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Tell her you want to meet her 1 on 1. If she refuses or makes an excuse - she isn't interested in you romantically. If she accepts - you get a chance to make a move and make it clear once and for all. She is a lot more likely to say weird and confusing things when in front of her friends so I wouldn't pay too much attention to the penis thing. It could be anything.


Probably the best advice. If you're worried it's out of the blue - reach out first and talk a little bit like you did before, then ask her out.


It's never been "too long" to communicate clearly. It might take you feeling super uncomfortable and/or being willing to be vulnerable, but you should tell her how you are feeling and ask if she'd like to go out with you. It sounds like you both might be uncomfortable and unsure, but you don't want to regret not asking months or years down the line.


To me it sounds very odd that she would ask op’s advice on how to get men and then later still say that she’s gonna fuck him. There could be so many things this could mean, but you can never be sure until you ask. It’s no better to spend more months in a state where no one is sure what’s going on.


I would say don’t waste time with someone who doesn’t know what they want. If you want some sort of relationship you should make that clear to see where they stand. If they are confused or make excuses I would move on.


You're not an idiot. This is objectively confusing. I think you have a good shot. Tell her you think she's cool and hot and you want to date her. (If you want to date her. You can also just try to hook up.)


You’re not an idiot. You should ask her for a date, so ask her out. Plan a date in advance to suggest. It doesn’t have to cost money. And be prepared to hear and accept “no” as an answer.