScar? I watch them and I wanna know


as far as i know, all the hermits are ok


Don't forget LDshadowlady, Smallishbeans and their little crew, they've been playing this game for like 7 years and not one of them has done a shitty thing


Yes. There was a drama in my home country in october when a retired mc youtuber texted dirty to 14/15/etc. Year old girls around 2014 ( he was about 26 at the time)


My assumption on Velvette is cyber bullying that led to somebody... Y'know doing that thing. For how she died, I don't think it matters?


Where's that gif of Lucifer saying no a bunch? I need it immediately




idk but the op needs serious help cus it’s a major self report have this one tho https://preview.redd.it/gnn4mqa59dmc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2bdcab425d38bd4c549e1bc05e93449ad6c7184


She did "prank" videos


Naw naw, she just took 1 too many Raid Shadow Legends sponsors, the true cardinal sin




Nah, she probably cyber bullied someone. Probably a toxic Tumblr girl. Or maybe she got cyber bullied and committed you-know-what. Taking your own soul does lend you into hell in some beliefs.


Velvette has HUGE vibes of person who made burner accounts to cyberbully people on livejournal/myspace and told people to kts.


Regina George, but she didn't survive the bus


The terrible shit that gets someone into Hell could be completely separate from how they die.


I don’t think that really fits her, she was probably more like Sebastian bails and just did anything for views so she exploited people’s trauma and shit like that


She could still do a lot of bad shit in her life but die in an unrelated stupid way, it’s not how bad the way you died that dictates if you go to hell or not


I''m betting Velvette used social media to bully people to the point where they took their own lives.


Do you? Not according to the bible. Eat shellfish? Straight to hell. Mix fabrics? Straight to hell. Just about the only thing the Actual REAL bible doesn’t condemn is lgbtqia+ and abortion. But they’ve edited the translation to include gay men for some reason in the last hundred years. It originally mentioned paedophiles.


Not really...pedophilia is not condemned in the Bible. The virginity fetish peddled in that book at times downright encourages it.


the act that is attributed as 'homosexuality" "man should not lie with other men" is a misstranslation of a practice common in Rome of adult men engaging in sexual acts with those thatd be considered minors in contemporary times. It was totally pedophilia and is condemned. Gay sex between two adults is never mentioned one way or the other.


she's the kind of person to make other girls kill themselves over social media.


I heard a theory that box was crushed by a tv and while I’m not sure how that kills someone we do know he’s been in hell since tvs were a lot heavier and also that’s really funny and aligns with lyle Lipton and the camp counselor. I also think maybe he was killed by an electric shock or something while hosting a late night show


A character in Scream was killed that way, so it wouldn’t be the first time a TV kills someone in media!


1950s era death date, so yeah. Bet they were pretty heavy. The ones I recall from the late 70s-late 90s were beasts.


I have my own headcanon that he was a sleazy TV salesman selling shitty TVs and one electrocuted him while setting up a demo with a customer. I’m also partial to the TV falling on his head theory though, it’s funnier to visualize.


If an old box tv fell on your head, especially from a great height, it could probably smash a skull. Didn’t someone in Scream die like that or am I misremembering it..


My Velvette theory is that she cyber bullied someone into suicide, and was murdered by a vengeful family member. I also really like the idea of Vox being electrocuted to explain how he got his powers.


Yea but the blood on his mouth makes me think he got hit in the head probably with a tv


I always headcanon that Vox died from a seizure


I think Velvette died in some way relating to dolls


She could’ve been dismembered, to explain why she’s got detachable parts


Could be


Based flair btw


Your pfp is cute


Thank you


I think Vox's death probably had something to do with the TV. Either he physically got killed by the TV, like if he was electrocuted by one, or he died while he was on the air.


I think velvette was probably part of a huge controversy that didn’t end well for her


Tide pod challenge


I always thought maybe texting and driving, she got into a crash that resulted in others deaths and hats why she's in hell


I always thought Vox died via a seizure, which is why blood would run down his mouth and his eye does that hypnosis thing


Nah, Velvette probably worked in fast fashion using child labour. Could have overdosed or maybe even been murdered by a crazed fan like Gianni Versace was.


Velvette probably did loads of Internet challenges that hurt or killed other people


Peacefully in his sleep surrounded by friends and family...who just poisoned him.


I like that one!


Me too




Gang violence, last words were probably “What are you gonna do? Shoot me?” Bleeding out from the gunshot and ODing on purpose so he didn’t feel it/felt like he was in control of how he died Edit: also his shit eyesight isn’t just a moth thing, it’s a punishment. Wandering eyes that sought out and consumed so much depravity and violence for pleasure in life fail him in death. Doesn’t stop him ofc but the idea is there


this is how i imagined it!! ODing + gang violence


I hope we find out how he died, and his eventual death or punishment in the series mirrors it in some way. Some tasty karma.


how did yall know this i dont remember this happening in the show


Oh Nah these are all just headcanons and fun speculations. A few deaths have been revealed pre-canon but I don’t remember if Val’s has ever been mentioned at all even back in the deviantart days


Wait is it canon that he has bad eyesight?


