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“The table and rubble are not angelic weapons.” That’s what Big Hazbin wants you to believe.


Do yOuR 0wN resEArch, sheEple! - Vox, probably


“Do your own research with our new *AskVox* search engine. Trust Voxtech with your information!”


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*With your searches*


Well technically if the hotel was created by Lucifer magic keyblade it was created by Angel magic so ipso facto angelic weapon


Oh yeah, crack theory time. The hotel is just a disguise, it’s meant to hide the big angelic nuke that’s gonna blow up heaven


Well when you make a deal with a dick like Adam and Sarah to leave Charlie and devil born alone only sinners are fair game you need something to leverage the deal like mutually assured destruction.




When you deal with a Dickmaster like Adam*


>hotel was created by Lucifer magic keyblade That was after this


Maybe it's how he made the first one? Neither Charlie nor Keekee were questioning the Keeblade.


The key blade... is the cat, keykey.


If you throw a rock at Zeus, he’d still feel it.


And throw a lightning bolt in reply


Only after fucking your mom. Ya know, proportional response, like the Greek gods are famed for.


That’s not even the Greek gods in general it’s just Horny Georg


And his kids, don't forget his kids are also unnecessarily petty


The christian god is pretty petty too and pretty brutal with punishemts according to the lore


I know the word lore existed long before its entertainment usage but hearing "lore" referring to religion is so funny to me


I dont really mention it in unrelated discussion because it often turns into a heated discussion but I am strongly (militantly, as it was used some years ago) atheist so I generally refuse to use their language. So I just treat these religious stories as a fantasy story and use these terms. I dont mean to sound edgy, I just wanted to explain. But yeah its indeed funny


Eh that's a bit rude, mostly if you're talking to someone who's not the "MY RELIGION IS THE ONLY WAY IF YOU DONT BEILIEVE IT YOURE GOING TO HELL"


After turning into a horse.


The show might tackle this at some point lol.


That would be the best outcome


If you threw it at an Egyptian god they’d make your food turn to sand after ripping you balls off or something






Athena threw a boulder at Ares. He definitely felt that shit.


Yea and Percy Jackson literally sliced open th back of Area's foot in their one on one battle


This is completely irrelevant! Do love me some PJ tho


This analogy is perfect


This, I believe it's like what happens with sinners. You can kill them with anything, but they will just regenerate, but if you kill them with an angelic weapon, they are dead for good


And if you injur them with angelic steel, the injury is permanent. Hence, Vaggie gets better from being slammed into the table and when her wings were ripped off, but when Lute stabbed her eye, she lost it.


Lute also stabbed Vaggie through her hand with a blade. I doubt she will just have a hole in her hand from now on.


It’s theorized that sinners and angels can heal from angelic injuries if they aren’t fatal, but it will take longer and scar. I think of it like: injuries sustained from angelic steel have the same effects as injuries on us, humans. If one of us got shot, we might die permanently or we might heal over an extended period of time. Same with angelic injuries on sinners/angels, but the rate of fatality is higher


Not a hole, but definitely a scar, her eye isn’t constantly bleeding and has healed over, but won’t regenerate


I guess we'll have to see




Well by that logic Lute should get her arm back


Well we haven't seen her much post-arm rip off. And the only time we've seen her is recently to the arm rip off


Regen could also need a death to happen, do we have knowledge of sinners growing things back without being killed?


Closest we’ve come is Vaggie’s wings, I think.


Vaggie doesn’t count as a sinner right? Not that your comment is implying such, just not as familiar with the lore and wondering how much of a precedent that sets


As far as I know she doesn’t


So it might relate to food then.


Stolas seems to get better even after being injured with a holy weapon.


Stab wounds are a lot easier to heal from than say an missing arm


So that's the thing. For holy weapons, it seems at least *some* injuries are possible to heal. Maybe they work like normal, as you say, where you can heal a bruise or a cut but not a lost limb.


A solution would be to give her an "energy" arm. In essence a scar from Vaggie


....except why be afraid of exorcists if they can be stopped and killed? Wasn't it said that angels can't be hurt from anything in hell? (The best explanation I can think of is that angels can hurt and kill angels, it's why Lucifer was able to bloodily beat Adam eith just his fists.)


I think it was more, they believed the angels unkillable, not unhurtable. The big problem is if you believe they can't be killed, who would be stupid enough to hurt one because then they perma kill you.


Okay so my guess: You need something of an angelic caliber to harm an angel However lute IS an angel so she her self IS the weapon if you will


dangertits has danger in it


TIL being smothered in Danger Tits is a permanent death.


i would gladly die like that- ahem ahem damn


For god's sake, Lute is what does the damage in both instances. She slams Vaggie into the oddly durable table, and lacking the lifting strength to push the rubble off her arm Lute instead puts that strength into ripping her arm off to get free.


