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I have actually seen it mentioned several times. It's something that gets drowned out by all the "What if Adam demon?" "OMG Roo" "Carmilla mommy" posts, but it still sometimes bubbles through. I do really hope it's a Chekhov's gun to be fired in the next season like you seem to be implying, an actual binding deal (even without the handshake and special effects) and not just a throwaway line.


I am with you - because then if V3 is the primary antagonist, Alastor has a way out of engagement... but it only applies if the request comes from Vaggie, right? But I'm eager to see what's next!


"You're supposed to be protecting the hotel, go take care of him!" "You do it." "He's literally calling you out!" "I don't care." "Why are you being so difficult?!" "Because we have a deal, my dear. Now go fight that obnoxious television."


And maybe that's what his favor from Charlie will be to not engage in that fight - that feels kind of short-sighted compared to what I would imagine of Alastor, but maybe that distraction is a good misdirection from whatever he is doing.


I'd guess he has much more grand intentions for the favor. I definitely don't put "just another way to needle Vaggie" past him though.


My guess is his favor is some sort of pardon if things don't work out in the way he's trying to (or being forced to) make them work.


Wouldn’t surprise me if he makes sure the hotel and the Vees collide just so he can usurp their Overlord position in the ensuing power vacuum, conveniently not in the big fight because of this little caveat Vaggie gives him.


Buuuuuut, he also promised that Charlie wouldn't have to hurt anyone... I mean, the others could fight, but if Charlie had to fight on Alastor's behalf after he invoked his one "favor," then the deal would most likely fall through (if he's genuine about the deal that was made). Which I think he would be. Even though Alastor is grandiose and egocentric, he also has a history of being upfront. He told Mimsie to leave. He told the others from the hotel that if he wanted to hurt them, he would've done it already. Even telling Vaggie he doesn't want to use television technology again. I don't think he would lie about his deal. So I also don't think he'd ask Charlie to disengage from a fight, as it might imply that she is supposed to fight for him or that someone might get hurt because of her, which would be outside the confines of their deal. But unless she just hides him or something, I mean.. its still possible 🤔 And I'm sure they could make a funny bit about having to hide Alastor! 😂


I think she wouldn't directly hurt someone- but his lack of engagement in the fight being her not causing the harm, but V3 and anyone who is aligned with them.. neither Alastor nor Charlie are causing direct harm to anyone. I think he'd make deals like the fae - be very aware of what you say and how it could be twisted.


Very true, thats a good point.


Exactly. It’s going to bite Vaggie the ass so hard.


I really wonder if that's what's gonna happen. Alastor gets Vaggie to fight Vox instead of him doing it , and Alastor uses not letting down Charlie as another motivator etc etc.


Yeah the deal if *she* requests it, not anyone else, kidna important detail, but again Charlie is bonded to be asked a favour of his choosing and not harming anyone... So if he asks her not to get involved, she does not harm anyone directly.


I agree. Viv gave us a hint that it was in fact binding in a comment a couple months ago too. https://preview.redd.it/h8jurv3mly8d1.png?width=1052&format=png&auto=webp&s=9bf45536ce903b6f68fce52f167ad5a4d9a98d21


It's not for soul but that means none of the parties involved cannot break the rules of the deal.


Thank you for this comment!!!


Why am I just now realizing this is a Chekhov’s gun…?


I'm kind of a moron, what is a Chekhov's gun?


"Chekhov's Gun is a narrative principle where an element introduced into a story first seems unimportant but will later take on great significance."


Ah okay thanks


If you describe a gun existing in a story, it has to be used at one point.


Not necessarily a literal gun, though the origin and definition use one. It's something that seems insignificant but to which attention is given in some way early in the story, that then plays a major role later. Or, "If you say in the first chapter that there is a rifle hanging on the wall, in the second or third chapter it absolutely must go off. If it's not going to be fired, it shouldn't be hanging there." — Anton Chekhov (From S. Shchukin, Memoirs. 1911.)


Yeah, the gun can be anything, but it is the easiest explanation and the original use of the trope.


Yes. I've just seen so much media illiteracy that it wouldn't surprise me at all to have someone understand it as only a literal firearm...


Basically if you have something potentially volatile, like a gun, bomb, dangerous substance, etc. It eventually has to go off at some point during the story otherwise it's inactivity will ruin the tension. It is not to be confused with bomb theory, which is Alfred Hitchcocks way of controlling how much information the audience has and when to create either tension or shock.


