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Absolutely not too late! My mom didn’t get her first degree until she was 40. Take some deep breaths. My first thought is…do you know why you are there and what you want the degree for? If you’re motivated to finish but struggling, have you considered getting evaluated for things like ADHD, autism, dyslexia, dyscalculia, etc? I spent 11 years in and out of colleges and crappy jobs. Turns out I am both ADHD and autistic. Women get missed A LOT because it often looks different in us than in boys and men, and diagnostic tools are designed for boys. You also sound stuck in an anxiety spiral. Do you have a therapist? Does your school have counselors available? Does the school have an option to pause for a semester or two so you can get things sorted out and investigate the possibility of a learning disability? Its is never, ever too late to build the life you want—don’t buy into that panic! Take a step back to sort your thoughts, get on solid ground, and identify where you are trying to go and what is in your way.


It's not too late.


What is it that you want to do as a career? Work backwards from there to figure out what the required steps are to get there. When I was in college, I was super unmotivated and struggling too because I didn’t have an end goal of why I was there besides family pressure. It sucks that you have experienced people being unkind to you, but their bad treatment of you doesn’t determine your worth. You deserve to do work that is important or enjoyable to you, even if it takes some time finding a career that’s the right fit. 30s is not too late; you still have decades of life left to find meaning and satisfaction. Good luck!


I didn't finally manage to graduate uni until my early thirties. Now I have a fantastic career. It's definitely not too late.


What kind of career do you have? Is it connected to ur uni? But happy to hear you enjoy your work and found your way !


HG wants to hear your opinions! We are planning new community events like MAYke It! to provide fun and interesting ways to "trick yourself into making your life better" and would love to hear your ideas. Even if you aren't full of ideas for events themselves, we are also interested in anything you feel like would make your life better that you struggle to make yourself do on your own. Put in your comments here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Healthygamergg/comments/1dpfqg0/what_hg_community_events_would_you_like_to_see/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Healthygamergg) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I feel like yes. I 29M am struggling just to pull myself together into a functional adult so you are at least ahead of me. If you can take care of yourself and dream to inspire yourself you can definitely do it. As Dr. K has said. The difference between a setback and failure is trying again. I on the other hand have failed far to much at this point and lost my hope, emotions, and drive. I believe you can do it. Even if I can’t I will always encourage others to do better than me.