And what about the angels who got injured after slamming into Alastor’s shield? 


Similar issue to the table. They flew into it full force, the shield didn't break because Alastor is literally HIM, so they had to deal with the force they themselves generated. Lute RIPPED Vaggie's wings out, Angels are absolutely capable of harming eachother with their bare hands so it makes sense they can fly with enough force that they'd hurt themselves if they crashed into something they couldn't break through.


So, this is just a show having action and doesn't need lore, but... You're cooking a really good 'curse' here. I might introduce demigods into my DnD campaigns, that people fight against by using spiky shields, trying to trick them into impaling themselves.


Wonder just how big the overlap between hazbin and DND is, given that you and me makes at least two.


I'm a player and recently made a Bardlock called Ola Star, who has a pact with Lillith. So yeah


You’re just jumping through hoops. Adam explicitly says “That’s how they can *kill* us? With our own weapons?!” he doesn’t say ‘harm’, so it makes sense to assume they can still be harmed through normal means. 


The **Overlords** didn't know Angels could be harmed and Charlie even called them invincible.


Charlie barely knows anything about Heaven. Plus, Adam reacted in pain when he was punched by Alastor’s minion, Charlie throwing fucking *glitter* at one caused them to stop fighting and several angels flew away after Charlie shot fireworks at them because they didn’t want to be hurt.  It’s also just a dumb distinction to make anyway. If Charlie hit Lute with a baseball bat she’d be just fine, but if Vaggie does it then suddenly she actually gets hurt? 


> Charlie barely knows anything about Heaven. Now she knows that they have rainbow-sprinkle cupcakes and zoo koalas that you can pet.


Just want to point out that Charlie's glitter might be angelic in nature considering that she's the daughter of Lucifer. Her magic probably has the same power to permanently kill sinners and angels as Adam's lasers.


Yeah, it's not glitter. It's magical fireworks. In the US alone, there was 7,400 injuries and 10 deaths from fireworks related incidents in 2022. Most people are smart enough to get away from exploding fireworks. When I was a kid, you'd frequently hear about some dumb kid losing a couple of fingers "because M80s won't hurt you!"


The Sinners still thought the Exorcists were invincible, you can react in pain without getting hurt (try falling onto a hardwood floor if you don't believe me. Though Adam could have just been reacting in *surprise* when the tentacle uppercutted him), the Exorcists NEVER had a casualty (which includes injuries) before, the fireworks are magic and Charlie's on Adam's level so she simply has enough power to harm Exorcists through sheer might with those fireworks. No, if Charlie hit Lute with a bat it'd hurt Lute too, Charlie's canonically the second strongest person in Hell and the woman can wound Adam with a trident she made with her own magic.


Because they didn't fight them. That one overlord that Vaggie goes to even points out that no one was stupid enough previously to find out that angelic weapons could kill angels because if you think angels are invincible, attacking them puts you in perma death range.


.....except then why didn't any of the sinners try harming the exorcists? If something can be harmed, it can be killed.


I mean that's the more unreasonable part, I expected them to be much stronger and more durable than that. Though maybe it's just me


Striking strength isn't lifting strength, and Lute wasn't harmed by the rubble so much as trapped.


U could make a justification for it that lute a angel is hitting vagie with the table so it’s her hurting her


Was about to ask if they had considered that Lute might be an angelic weapon.


I mean, Lucifer was able to beat up Adam and leave him bloody just with his fists so...


That first pic goes hard unironically. Perfect for a meme basis


But wouldnt they be able to die of bloodloss if someone damaged them enough? Ik they cant kill them without angelic steel but are we sure about that? If they can rip their arm off shurely they could rip all their limbs off to a point of death by bloodloss or rip their heads off right?


We can assume that in the same way demons come back if they are "Killed" by normal means, the same would be true for angels. Most likely respawn in heaven, unless you get them with an angelic weapon.


It's almost like they're the same species, but with different color pallettes.


Yeaah that makes sense. I just thought since they didnt think they could even be damaged much less killed but yea. I dont always think things through


"did you know angels could be harmed" Very clearly stating they can only be harmed by Angelic Weapons. If the show actually stated killed it'll be fine, but it does not


I think vaggie is separating being hurt and being harmed by something. Sure it hurt to have her face smashed in like that, but we see in short order she's pretty much recovered and no permanent harm was done.


I'm definitely feeling some LuteXVaggie action. Kinky.