Creator has already confirmed that season 2 is gonna be Alastor v Vox.


Yeah the Vees are going to be the main antagonists! I'm very curious to see how this plays out


Lol gotta love how the Vees are singing masterless Cattle when they think Alastor is gone.


Clarify please, is this about how we interpret what it means to never engage with television again? That it seems it just means Vaggie can never ask for help doing video media but could broadly be interpreted as her never asking him to engage with Vox himself? I have a feeling it's not that deep. Alastor hates Vox and TV. It's also possible that appearing on the TV may allow Vox to steal a little power from Alastor or it just feels personally violating to be inside of Vox. I don't think Vaggie is in a position to ask or demand that Alastor go defeat his enemy before he wants to do it, and as a warrior, I think she would know that if he isn't attacking someone he hates, he either thinks he can't win or there's a strategic problem with the timing. Mostly the scene probably exists just to build up and establish that animosity and rivalry between Alastor and Vox.


And I took that personally (I’m head over heels for Carmilla also joking lol)


I mean, is Carmilla NOT a mommy?


I'm afraid the only "Binding" force will be her politeness, it was not a handshake/magical contract, and we haven't even seen how Those get to be (or not) imposed on someone may they try to break them. If anything, she won't ask him to do Tv stuff again not to piss him off


I mean, if you’re implying that he would not be able to fight vox that wouldn’t be the case because vox is not an actual tv, He is a demon that looks like a TV. He also is not technology. That is enough loopholes to make that aspect of the deal completely worthless. The way I see the scene is Alistor is attempting to slowly manipulate Vaggie. By making very trivial deals, he is able to make his deals sound, common place, and lower resistance to make it more in the future. From there he can work his way up, asking for more and more, until he finally ensnares her kind of like that story of a frog that won’t jump out of a pot as it slowly Gets hotter and gets boiled


Also, the deal only stops Vaggie from asking Alastor to do something involving TV. Everyone else is still able to ask him for help.


Vaggie: "Protect us from Vox" Alastor: "I'm sorry my dear, but you did agree to a deal" Vaggie: \*looks at Charlie\* Charlie: "Alastor, I agressively kindly ask you to stop Vox"


Lucifer: "I dropped a caviar mountain into his bedroom as a warning"


Charlie has a deal for a favor to be called in at a time of his choosing "In which you harm no one". Getting out of a fight is quite literally not (directly) harming someone.




I mean, it's also completely besides the point. I don't think Alastor needs to be asked to kick Vox's ass, when that is something he already deeply wants to do anyway. The premise of Alastor just passing on a chance to mess with Vox doesn't make sense in the first place.


Alastor is likely heavily injured after his fight with Adam, and Valentino said "Are you still mad he almost beat you that one time?" key word being *almost*, meaning a wounded fawn would have every reason to not want to battle with a TV set.


The proposed theory I’ve heard is that he uses it as a loophole himself to avoid fighting or dealing with Vox on the hotel’s behalf. Why, exactly, he would want to get out of dealing with Vox is anyone’s guess (if there is even any validity to the theory in the first place) but it can be a fun idea to play with


Yes it just doesn't make sense for Alastor to want to duck Vox in any capacity. They hate each far too much for that to happen.


the only reason Vox would be messing with the hotel is to attack Alastar, so Alaster distancing himself from someone intentionally attacking him is just odd on so many levels


Depends on if Vox tries to use the Adam footage as blackmail on Alastor, instead of running 24-hour coverage of it to attack the Radio Demon's career. To add: the 2nd option is smarter, but Vox ain't always smart when it comes to Al, is he?


I agree it probably won't stop him from fighting Vox, mainly because it seems like he would love a rematch against Vox if he can get him away from the other Vees. Instead he probably made the deal just so he can never be made to interact with Vox's medium again. And yeah I also got the idea it was a 'freebie' deal to get Vaggie more comfortable with making deals. Just like most games now-a-days with 'in game transactions'; they give you some freebie 'premium currency' to get you used to using it... makes it easier to put down real money later when you need something...


