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It’s Sera’s angelic form https://preview.redd.it/u5plrgly2w7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b343c44a0a2412d4bde947d0084ea45366197071


Oh shit it is, I thought it was some angelic counterpart to the Ars Goetia


The Ars Goetia are fallen angels that fell with Lucifer. Mark my words.


I think it is more they saw a opportunity to be more powerful in hell like a manager becoming a district manager if they move out of country.


Piamon, name of stolas father, is biblically the name of one of the angels that followed Lucifer to hell I think. This could be unrelated though not sure


Nahhhh the sins are more powerful, but still maybe


That would be an interesting interpretation.


Ahh I see now.


I still think it looks so much more like stella on purpose. Sera's angel form has much longer eye lashes, her halo and eyeball are missing, her beak is much wider and bigger, and her hair is shaped much different. Even though there are still some differences, looks far more like stella to me. Edit to add. I don't think this IS a statue of stella, but it looks more like Stella than Sera. And I don't recall seeing a Stella looking angel is heaven. Could have missed it tho. It's been pointed out that the Ara Goetia are the fallen angels, so this could be a statue of a prominent Ars Paulina. *


I get what you mean, but when you think about it, it wouldn't really make any sense for that mural to be Stella - both in-Universe and from the production's perspective. It's a background of the Court Room run by Sera - so it's clearly meant to represent her (especially since her role is literally to protect Heaven). Not to mention, that Stella isn't some big and important persona, so why would there be a mural dedicated to her in Heaven to begin with... The overall lack of specific details is most likely just an effect of having a simplified background and not much else. It's not something we will see all the time, so it's not like it needs to be 1:1 copy of Sera's design - the basic silhouette is enough. Not to mention that the idea of Ars Goetia being Fallen Angels was never confirmed, nor even hinted at in the Show. It's an assumptipn people made based solely on the Source Material - completely ignoring the fact, that Hazbin isn't an adaptation and therefor doesn't follow its source...




Could be a younger sera


Like the bird face


Girl became a bird


In the folklore, the Goetia are fallen angels. Stella is not an extant entity in the folklore but it’s possible this could be a reference to an ancestor, and subsequently the origin of the Hellaverse Ars Goetia. It’s also possible it could be Sera or a similar character. 🤔


Yeah and to add onto that we see goetia style angels in heaven in the court room.


That is if they even are Fallen Angels in Hazbin to begin with, since it was never confirmed by Vivzie (nor anyone that works on the show). With how many changes Hazbin already has, this isn't really a given.


It's just sera


folklore :)))


Yes, believe it or not, the lesser key of Solomon isn't from the bible


wait no one got the reference? folklore... a taylor swift album lol


No? Because folklore is just a normal word. No one would say "Nevermind :))))" and be surprised that no one connected it to the Nirvana album.












No, that’s some other anthropomorphic bird


Birds are common holy symbols, hope this clears things up!


I swear to God…. people make it so fucking hard to have faith in this community…


Yeah, I'm thinking I'm done here. The amount of cool fanart and stuff doesn't justify the amount of posts that could be solved by a little media literacy. And the amount of children around here is insane.


I mean it's kind of hard to get bits of lore about this show without living on viv's twitter. It looks like it could be an Ars Goetia or Sera  though it looks more like the former, and without knowing  that they are fallen angels it could confuse you. Idk if Viv said that or ppl pulled that from some religious text but yeah, it's not really obvious if you don't know some random background info. If we wanna talk about a lack media literacy in the HH community there are a ton of different examples *cough Alastor Altruist* but I don't think this case has to do with people being dumb


To answer your question - the idea that Ars Goetia are Fallen Angels was never confirmed by Vivz. It's something people pulled form the books "Key of Solomon" and "Ars Goetia" which Vivzie mentioned in the past, that she used as sources for some things in the Show. Those are still however only theories, that people are really trying to pass as a fact, which is honestly starting to get annoying. In reality, the fact is we don't know if Ars Goetia are Fallen or Hellborn (allthough so far everything points towards the latter) and we likely won't get a hard confirmation untill in Season 3. But on the topic of media literacy - Hazbin's Season 1 was basically a perfect test, that showed us who actually does (and who doesn't) pay attention to what happens in the Show. It doesn't really help that the Youtube side of the community is basically full of people, who believe anything a Youtuber tells them (even tho most of the time it's a half-arsed video that spreads misinformation).


Idk the fact that we see sera’s bird form in the same episode and we see a figure like this at some other point in the show makes me lose faith in this community


It doesn't really look like her bird form I'm not gonna lie so if ppl want to ask questions then that's fair, but I agree it definitely can't be Stella. 


I swear there’s a point in HH where that style of drawing Sera appears it’s either behind Lucifer in More than Anything or in the story of hell that’s told by Charlie but thinking it’s Stella is agreeably pretty stupid


Let’s compromise. They’re all due to people being dumb, just to different degrees, and the mods should institute a rule about media literacy needing to be at a 3rd grade level.


jfc the vitriol in these comments is embarrassing Is this definitely Sera or another seraphim-esque angel? Yes Does this also bear a striking resemblance to Stella? Yes, absolutely it does Is there probably a reason that the royalty/high ranking beings in both heaven and hell resemble each other that might be interesting to discuss? YEAH MAYBE Some of you are being so unnecessarily rude to OP in the comments and there's just no reason for it- it's an interesting catch that these two figures look similar. You don't have to belittle OP for drawing the wrong conclusion.