That kinda sucks though. Imagine being an exorcist angel and going through the most gruesome and painful injuries ever, but not being able to die from them just because you weren't hurt by an angelic weapon.


They just respawn if they take to much damage I think


I've said it so many times in this sub already but so many people in this sub (who are probably children) lack any fucking media literacy whatsoever. The angels were never fucking immune to damage, they just don't die to traditional means.


That’s what I’m saying


why do they look like they're getting 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂


First frame is kind of 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂bin hotel


IMO you need an angelic weapon to *easily* hurt them. Vaggie’s a fallen Angel, but a angel nonetheless, and lute was using her angelic strength to pull her arm out, therefore ripping it off. Like how a tank can destroy another tank, but anti-tank weaponry is a way for regular soldiers to deal with it


To explain this, I would simply assume that Demons are not allowed to harm angels by god's law. They can circumvent this by using angelic weapons, on the premise that angels can hurt angels, which is what happens here. Undeniably, the show itself doesn't provide enough lore to explain this scene, but there are theories that can be made.


Lute literally tore her own arm off. I’m pretty sure she’s angelic even if the rubble isn’t. And even with the table, salute is still hurting Vaggie. Something angelic is still hurting both of them.


The answer is more simple. Angels can harm and kill other angels, hence why angelic weapons work. They are filled with holy magic. Sinners can't harm angels without holy magic, which they can't make on their own.


While cutting down a tree, it is best to use an axe or chainsaw. This however does not mean it is impossible to cut a tree down with a sword.


Everyone knows that a good maple coffee table is blessed by God himself (lol)


I think (imo) the people doing that, are those who are upset over Vaggie's HUGE plot hole. Hazbin's first season didn't have the best continuity.


A plot hole is a plot hole.


Yes, I fell that is too many people thinking Hazbin Hotel is some sort of masterpiece where every inconsistency is actually due to some sort of deep, complex lore we can't comprehend yet, when in fact is show with overly simple plot and handful of rather insignificant plot holes.


Yes yes they seem pretty brittle you can rip your own arm off by sheer will power


One thing that I forgot to add is that if you do fatal damage to an exorcist they don’t stay dead unless you use an angelic weapon


I believe that when you kill a Angel that wasn’t a Angelic Weapon, they will just Respawned , but if you kill with a Angelic Steel, They will be dead gone.


you can still be killed by regular shit youll just respawn or whatever you die perma death with angelic weapons


In every single instance of somebody harming an Angel without an Angelic Weapon, they were fighting to protect somebody. Even Lute here is trying to keep Vagatha away from Adam.


There is also the point that Angelic power is imbued in every attack an Angel deals.


I dont get what’s confusing about this to people. The show states that Angels CAN be hurt or injured, just not killed WITHOUT angelic weapons


If you bash an immortal person’s head into the table they would feel pain and probably bleed, the thing is they would NOT die.


Lute used her hands to rip Vagie’s wings off. It looks like Angels can hurt Angels even without weapons.


I know right Even classmen D got confused




The main issue I got is that this shows that sinners could have fought back even if they didn't kill them they could probly could keep them regenerating and people are crazy im sure at least a few hundred overlords and probly millions of regular sinners would have attempted to fight back and would have known this but they didn't In any case its such a minor and stupid inconsistency it really doesn't add or take away from the story at all, does look stupid tho


I took it as super durability. Angelic weapons are design to kill sinners and they don’t die easy so those specific weapons ignore defense. So Alastor could had eventually killed atom but the power gap was just too much to get enough damage. Like Lucifer just punching Adam, he just that strong.


What really gets me is that Vaggie didn’t know angels could be harmed when she was LITERALLY MAIMED by Lute 🤦🏻‍♂️


I thought it was D&D rules. One point of radiant damage & now all hits are successful.


It’s annoying to me mostly because I feel like a show like hazbin hotel isn’t something that I expect the utmost consistency and adherence to the “rules” that it lays out. Like at the end of the day it’s a silly musical comedy with some good serious/emotional moments, like this isn’t attack on titan or jujutsu kaisen with super important power systems to stick to




You van kill them with any random weapon, but they'll still regenerate. (At least that's what I think)


The simple answer is that Lute herself is the angelic weapon.


This is so stupid. Why cant you just bash an angel to death if it hurts them.


they can still have limbs or noses broken with enough force and if two large heavy rocks smash your arm it’s gonna be damaged


As far as I’m concerned, exorcists can be hurt but they regenerate really quickly unless some sort of holy power was used.