I mean, his face does seem to be some of technology considering he has ports to plug cables into. His face very well could be an actual TV. I mean, it's certainly not the face he entered Hell with


He has a tongue which he can stick out of his mouth. I very heavily doubt it


I mean, that's plasma. He very well could just be making a plasma construct


I also believe this to be the case with Charlie's deal. The deal itself has no significance, but the fact she said yes. The old doorman techniques that you get through customer saying yes multiple times in a row, so when you ask for the big thing, they are more likely to say yes.


Not relevant at all but for anyone who cares... frogs absolutely do get out of increasingly hotter water before they boil alive. The "urban myth" comes from one absurd experiment where the researchers literally lobotomized the frogs before the experiment. So basically, it proved that a brain dead frogs won't get out of boiling water... because it lost the ability to do pretty much anything.


Yeah, I heard about that. That’s why I called it the story.


I agree with the manipulation thing. Its a "one foot in the door" tactic. You have someone do small things for you, so they'll be more inclined to do big things later down the line that they otherwise would not have agreed to at the start. By doing little deals, he can make Vaggie more open to big stuff. Actual companies do this all the time with inexpensive starting plans.


The deal doesn't make him unable to do anything. Just means people won't pester him about helping with modern technology. He could independently do that.


Well he said “television technology” while it might not mean Vox himself as he is a sinner, Vox’s powers correlate with TV. And if Vox tried to record Alastor when he has to step in then that’s a violation in the deal as he would probably try to air it on TV. So it could just default by Vox’s powers/what he represents. Plus, I think their medium affects them more than we assume. Vox might actually be considered part TV and Alastor might be considered part radio as they presumably control the air waves. I don’t think Viv would make their mediums so integral to them, plus mention the deal, just to do nothing with it. And yes. Alastor is definitely doing the Foot in the door tactic with both Vaggie and Charlie. Also we all know Vaggie is the more aggressive one of the hotel. She would demand Alastor help while Charlie wouldn’t want to force him to do something he wouldn’t want to do. But by getting Charlie to ask he might say yes just because he “cares so much”. Gain more favor, etc.


Exactly how I see it. The “foot in the door” technique is a very real psychological method of persuasion


Why talk about it that is just Cut and dry it may come back around at a point but it probably won’t be a big issue. If you mean he may not help beat vox when he becomes a bigger antagonist he definitely will because vox also wants him gone.


Unless Alastor is able to extract some concession out of Vox in exchange for not interfering with one of his plans.


Because it was very clear in what it meant. It means he won't be using television for the hotel going forward and won't be forced to use it either, doesn't mean he is incapable of interacting with Vox or tv if he becomes an imminent threat. He was still able to manifest on vox's tv screens as well as having the power to distort his appearance on television. It was as simple as "I'll do this favor one time, but don't ask me to do it for you again in return"


He can manifest on Vox’s screens because it’s at his own will- but if they need him to help fight Vox, Vaggie can’t ask him because of the deal


It's just supposed to drill in his hatred for TV, put simply.


He can manifest on Vox’s screens because it’s at his own will- but if they need him to help fight Vox, Vaggie can’t ask him because of the deal


Counter point alastor hates vox and would absolutely take the opportunity to fight him


Counter-counter point - Alastor will not wave a finger at a cause that wont benefit him somehow


Counter counter counter point - Alistair definitely would because he’s a narcissist and Would Definitely fight vox for looking down on him and trespassing in his area.


Counter-counter-counter point - Alastor has shown multiple times that he enjoys one-upping Vox (their song, Sir Pentious' wrist"watch") so that's all the benefit he needs.


thats like saying he wouldnt have lift a finger against the loan sharks attacking the hotel is attacking him, he cant let people think they can just attack him or that hes weak, if Vox picks a fight directly with alastar no one will need to twist his arm to fight back


Vaggie technically can't ask him to (Dubious considering vox isn't an actual device, he's still a demon), doesn't mean he isn't able to jump in on his own accord, idk why this post made it out to seem so significant. If anything, he'd be the first one jumping in to fight Vox of all people


If Vox counts as a television for the terms of this deal, that only stops Vaggie from asking Alastor to help. It won't stop Charlie from asking him. Though Alastor might not be her first choice.


Honestly i saw this idea from a ytber (who is irl a psychiatrist) but i like it a lot and thought i should share here: What if this deal wasnt meant to be anything meaningful, but more of a way to get Vaggie to be more comfortable making deals with Alastor? If you have a boundry that you dont cross no matter what theres a chances you wont cross it, but if something tempts you to cross that line *even just a little bit* you might be more likely to cross it even thurther again later. Idk if i explained it well here, the youtuber absolutely explained it amazingly but i totally forgot their name :/


Georgia Dow


Georgia Dow rules


Omg yee ur right ty!