Angel says to Husk in Masquerade “it took him 30 minutes to count 3 bills his eyes are so shit” though who He is is not said outright, but it’s assumed it’s Val because he’s the most likely person handling money around Angel for anything more than throwing it at him. Also Valentino is constantly getting right up on things he’s trying to look at, squinting at them, etc. So it’s not stated outright but heavy on the possibility


That’s actually a joke pointing out an animation error in the Addict music video where he was supposed to be flipping through a stack of money but it got translated to him looking at three dollars it was mentioned in Amalee’s interview with Vivziepop


Ooooh that’s fun haha, I’ve seen comics everywhere mocking his bad eyesight, I think it’s a funny gimmick :)


i assumed whoever he was talking about was super high on drugs Vals eyes seem fine, he was able to recognize charlie even with angel trying to push her out, and sits a good distance from the scene just fine


I feel like he overdosed with the ammount of times he is shown with his pheromones (i know it's a moth thing doesn't mean that can't be influenced by the od)


He’s a moth because of how he lived and died, so it’s likely part of it.


Probably a sexual disease.


Fire. Moth to a flame


Implying that he purposely ran into the fire for some reason


Or he fell asleep while smoking on lavish (and very flammable) sheets/bedding/furniture.


Man that would make so much sense. I actually had a relative pass from falling asleep with a cigarette lit. It’s the smoke inhalation that tends to get you first in those situations. Would be fitting with his utilizing smoke to control people, if it was the way he went out.


Kind of what I was thinking. The sheets could represent his wings and perhaps moth balls were involved in some way. Like he had the *nice* sheets brought out of storage for a lavish night and they had been stored with moth balls to protect them.


Live Valentino death https://i.redd.it/87vbnn8a6fmc1.gif


Like Catherine braithwaite from rdr2


Him being a moth has to be either literal, reflective of how he died, or symbolic. E.g. Alastor looks like a deer as a hunter shot him thinking he was a deer while he was hiding one of his victims. Assuming Rosie was a cannibal in life, her looking like a soulless man eating human with a void where her eyes should be makes her seem deprived of humanity (ironically contrasting her personality) I think the most obvious one is a "moth to a flame" where he probably got killed in retaliation for exploiting the wrong person or pissed someone off in gang violence. Given hes the sex work overlord, its likely its someone along those lines. Plus his elegant wings contrast his vile personality and morals. However, this heavily assumes he was a pimp in life, which as far as I know is only high likely but not outright confirmed. In contrast for Vox, I think he died by electrocution or a TV fell on him. Old TVs were huge and were a common home accident. In this case hes like Alastor and Rosie where its a bit more literal, although he clearly would have been a TV presenter/producer/engineer, like how Alastor was a radio host. His head is literally a TV and he can be "glitched" or have static, like how Alastor has Radio filter (although we now know its due to his staff)


A photo shows that Vox’s head used to be an older TV, which checks out.


Poor Vox going decades with a head that heavy




I want it to be pathetic, so I’m gonna say electrocuted by one of those bug zappers.


I was thinking trying to get a moth out of his face near the edge of a Cliff or smth like that. Just somethin' real pathetic


That is actually hilarious, I could so see that happening 😂


Him staring menacingly out into the ocean from atop a cliff then dies because a small moth landed on his face and he decided to try to battle it out to the death and the moth won.


i think arson would be a pretty cool one, y'know, the whole "moth to the flame" thing


He was frightened by a moth and ended up swerving off the road. His eternal punishment is to have a moth incorporated into his design. He thinks it's cool now, after getting used to it.


Mine was similar. He was scared by a moth and ended up running off a cliff.


Probably excessive smoking


probably while doing something he loves https://preview.redd.it/ex9zgucplbmc1.jpeg?width=690&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=802f775175c4989664e15cc26f82ce0485a55a5b # SEX


It sucks that he is such a terrible sinner. Cause I adore his look lmao


Killed by one of his victims.


He took too much viagra :(


The day of his death was the hardest of his life


This comment is definitely underrated I absolutely lost my shit here


Probably flying to close to something big and bright, like a moth. Maybe he died in an explosion.


I hope, if they reveal his death, it's something really epic or creative like that!


Those coat wings are dope af


“The genus Lonomia is a moderate-sized group of fairly cryptic saturniid moths from South America, famous not for the adults, but for their highly venomous caterpillars, which are responsible for a few deaths each year, especially in southern Brazil, and the subject of hundreds of published medical studies.” He is a moth so maybe he got bit by a moth?


Mothra attack. 