For a better understanding of this point I want people to imagine a vampire. (Not a sexy one, you know who you are!) now you can hurt a Vampire with say, a wooden baseball bat, but it's not gonna be able to kill him. Temporarily maim? Yes, permanent damage and kill? No. cut a vampires arm off with say a holy relic or silver, then you get permanent damage. \ Now apply that logic to angels and Angelic steel. Vaggie can get hurt and temporarily maimed. (The rock, table, and Lute ripping her wings off) but that heals. Lute can probably regrow her arm/heal from that arm being torn off. Vaggies eye won't grow back since lute stabbed it with angelic steel. The angels killed with Angelic steel wont come back. The injuries incurred can heal over but will leave scars instead of healing and not leaving a madk (like Vaggies eye) so she will probably have a scar on her hand from the angelic weapon that stabbed her.


What are you referring Mable pines https://i.redd.it/g9urmbqqhe8d1.gif


I don't think Angelic weapons are what actually makes it happen. Sure, it helps having a more powerful weapon, but it's not what makes Angels vulnerable and Alastor knew that, which is why he didn't bother with one.


We're talking about an internet fandom here, you can't expect people to use brain cells in a hive mind. /S


Hard disagree with that that. Does this mean if a Sinner took an ordinary wood axe and swung it into an Exorcist's neck they'd decapitate the Exorcist? If that's the case what makes Exorcists any different than Sinners, who would ALSO survive said decapitation, unless that wood axe was made of angelic steel? And if there's no difference between Exorcists and Sinners, then why were Exorcists so feared? I think the more likely case is that anything that an angel is using as a weapon in turn, counts as angelic for purposes of harming other angels. Sinners, who aren't angels, have to just make do with weapons that are already angelic in nature, since they don't have any divinity to imbue into whatever they're hitting Exorcists with.


>And if there's no difference between Exorcists and Sinners, then why were Exorcists so feared? the ability to fly, the weapons, the combat training. military soldiers arent different than non soldiers but you wouldnt want one busting into your house ready to shoot.


Plus I'd assume after years of extermination there'd be some kind of conditioned fear against them


I kind of disagree there. We've seen denizens of Hell are reckless a/f; see the loan sharks in episode 5 that thought it would be a fun idea to attack a building where three of the most powerful entities in Hell were currently residing. And I don't think there'd *be* a conditioned fear if Hell was actually able to fight back against the Exorcists. If every attempt to fight an Exorcist was met with utter failure (which is what I suspect the "can't be hurt except by Angelic power" means) it would make sense, that even the biggest, toughest and scariest Overlords in Hell can't put a scratch on the weakest of the Exorcists? Yeah, that's something to be afraid of. But: "Well even inflicting fatal wounds means they just come back again next year"? ....How many Sinners would be equipped to even RECOGNIZE that, since at a glance all Exorcists look basically identical, save their uniforms' horns?


I think this is just plot holes honestly because there are a lot of inconsistencies regarding angelic weapons and what is able to harm them


Ngl I love how horny hazbin is


The first pic made me think this post was about something else 💀


Angels can take damage from normal items. It requires Angelic steel to be fatal. So you can damage an Angel but they will heal quickly unless it is Angelic steel. And Lute's arm not healing is either her not willing it to heal because of the rage she feels and she is conceptually holding onto the loss of the limb due to that rage. I expect she will replace it was a weaponized prosthetic. Or it was simply an artistic choice of the creator of the show.


It's also the angelic strength that hurts them. Latest arm is trapped the rock isn't what rips it. It's her own strength. Just like the angels that fly into Al's dome. They bludgeon themselves with their own speed.


I think like sinners, Angels can be hurt with normal stuff, but they regenerate. Only the angelic weapons can kill them defently.


Sinners can be harmed without an angelic weapon, they just need an angelic weapon to kill them. Otherwise they regenerate. That is likely the case with angels.


It does beg the question of why people thought they could not be killed or at least incapacitated if they bleed from hits too.


That and both those acts were done by angels, it’s fair to assume they’d be strong enough to surpass their own invincibility


Valentino literally ripped a sinner apart and it was casually mentioned they'd pull themselves back together. The angelic weapons kill you double dead. But obviously they can still take lots and lots of mundane injuries, as shown in the show.


I’m starting to think their armor is the only indestructible thing. It would actually explain everything.


I mean I figured that Angels and Sinners are basically the same but then again I actually pay attention to context clues and don’t need everything spoon fed to me like most of the haters.


Why would you pick that first picture 💀😭


I think that for the table it’s about WHO is doing the attacking, not what is being used. For the rubble, it’s clear to me that blunt force can still cause minor bleeding, and as for the “ripping off the arm” thing, her arm was pinned down and she wasn’t strong enough to get it out with her arm on, so she ripped it off. Similar to how she was able to rip off Vaggie’s wings.