Ex wife




Hey I know it's sera too but you can't deny the resemblance.


I don't think that's Stella. Probably an avian angel like Sera.


Stella is a goetia and goetia are fallen angels irl, so it makes sense. I actually thought this was why most of the goetia are avian, but we see the rest of them in the trailer and they have a lot of different animals on the fam.


Because Goetia are based on pretty acurate descriptions and they are numerous. Deadly Sins on the other hand... it's more permissive. Not fan of Beelzebub and Mammon looks, but Asmodeus is on top.


Bee's look is totally confusing. She looks like a fox, but then has all these weird bee traits tacked on! Tend to agree I don't like her look!


When you know Beelzebub actually takes the form of a monstruous fly... Mammon I'd have seen an octopus like creature rather than a spider. Hell, even a blind wolf would have been neat as a nod to the Roman God/Demon Plutus in Dante's Inferno. Since he'd be blind, he would "smell" wealth and potential victims to increase them.


Yeah, Bee seemed shoehorned in. Don't get me wrong, I liked that episode and I love Loona and feel like that episode did a lot for her character. It seems though that they could have easily gotten away with Tex's girlfriend not being a deadly sin.


I think they wanted Tex's girlfriend to be a deadly sin. Plot points tend to happen in groups of three and they make the third hypocritical relationship between royalty and lowborn in the show. I feel its going to be important later.


It’s sera in her angelic form! you only see it for a second when she first arrives onscreen butnit’s there. pretty easy to miss


Yeah I see that now lol. Thanks for being a nice person and pointing that out rather than just saying ‘hahaha look how dumb this guy is’ and refusing to elaborate.


It could possibly be her ancestor, since the goetias are fallen angels I think the angel could be the fallen angel kokabiel the angel of stars since Stella name means star her name could have been a nod to him


We don't actually know if Ars Goetia are Fallen Angels in the Show - it's just a theory people love to treat as a fact. In reality, there's nothing in the Show that would point towards that - and since Hazbin isn't an adaptation, informations from the source material doesn't have to be the same in the Show.


Stella, Sera. Similar looks, similar names, both deserve a JDAM to the face. Interesting.


that's true! she looks like stolas's wife.😝 hahahahaha😂


Please, like she’d get into Heaven.


Arsenal goetia are fallen angels, now I doubt its specifically Stella but if it somehow wasn't sera I could see someone making a case for it being another goetia.


*Ars Goetia are Fallen Angels in the source material - we do not know if the same is the case in the Show. Hazbin isn't an adaptation, so things don't have to automatically be the same.




It's thanks to people like you that everyone laughs at this community


That’s a bit harsh.


We’re just asking you to utilize a little bit of common sense.


Common sense about what?


Very funny


Eh... not really.


No, it's perfectly justified. Why the fuck would heaven have a whole ass mural with stella of all people? It takes 2 seconds to realize that doesn't make sense. How old are you?


Ars goetia were fallen angels, its not entirely unreasonable to mistake it. Stop being a dick.


Fallen angels, so heaven would hate them, much less have murals of them. Also, stella is like 30 something, compared to someone like Adam, who is thousands of years old. She doesn't have the age nor the status to warrant her a mural in heaven. Finally, this is not the first time this exact topic has come on the sub. So you stop being oversensitive instead.


>much less have murals of them. There may be murals of them before the fall, though. >Stella It's possibly an ancestor.


That's kinda reaching. Like the others said, it's much more likely to be sera


Likely, which is a shame. I would love it if Viv referenced the Goetia being fallen angels.


Yes, that would be cool, but in a different way. Maybe something to do with paimon instead.


Dude literally


Buddy... That's just Sera. ![gif](giphy|TJawtKM6OCKkvwCIqX)


That’s just Sera. However, I will say that most of the Ars Goetia are fallen angels in demonology/theology.


Proba ly just an angel that looks kind of like her A couple angels made me think of the imps from Helluva Boss Adam's helmet, too


Thats not Stella XD


Haha funny misunderstanding. Im suprised the Hellaverse fanbase doesnt bother looking more into the actual Ars Goetia. There's a buncha old books and a lotta reading sure, but fnaf fans will do ANYTHING for their lore and I feel like these fanbases overlap at least a bit


Do you fall asleep when someone pulls a blanket over your cage? Jesus Christ, Sera is literally in this scene yet you still think "oh must be this one demonic bird woman I know from the other show"


The mural is also literally located in Sera's Court - and we already saw her Angelic Form earlier on in the same Episode. Like this couldn't be more obvious...


This does make me think, the Goetia of hell do have some similarities to some angels in heaven. Angels have lots of eyes usually, and Stolas has two extra eyes. In real world demonology Goetia are fallen angels, so I feel like that’s probably the same in the hellaverse.


STELLA??? (joke)


Where are the arc angels ?


Hazbin hotel fans try not to read into every small thing in every scene impossible challenge


Uhm...no she isn't?


oh my fucking god this shit again