You're welcome! I'm subscribed to her channel, her videos have been very interesting watches (both the Hazbin and Helluva ones)


Yee i randomly got her on m reccomendations one time and rly liked her vids! Then i just couldnt find her anymore lol


Now you can! I was in the same boat, got a couple of her vids recommended, lost her channel, then got a recommendation again and subscribed so I wouldn't lose it a second time


Imagine if Alastor initially wants to stay out of the fight, having no quarrel with Velvette or Valentino. . . until Vaggie tells him about Vox’s involvement and he yells at her the same way Vox yelled at Val for not immediately telling him of Alastor's return.


He’s in the Overlord Council though. He knows the Vees work together


Because it wasn't an actual soul deal It was a regular social contract 'I do it this time, and you never ask me to do it again' It was Alastor getting his foot in the door, giving them an experience of making a deal with only positive consequences


It also involves that Vaggie cannot ask him for this kind of favour ever again.


It's Vivzie's way of making sure that "if we get a season 2, the focus will be on the Vees and Alastor cannot just simply 'kill them'"


I don't understand, what are you trying to say exactly?


Vox isn’t really “technology”, per se. He’s a demon with a TV head. With what was seen on Stayed Gone, he’ll be more than okay with fighting Vox.


Idk if the wording or implication is intentional, but here's a theory all the same. The only people in the hotel that could reasonably be expected to spur him to take action against Vox are Charlie and Vaggie. He would never listen to the rest. He would only listen to Vaggie as she is a surrogate of Charlie, and she is one that is better at handling tougher decisions and conversations than Charlie is and has an appropriate amount of distrust towards Alastor in particular. By having this deal with Vaggie it could force Charlie to be the one to come to him. This could get him more leverage or influence with her or force her to deal with the threat more on his level depending on how serious the situation has become by the time she comes to him. Long shot off of that is: if the deal made in season one was called in by then proved to Charlie to be fair and not overly compromising it might allow Alastor to convince her to make another deal, maybe without the restrictions or with greater implication of weight than that of the current deal. It's of course a game of wordplay to get this idea to even work, but that's how contracts tend to work, especially ones intended to unduly benefit one side over the other.


He will just say: wow, a mad tv guy is attacking our hotel? How unfortunate i made a deal with you and now YOU have to deal with it, hahaha!


In episode 5 Alastor gets pissed that Mimzy deliberately brought danger to the hotel, he then says “I can’t have that here” implying he has a motive to keep the hotel safe. He would be doing the exact opposite of that by refusing to do anything about Vox so it wouldn’t make sense. 


Figures Alastor would say that, theres more going on between him and Vox, to be honest, I think thats a season 2 topic that has to be covered


Oh my god. I feel so stupid not realizing the connection HAHA Welp. When Vox fucks shit up in S2, Alastor's just gonna be watching from the sidelines. Lol


I had to go and check with Google BUT: This deal happened in the first episode, after which they made the commercial that got cut by the news broadcast. Sir Pentious joined the hotel in episode 2 as a spy for the Vees, gets discovered, and right after "It starts with sorry", Alastor picks up Vox's telephone watch and "tortures" him through it. He does some crackling energy and Vox seems to be in pain or scared. So in sad to say, but it doesn't seem Alastor is against the idea of messing with Vox post his deal with Vaggie.


I attributed it more to being angry, however I completely understand what you mean there yeah


i really dont see how its somehow going to end up important that Vaggie has a verbal promise not to ask Alastar to engage in television again?