Angelic weapons--->permanent damage Environmental objects/bare hands----->temporary damage, likely only heals when an angel truly feels they deserve to


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again without angelic weapons neither sinners nor angels can take PERMANENT damage.


That's hilarious!


The main problem with Exorcists were a vague introduction, which can be fixed in Charlie's prologue, but they skipped them entirely for a mystery of a death Exorcist and dropped them with a rushed answer.


This is the first time I've seen this argument. So now I hate you for exposing me to it


Yknow what is an angelic weapon? A 2001 Cuisinart Toaster. *Meet the Sniper theme plays*


That arm’ll grow back eventually because if angelic steel isn’t common like Carmilla says, why would rubble and a table from the hotel be made of it


Literally no one is saying this


Wait, but didn't the show say that they couldn't even be hurt by anything in hell? (Also, the best reason why why this happened is that angels can hurt other angels. That's how Lucifer was able to bloody Adam just by punching him.)


This just shows how utterly rushed the season is.


I mean, I feel it makes sense to question it. I mean, if you think you're invincible, that doesn't mean to death but to damage in general. If you could get hurt and feel pain, you wouldn't think you were invincible. It's bad word choice on the shows part. Would've been better to say immortal.


I haven’t heard a single person talk about this


No, Carmila explicitly said harm, not kill.


Angelic steel is the only thing *confirmed* to be able to kill an exorcist, BUT, that was confirmed from a single incident.


... Woaw ! A post on this sub, made by someone who has not a room-tempeature IQ ? Who ever heard of such a thing ! Btw, I totally agree.


Battle between Supernatural Forces 👼⚔️😈 are elemental, physical, spiritual and magic like fistfight and Angelic✨🗡️✨quick destructive like your ☢️




not related but since it wasn't an angelic weapon shouldn't lute have regenerated her arm when talking to lilith




Legit Lute tore her own arm off and was fine. They can be hurt but good luck getting a kill without an angelic weapon.


The rubble hits Lute but doesn’t kill her. It traps her. She rips her own arm off, so I interpret that as angelic power doing the harm.


Remember, you must act with maturity and grace to such persons, those who make just jakes or seriously try to push such theories. Simply say to them as follows: "Your mom is an angelic weapon"


Physics be a cruel mistress


Okay so I love vaggie and I know what happens In this scene but god damn maybe it's me but it looks like some kinky sex scene


I think the only angels immune to damage completely and needing angelic weapons just to harm them in any way are the big guns like Lucifer or Sera not regular exorcists 


Kill the soul ≠ hurt


I think that just flat out blunt force can kill them, angelic is what gets them re judged


Angelic weapons permanently harm them people, it's not like we don't see sinners also harmed by non angelic shit


how to hurt an angel: angelic weapons or... blunt force trauma


I think it's entirely plausible that this stuff isn't based on physics but rather on a level where the use of angelic steel in an attack bypasses some sort of natural defense. So if, say, I hit a baseball and it bonks an angel on the head, the result would be the same whether it was the bat or the ball that was angelic steel.


You can still kill them with any old thing, it's just they'll respawn unless it's angelic steel.


I just thought it was bc this is angel vs angel, like how Charlie and Lucifer were the only ones capable of actually hurting Adam


It’s the fact that the episode before, Vaggie had no idea that exorcists could be hurt


I figured it was like with sinners- anything can 'kill' you, but you'll just respawn in heaven (either painfully or not depends on you, but I don't think it'd hurt as much as when a sinner respawns) The only thing that can truly kill you is angelic steel though


But if they can take damage from a feckin table surely they can be killed with a table right? If I can cut Adam with wood, surely that means I can do enough damage to kill him with wood, like force feed him a whole ass table leg so he chokes, or I ram it deep enough to impale his heart


It’s angelic strength. Lute’s strength allows her to hurt Vaggie, and also allows her to pull her arm free.


I mean they said angelic weapons KILL, technically you can still get hurt by stuff that doesn't kill you. Plus they said if you "die" you just respawn later and Angelic weapons null that.


The first image with the table is so satisfying.


I person I watch was like “Charlie said indestructible not they could only be killed using these weapons” and it’s just like You expect them to talk like real people and you take this from the girl who has only seen them twice.


My head canon: they were getting angelic paint and they accidentally spilt it on that part of the table.


If an angel uses it as a weapon, is it an angelic weapon?




Imma take the Cosmere™ approach here, and say: Intent!


Anything is an Angelic Weapon if an Angel currently has the upper hand lmao




Who took her hand