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First you have to fine the root cause of each reaction and manage/deal with it. Then you can increase your tolerance afterwards. Though I found Dr. K’s recent video on the correlation of ADHD & depression a great start. As it may explain in more detail what my problem is/was and may help you pinpoint yours.


I think I sort of fell off of feeling like I was on the same page with other people. That makes me feel like I'm a weird, other thing that exists around normal people. I'm in my head so much and since I can't see other peoples' minds, it feels like everyone else is just living their lives while I'm always inundated with thoughts. Makes feel other, and makes me feel like I can't be close to other people.


You can't possibly know what other people are thinking or going through. Everyone is dealing with their own unique flavour of hardship. You're not alone. Developing coping mechanisms is like 50% of life imo


But I feel like the responses I have to things are inappropriately extreme for what the actual thing is. It's hard to enjoy things outside of my tiny comfort zone because everything else feels like danger. It's like I'm supposed to pretend that I'm not swimming in a shark tank, but also it's not actually a shark tank. My mind just treats it that way.


Sounds like anxiety is definitely a factor eh? I get that. Anxiety is a mind f***. You're not wrong, leaving your bubble is a risk. I avoid driving out of town unless I have to, or it'll make a good memory because I'm anxious about accidents. The most helpful thing I ever did for myself was to research anxiety. Why it happens, how it feels in the body, what happens physiologically, and what to do to release the nervous system from the grip of it. Anxiety has to go somewhere. If I'm going to have a panic attack I will run or dance as hard and fast as I can. I also used the Dare app for guided talks for letting go of tension or during panic attacks. While you didn't mention panic attacks what you're describing definitely seems like anxiety and if nothing else it's somewhere to start. I cannot stress a hard work out enough, get the tension out of your body, then see how you feel.


Thanks for the advice!


I hope it's useful. Good luck.