I have a theory that the deals he made in season one will come back to bite them in the ass. So hear me out. Alastor made a deal with Vaggie for him to not have to engage with “this frivolous television technology ever again” and it’s confirmed the Vee’s are going to be the main antagonist of season 2. (With Vox being a TV demon this will be a hindrance) his deal with Charlie will also come into play here. As to break his deal with Vaggie he’d have Charlie sell her soul to him bc her deal with Alastor was as goes “all I need from you is one itty bitty favor….what’s a favor between friends” “I won’t hurt anyone for you”“who’s asking… one favor at a time of my choosing where you harm no one in return I tell you what I know…Do we have a deal..?” And it’s made, the deals he made are soul binding. so here’s how I think it’ll play out the Vee’s attack the hotel Vaggie wants/begs Al to help beat them and save the hotel but won’t bc of their deal. bc of this deal he needs something a little more valuable to break it. Charlie sells him her soul to break said deal and then Al can use her soul as a bargaining chip to get his soul back. (This only works if Lilith is the one who owns it) He is a man of his word, so he’ll definitely help defeat the Vee’s. But will then have the princess of hell on a leash. Idk it makes sense to me at least


Alastor hating TV so much to the point he can't be focused in a video camera is a level of pettiness I can only aspire to


Oh, it definitely gets talked about. This scene is one of the reasons I think that Alastor doesn't have as much animosity toward Vox as Vox has towards him. He knows Vox will want to pick a fight (why? up for debate, but I believe, like many others, that it's because he feels hurt, betrayed, and according to Valentino, owed something) and I believe this could have been a precautionary measure to ensure he will not be asked to fight him.


Vaggie can’t tell him to deal with Vox. But everyone else can.


I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and it’s definitely on my Season 2 bingo card. While the wording of the deal was vague with a lot of potential loopholes, I can’t believe the writers would spend and entire episode of plot B screen time on something as innocuous as making a commercial, when the show had already had been cut from 12 episodes to 8, without this deal having some kind of impact on the overall arching story.


The deal is pretty clear: Vaggie won't ask him to deal with tv tech again. So unless the rest of the team is unavailable to ask Alastor, it's just an inconvenience.


Also, regardless of the deal, vaggie has no power over Allistor anyway. He doesn't need a deal to get out of fighting vox, if he doesn't want to do it he can just say no to anyone who asks him with the possible exception of whoever owns his soul. This has already been shown, he literally refuses to help with the tv at first and only agrees if he gets something in exchange, that being vaggie no longer asking him in future.


The way I see it, this is all part of Alastor’s game. It starts with “you scratch my back, I scratch yours” to get people comfortable with the idea of making deals with him. From there it escalates into outright favors of the “I’ll pay you back later” or “you pay me back later” variety, as he positions them to eventually sell their souls of their own accord.


Honestly I am just sad we never got to see the commercial they actually aired. It does raise questions though. Did Alastor take over the airwaves? Vox would have lost his shit if he had. So it seems he just used his powers to make a good video and then the hotel bought airtime unless there are any stations independent of Vox. That said, if he's selling ads for revenue, which he probably is, Vox wouldn't handle that personally, he would have an entire department of underlings doing that nonsense for him while he concerns himself with programming and his empire. Vox's powers may make him aware of anything that airs. Although there were rumors of Alastor's return even before the commercial. It might have just been final confirmation for him since Alastor does appear (albeit glitched) on-screen during what little we saw of it.


I HAVE BEEN RANTING ABOUT THIS The most surprising thing about this for me, is that if this is true... Alastor was completely fine with going head-to-head against Adam. Why not Vox? HOW 'SAD' AND HOW 'COMPLICATED' WAS IT?!


I'm more intruiged by the fact that Alastor can seemingly control television technology as easily as radio, including lights, camera, costuming, etc. He even pulled favors to get it to air. Just an interesting thought


I feel like thats part of the contract that alastor has. Probably something along those lines of "alastor cannot make a deal with someone with their soul". I mean alastor didn't even mention it any time to take a soul when he made recent deals and he refused rosie's tip that someone wants to sell their soul and he didn't take it. I mean he probably just didn't want to but if he refuses more contracts based on taking a soul then that could be an actual possibility. But hey, that's just a theory, A FILM THEORY.


Bro's gonna make the hotel fight Vox for him... Yikes but also cool asf, I hope that's what happens


I think I prefer the idea that this is him getting a deal in the door with her so that she is less likely to be immediately opposed to other deals of actual significance on the principal that ‘you don’t make a deal with the radio demon’. She didn’t really have the power to force him to deal with TV in the first place.


So interestingly vox seems to be able to hypnotize people with his tvs I’m wondering if this backfired a way for Alastor to become the mine to that. It’s odd Alastor made a deal which included that demonic binding handshake that forbade him from using tv especially when one of his greatest enemies was the tv demon


The Bigger Question Should Be Why Alastor Suggested She Had a Soul? I Mean Yes She was Posing as a Sinner for the Most Part, But i don't Think Exorcists Are the Same as Winners, And if Hellborn don't have Souls The Heavenborn should be the same


Aren’t exorcists just winners with jobs?