You don’t fuck with mothra


I’m so glad you ask: It's 1970s Mexico when Valentino was alive, and prostitution is on the rise. One of these such workers was Valentino. He worked for a cruel pimp whose signature was everyone who worked for him had moth wings tattooed on their backs. But Valentino wasn't just your average street worker; he was also a stone cold killer. Valentino worked up immunity to arsenic and would put it in his mouth, so when he gave the person who bought him for the night one last kiss, it really was a kiss goodbye. Then Valentino would shoot them in the head to erase any suspicion that arsenic was at play here. I mean, no one would expect a street worker like him to carry a gun. Valentino would then take anything valuable the person had on them. He would give his pimp the money he got from laying with the person but would keep the stuff he robbed to himself. Every now and again, Valentino would try to run, but every time his pimp would find him and make an example of him to the others. Eventually, Stockholm Syndrome kicked in, and Valentino began thinking his pimp actually had the best intentions in mind. He even began falling for him. But as time passed, his body became weaker due to the STDs that came with his job, like syphilis and AIDS, until he couldn't even stand on the streets anymore. So one day, his pimp drove him to a less than clean alleyway and sat Valentino against the wall. As a last goodbye, his pimp helped him smoke one last cigarette before leaving Valentino there alone to pass away. As Valentino's eyes began to close and his breathing slowed down, he realized his pimp didn't love him. No one loved him. He was just another poor soul who died working the streets.


holy shit. this is. i didn't realize i could feel bad for a detestable character. this isn't even canon but if it was dude. this shit AHHHHHHHH. NICE JOB MATE.


There are these weird ass moths that use like tentacles as pheromone thingies for mating so maybe it just has to do with his creepy choices being probably a pervert, abuser and rapist


lost butt plug in his ass and died


It’s this, it’s why he labels Al’s cane “dildo?” even though it doesn’t have a flared base.


Painfully and slow, I hope …oh you mean when he was alive?


Probably overdosed


From what I can see your appearance in hell is bringing the inner you to your outer you. For Val being a mother he's attracted to shiny things and is one track minded. The upside-down heart motifs probably show how he abuses love and addiction. His wing dust is his form of control, because it's a drug. He probably used other drugs similar in life to control his "whores"


poisoned by worker using moth poison


I pegged him to death


I perceived it as he was very involved with night life (clubs, prostitution, ect.) and since moths are heavily associated with the night it kinda works. Moths symbolize many things, but most of which being a sign of transition/transformation. Im not sure how that aspect could be connected to Val, but there very well might be some important parts of his past we dont know yet. Moths are also seen as a death omen or like for mothman "the harbinger of doom" but i feel that is too broad of a concept. Then theres the seeking the light symbolism. Many people are pointing out "like a moth to a flame" saying it may have been a fire. Which very well could be it, but i feel like there would be more aspects to that. But more moths search out light and are attracted to it, theres 3 ways this might relate to Val: 1. Would be that we will see him "see the light" so to speak and redeem himself and go to heaven, which honestly i dont like. 2. He seeks the light in relation to the "limelight" or fame, which very well might be it. 3. He seeks out the light as in good people to corrupt. But also we must consider, it might just be cause moths are cool. While most characters weve seen so far are very symbolic designs, its not impossible that there may be a few that are just designed in a way that looks cool. Which yeah, is a disappointing as hell reason but its still possible. I doubt it though with how all other characters have been framed so far.


He died in a fire


There is a non zero chance that Val was involved in the hardcore snuff porn or prostitution circles and those aren't the safest circles to me in.




A cinnabar moth does have a poison. It’s also possible Valentino took on a moth appearance as a metaphor to how the “fame” killed him.


3 guesses 1: STD 2: drug overdose 3: gang violence


Idk but velvette def died from the tide pod challenge


STD or murdered.


Probably getting beaten by all the prisoners + guards for his horrible actions with people. Moral: Murderers Have Limits with crimes.


Wouldn't it be fucking hilarious if he just like, fell of a Cliff trying to get a moth out of his face? I'd laugh myself silly at that.


Pimping was not, in fact, easy.


Looking at the lack of X marks, I'm assuming he died from a drug OD


Possibly by getting struck by lightning or electrocuted in some way.


He probably hates moths, just like Husk hates cats.


He fucked around and then found out. Like literally fucked a lot, then died either from an STI or an enraged jealous spouse.


Bitchslapped all the way to hell On a more serious note, maybe it was a huberis thing? Moth's are attracted to bright lights to the point where they'll hover around them until their deaths, light traps are often used to catch and kill moths, maybe he flew too close to the sun and ended up paying the price?


I personally like the theory that he actually died because of *his* pimp. I don't remember who came up with that theory, but basically he pulled an angel and fell for his pimp, ultimately getting an STD from sex work and going back to his pimp, who left him for dead somewhere


My stupid ass forgot that overlords are just really powerful sinners and I thought I somehow missed the episode when he finally died


Honestly 70’s pimp who overdosed on drugs. Explains the ‘poison’ that comes out of his mouth.




He was probably killed by a poisonous butterfly


Choke to death with his own saliva


Strangled by luxurious blankets


I like to believe one of his whores killed him in self defense


I feel like he died from an std or something


logically i'd say something serious, perhaps agree on the gang violence idea, but my fart brain says "electrocuted like a moth flying into a lamp"


I like to think that he was shoot by one of his victims.


maybe a car accident chasing something shiny ✨