I Feel Like People Who think Think Vaggie Lived as a Human Are Still In Denial About Vaggie Being An Exorcist And Not a Sinner, And it's Safe to Assume That Adam Created all of the exorcists so yes They are Heavenborn Technically speaking


I kind of wonder how this deal affects re-edits to the commercial, like if a sinner doctor joins the hotel and Charlie wants the commercial to announce they now have onsite medical care.  Can Alastor refuse, or is he obligated since it's technically the same thing he offered to fix for Vaggie? 


Well because it possibly is a pretty obvious take, which doesnt need much discussing with more evidence? I mean, what is there to talk about?


This could just be referring to TV, this could be referring to Vox, Vox is confirmed to be a big villain in season 2, will Alastor be involved? But also Alastor hates Vox so maybe he will be? There is a lot to talk about :)


Well, if we look at it what it is it basically doesnt mean anything. The "deal" is with Vaggie, so Charlie still could ask Alastor for help. Then just in the next Episode he fucked with Vox just for fun, so he already made his presence known with a threat, so he obviously will be involved. The most likely scenario, as far as I see it, its a small deal to ease them into trusting him with more impactfull deals in the future. Start small, earn their trust, then hit them when it hurts kind of stuff.


Yes I was thinking that too!!


I'd like to add that 7 years ago Alastor lost fight to Vox. He might just not want direct confrontation with him again not to repeat 'fight with Adam' scenario.


Due to the wording I hardly doubt it would matter much. He specifically says “You don’t ask me”. Which is very specific. Wording like that would only apply if she asked but Vaggie often commands not asks. It seems to me he genuinely just didn’t want to do the ad and that for once there wasn’t that much of an alternative motive. But the weird deal voodoo did catch my eye.




It took me weeks after watching the show to realize what the deal meant lol


I think the reason Alastor wanted that deal with Vaggie was more of a foot in the door type thing. It's a salesman thing. Get her to agree to something small and unimportant and the next deal will be easier to make.


Easy fix: just have someone else ask him.


Pretty sure it’s not that deep. Alastor hates TV both because Vox has influence over those who use TVs to watch his programs, and cause he personally feels it’s an inferior medium to his preferred Radio. He just wanted to ensure he doesn’t get caught up in any more TV related shenanigans.


I want it to be that deep! 😂 I think it would make season 2 interesting


Problem is the show already has so many issues it has to deal with in season 2. Adding more just for a callback would just make this next season way more rushed than it needs to be.


About what? The fact that alastor hates TV and vox is a TV?


Yes 😈


Because there's nothing to talk about, it's extremely obvious that that's why they hate each other...


Tv guy


Radio is the proper medium to express one's self


I personally think it’s just to show how alastor will take any opportunity to make a deal and how much he hates tv. But a part of me would love for this to be his excuse for not engaging with vox immediately and forcing Charlie into another deal before he actually helps them.


Even before seeing Vox introduced I thought as Polly from Amphibia would say: “I feel like this will come back later!” I saw a similar theory on TikTok. Maybe once Vox hypnotizes the whole city, Vaggie will beg Al for help only for him to be like “Sorry, can’t, remember our deal?”


Oh wow I never actually noticed that 😱🤯


Right?! I really think this is gonna come back to bite them. Like if Vox threatens the hotel in some way or WANTS to be involved with the hotel, Alastor could use this deal with Vaggie as an excuse to stay out of it. I would think he'd want to show up Vox if the opportunity presented itself. But what if Vox is tryna work with them (not likely, but not impossible) and it gives Al the excuse to just abandon the hotel all together.


What about it?… 🙃 what is there to talk about?…


You think Vaggie would need to ask him to kick Vox's ass?


Cuz it's obvious


What are you getting at?


Because it's not a big deal ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface) But seriously it's because with all the other stuff going on it wasn't mentioned to anyone of the other characters that I know of. Sure we can assume vaggie told Charlie but we don't know that since vaggie keeps a lot from her. I bet it's keeping with the manipulation side and is a seed planted for Alastor to use later. I thought at first it's why he goes all static in TV but he had that before the deal. So I thinkbits Alastor slowly building up to help his cause.